Woody and Pippa Lose Their Arms

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Al: It's showtime! [He places Stinky Pete, Jessie, Soren, Phillip, and Bullseye on a table which has a western town model and a futuristic stage on it before turning to Woody and Pippa] (chuckles) Money, baby. Money, money, money. (evil chuckle) And now, the main attraction.

[He opens the case and pulls out Woody and Pippa, unaware that a stem from Woody's and Pippa's ripped arms have caught up on a big handle, which is used to hold the arms, and began to unravel. When Al places Woody beside Bullseye and Pippa beside Soren, he sees that Woody's and Pippa's arms are gone]

Al: (gasps and shouts) No! Their arms! Where's their arms?! [He sees Woody's and Pippa's arms on the floor, picks it up and tries to put it back on but to no avail] Oh! No. No, no, no, no! Oh, what am I gonna do? Oh, I know. I know. [He picks up his phone and dials frantically] Come on, come on, come on, pick up the phone!

[A man's voice answers the phone]

Man: Hello.

Al: It's me. It's Al. I got an emergency here.

Man: Well, I'm busy.

Al: Yes, we're all busy, but... Look, it has to be tonight.

Man: What? You've got to be kidding me.

Al: All right, all right! But first thing in the morning.

[He leaves the room. Woody and Pippa unfreeze and notice that their arms are gone]

Woody: AAAAHH! It's gone! I can't believe it! My arm is completely gone!

Stinky Pete: All right. Come here. Come on. Let me see that. Oh. It's just a popped seam. Easily repaired. You two should consider yourselves lucky.

Pippa: LUCKY?! Are you shrink-wrapped?! I am missing my arm!!

Jessie: Big deal. [She, Soren, and Phillip shoot a dart at Woody's and Pippa's posters stand up at the forehead] Let them go! I'm sure their precious Andy is dying to play with an one-armed cowboy and narrator doll.

Stinky Pete: Why, Jessie, Soren, and Phillip, you three know they wouldn't last an hour in their condition. It's a dangerous world out there. For a toy.

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