
By BrittBratty01

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"What does being a Hero mean to you?" That was the question our favorites from Class 3-A are currently askin... More

To Protect People...
Movie Nights
Loud Mouth
Swish and Flick
Cry Baby Bakugo
No Means No
Late Nights
Pool Day!
The Mask
Rainy Days
Lemme Borrow Some
Never Again
Sweet Dreams
The Game
Field Day...er Night
Go Time
Empty Threats
Let's Dress Up
The Grey Area
Brotherly Love
Ew, Feelings
One Piece
No Expectations
Gas Chamber
Mother Smother
Legends Never Die
Test Prep
Midterm Brawl
Day Zero
Day One
Double Date
The Perfect Day
The Final Day
Once Upon a Time
Woman to Woman
Ground Zero
The Beginning
The End
The Statement
Hallie Forge


24 0 0
By BrittBratty01

Pain. Her whole body felt like a cold fire ran through it. The room felt cold as well. Was she dead? Maybe. A faint voice almost made her smile. Katsuki was causing a commotion from the sound of it. She forced her blue eyes open to see Mitsuki rolling her eyes towards the hallway.

Sunni slowly sat up, removing the oxygen from her nose, gently rubbing her burning eyes. Mitsuki sat beside her, "Hallie, take it slow."

"What happened," she scanned the room.

"You overdid it," the woman sighed, "they had to rush you here."

She winced and laid back, "I remember now."

A nurse peeked her head in, "Mrs. Bakugo, can I borrow you?"

The woman smiled and nodded walking into the hallway. Sunni chuckled when she heard her getting on to Katsuki. She watched his mother shove him into the room and close the door. He flipped her off before turning around, freezing in his tracks.

Sunni glared, "Are you being an asshole?"

"Maybe," he walked up to the bed and sat down beside her, "I had good reason this time."

"Share with the class."

"They wanted to keep you in a medical coma," his eyes looked her over. "There was no reason for it."

She chuckled, "I see. Is Tobias still breathing?"

He ground his teeth, "For now, until this is over and I get ahold of him."

"That's fair," she looked out of the window to see the sun beginning to rise, "How many casualties?"

"Three," he looked outside, "All civilians."

"Dammit," she let out a breath, "So what's next?"

He thought for a moment, "For you, rest. Everyone else is already on it."


"No Hallie, I'm serious," he rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Please, I just need you to trust me."

She rested a hand on his shoulder, "I do, with my life. I just don't want to be left on the dark is all." He looked tired and stressed, he was still in full hero gear, like he was waiting. "Lay with me."

"I'll fall asleep."

"Well you're no good half dead," she teased and scooted over, "I wasn't asking."

He couldn't help but smirk at her attitude despite everything. She was the only one who could get away with speaking to him like that. He took off his gauntlets and settled beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as she laid her head on his chest.
Tobias walked down the alleyway, stopping under a light. He closed his eyes as his brows furrowed, "Yuna."

The woman slowly stepped out, "Tobias."

He swallowed and looked at her, pain etched in his features, "After all this time...why?"

She bit her lip, "Because, I had no choice. When Sterling found me, he gave me an ultimatum. He was going to kill you."

"Then you let him kill me," he shook his head, "You don't sell my sister out."

Her eyes looked to the snow covered ground, "Tobias I love you, I couldn't let that happen...all of our time together, that was me."

His green eyes watched her, looking for a lie, "You should have come to me."

"I wanted to," she looked up at him.

"I need to know where he is so we can end this," he pulled her to him, "Please Yuna, I have to save my sisters life."

"He has a place, next to the harbor. It's a large white warehouse he bought. I can take you there-"

"No," he sighed and ran a gloved hand along her cheek, "You won't be taking anyone anywhere." He leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips, "I loved you, you know." He kissed her again and cupped her face with his hands, "But you did something unforgivable." Before she could moved his green eyes held a yellow hue, "I'm sorry," with a quick twist, she fell to the snow covered ground.

