Toy Story 2

By BuckeyeGirl2002

773 22 0

Woody and Pippa are stolen from their home by toy dealer Al McWhiggin, leaving Buzz Lightyear, Maddie, and th... More

Buzz's and Maddie's Mission
Woody and Pippa Lose Their Hats
It's Buster!
Woody's and Pippa's Arms Rip
Woody's Nightmare
Woody and Pippa find Weezy and Blaze
Woody and Pippa Rescue Wheezy and Blaze
Al Steals Woody and Pippa
Woody and Pippa Going to Al's Apartment
Who Stole Woody and Pippa?
Al Calls Mr. Konishi Part 1
Woody and Pippa try to Escape
Woody and Pippa Meet The Roundup and OC Gangs
Woody's Roundup and OC Story Intros
Rescue Woody and Pippa
Woody and Pippa Hang Out With The Roundup and OC Gangs
Woody and Pippa Lose Their Arms
Buzz's and Maddie's Speech
Woody and Pippa Try to Get Their Arms Back

Woody and Pippa VS Jessie and Soren

65 1 0
By BuckeyeGirl2002

[Woody and Pippa turn to Jessie and Soren angrily and opens their glass cases to jump down to confront them]

Woody: What is both of your problems?! Look, I'm sorry I can't help you guys out. Really, I am. But you two didn't have to go and pull a stunt like that.

Jessie: What? You think I did that?

Pippa: Oh. Right, right. Yeah, the TV just happened to turn on. And the remote magically ended up in front of you two!

Soren: You callin' me a liar?

Woody: Well, if the boot fits.

Jessie: [Dangerously] Say that again.

Pippa: [Enunciating] If the booT. FitS.

Soren: Okay, cowboy and narrator... [Bullseye hides in a Woody's Roundup cookie jar as Jessie and Soren lunge at Woody and Pippa and begins to fight them] How do ya like that?! Take it back! TAKE IT BACK!

Woody: Don't think just 'cause you're a girl and boy! I'm gonna take it easy on ya! (yells)

Stinky Pete: Jessie! Soren! Woody! Pippa!  You stop this at once! Ohhhh!

[He and his box fall off a stand and onto the floor of the cupboard]

[They lift Stinky Pete's box up]

Phillip: I don't know how that television turned on. But fighting about it isn't helping anything.

Pippa: If I had both my arms.

Stinky Pete: Well? The fact is, you two don't. Woody and Pippa. So I suggest you two just wait until morning. The cleaner will come. Fix both of your arms.

Woody: And then? I'm outta here! [Bullseye lowers his head sadly by Woody and Pippa] Oh. No. No. Bullseye. Don't take it that way. It's just that Andy and Maddie...

Jessie: Andy. Andy. Andy. And now Maddie. That's all he ever talks about. You know?

[She and Soren walk away with an arm on Bullseye, leaving Woody and Pippa alone with sad sighs.]

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