Toy Story 2

By BuckeyeGirl2002

775 22 0

Woody and Pippa are stolen from their home by toy dealer Al McWhiggin, leaving Buzz Lightyear, Maddie, and th... More

Woody and Pippa Lose Their Hats
It's Buster!
Woody's and Pippa's Arms Rip
Woody's Nightmare
Woody and Pippa find Weezy and Blaze
Woody and Pippa Rescue Wheezy and Blaze
Al Steals Woody and Pippa
Woody and Pippa Going to Al's Apartment
Who Stole Woody and Pippa?
Al Calls Mr. Konishi Part 1
Woody and Pippa try to Escape
Woody and Pippa Meet The Roundup and OC Gangs
Woody's Roundup and OC Story Intros
Rescue Woody and Pippa
Woody and Pippa Hang Out With The Roundup and OC Gangs
Woody and Pippa Lose Their Arms
Buzz's and Maddie's Speech
Woody and Pippa Try to Get Their Arms Back
Woody and Pippa VS Jessie and Soren

Buzz's and Maddie's Mission

99 2 0
By BuckeyeGirl2002

(The film begins in outer space. The title comes up: Toy Story 2. Then green letters appear: GAMMA QUADRANT, SECTOR 4.)

(ZOO-OO-OOM! Two blue comets speed towards Planet Z. The comets are revealed to be Utility Belt Buzz and Utility Belt Maddie, who open their jetpacks and flies through the canyons. Once they reach a cratered area, they lower themselves and closes their jetpacks. They then look around, with the sound of Darth Vader-style breathing.)

Utility Belt Buzz: Buzz Lightyear Mission log. All signs point to this planet as the location of Zurg's fortress, but there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere.

(Laser lights appear on Buzz and Maddie and they look up to see millions of robots that are armed with lasers surrounding them. Buzz and Maddie jump and uses their own lasers on the crystal which blows the robots up and sends them flying into the air screaming. Buzz and Maddie land on the ground and runs over to a wall to catch their breaths when a monitor looks in their direction and beeps. Buzz and Maddie jump and zap it with their lasers, destroying it. Then the ground opens up in a Z shape and Buzz and Maddie jump in and when it shuts, their suits glow. They run along the corridor. In a room, two yellow dots appear on a red screen identifying as Buzz and Maddie. A figure raises his clawed hand and puts it on a lever.)

Emperor Zurg: Come to me, preys.

(He moves the lever back and the lights in the corridor come on making Buzz and Maddie stop in surprise. Then a wall with spikes appears behind them and move towards them. Buzz and Maddie look back and gasps and runs as the wall closes in on them. Buzz and Maddie manage to jump through a closing door just in time and the spikes ram into the door, denting it. Buzz and Maddie stand up and sees a battery which reads "The Source of Zurg's Power". Buzz and Maddie walk slowly to the bridge which has discs that float between them and the battery. Buzz and Maddie jump and land on the discs, each one playing a musical note as they do so. Then, the discs fall suddenly, carrying Buzz and Maddie with them. Thinking fast, Buzz and Maddie press a button on their utility belts which makes a force field bubble around them and then they fly upward.)

Utility Belt Maddie: To infinity and beyond!

(He and she reach the platform and deactivates the bubbles. They then reach to grab the battery but their hands go through it, revealing it to be an illusion. It then disappears and Evil Emperor Zurg rises up behind Buzz and Maddie on a platform.)

Emperor Zurg: So, we meet again, Buzz and Maddie Lightyear, for the last time.

Utility Belt Buzz and Maddie: Not today, Zurg!

(Zurg fires his ion blaster at Buzz and Maddie but they pick up a disc to shield themselves and the blasts bounce off. Buzz and Maddie throw it at Zurg, hitting him in the face. Buzz and Maddie somersault over Zurg but just as they land and turn around to fire their lasers, Zurg spins around so fast and shoots Buzz and Maddie, vaporizing them, leaving their legs to crouch down and fall on the floor.)

Emperor Zurg: (He cackles with triumph.)

(The letters GAME OVER appear on the TV screen, revealing that the whole thing was only a video game which is played by Rex, who's wearing a goldfish ball with sicker darts on his head with Buzz and Maddie, beside him, watching.)

Rex: Oh, no! No! No, no, no, no, no!

Buzz Lightyear: Oooh. You almost had him!

Rex: I'm never gonna defeat Zurg!

Maddie Lightyear: Sure, you will, Rex. In fact, you're a better Buzz and Maddie than we are.

Rex: But look at my little arms! I can't pressed the "Fire" button and jump at the same time!

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