Helping Gwen 10

By AnimeEagleScout

193K 4.9K 2.3K

Ben is driving a while after the final battle in Ultimate Alien and ends up in a portal to another world. Ben... More

Random Portal
Family and Smoothies
Home and Work
Play with Fire
Wrinkle Brain thinking
I thought of it First
Null and Void
don't fuck with Terra [maybe a chapter?]
Grampa Proud
Human Race
Noticable Difference
it's a placeholder title
Malling About
What Grey-Matters
Galvin's Life
Kevin's Reward
Helping Out
Draining Work
Plastic Straws
The Think Tank
The Big Think
start running now. [not canon]
back on the grind.
After Shock
Week Off part 1
Week Off part 2
Week Off Part 3
Week Off Part 4
Week Off Part 5
Week Off Part 6
Week Off Part 7
Week Off Part 8
Week Off Part 9
Week Off Part 10
Week Off Part 11
Week Off Part 12
Week Off Part 13
Week Off Part 14
Back Home
This is it Part 1
This is It Part 2
Incomprehension[what if]
turtle soup
Time slipping
Birthday Part 2
Birthday Part 3
Birthday part 4
Chapter Title
Ultimate Omniverse Pilot
Jade-s Christ-al
My Greatest Enemy
Ultra's End Goal [Not a Chapter]


2.5K 66 28
By AnimeEagleScout

Terra- Rustbucket 2.5

Gwen got off school to see Albedo working. "Greetings." Her 'evil' twin said.

"Hey." Gwen said sitting on the couch.

"I have seen both you and Ben arrive and immediately sit on the couch for the past month." Albedo said "Is it genetic to be working yourselves to exhaustion?"

"I'm catching up to my school work." Gwen said running a hand over her face "Ben has been on my ass about passing since he got here."

"You seem like your educational cycle isn't the correct time." Albedo said "Ben seems to function at peak efficiency at later day cycles."

"Yeah I'd love for my classes to be at night but that's not how school works." Gwen said.

"Your species doesn't do a Phased Educational System?" Albedo asked.

"A what?" Gwen asked.

"Every child on Galvan is regularly checked using brain scanning and their test scores to decide which 4 shift of their schooling would maximize the education. Early Morning, Afternoon, Dusk or Midnight."

"There is no way teachers would bother doing that." Gwen said.

"Lifeworkers jobs are to maximize the children's intelligence." Albedo said.

"Well teachers on...Terra, man that is weird saying, are in it for money only." Gwen said.

"So are Lifeworkers but they wouldn't be teachers if they weren't proven not only competent but willing." Albedo said "I knew a teacher that nearly gave himself a stroke trying to get Blukic and Driba through their Mathematics but he did."

"So explain how education works on Galvan?" Gwen said.

"We have classes ranging from 1-5 In terms of..." She paused for a second "...difficulty. from ages 10-30 are what are considered..." another pause "...Shit That Exists so Society doesn't Collapse."

Gwen had let out a laugh at that.

"From 31-90 are the years to take the 'Required for Adulting' like Quantum Physics or Xenobiology. Stuff you'd need to just...Be an adult on Galvan and preps for your carrier training." Albedo said.

Gwen's eyes widened at 'Quantum Physics' "Uh Quantum Physics?"

"I took it because it looked neet." Albedo rubbed her arm "It wasn't exactly needed for my career but we all take something extra."

"So what about 91-100?" Gwen asked.

"That's about when our legs develop fully and truly so the majority is training to move and coordination to avoid lab accidents." Albedo said "So many sprints."

"Didn't think a species as advanced as you would put walking up so high." Gwen said.

"Well Miss Bipedal not all of us have feet genetically developed to maximize the absurd level of balance and endurance." Albedo said.

"I was in gymnastics for 6 years so if you have any of that in there your welcome." Gwen said.

"I don't feel like risking a handstand." Albedo said "Anyway during that time we are checked for actual career priorities and prepping for our Galvan Academia Tests."

Gwen let out a groan at the word test.

