Twisted wonderland x OP Reader

Par MyBeckyLynchr

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This is my first story and it is about you, reader. One night, you get transported into another world called... Plus

Characters part 1
Characters part 2
Welcome to the villain's world
New residence
About Y/n's powers
First day, first problems
Escaping expulsion
Crimson ruler (All because of a tart)
Crimson ruler (A tart for a tart)
Crimson ruler (Unbirthday party)
Crimson ruler (To defeat a tyrant)
Crimson ruler (Overblot/Awakening)
🌹Crimson ruler🌹
Lion heart (Incidents)
Lion heart (Speculation)
Lion heart (Investigation)
Lion heart (Be prepared)
Lion Heart (Let the show begin)
Lion heart (Overblot//Awakening)
🦁Lion heart🦁
Sea witch (Rest before the test)
Sea witch (Deal with it)
Sea witch (Dealing with other things)
Sea witch (Suffering...)
Sea witch (Deal with the devil)
Sea witch (Planning)
Sea witch (Poor unfortunate fool)
Sea witch (Overblot///Awakening)
🌊Sea witch🌊
Charming genie (Fall activities)
Charming genie (Winter holiday)
Charming genie (Not alone)
Charming genie (Strange stay)
Charming genie (We want out)
Charming genie (Down you go)
Charming genie (Caught you!)
Charming genie (Overblot)
Charming genie (Awakening)
🧞‍♂️Charming genie🧞‍♂️
intemporal queen (Voice)
Intemporal queen (Practice)
Intemporal queen (Auditions)
Intemporal queen (Take a bow)
Intemporal queen (Training camp)
Intemporal queen (Rehearsals)
Intemporal queen (Tic-Tac)
Intemporal queen (Alone time)
Intemporal queen (Culture fair)
Intemporal queen (Stage presence)
Intemporal queen (Overblot)
Intemporal queen(...)
Intemporal queen (.Awakening.)
👑Intemporal queen👑
⌚Intemporal queen⌚
Happy valentines day❣️
Eternal flame (What happened?)
Eternal flame (Last fair day)
Eternal flame (Some peace)
Eternal flame (After peace...)
(I'm sorry to do this) Announcement
A new one
Eternal flame (Trouble in paradise)
Eternal flame (Time to go)
Eternal flame (Let's get into it)
Eternal flame (Went from 0 to 10)

Eternal flame (Time to burn)

552 20 2
Par MyBeckyLynchr

Y/n's pov

I am the only being capable of controlling time as I wish without any repercussion on myself. By this fact, I can travel in the past or in the future or make people travel through time, I can also change someone's time in the present, bring them back when they were little or send them to when they'll be old or just change the process of time through their brain, making them forget some things or know things they shouldn't yet. 

It makes me also able to summon versions of myself through time, every millisecond, there is a me that I can summon. Being lost through time make us a little different on our predominant character, just life some of my selves would proclaim their love without thinking of the consequences😒. 

That's why Crimson, Lion, Witch, Genie and Queen don't have the same personalities.

Crimson is like a strict leader. Her voice is deeper and stronger. From her point of view, she is perfection and is willing to teach everyone else how to be more like her, for their own good. Her intentions are good but she may seem scary.

Lion is more led back and self-important. In his head, he's the best but he's not gonna try to make other reach their level. They're malicious and love compliments. She seems full of life but if she's bored, she'll lose all energy.

Witch is more reserved. She is sweet and caring toward the people she loves but totally stoic and apathetic for the rest. They're all smart but they prefer to do things quicker and more efficiently, being less impulsive than the others.

Genie is super cheery, like the sweetest thing you'll ever see. They love to make others happy and be the center of attention. Their happy facade is more of a show though as they're the most malicious and manipulative of the bunch.

Queen must be the most mature. They don't talk too much or act as if they're important but just their aura tells you to stay in line and respect them or you'll get crushed. They're also calm and quick to process and finish any job.

While they're all me, they have some traits of my personality that shines the most. Just like powers, they all have a predilection they prefer to go with.

