Buzz's and Maddie's Speech

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[Elsewhere, a car passes by a house. Buzz and Maddie run out of some bushes towards a mailbox. They gesture to Rex who is covered in leaves. He runs to Buzz and Maddie but as he does so, the leaves fall off him except one. He shrugs with a sheepish chuckle. Slinky, Mr. Potato Head, and Hamm run out of the bushes to Buzz and Maddie when Hamm slips, rolls forward and his cork falls off, spilling his coins out on the pavement]

Hamm: Uh. All right. Nobody look, 'til I get my cork back in.

Buzz Lightyear: Good work, men. Two blocks down, and only 19 more to go.

Rex: What?!

Other toys: 19?!

Mr. Potato Head: Are we gonna do this all night? My parts are killing me.

Maddie Lightyear: Come on, fellas! Did Woody and Pippa give up when Sid had Buzz strapped to a rocket?

Other toys: No...

Buzz Lightyear: No! And did they give up when you threw them and Maddie out of the back of that moving van?

Mr. Potato Head: Oh, ya had to bring that up.

Maddie Lightyear: No, they didn't! We have two friends in need and Buzz has a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend in need! And we will not rest until their safe in Andy's room! Now, let's move out!

[The ending of "The Star-Spangled Banner" plays as the American flag behind Buzz and Maddie changes to black and white after he moves on, transitioning to a broadcast on Al's TV]

Announcer: And that concludes our broadcast day.

[The TV broadcast turns to static.]

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