The Metal Bat Cousin

By DeadMC66

10.3K 244 142

Wade was Gwen's older brother by 5 years, he was quite a delinquent but he always took care of his family. He... More

OCs Appearing in this Story
And Then There Were 10
Washington B.C.
Permanent Retirement
Tourist Trap
Kevin 11
The Alliance
The Last Laugh
Lucky Girl
Small Problems
Side Effects

The Krakken

520 19 6
By DeadMC66

Lake No POV

It was night time at a lake as suddenly...

Ben: Cannonball! <jumps into the water and resurfaces> LJ scores. Yes! Perfect 10! Yeah! The crowd loves him!

Gwen: a perfect dweeb is more like it.

Ben: come on. Dive in.

Gwen: please. Who knows what nasty, slimy things are slithering around in there? <shines her light on Ben> I rest my case.

Ben; what's the point in camping by a lake if you're afraid to get wet?<splashes her>

Gwen: knock it off, midget. <starts walking to the RV>

Ben; hey, what's happen-<gets dragged down>

Gwen: very funny, Ben. I'm not falling for it. Ben?

Suddenly some sort of lake creature came out the water making Gwen scream and fall as the light falls and shines on the monster to reveal Four Arms.

Gwen: Ben?

Ben: you should have seen the look on your face. Ah, priceless.

Wade: I'm coming, Gwen!

Wade ran full speed and tackled Ben back into the water.

Gwen: Wade, wait!

Wade and Ben emerged from the water as he was holding the lake plants.

Wade: bad joke. <gets out of the water>

Gwen: you are so busted when I tell grandpa.

Wade and Gwen walked back to the RV as Wade took his shirt off and started to rinse it.

Ben:<takes the plants off him> ha ha ha! I can't believe they fell for it. A monster in the lake. How dumb can you be?

He didn't expect for an actual monster to emerge from the lake before it used one of the two face tentacles to grab Ben and throw him to another part of the lake as then Ben got grabbed and taken down under the water. He gasped when the monster brought him closer to its eye as he swam back up when he got free and immediately went to the RV.

Ben: I was just attacked by a giant lake monster.

Gwen:<throws a pillow to his face> hello, current events. You already got me with that one.

Ben: but I'm not kidding this time.

Max: come on, champ. Joke's over. Get some sleep. Remember we have an early day tomorrow for our fishing trip.

Gwen was in the bottom bunk as Max was in his own makeshift bed and Wade just had a sleeping bag on the floor. Ben timed out as he just gave up and went in.

The next day

The four of them were walking to the docks as Ben was telling them of what he saw.

Ben: no, really. It was humongous with these red glowing eyes.

Max: I'm sure it was just some kind of big fish. That's all.

Gwen: yeah. So give the mega fish story a rest. Will you, Captain Dweeb?

Wade:<rolls his eyes>

Ben went ahead and saw a bucket of worms as grabbed a handful of them and showed them to Gwen.

Ben; breakfast?

Gwen:<screams> oh, Ben, gross. What's with the bucket of slimies?

Max: bait.

Gwen: yeah, well, I think I'm going to pass on the fishing thing. I'll stay here and catch some sun instead.

Max: ok. But you don't know what you're missing.

Gwen: I'm pretty sure I do. <walks away>

Wade: I'm also going to pass. I don't have the patience for fishing and I need to watch over Gwen.

Max: very well then.

Wade:<walks away>

Max:<turns to the boat> Captain Shaw?

Shaw: who wants to know?

Max: I'm Max Tennyson, and this is my grandson Ben. We chartered your boat today for a fishing trip.

Shaw: well, what are you waiting for? An engraved invitation? Get aboard. I ain't got all day.

They both got in as Shaw started sailing the boat into the more open part of the lake.

Max: anything interesting to catch out there today?

Shaw: more than you can imagine. Looks like your boy's using his breakfast as chum.

Ben:<having his head over the side>

Max: Ben, you feeling ok?

Ben:<lifts his head up> yeah. I'm just keeping an eye out for the lake monster. That thing's not taking me by surprise this time. <looks at something> whoa! There it is!

they pass the "monster" and it was just an empty cooler stuck in a weird branch.

Ben: oh, my bad.

Max: now, Ben, this is a fishing trip, not a monster hunt.

Shaw: it's called the Krakken.

Ben: whoa. You know about it?