Crimson is a weapon expert, quick slash and done or make her victim suffer a little longer.
Lion prefers melee where they can punch and claw at will, using their strength and speed.
Witch controls water under all its form, liquid, solid, gas; they'll just handle things quickly.
Genie will have fun, controlling their target or making them suffer through hearing or vision. Queen doesn't play around, they'll use time to defeat their target the fastest way possible.

I cannot go back in the past to not come here because there might have still been overblots and I wouldn't have been there to save anybody. I also don't go in the future, it's complicated, I don't wanna change history badly and knowing what's ahead feels...bad like I'm cheating or I won't ever look forward to things cause I already know when or how they happen.

I was thinking about all this while in bed and with Kris on my stomach. I couldn't sleep, seems like I've gotten used to have Grim beside me when I sleep. I still love Kris but they don't feel the same and I'm still worried about Grim...

I didn't even realise I was scratching myself until Kris bit my fingers "Hey!"

I sat down and looked at my hands. There were scratches and some blood on my arms, legs and neck as a blue and red flame emerged from them before healing them "...Ok. Got it. I'll try to stop."

I put on thigh high, a collar and took my phone to stop my frenezie. I tried finding something but nothing could interest me. After some time, I threw my phone away and fell back on the bed, grunting "I can fix it later."

Kris went back on my chest and meowed "What?" He meowed to answer me "Outside? Well I don't have anything better to do anyway."

I put on my shoes and went outside with Kris leading the way. Kris meowed but I zoned out, thinking about life and its meaning until I bumped into someone. I took a step back but slipped. I tried regaining my balance but a hand found a way around my waist, stabilizing me. "Are you alright, child of man?"

Upon hearing this familiar and beautiful voice, my face heated up and I immediately distanced myself.

Malleus got surprised as I never react like that normally, making him ask the question once again.

'I'm fine' is what I wanted to say but the words seemed like caught up in my throat. I looked away, feeling hot and tears pricked into my eyes 'What's happening? I don't get it...' Kris put his paws on my leg and gave me a concerned look.

Mal gave me a sad glance "...Maybe I should just leave..."

He turned away but before he could leave I grabbed his sleeve "Wait please!"

He turned back surprised. I blushed, looked into his eyes and spoke in a trembling voice "Please...don't leave me alone."

For the first time, I saw pink dust color his cheeks as he took my hand in his and smiled gently "As you wish... I shall stay by your side as long as you need me...Y/n."


After a blurry night, I woke up with a weight on my chest. Upon opening my eyes, I met beautiful red ones, immediately associating them with Lilia "Ah I was about to wake you up since classes are about to start but you seem to have gotten ahead of me." He smiled.

I stared at him with a blank expression "...Why are you so cute?"

He seemed taken aback for a bit before chuckling "That is just what nature wanted~"

I hummed as I lifted the weight of my chest, being Silver's head while he was still speaking "Cute... Where is Kristal?"

"Kristal? The cat that accompanied you last night? After Malleus brough you in because he thought you needed some company, the little one just took off. Cats are like that but I am sure he will come back."

I hummed again as I got up and changed.

"Dove, that's not your uniform. Are you going to school?"

I hummed again and left.


My expression didn't change as I looked him up and down. He opened his mouth to speak again but I pushed him against the wall, caging him and looking into his widened eyes as he blushed even more "...I like your eyes."

He couldn't help but stutter as I laughed and sighed "...I need to find Kristal but work more on respecting me, dragon knight." I caressed his chin as I left.

"Hmm. Y/n is not okay." Lilia muttered.

I don't know where Kris is 'Haha I lost another cat' I feel like laughing and crying at the same time.

"Y/n!" I felt hands on my shoulders and didn't react since I knew it was Ace and Deuce. "We're gonna be late if we don't hurry."

Upon my lack of reaction, Ace just grabbed my arm and pulled me with them. I let him since I like feeling his warmth.

I got seated at my place but still felt nothing. Divus entered the classroom but I didn't even acknowledge it. Instead I tried finding a distraction by drawing.

I chuckled to myself 'They'd be beautiful as girls too.'

Ace nudged me, making me look at him "Dude. It's time for the second period."