"Exactly." Albedo said "There are a total varies depending on your education. I had to take 12 of them in addition to the standard."

"So how many tests are there?" Gwen asked.

"140 possible categories." Albedo said. "Azmuth took the standard when he was the equivalent of a 5 year old human. He completed 127 of the tests by the time he was 100."

"Good job not getting pissy saying that." Gwen said.

"Yes Ben has given me some...advice dealing with thinking about people with..." Albedo had to breath as she was trying to say something but defaulted to "...different levels of intelligence."

"So Ben gave you his cheat codes to dealing with you." Gwen asked.

"No he gave me a comprehensive book on dealing with people ranging from Galvan to Vreedle." Albedo said holding up Ben's Plumber Manual "This has 3 pages on dealing with quote 'Species that will see you as bacteria if you let them'. The Plumbers..."

"They know their shit?" Gwen joked getting both to laugh.

"Please explain your educational system?" Albedo said.

Gwen explained pre-school, kindergarten and 1st-12th grade. "I'm in 11th grade or Junior year going into my 12th or Senior year." Gwen said.

"Those numbers don't add up." Albedo said "You are 15 years old correct?"

"I skipped 2 years before...this." Gwen said gesturing to the Omnitrix "I've been barely keeping my head above water. I was sure I was gonna fail this year."

"Yes judging how Ben is shouldering full time Plumber Duty and your 'Hero work' as you both call it, you have time to catch up with your education." Albedo said.

"I'm wondering what demon lit a fire under the Doofus's ass to turn him into...that!" Gwen said.

"You." A voice said.

Charmcaster walked out the bedroom in Ben's jacket. Gwen groaned reaching for anything to throw at her. "Why are you here...." Gwen whined.

"Ben's bed is warm." Charmcaster said.

"That is a valid reason." Albedo said.

"Uh what?" Gwen said.

"Ben usually gets called around 10 to midnight." Albedo said "His bed still is warm and I usually get up to use the bathroom just in time to avoid interrupting him changing for work."

"I'm concerned you are getting a little too attached to Ben." Gwen said.

"I have no attraction to him as Miss Caster." Albedo said "Though it could be because I am genetically your sibling."

"Say more my fellow snow peak." Charmcaster said.

"There's a feature in every Matrix that prevents corruption of genetics by inbreeding." Albedo said "What's odd to me is I don't find any of it weird when Ben leans on me or invades personal space."

"What is it you were saying Charmcaster?" Gwen asked trying to change the subject.

"Gwendolyn Tennyson, Ben's actual cousin." She said sitting down "Her and Magister Maxwell "Max" Tennyson were the two people that made him the way he is."

"Shit." Gwen said "What had he told you about his timeline? I've heard but so much sounds like complete bullshit. There is no way I do what you do."

"Thank you for the compliment on my superiority-" Charmcaster said getting a pillow thrown at her "-But seriously, the 36 year old you of that timeline had traveled from the future to when you and Ben were 10 to stop him from becoming a workaholic."

"Shut the fuck up!" Both Gwen's said.

"I'm serious." Charmcaster said.

"He wasn't evil or anything?" Gwen asked.

"Nope." Charmcaster said.

just a workaholic?" Albedo asked "That was reason for her to time travel? That was her excuse?"

"He showed me that memory from his Soul Cage." Charmcaster said.

"His what?" Albedo asked.

Charmcaster pointed to her ribcage "The second brain thing that stops me from mind controlling him."

"Oh. Anyway he says Gwendolyn would make both of us regret it if I failed." Gwen said.

"I believe him." Charmcaster said "At 10 years old she was fighting me. She stole my spellbook and taught herself to the point of keeping up with me."

"Ben said something about low mana." Gwen said.

"Yeah now that I stop and definitely show mana fatigue."

"Would I be like you if I didn't get the Omnitrix?"

"Yes. And judging how you were before he got here I gotta say I got the easy one." Charmcaster chuckled "But...shit you do not need another enemy."

"Wow...another thing my cousin gets off my back." Gwen says "So are you item now?"