Shaw: it's my business to know about it. <gives Ben a picture> I've been on its tail for years. Folks say my rudder's not right.

Ben looks at the picture and it looks very weird, as if it was a picture of the lock ness monster.

Max: why doesn't that surprise me?

Shaw: sightings go back hundreds of years on this very lake. Some say it's a myth. Not me. I could take you to a spot where I personally laid eyes upon the beast- that is, if you got the stomach for some real adventure.

Ben:<looks at Max excited>

Max: I guess so.

Ben: all right!

Shaw: Sonar. Hi-Def video set up. Ultrasound. I got it all, and I will find it. And I will find it. Mark my words. It can't hide forever.

Max takes Ben away from Shaw's hearing range.

Max: Ben, I don't want you to put too much stock into what Mr Shaw says. I don't think he has both oars in the water, if you know what I mean.

Ben: why? Just because he saw the Krakken, too?

Shaw kept sailing the boat until he spots some sort of lake police closure.

Shaw: do not enter? What's going on?

Max: looks official. Maybe we should turn back.

Shaw: nonsense. This is my lake, and I'll go wherever I-

???: fishing boat, stop where you are.

A boat next to them that appeared to be some kind marine biology got close.

Jonah: I am Jonah Melville, the founder of friends of fish. We've closed this section of the lake for an environmental study. You'll have to turn your boat around.

Shaw: suppose you make me, fish hugger.

Max: well, since I charted the boat for the day, I believe I'm in charge. Isn't that right, Captain?

Shaw: aw, I suppose.

Ben: but what about the Krakken?

Jonah:<laughs> the Krakken? Not that old fish story. Look, I'm a Marine biologist, and any body who tells you they've seen a monster in this lake is casting without a hook. <walks off>

Ben looked mad as Jonah's boat was escorting Shaw's boat back to the dock.

Shaw:<the sonar beeped> the sonar. We found something.

A fin was heading towards the boat.

Ben: or something found us. Look!

Shaw: the Krakken!

The fin went underwater as the silhouette beneath the water was bigger than the boat.

Shaw: it's heading for the docks.

Max and Ben: Gwen and Wade.

At the docks

Gwen: <sitting at the docks> ah, finally a little sun. And with my bigmouth cousin nowhere in sight, I can just lay back and relax.

Wade was sitting next to her as some cute girls that are here with their families waved at him and giggled as Wade waved back.

Gwen: really Wade?

Wade: oh don't you start.

The Krakken was heading towards the docks at a rapid speed as Shaw tried to use the horn to warn the people.

Gwen; doofus think I'm gonna fall for this?

Wade: I don't think that's Ben.

The Krakken emerged from the water and crashed the docks sending the people flying as Wade grabbed Gwen and shielded her from impact as they both swam to the surface.

Gwen: that's not Ben.

Wade: no duh!

The Krakken roared into the air.

Shaw: I told you. It's real. The Krakken lives!

Max: sail now. Gloat later. Someone's got to rescue those people.

Ben jumped into the water and dialed the Omnitrix.

Ben: Ripjaws to the rescue.

Ben slammed the core underwater as he came to the surface but he was XLR8 instead of Ripjaws.

Ben: hey, I said Ripjaws, not XLR8. Stupid watch.

Ben saw Wade, Gwen and other people swimming away from the Krakken as it was charging at them.

Ben: here goes nothing.

Ben swam fast first before he started running on water getting Wade and Gwen away from the Krakken's jaw.

Gwen: woah!

Ben dropped off Wade and Gwen on the beach.

Ben: you two ok?

Gwen: I think so.

Wade: we're fine.

Gwen: thanks for the save.

Ben ran off as he got wet sand on Gwen.

Gwen: hey, you did that on purpose.

Ben went back running into the water and gets all the people out of the water and out of the Krakken's reach.

Jonah: get us out of here!

Jonah's boat started going away as the Krakken targeted it as it let go of another boat. The Krakken swam under it as Ben followed. The Krakken appeared in front of the boat as the boat tried to escape but the Krakken used its tail to slam it away making the engine fail as it went towards them but Ben interfered by running in circles and creating a water tornado that made the Krakken retreat. Ben stopped running and landed on Jonah's boat. The Krakken emerged again and was heading for a crate that was covered by a sheet.

Jonah: no, you don't!

