Rebirth of Poisoned Empress...

By alyun100719445

256K 7.9K 604

Shen Liang was beautiful and cold like jade, but he was also extremely cruel to his enemy. Pei Yuanxian who k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Untitled Part 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128

Chapter 69

1.9K 64 2
By alyun100719445

The next day early morning, Shen Liang went out with Qi Yue and Qi Xuan before dawn. This time, Yaoguang didn't follow along consciously. Instead, he was placed in charge of ridding the Zhonglin Courtyard of the people the other members of the Shen Family had planted near them. Their carriage did not directly head for the outer regions of the Imperial City, but rather headed for the vegetable market. Shen Liang, who had deliberately dressed in a humble and plain attire, followed behind Qi Yue and Qi Xuan. Only when the crowd gradually begin to increase in volume did the group of three quietly disappear.

"Master, why are you here at this time?" It was only dawn and Wang Qingfeng was stunned to see them when he opened the door at the sound of knocking. His eyes widened as he hurriedly moved aside to let Shen Liang in. Afterwards, he cautiously poked his head out to ensure they weren't being followed before closing the door.

"There's an urgent matter I need to see lei Zhen for. I'll have to trouble Uncle Wang to make the trip for me," Shen Liang still had to report to Tianmen Academy today and didn't have the time to waste. The moment he ducked into the residency; he directly stated his intent.

"What's there to trouble. It's only natural to handle matters for Master. Give me a minute. I'll be right back."

"Alright," Shen Liang watched the other party leave before he fell into deep contemplation. It would no suffice to just make arrangements with the Nether Guards. He still needed to talk to his father. Although he truly was unwilling to see that man, for You'er, no matter how unwilling, he still had to bite the bullet.

"Master!" Shen Liang indeed did not have to wait long. Lei Zhen was there soon enough, and along with him, Zheng Han, Yang Peng, and Yuan Shao followed along as well. Xiao Yu, who had personally went to the northwest border, was the only one among them who was missing.

"Sit. Please don't be polite," Gesturing at the empty seats, Shen Liang said while smiling. The men weren't courteous either and gathered around the table one after another.

"Master, I heard the Duke of Qingping publicly announced his marriage proposal to you. Is that true?" thinking that he had come here because of the message he had Qi Xuan bring him, Lei Zhen directly asked as soon as he sat down. His expression was not kind at all.

"There is indeed such a matter. I also agreed," unaware that they even concerned themselves with this matter and didn't understand why, Shen Liang didn't hide the truth from them. With his matters, there was nothing he couldn't tell them.

"Is Master aware of his true identity?" after looking at him with a complicated gaze, Lei Zhen asked solemnly after exchanging glances with the other three.

Hearing his words, Shen Liang vaguely sensed something wasn't apropos: "True identity?"

Was he not the Duke of Qingping? That can't be. The Ironclad Guards won't mistake their master. It should be that besides the Duke of Qingping, he had another identity that overwhelmed his current one. One that even made Lei Zhen and the others concerned for him.

"It seems like Master doesn't know," Lei Zhen and the other breathed a foul breath at the same time.

After a moment of silence, Yuan Shao raised his head: "Does Master wish to know his true identity?"

"En?" Shen Liang's brows furrowed imperceptibly. Does he? He naturally did but Pei Yuanxian never took the initiative to tell him himself. Why did he have to resort to knowing about the man this way? Does it matter to him whether he had another identity besides the Duke of Qingping? Wouldn't it suffice as long as Pei Yuanxian was still pei Yuanxian?

Understanding this, Shen Liang smiled and shook his head: "There's no need. I took a fancy to the person, not his identity."

He trusted that Pei Yuanxian would tell him everything personally one day.

"What if his identity would threaten your peace and turn your life upside down. Are you truly still willing, Master?" facing those beautiful eyes, Yuan Shao continued to press forward.