He stood there for a long while, silent tears running down his face. They had shared quite a few years together. They shared all of each other, even talked about a future together at some point. The hurt and anger he felt in this betrayal was new. His thoughts went back to his sister, fighting for their lives. He leaned back against the stone wall of the building and sank to the ground, what would he do now?
Hawks walked into the hospital, straight to Sunni's room. It was late in the day now. She was growing impatient, pulling out her IVs and monitors. Bakugo was trying his hardest to keep her in one spot.

"Sunni," the pro grinned, "you look terrible."

She spun around, "I'm aware." Her hands rested on her hips, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see him," he pointed to Bakugo, "I have the information he needs."

She blinked, "You're taking his orders on this?"

"Well, yeah, he the better strategist," Hawks rubbed the back of his head. Mitsuki walked in and looked between the three.

"Mom," Katsuki was desperate, "please help me."

The woman nodded and rolled up her sleeves. Bakugo had told her the story and plan. "Hallie Forge," Mitsuki crossed her arms, "get your ass in that bed, now."

Hawks smirked as he and Bakugo made their way out of the room, "She's riled up."

"Yeah," the blond yawned, "so what's up?"

Hawks pulled out a photo, "I found quite a few things out..." his eyes shifted to the other young pros, "come on."
"Kirishima sighed, "So what you're saying is Tobias' girlfriend was really a villain."

"Something like that," Hawks sipped his soda, "I haven't found out where this Sterling guy is yet though. But, I do have a photo," he placed it on the table.

Deku's eyes widened, "Kacchan."

"The guy from before," Bakugo studied the picture, "how did he get out?"

"He probably has someone on the inside," Todoroki looked over the photo. "How do we find him?"

"I've got that covered," Tobias leaned in the doorway. "I know his exact location."

Hawks eyed him, "How?"

The man walked in and sank into a chair, "Yuna told me...she never made it to the precinct."

Bakugo narrowed his eyes, "Then where the hell is she?"

Green met red, "She's dead." He let out a long breath and looked at the wooden conference table, "We need a well thought out plan. When she doesn't return, he'll know we're coming."

Hawks looked at the boys, "Let's call in the Calvary and get a plan. If we don't move fast, he'll disappear."
Sunni glared out the window, watching the people move through the streets, going about her day. She knew they were planning something, it bugged the shit out of her. Mitsuki looked at her sadly, "Sunni, I know this is hard..."

"Why won't they tell me," she looked at the woman, "If it's about me I have every right to know."

"Because you're to fucking stubborn," Bakugo sauntered in, "are you done acting out?" She quietly glared out the window, making him sigh. He looked at his mom and nodded to the door. Once it was closed he looked her over, "If I tell you, will you promise to stay here?"

She looked at him before looking back out of the window, "I promise to stay out of the way."

He sat down on her bed and moved a loose strand of curls over her shoulder, "You want the long version?"
Hawks eyed Tobias in the hallway of the hospital, "You killed her didn't you?"

Tobias swallowed, "...Yes..."

The hero studied the man before him. He slowly seemed to be breaking down, the gravity of everything hitting him. "Why?"

"Because she wasn't going to stop," his tired green eyes closed, "She was in too deep and if she knew where I was, she knew where Sunni was."

Hawks laid a hand on his shoulder, "Are you okay?"

"No...no I'm not," Tobias took a deep breath, "But you don't have to worry, I'm going to turn myself in when this is all over...I'm not a villain...just a man."
"Katsuki Bakugo, I'm going and that is final," Sunni glared.

"No. You're not," he met her glare with his, "You're in absolutely no condition to fight right now, you'd just be in the way."

"Says you. Besides being sore, I feel fine."

He rubbed his temples, trying hard to keep his composure, "Hallie please-"

"No," she fought back, "this is bullshit. Why can't I-"

"Because, I fucking love you too much to put you out like a sitting duck," he finally snapped, "Dammit Hallie don't you get it?"

She blinked and looked away, "I do get it. I just, I want to help."

"You staying here is helping, I promise. We know you're safe here," this was giving him a migraine.

She wrapped her arms around him tightly, "Just please try to understand how useless I feel right now."

He held her tightly, "I know."

"Knowing the ones I love are walking into that scares me."

He rested his chin on her head with a smirk, "I'm the hero, remember?"

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