Jonah tried to pull back the crate as the Krakken pulled the crate towards it. Ben grabbed one of the tentacles and tried to pull back making smoke making the Krakken let go. The Krakken tried to attack but then Ben slid under its head and super fast kicks under the head making it retreat.

Jonah; thanks for the hand and the feet.

Ben: what's so important in that crate that you'd risk your life for it?

Jonah: um, our lunch.

Ben: you almost got munched for a few sandwiches?

The Krakken tentacle grabbed the crate and took it into the water.

Ben:<hears the Omnitrix starting to time out> uh-oh. Sorry. Gotta run.

Ben ran back to Shaw's boat but timed out and fell into the water after a few bounces.

Max; man overboard. Shaw, Ben is overboard. Bring the boat around.

Shaw:<had a harpoon gun ready> next time you're in my sights, you won't be so lucky.

Later, the Tennysons were on the Rust Bucket and many people were leaving in a hurry.

Ben: I told you so. That was the same thing that tried to munch me last night. Captain Shaw and I were right.

Max; just because he was right about the Krakken doesn't mean I was wrong about him. I want you to stay away from that guy. He's trouble.

Ben: you're just being stubborn.

Gwen: yeah. Don't you just hate people like that?

Wade: our entire family is stubborn.

Max: we'll leave this to the experts, Ben. Like those Friends of Fish guys.

Ben: experts? Who better to snag a lake monster than the guy with the monster buster on his wrist?

Max: I'm afraid this is just gonna have to be the one that got away, son.

Shaw:<walks over> lowdown, no-good fish kissers.

Ben: Captain Shaw, what is it?

Shaw: the nerve of those enviro-punks.

Wade: heh, enviro-punks.

Shaw: they shut down the entire lake. Nobody tells me where to sail. And nobody's gonna keep me away from reeling in the catch of the century. Nobody.

Shaw walks away as later that night, he took his boat into the lake.

Rust Bucket

Gwen:<knocks on the bathroom door> come on, Ben. What did you do? Fall in?

Both Max and Gwen were on their pjs as Max walked over and opened the door to see it empty. Max was shocked at this.

Gwen: where's Wade?

Shaw's Ship

Shaw was sailing until he heard a rattling.

Shaw:<grabs a oar> hey, no stowaways on my boat, even if you are only a filthy rat.

Shaw took the sheet off to see Ben there.

Ben: first mate Tennyson reporting for duty, sir.

Shaw just let him stay as Wade was hanging on the back of the boat as Shaw stopped the boat.

Shaw: she's probably been chased deep by our fishy friends. Only one way to flush her out- with a little live bait. <puts on a diver suit with an oxygen tank on his back>

Ben: maybe I should go with you. You know, just in case.

Shaw: no need. I've got my dive buddy right here. <grabs a harpoon gun> wish me luck. <dives into the water>

Ben saw a spare diving suit as he put it on and dived in as well. Wade peeked over as he heard another boat approaching so he moved around to avoid detection.

Shaw swam at the bottom of the lake as he saw something swim past him but it was just seaweed. He swam towards the ship wreckage as he goes down and sees some kind of ball. Something was swimming towards him as he turned around and fired only to miss as it was just Ben. Shaw was glad he missed. Shaw pointed to the weird ball as Ben looked at it and Shaw went back to the surface and saw the other boat. He went to the ladder of his boat but a pair of arms grabbed him and threw him onto the deck.

???: don't you know night diving is dangerous, old-timer? Unless, of course, you went with a friend.

Shaw: I work alone. I ain't got no friends.

???: and with a sparkling personality like yours?

Ben got out of the water as he saw what was happening.

Shaw: I haven't got anything worth stealing either.

???: ah. But you have us all wrong. All we want is information. Like, what did you see down there?

Shaw: nothing. Same as always.

The man punched Shaw in the face knocking him out as he took off his mask to reveal Jonah.

Jonah: well, I have to be sure.

Ben was surprised as the Omnitrix was still in red.

Ben: come on work.

Jonah: take ahab here with us. Find out if he knows anything back at the cannery. We'll come back later with a mini-sub to snag the rest of the eggs. <throws a tracker in the water>

Ben saw Wade move around and was surprised to see him but Wade made a "be quiet" motion.

Jonah: in the meantime, I think his boat just got lost at sea.

Jonah threw a bomb into Shaw's boat as his own boat drove away. Wade jumped into the water as Ben went underwater as the bomb went off destroying the boat. They both went to the surface and swam to each other.

