Helping Gwen 10

By AnimeEagleScout

211K 5.1K 2.5K

Ben is driving a while after the final battle in Ultimate Alien and ends up in a portal to another world. Ben... More

Random Portal
Family and Smoothies
Home and Work
Play with Fire
Wrinkle Brain thinking
I thought of it First
Null and Void
don't fuck with Terra [maybe a chapter?]
Grampa Proud
Human Race
Noticable Difference
it's a placeholder title
Malling About
What Grey-Matters
Galvin's Life
Kevin's Reward
Helping Out
Draining Work
Plastic Straws
The Think Tank
The Big Think
back on the grind.
After Shock
Week Off part 1
Week Off part 2
Week Off Part 3
Week Off Part 4
Week Off Part 5
Week Off Part 6
Week Off Part 7
Week Off Part 8
Week Off Part 9
Week Off Part 10
Week Off Part 11
Week Off Part 12
Week Off Part 13
Week Off Part 14
Back Home
This is it Part 1
This is It Part 2
Incomprehension[what if]
turtle soup
Time slipping
Birthday Part 2
Birthday Part 3
Birthday part 4
Chapter Title
Ultimate Omniverse Pilot
Jade-s Christ-al
My Greatest Enemy
Ultra's End Goal [Not a Chapter]

start running now. [not canon]

2.2K 51 16
By AnimeEagleScout

Fixing a chapter

Ultimate alien "So Long and Thanks for the Smoothies."

Ben standing with Octagon holding the Annihilarrgh.

"As your superior officer I order you to close that brick and set it on the ground." Ben shouts.

The Incurseans, Argit and anyone around watch Ben walk over to pick up the device with the Vreedles standing at attention exaxt 10 paces away from the device.

"Holy shit you actually did train those bozos." Argit said as Ben was looking at the device through his scanner.

"Impressive Officer However that is mine." Emperor Milleous said.

Ben looks at it and breaths. "What is you intention with this?"

"A trophy. Nothing more."

Ben looked at him then to Argit "Has the transaction began yet?"

The Enperor gestured to Rad and an absurd amount of Tayden is brought out.

"Thank you good sir." Argit said hugging his money.

Ben hands it to Millious.

"Thank you officer." The Emperor said.

Alternative ending

Emperor Milleous drops it and it starts beeping.

"That was not on us." Octagon said.

Gwen and Albedo are panicking searching through the transformations.

Ben is calmly shifting through transformations.

"Come on Mr Plumber officer do something!"

Ben is silent.

"The Universe is where I keep my stuff!"

Blinking in his vision is "Keys required."

Ben goes Clockwork and sees the Annihilarrgh is not effected. Time Travel doesn't work.

"Grey I need you to get Azmuth to unlock the master control. I'm sitting on a live Annihilarrgh and I need to get the only guy who can defuse this thing." Ben says into his Badge.

"Come on give me something please!" Gwen begs her Omnitrix and suddenly a blue and red light surround her and Albedo.

"Eternity!" Gwen shouts in 3 voices.

Ben was still shuffling till he grinned.

"Time to give this one a test drive. Resequence Chronian DNA."

"Genetic Sample Resequenced. Chronian Transformation avaliable."

"The fuck is a chronian?" Argit asked.

This." Ben said cracking his neck and slamming the Dial as the Annihilarrgh goes off.

Inside Gwen's Head

"What do you mean no?" Gwen shouts looking like her signature cat logo.

"We can't turn it off. He he he." Comedy said laughing.

"It's already too late." Tragedy said "So many lives lost."

Albedo's mind

"What are you imbeciles doing ignoring the destruction of the universe?!" She shouts.

"I really wanna see what happens. " A mask that looked like a pair of glasses said. Inquisitive.

"Is it the right thing to interfere?" The other asked. Ethics.

"Useless." A voice said "All 4 of you."


Eternity and Albedo watched as the explosion was being physically grabbed and pulled back.

The light blocking whatever was doing it.


The explosion shrunk and formed a cube.