"That..." Charmcaster paused "We...might wanna wait to make that official until my home is saved."

Gwen nodded.

"So Albedo, Ben tells me you built his Ultimatrix." Charmcaster said.

"Don't ask. That thing has been rebuild, reprogrammed and recalibrated to the point I'm baffled that I made the original." Albedo said "Ben has show he is absolutely not as afraid of progress as me."

"The fuck you mean afraid?" Gwen asked "Wouldn't you crossbreed humans with aliens just to see if you could?"

"Is that really your opinion of me?" Albedo asked.

"You are a scientist." Gwen said "And a Galvan."

"And because I'm a Galvan..." Albedo bowed her head "I don't see you as bacteria Ok? There's the Ethics Council for a reason. One born because..."

Albedo put a hand to her left arm "Because of things like my Forced Evolution Simulation."

"So please enlighten me on what your talking about?" Charmcaster asked.

"If Ben's unit is anything like my notes then it's meant to simulate 1 million years of the 'Worst of the Worst' scenario for a species." Albedo said "The device then constructs the form as that simulated DNA."

"Ok...I don't see anything wrong with that." Charmcaster said.

"What happens if it isn't just DNA in there?" Gwen said "What if the Ultimatrix gets more then just the physical building blocks of someone."

Charmcaster's eyes widened "Their souls!"

"Their Neural Print or their Base Instincts." Albedo corrected "From what happened when Ben had to Burn one there is a version of himself that experiences the entire evolution simulation."

"So Ben's over a million years old?" Charmcaster asked.

"No. But he has the genetic memories of thousands of generations being born, living, dying and reincarnation into the next generation." Gwen said "Ben himself doesn't experience it but a copy of him does. The simulations aren't that's exclusively HIM as that alien in there."

"Genetic Memory?" Charmcaster asked.

"Ok...why are people afraid of spiders, hights, things that are dangerous?" Gwen asked "Even if they've never seen one."

"Oh we have a word for that it's called Life Instinct. If a Mage nearly dies to something or watches someone die to it the offspring can gain a natural Instinct to avoid that thing." Charmcaster said.

"Well when we change we have something called a DNA Data Dump." Gwen said "We turn into something and instantly have the knowledge how to use it."

"And Ben's can out right rip things like spells and knowledge out of your head if his Soul Cage catches you in his head." Charmcaster said.

"Wow, Ok that's even more fucked up." Gwen said "Who put that in there?"

"Ben." Charmcaster said "He straight up said it was for situations like me trying to body switch with him. It will rip everything of value out of my head just to erase the last fragments."

"So whoever gets erased would actually have to watch themselves lose their mind." Albedo said.

"I mean...if you told me yours did that I'd have left you alone years ago." Charmcaster said to Gwen.

"Hey Charmcaster why do you want the Omnitrix?" Gwen asked "Like you already have enough power to rule the world."

"The fuck makes you think I wanna run your shitty world?" Charmcaster asked "Hex maybe but all I care about is my home. And killing the damn turtle who killed my father."

The Witch told the tale of Addwaitya and her fathers sacrifice to get her to this world.

"A Geochelone Aerio?" Albedo asked.

Gwen took a deep breath and just exhaled from her nose.

"Hey." KITT said startling them.

"KITT your still here?" Gwen said.

"Yeah?" KITT said as his 'head' tilted from the ceiling.

"I thought you never get far from Ben for work?"

"Ben wasn't working today." KITT said.

"So this is Ben's Golem." Charmcaster said poking the mass causing it to wiggle.

She charges a finger with Mana and touching his face.

The Green glow starts overshadowing with pink but a beep and back to green "WOOHOO BABY THAT KICKS LIKE A MULE!"

The room got bigger and everything started improving before KITT yawned and said "And Tired again."

"Don't bother." Gwen said "KITT isn't as smart as your rock monsters."

"I made dinner." KITT said.

"It's outclassed my minions in every way." Charmcaster said facepalming.

"Ben didn't build me with more intelligence then I need." KITT said "If I'm separated from his car I die."