Ben: Wade, what are you doing here?

Wade: you didn't think I didn't notice you sneaking away, did I? We need to go after them.

Ben:<the Omnitrix turns green> it's Hero Time.

Jonah's boat was still going towards the cannery as the mercs saw something.

Merc: is that a bird?

Merc2: nah. Looks like a plane.

Ben got closer as StinkFly as he had Wade on his arms.

Jonah; it's a bug holding a kid! Man the harpoons.

Ben: give it up. You are totally busted.

One of the mercs grabbed the turret LMG and fired at them.

Wade: move!

Ben moved around as he fired some goo at the mercs knocking them down. It was gross as Jonah released red barrels into the water.

Wade: explosive barrels! Watch out!

Ben maneuvered around them as one knocked a tree down making Ben dodge but got wet as he and Wade fell into the water.

Ben: oh, man. My wings are too wet for takeoff.

Jonah turned around and headed towards them.

Jonah: let's squash that bug once and for all.

Jonah was getting closer as they shined a light on them. Wade threw his bat at the light breaking it making them get blinded temporarily. Wade got Ben into a floating log.

Ben; come on, come, dry off!

Wade: up there!

Wade pointed at a tree as Ben fired some goo from his mouth sticking to the tree as he grabbed Wade and swung them into the tree as Jonah crashed into the log breaking it. The Mercs got their vision back as they shined a flashlight around as Wade and Ben hid. Jonah then saw the Krakken submerging into the water.

Jonah: it's getting too crowded around here. Dump the trash overboard.

The mercs dumped the unconscious Shaw into the water as Wade dived in and grabbed Shaw as he swam up and held his arm up as Ben grabbed him and saw Jonah's boat gone so he started flying back to the Rust Bucket.

Ben: almost there. <hears the beep>

Wade: oh, no.

Ben; not again.

Rust Bucket

Gwen was looking around with binoculars trying to spot either Ben, Wade or Shaw as she and Max were back to normal clothing.

Shaw: any sign of Ben, Wade and Shaw?

Gwen: not yet.

They heard the Omnitrix beep as Ben transformed back to human as he, Wade and Shaw landed on the extended roof of the Rust Bucket.

Ben: I hate it when that happens.

Wade: I lost my bat. Good thing I have some spare ones.

They all got inside the Rust Bucket to tell the full story.

Ben; and the Krakken's best was full of eggs. No wonder she's been attacking everything. Jonah must be stealing her eggs.

Wade: <grabs another bat> those guys did give off Mercenary vibes.

Gwen: and I think I know who Jonah is. I did a little checking on Friends of Fish and found out it's not listed on any environmental website. But I did find this. <shows the laptop screen> Jonah Melville isn't a friend to any kind of wildlife. He travels around the world poaching rare animals, then crates them up and sells them to private collectors.

Ben: crates them up? Oh, man. I bet that crate the Krakken took off their boat had her egg in it.

Max: looks like we were both a little too hardheaded.

Ben: we've gotta stop them. They said something about going back to a cannery.

Shaw: all this talk doesn't change a thing. Mommy or not, that beast is mine. Let's go. I've got a spare boat down at the docks.

They all smiled at each other as they went after Shaw. They got on the boat with life vests.

Gwen:<gets off the phone> it'll take a while until the police can get here.

Shaw was going to untie the boat but it was already untied from the dock as Max took the boat with a motor and started leaving.

Shaw: what are you doing? Get back here.

Ben: sorry, Captain.

Shaw: you don't know what you're doing. A monster's a monster, and I know a monster when I see one.

They just kept going as Shaw saw a rowing boat nearby and he just decided that it will have to do.


Jonah's men got a crane to get Jonah's mini sub back into the dock as Jonah had the last Krakken egg. A Merc grabbed the egg and almost dropped it.

Jonah: <gets out of the suit> careful, or you'll be cleaning up the world's most expensive omelet.

The merc put the egg on the glass cylinder where the other egg was.

Jonah: after we sell these babies to the man who hired us, we'll be kicking back on a beach in the Bahamas.

The Tennysons arrived at a ladder underneath the cannery as Max went up first, then Wade then Gwen.

Ben: see if you can find the eggs.

Gwen: what about you?

Ben: I'm gonna kick some friends of fish tail.