Shen Liang couldn't help but laugh: "Do you think that my current life is peaceful as is? Since it originally lacks peace to begin with, what's more to adding a few more storms to it? Lei Zhen, Zheng Han, Yang Peng, Yuan Shao, I know that all of you mean well for me and hope that I can stay away from danger, but as the saying goes, trees long for peace but the wind will never cease. Rather than always being on the defense, why not put ourselves into the middle of what we will eventually have to face anyways? Only then could we truly live the peaceful life we seek sooner. *The idiom means things will take their own course regardless of will*

In this life, Shen Liang would not, and would not allow himself to continue running away. He would accept and face whatever comes at him head-on. 

His words shocked Lei Zhen and the others. The Nether Guards had been silenced for far too long. Even though they were recovering, their vigor and blood still hadn't been fully awakened yet. But in that moment, they faintly sensed its calling.

"Alright then. Since the Master has already decided, then we won't say much anymore," the group of four silently exchanged some glances before Lei Zhen decided on their behalf. They had to unconditionally respect their Master's decision.

"En. I heard that you've found the person I've been looking for several days ago?" nodding his head, Shen Liang then started on another topic. 

Lei Zhen, who had been prepared, responded in a deep voice: "En. The person's name is Hui An. He was originally the host of the Jianjiang Temple and was well-known in the area. But he had led a deceitful life and suddenly left Jianjiang. Others believed he was traveling and wandering around, but in actuality, he came to the Imperial City to meet with his little lover. His lover is weak and pregnant, and their lives had been getting unbearably difficult and burdensome. Hence, Hui An could only find a place to settle his little lover down first before once again, assuming the title of a monk and deriving himself a position in the Anyang Temple in the Imperial City. He relies on his swift and clever tongue to continue deceiving civilians and many people believe him. When we first found him, he was originally unwilling, but after I offered to provide and care after his wife and children well, he relents and compromised."

With the Nether Guards' reach and power, finding such a person was only too simple.

"With your words, it sounds like what Hui An has for his little lover is quite sincere?" He was indeed a very suitable candidate. He was a liar, but not someone inhumane.

"En, indeed," this much, Lei Zhen and the others could not deny at all.

"Alright then. Uncle Wang, I'll have to bother you to make another trip and bring this Hui An over. There are matters I need him to do."

"Alright," receiving Shen Liang's orders, Wang Qingfeng, who had been standing silently on the side then strode out. 

Shen Liang suddenly turned back around and looked at the men before him with a solemn expression before continuing in a serious tone: "Lei Zhen, I need help. Not long ago, my brother sent his five-month-old son to me. He is currently in my Zhonglin Courtyard right now. To ensure his safety, I need you to send some of your people to hide around Zhonglin Courtyard and be on guard at all times."

If possible, he truly didn't want to use them. But as things were now, Shen Liang was left with no choice.

"That's no problem. They'll be ready at the time of Chen at the latest." *7-9am* Lei Zhen agreed without needing any time to think at all. Since the existence of the Nether Guards, they had been prepared for this all along. 

"I've troubled you all," Shen Liang wasn't surprised. Because he was aware that the nether Guards had always been prepared for this, he only felt more guilty. He had disturbed their peace.

"Master is too polite. If we can't be of use to Master, then our existence would be meaningless," seeing through Shen Liang's apologetic gaze, Lei Zhen comforted him sincerely. For hundreds of years, each generation of Nether Guards had been waiting for their new Master's arrival. And they were simply the ones who had finished waiting. It was just that simple.

"En. If a situation arises that requires any of you to show your faces, then just state that you are all people sent to protect me by my brother. Leave the rest to me," understanding their underlying meaning, Shen Liang cautiously hid his turbulent emotions. This time, he will ensure their safety. He won't let their previous lives' tragedies repeat themselves.

"Master's worries and method is sound," as of now, the Nether Guards were unsuitable to reveal themselves before public view. But they believed that there would be such a day when their name would reverberate throughout the empire once again!

"Currently, Zhonglin Manor is being guarded by several commanders of the Ironclad Guards. Afterwards, I have to report to Tianmen Academy. You don't have to be in too much of a hurry. It would suffice to quietly enter Marquis Donglin Manor either in the afternoon or later tonight."