"First period started?"

I think he took it as a joke as he chuckled.

Deuce smiled and extended his hand "Let's go."

I took it and let him guide me.

Professor Trein was explaining something but I only heard fuzzy sound 'Fuzzy...Cosy...Comfy...Sleepy'

For the first time in professor Trein's class I fell asleep, unmotivated for everything.

I've been shaken awake and glared at Ace for that "Hey! You're the one who slept through class...though you never do that. Are you okay?"

I hummed and put my head back on the desk.

"No! We have to go! Coach Vargas will make us do extra laps and push-ups if we're late."

I opened my arms "Carry me."

He blushed as he shook his head "I'm not gonna carry you."

"I-I could if you want." Deuce proposed.

"You're too laxist with it. He has to walk." 

I smiled "Parece que están casados y yo soy su hijo. eso es bastante divertido."

Ace raised an eyebrow "I have no idea what any of that means."

"Te amo."

"Sorry Y/n but we still don't get it." Deuce apologized.

"Bueno <3"

Ace ended up dragging me there as I groaned.

Upon seeing me, Garvas picked me up "You know, I think I actually like when you do that."

"Good...but are you okay? You know you can tell me if something is wrong, right?"

"...Well, I would tell if I could but I don't understand myself what is wrong."

"Are you going to be able to follow in class?"

"I don't feel like doing anything, honestly."

He hummed as he put me down, making me frown 'I wanna be carried again.'

I've been exempted of sports. I ended up waiting... I hate waiting. Being alone, doing nothing started stressing me out and all my tics came back. Bouncing my legs, scratching myself, biting my lip and fingers.

It's like I have time to think but I don't particularly think about anything and I feel bad. I bit my lip hard enough to draw blood and sank my nails in the skin of my arm while I tapped with my feet.

I stopped after a while, smelling familiar scents while the flames healed my injuries once again. I went in the direction of the scents to find Ace and Deuce.

"Hey, I didn't think you would miss out PE." Ace said.

"So you were really feeling unwell? Sorry we didn't pick up on it." Deuce looked worried.

"Eres demasiado dulce, creo que voy a llorar."

"Once again, didn't understand anything." Ace shrugged.

"That's pretty good, Dulce will be your new nickname, Deuce." I smiled.

"Do we all agree that once again he totally changed topic?" Ace asked.

"I just realized, I gave others nickname but not you. So what about master card for Ace?"

"Oh please go ahead and ignore me."

"Uhm what does dulce mean?" Deuce asked.

"It means sweet or gentle." I explained as we headed to the cafeteria.

I frowned after they took their food and we sat down.

"Aren't you gonna eat?"

"Not hungry... Has there always be so much noise in here?" I complained as I clinged onto Ace, trying to suppress the sound of people before letting, putting my head on the table and my hands on my ears.

"ANGELFISH!" That noise doesn't annoy me though.

The eel man was about to take me in his arms like usual but I outstretched my arm, keeping him away "No sorry. No hugs or squeezes today. I'm just" I sighed "not in the mood."

"Angelfish normally never refuses Floyd's affection no matter how impromptu it happens."

"Might something have happened to it to the point where it would push him away?"

Azul and Jade had already seated down as Floyd pouted, looking at me as I still had my head down.

"Now who said you could just sit down with us?" Ace frowned.

Floyd glared at him, making him shush as Jade chuckled "Oya do not worry, we are not here for you, just for angelfish."

"Anyway, I don't know if he's sick or something but he's been unwell all day." Deuce said.

"I'm not sick." I rested my head in my hand. 

"Are you sure?" Azul tried to check by putting a hand on my forehead but I caught his hand before he could, making him blush.

"Please do not touch me unless I allow it especially not around the face. Or I'll just touch you if my mood comes back." I kissed his hand before letting go and he cleared his throat.

"So is it just like Floyd's mood swings?" Azul asked.

I leaned my head on Floyd's shoulder to his delight "Hm might be more than that. It's like something is bothering me but I can't explain it, my mind is just fuzzy... Can I bite you, eely boy?"