Ben transformed into Ripjaws, for reals. However the Krakken emerged from the water knocking Ben into the water as she crashed through the wood floor.

Jonah: the bigger the Krakken, the bigger the payday.

Jonah got into the suit as the mercs fired their SMGS at the Krakken but their bullets did nothing as one of the mercs just ran inside as the second one got smashed away. The Krakken went to get her eggs but Jonah swoops in and grabs the container as the Krakken went to attack but Jonah had a wrist gun on the suit and fired at the Krakken.

Ben jumped out of the water and latched into the front of Jonah's suit.

Ben: you want to mess with a monster? Try me on for size.

Ben tried to free the eggs as Jonah aimed his suit weapon at Ben but Ben just bit it off as he bit the arm making Jonah drop the container as Ben grabbed it but Jonah punched him as the container broke and the eggs rolled and landed on a lone plank.

Max, Wade and Gwen sneaked inside as he stopped Wade and Gwen and peeked around the corner to see a Merc grabbing a bigger gun as he turned to them and he started making signs which they had no idea what it meant as the Merc that got smashed away earlier got back in and aimed his gun at them.

Max: all right, buddy. We can do this the easy way or the hard way.

The Merc wasn't intimidated as Wade held his bat and rushed at the merc hitting his gun at the ground, swinging up hitting his crotch before hitting him down. He held his bat reserve grip as he smashed the other merc in the gut making him drop the gun as he then held his bat in normal grip and smashed him down both knocked out.

Max: Wade, how did you do that?

Wade; Grandpa, don't ask questions you don't want answers to.

Both Max and Gwen cross their arms.

Wade: I got into fights before. On the streets. And at school.

Outside, it was a three way battle as they all went for the eggs. The Krakken used her tail to get her eggs.

Jonah; my eggs!

Ben:<jumps on the suit's back> they aren't your eggs.

Jonah hit the eggs off the Krakken's tail as Ben dived and caught them as he went into the water. Jonah made the crane let go of his suit and dropped on top of Ben.

Jonah; rescuing babies- very heroic but not very smart.

Jonah hit Ben as he grabbed the eggs and went to the surface but Ben caught up and tried to reach for them but Jonah threw him off. Ben took the eggs and put them on his mouth as he swam away, the Krakken arrived and hit Ben with her tentacles making him let go of the eggs as she grabbed them and swam off but Jonah went after her and activated some kind of sound wave machine that made the Krakken cover her ears as Jonah yoinks the eggs.

Jonah tried to leave but Ben tackled him to a sunken boat as Jonah had Ben pinned but he grabbed the chair of an anchor and hit Jonah as he grabbed his arm but Jonah electrocuted Ben to let go as he tried to leave but Ben used the anchor and the chain to break Jonah's suit arm then pull the anchor back as the Krakken bit the chain to pieces as the hit Jonah away.

Ben caught the eggs with his mouth and quickly swam to her nest as he put the eggs on their spot and swam away from them as the Krakken cuddled them. Jonah went directly for the eggs but the Krakken was tired of Jonah, grabbed his suit and broke it as Jonah took out a dagger and tried to stab the Krakken but it broke. The Krakken tried to eat Jonah but Ben got in front of her and held his arms out as she just let them be and went back to her nest. Jonah shrugs as Ben punches him knocking him out.

Ben got out of the water and hanged Jonah on a piece of wood by his suit.

Ben: hang here for a while until the police find a nice dry cell for you.

Ben swam off as the police arrived on a boat to take Jonah and his men away as Gwen, Wade and Max were nearby.

Max: good riddance to bad rubbish.

Shaw: got one.<rows over> I finally got me a Krakken. One of the eggs must have hatched. Imagine this trophy mounted on my wall.

Shaw had Ben in his net but the Omnitrix timed out.

Max: I think your catch of the day isn't exactly as advertised.

Shaw got his lantern close to the net and he saw Ben in there as he was confused as heck.

Shaw: but I could have sworn.

The next day

Jonah and his men were on a holding cell.

Merc: Jonah, the boss won't like this at all.

Jonah: not to worry, the police we'll let us go as soon as we rat him out.

Merc2: are you sure?

Jonah: positive.

On the holding cell window, a man opened a box and let three copperhead snakes in the cell as they all quickly hit Jonah and his men on the neck before they slithered away. Jonah and his men held their necks as they couldn't breathe before they all pass out death from lack of air.

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