"En, I will discuss this with Zheng Han and the others carefully before considering the candidates."


"Master, Hui An has been brought over," As the conversations was adjourned, Wang Qingfeng called in. Shen Liang peered over. A handsome monk dressed in cassock and around seven chi *1 chi = 0.333 metre or 1.094 feet* tall headed in with Wang Qingfeng. He doesn't appear older than thirty and behind him, he hid another petitie figure who Shen Liang couldn't fully see but should be his little lover.

"Sit!" gesturing casually at a stool not far away, Shen Liang smiled at them indifferently and lacked the sincerity he had when faced with only Lei Zhen and the others. 

Hui An looked at him and then looked at Lei Zhen. He then pulled his little lover who was hiding behind him over and settled him down first before sitting down himself: "For you to specifically come looking for me, what exactly do you want?"

They had been taken to an ordinary looking courtyard yesterday but only when he wanted to escape did he realize that the courtyard was filled with people. Only he couldn't see them as they hid themselves well. Hence, for his wife and the child in his stomach, he could only keep his promise to stay.

"It's naturally for a good matter," Shen Liang's gaze swept towards the petite Ger. Even wearing the oversized clothing, his protruding body was obvious and evident before their eyes. He should be along seven to eight months now.

Aware of his gaze, Hui An suddenly rushed over and hugged his wife. He yelled, almost hysterically: "I can promise you anything, but you can't touch my wife and son."

"Hehe... You've mistaken. I wouldn't resort to touching a pregnant Ger. I'm only looking at him because I'm a doctor," seeing Hui An had misunderstood, Shen Liang explained with a smile but didn't seem like he cared.

However, Hui An and his wife visibly relaxed because of his words. Of course, he still didn't completely drop his guards and said: "Truly?"

"En. There's no reason for me to lie to you about this matter. Your wife doesn't look very well. I suggest you take him to a good doctor and have him looked at," as he spoke, Shen Liang looked at the Ger again. His petite figure could be attributed to him being born as such, but his complexion was sallow, an obvious sign of a lurking illness. Perhaps it could even be associated with some underlying problems with his internal organs.

"You... you can tell?" when the two heard him, they looked at him. It was exactly because the Ger was in poor health that Hui An shaved his head again and resumed his former business. He used the title of being a monk to swindle and cheat the monastery, defrauding people of their money.

"Isn't seeing, smelling, asking, and taking pulse the four basic classics and foundations of a physician?" with just a few short statements, Shen Liang successfully dissolved their insecurities. 

Hui An hugged his wife in distress before returning back to his seat: "If I agree to help you carry out your orders, can you cure my wife?"

He only wanted his wife and child to be safe and healthy. As for the others, it didn't matter.

"Regarding that, I would need to know exactly what illness your wife has as well as the extent of your loyalty," Shen Liang didn't immediately agree. If the Ger truly had a problem with his organs like Shen Liang suspected, then he wouldn't be easy to treat, especially when he was also carrying a child. 

"As long as you can cure my wife, then my life could even be yours for taking," Hui An looked at his increasingly haggard lover and gritted his teeth to say before resigning himself completely.

In his eyes, Shen Liang saw his persistence. After a moment of deliberation, Shen Liang waved his hand and gestured for him: "You, come here."

"En?" Evident that he didn't expect Shen Liang to address him, the Ger shrinked and flinched on reflex. His eyes slid over to Hui An as though desperate for help as they were filled with naked fear. His slender body couldn't help but begin to tremble. Shen Liang, Lei Zhen, and the others couldn't help but scowl. For him to be frightened to this degree, wasn't it too exaggerated?

"Don't be afraid. I'm also a Ger and only want to take your pulse to ascertain your situation," light flickered in Shen Liang's eyes as he vaguely understood and realized something. His tone became gentler. Seeing this, Hui An once again stood up. But this time, the Ger also mustered up the courage to stand up first as well. Although he hesitated, he still slowly moved towards Shen Liang step by step.

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