"Oh my god it is a golem." Charmcaster said.

Food was served.

"So do you know where Ben is?" Gwen asked.

"Off planet." KITT said "I know where he is but not where he is."

"So Ben can't call you by holding out a hand or anything?" Gwen asked.

"Nope." KITT said "Kinda limited by Terran tech so closest I can do is anywhere on the planet and I couldn't turn into a plane without finding one."

"You seem overly smart for a minion." Charmcaster said.

"He's dumb compared to the original of his species." Albedo said "A Galvanic Mechamorph can copy any technology and improve it. They can run for basically an eternity on the power in their Nanomachines."

"But if I'm unplugged I just shut off not die instantly." KITT said.

Gwen looked out the window "So...Anyone wanna watch a movie?"

"Yes./I'm not doing anything." The others said.

The wall changed into a giant TV and Gwen went to change into her night clothes.

"Oh this one." Charmcaster said "Alien."

"Such a simple title." Albedo said.

"Huh I actually haven't seen it either." Gwen returned like she was dressed for bed.

"Uh that is a horror movie." KITT said "The only reason it's here is because it's used during Plumber training."

"I'm a grown woman." Charmcaster said "Nothing you turn into is even that scary."

"There are very few species in the universe-


The 3 are clinging to one another in terror.

"It's just a movie. It's just a movie." Gwen said "Right Albedo?"

"That was a complete work of fiction." Albedo was waving her hand to fan her face.

Charmcaster had gone pale at it.

It was at that moment a noise from behind them caused all of them to jump back and blast the area.

"It was a Plumbers Badge." Gwen said chuckling nervously.

Gwen tapped it "Hello?"

"Gwen it's Ben, sorry only way to call is Grampa's old badge." Ben said "I'm on Galvan Prime for some personal business. Be home in 3-4 days."

"Hey Ben." Charmcaster said.

"H hey." Albedo said.

"Oh you 3 are getting along?"


"Great." Ben said "See ya."

When Ben hung up they looked at one another. KITT said "Anyone game for the sequel?"

"I'm not scared." Gwen said.

"Me neither." Charmcaster said "Matter of fact I'm interested in the next one."

"I'm not scared." Albedo said.


On Galvan it was around 1 in the afternoon and the day was a clear day.

Ben, as a Nemuina, was picking a alien animal out of his teeth as both Azmuth and Zeno were leaning back after one of the best cooked barbecue Ben ever had.

"Damn." Ben said.

"8 years and quality still improving..." Azmuth said shaking his head "Well done old friend."

"Thank you but it is my chefs who keep up with the changes at such a quality." Zeno said.

"What's tipping culture on Galvan?" Ben asked.

"Tip good food. dine and dash bad." Azmuth said.

"Isn't that illegal?" Grey asked.

"Dining is an experience to Galvans. There is no excuse for bad food." Zeno said "You walk into a restaurant and find anything wrong it is your obligation to tell someone."

"So *chirp* we splitting meal costs or-" Ben asked pulling out his wallet.

"It's on me." Zeno said as the server, a Galvanic Mechamorph woman, walked over with the machine.

Zeno put a finger on the pad and the bill was paid "Ma'am *chirp* I need to leave a tip for you *coo* and who cooked that. You take *purr* Expo?" Holding up his Blockcard.

"Absolutely." She said as the option to tip Server and Chef with the exact person who made it.

Ben inserted his card and she bowed "Thank you cuties."

"Pleasure." Ben said.


Ben and Grey were both entranced with it all. Ben's scanner going off so much his eyes were a consistent yellow.

"And here we have a perfectly preserved omnivoracious skeleton."

Azmuth realized exactly what was about yo happened the second Ben's eyes changed again.

"Oh *purr* this looks useful." Ben said.


"Are you sure?" Charmcaster asked.

"Yes the closest thing to that is exti-"

A hologram on both matrix results in screams. Then just Albedo screaming.

Gwen bumping the device and suddenly they were standing in front of a bird looking thing.

Albedo shakingly pointed at Gwen who just squawked. Turning to the two.