"Yes! But I wanna bite angelfish too~"

"I'll never get how he can change topics so quickly and easily." Ace muttered.

"If you don't get it, how about you take your mind elsewhere?' Jade suggested.

"Nothing seems to gain my attention and other people annoy me. The only persons who are able to make me feel better are you." I said as I brought Floyd closer and started nibbling on his cheek.

"I am flattered, angelfish." Jade smiled "We could discuss more then."

"Come to think of it, you never told us your preferences and such." Deuce thought back.

"Yeah. Excuse me one second." I arranged back Floyd's uniform and the plates on the table.

"What are you doing?" Floyd asked me.

 "This asymmetry is giving me anxiety." After I finished, I put his head on my chest then looked up "What do you want to know?"

"What is your type?" Azul asked before clearing his throat "I mean you always seem to have high standard so it would be interesting to know what you might be researching in a partner."

"Hm type... You know, I actually never thought of it but I don't think I really have a type. Hypothetically, the perfect relationship for me would be about cohesion and respect between the different parts."

"Wait. You've never been in a relationship?" Jade asked.

"Meh I mean I've had people falling for me and some confessing but I never really fell in love until I met you." 

I played with my nails then looked up as they stayed silent only to meet surprised faces "What?"

"You mean you..."

{Idiot! Pause!}

I snapped my fingers upon receiving the order, stopping time, still not understanding what was wrong.

{You just indirectly implied that you fell in love with them.}

"Oh shoot." My clock eye rewinded and I snapped my fingers once more to restart time.

"I had never fallen in love." I corrected my answer.

They hummed, thinking about it.

"Y'all seem deep in thoughts there. Wanna try a lighter question?"

"Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?" Ace asked.

"I'm not gonna answer that question because there is no good answer for it. I might like it or I might hate it but who does that concern? It's my own taste, do you have to fight about it or make some stupid debates online? It's just like talking about milk before VS after the cereals or water before VS after the toothpaste, it's pointless. I don't care. Do whatever you want and stop judging others for what they prefer. Nobody has the same tastes."

"Well, you already seem more lively." Jade smiled.

"Sorry, you asked for a light question but this one seemed heavy." Ace mocked as I rolled my eyes.

"So...favorite color?" Deuce tried.

"Just like I think everyone has something to like about them, I think the same of colors so I don't really have a major one. I use all of them though I could say black and white but those aren't colors."

"Wait. Black and white aren't colors?" Deuce asked.

"When it comes to graphic design, understanding color and how it works in tandem with shade is important. Scientifically, color is an expression of light. Certain materials absorb and reflect specific wavelengths of visible light, which results in objects taking on a certain color to the human eye. A blue flower reflects and disperses blue light back at us while absorbing all other wavelengths of light, so what you see is the color blue. When nearly all light is reflected, you see white. When no light is reflected, you see black..."

"It's set, we can't stop it." Ace said but glad I seemed better.

"As any rainbow will demonstrate, black isn't on the visible spectrum of color. All other colors are reflections of light, except black. Black is the absence of light. Unlike white and other hues, pure black can exist in nature without any light at all. Some consider white to be a color, because white light comprises all hues on the visible light spectrum. And many do consider black to be a color, because you combine other pigments to create it on paper. But in a technical sense, black and white are not colors, they're shades. They augment colors. "And yet they do function like colors. They evoke feelings. They can be a kid's favorite color," says graphic designer Jimmy Presler. In science, black is the absence of light. And color is a phenomenon of light. But a black object or black images printed on white paper are made from pigment, not light. So artists must use their darkest color of paint to approximate black. What you see as a pigment with a black color or a light with a white color actually contains various light or dark colors. Nothing can be pure white or pure black, except unfiltered sunlight or the depths of a black hole."

"Oooohhhhh thank you for telling me." Deuce smiled.

I blushed "Wait. I've been rambling , haven't I?"

"Barely. Anyway, I think it is time for us to leave unfortunately." Azul stood up.

Remembering Floyd on me, I looked down to see he fell asleep.

After Jade woke him up, we separated. I felt a little better now. 

It might have been those...

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