
By littlemissgoody

481K 14.7K 272

Book 1 of 3 One powerful, merciless and gorgeous man. One indecisive, intelligent and beautiful woman. When t... More

Check Mate


12.2K 457 3
By littlemissgoody

Ella's POV

I couldn't believe I was sleeping with a married man. I thought I could trust him, how did I not research his background, because I trusted him, I asked the bartender for a paper and pen.
"Martin I need you to give this to Christian but only when he ask for me, not before okay. And I'll be taking my annual leave, as of now"
"Please be careful, and take as long as you need. I promise not to say anything, go before he looks for you"
We hug and at that moment I wanted to cry, I was grateful for Martin for always being here for me, whenever I needed him.

I walked out of the reception area, I started crying and I wasn't holding back the tears just kept flowing down my face. I was so stupid, I picked up the phone and dialled Derek's number
"Derek I need you to pick me up"
"I'm on my way stay there"
I stood at the front door, hugging my coat around me, I saw Charlie so I moved so he wouldn't see me. I was thinking of my next move. I needed to get far away from New York, I needed to get far away from him. I saw Derek pull up, I ran to the car, opened the door jumped in. Derek spun the car around and headed home
"What happened?"
"Nothing, I need to get out of here"
"Where do you want to go?"
"I need to go home, home"
"Shit Ella are you sure thats a good idea"
"Derek you either drive me there or I will fly there, either way I need to be there" I was mad
"Okay, okay I'll make the arrangements while you pack"

When we got back to my apartment, I wanted to get rid of this lying cheating ugly dress I was wearing. I sat on the edge of my bed and thought about the last 24 hours and how in one moment everything changed, I started crying at the betrayal, the lies and all the hurt I felt, I was devastated. I heard Derek yell out everything was ready and we needed to leave before we missed our flight.

Christian's POV

I was really enjoying my time with Linda, I turned slight just to have a glimpse of Ella, but when I turned she wasn't there. I looked around the room, where is she? I saw Martin and his partner Jonathan at the bar, I excused myself to go ask him where she is.

"Martin where is Ella?"
"She gave me this to give to you"
he handed me a note

'I'm done' signed E

"When did she give this to you?" "Over an hour ago"
"What, why didn't you give this me sooner"
"She asked me not too, besides you looked occupied" he said sarcastically
"Do you know where she went?"
"I don't know, shes taken her long awaited holiday leave"
"Shit, where would she go"
I watched Martin shug his shoulders as if he knew actually where she would go. I've had enough of his spiteful replies.
"Martin you better tell me what you know and you better tell me now or you will be fired"
He looked shock at first then he quickly recovered
"Its not my story to tell you, and its her secret to tell, if she didn't tell you then you really didn't 't know her well enough for her to trust you. If you fire me I still won't tell you"
I was angry, mad and pissed, but I respected him for keeping her secret. I had to find her no matter what.
"Okay I respect you for being a great friend for her, but please help me find her" I was begging now
"Christian if she wants you to find her she will tell you, just give her time, she feels betrayed by you"
"What, why?"
"She just found out you are married"
" Shit shit its not what she thinks"
I ran out the reception I need to find her I rang Charlie
"Did you see Ella leave"
"No sir"
"Are you at the front we need to leave"

On my way to her apartment I tried calling her several times, but it kept going to answering machine. I text her to pick up my call, but she didn't. When we got to her apartment I knocked on the door, but there was no answer I turned and saw something in the corner of my eye on top of the trash can was the red dress she wore tonight? Shit where could she be?

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