Back on Galvan

"-And luckily this apex predatory species has been hunted to extinction so Galvan Prime could grow to what it is today." The tour guide said.

Ben was smiling at everything the tour guide explained that made this such a danger to Galvan kind.

"That look isn't something good." Azmuth said.

"Think of the search and rescue uses. The tracking. So many possibilities." Ben said.

An alarm sounded and there was just a Wave of Mechamorphs running away from something.

Ben raised an eyebrow.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Grey asked.

"Malware *chirp*." Ben burst towards the door.

"*sigh* I should follow." Azmuth said.

"Oh I don't know." Zeno said looking at a damaged Mechamorph piece in a case "A few things have changed in the last 8 years. Not a good idea."


"I will not be ignored!" The scream of the artificial being shouted.

"Everyone just stand back let him kick himself out." A Galvan in what appeared to be in a police uniform said.

Ben flew over head looking at the situation. Malware was in a crowded...Ben guessed shopping center...he had looked even more damaged and from a glance Ben could tell it was in pain.

"Repair Genetic Damage." Ben said.

[Damage not genetic.]
[Repairs impossible.]

"Welp plan B." Ben said diving into an alley.

"I demand to be repaired! Fix me or kill me you bastards!" Malware shouted.

Police officer

"Look sir just-"

A Hoverpad came flying at him and his life flashed before his eyes.

Before a hand caught it.

"Sir you..." The Galvan looked at the white uniform and the badge.

"Get back sir. This is officially Plumber business." They said.

"Don't gotta tell me twice." Hitting the accelerator on the Hoverpad a little over the speed limit in the opposite direction of the Mechamorph.


"Fix me!" I shouted as I am looking around.

"Excuse me sir are you Mal-ware?" A tall being in a white uniform said.

"Yes." I said glaring at him.

A circle with a symbol on it was shown. "My name is Officer Tennyson I'm here to get you to a competition mechanic."

"Mech-chan-ich." I say. The word feels weird to me.

"Yes Azmuth's failure to properly repair you has called for us to qualify you as an abuse case." Tennyson said "We have people willing to work on you."

My legs started to shake. The pain in my body that always spiked when I...did anything. "You...can stop my pain?"

"We have people willing to try." Officer Tennyson said stepping forward.

"If you can't..." my body starts trembling. "Can you put me down for good? Can you just end me please."

"Can yes, but sir the Plumbers will actually try to stop the pain without taking your life." Tennyson said holding out his right hand "The only thing we can do is try."

I don't know why but I tackled the armored figure.


"It's ok sir just don't phase into the suit." Ben said "Maybe change into a cube so I can carry you to my ship easier."

The shape had started as a cube but deformed into a pyramid like shape. "This is the form easiest for me. It hurts less."

"Then it's fine. Just let me carry you." Ben said patting the pyramid.

Ben tapped his badge and called for a pickup.

"Thank you officer." The cops showed up.

"Not your jurisdiction anymore." Ben said moving the pyramid behind him as he felt it shake.

"Malware is dangerous sir." The cop said "If Azmuth can't fix him-"

"You touch this Mechamorph you are gonna regret being born." Ben said.

"Ben I'm on route." Luhley said.

Ben sat in the middle of an empty street just holding the Mechamorph.

"I hear machines." Malware said rippling trying to get into Ben's hand "Like a river of Nanomachines. Like me."

"They are not of your kind." Ben said "They only know to follow my biological processes. You can't improve them."

"They sound...soothing." Malware said pressing into Ben's hand.

"Just listen. The one who made them will be able to repair you." Ben said.

"Did...Azmuth make them?" The Mechamorph seem to be tensing.

"No. They were made on Terra." Ben said.

The rippling had calmed.

Ben watched as the ship landed and Luhley walked out.

The pyramid turned into a ball of spikes and Ben had waved Luhley off. "Let me handle this." Ben said.

Luhley backed away and she saw Ben carry the technology eating Mechamorph into ship.

She also saw a Galvan clinging to Ben's back who held up a finger to his mouth.

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