As the light faded showed a shirtless figure.

"All 4 of you." The greenish yellow being said holding the cube that appeared to be a universe.

"Ahh it was a dud!" Rhomboid said "Wait that's good news for us!"

"How did you do that?!" 6 voices shout from the two celestialsapeans.

"Simple. I built a box and pushed the universe out of it." The transformation said holding up the cube.

The figure throws the spent Annihilarrgh to Milleous.

"I'm keepin' the boom. Stay fuck away from my planet." Ben grins causing Milleous to scramble back to his ship "Argit you gonna give me a cut of that?"

The rodent nods too scared to talk.

Ben turned to the rips in space and physically sews it back together.

Vs Galactic Gladiator

"Your honor Eternity had said they couldn't stop the Annihilarrgh." Gwen said.

"So you admit you re-created the universe!" Starbeard shouted.

"NO Ben turned into a chronian and stopped it mid explosion." Albedo said.

"I have with me evidence in the form of a cube containing what appears to be an entire universe." Chadmuth says as the cube is presented.

"This could be fake." The female Celestialsapien says.

"I know what this is." Ben said crossing his arms "They are just scared. They are scared of Paradox because-"

"DO NOT SPEAK OF THE TIME WALKER YOU INSECT!" Both Celestialsapien shout.

"Strike a Nerve did I?" Ben asked "You control space like clay but you are baffled someone, a human at that, can outstep you and you want to use us to take his friends."

"Silence." Starbeard said clearly gritting teeth.

Ben cackled "Yo Chadsmuth I invoke Tetramand right of combat since Gwen is a minor and as an older member of her blood family am allowed to stand in for combat."

"Does the defense consent to this?" Chadsmuth asked Gwen and Albedo who give a shout of "Yes/Absolutely!"

Ben transforms and immediately gets behind the Galactic Gladiator reaching his hand into his back.

"I'll take this." Ben says holding what appeared to be a green transparent apple.

The Galactic Gladiator was still. Standing just like Alien X would.

"Well? You gonna hit me? You gonna fight? You were really good at making decisions earlier." Ben said throwing the apple in his hand "Oh that's right you can't."

"Explain!" The judge shouted.

" Time." Ben shouts holding up the apple "And I don't mean it metaphorically or rhetorically or poetically or theoretically or any other fancy way. This is his time...Straight up. This is the day he was born from the day he dies." Ben says "Manifested as a tasty apple like the kind that falls from every tree branch down for the jaws of a time dragon as all mortal creatures are eaten."

"Motion to destroy Ben Tennyson." The Galactic Gladiator voices shouted but nothing happened.

"See. Decision requires time. Time he doesn't have anymore." Ben said biting the apple causing the galactic Gladiator to scream.

"Your honor you can see Mr Tennyson is powerful enough to stop the Annihilarrgh and as such Gwen and Albedo are innocent of the charges."

Ben ate the entire apple and the Galactic Gladiator's body straight up disintegrated into dark energy feeding the universe.

"Gwen and Albedo are found innocent." Starbeard says "But Ben Tennyson is guilty of murder of the G-"

A second Ben appeared behind Starbeard and ripped out another apple.

"Now now we don't need to be hasty." The first Ben said as Second Ben sat in Starbeard's lap holding the apple near his face.

"You." The second Ben boop'ed the celestialsapean nose "are gonna walk through the whole Omniverse and willingly give the Celestialsapien DNA to azmuth and stop chasing Paradox."

"And what purpose would I do this?" Starbeard said frozen "We only need to wait for you to time out."

"Little fact about my rig." First Ben said "I can make clones of my forms. I hit that dial-"

"-and your new Time Walker is born." A third Ben appeared Slapping the celestialsapean woman on the ass.

"So are the star baby's gonna-" second Ben started before more celestialsapeans appeared.

A 5th Ben appeared on the back of a dragon.

"Stop this all of you!" The Mother said, Baby big enough to be walking next to her.

"Ben saved us." Young one said.

"I won't let you hurt him or any universe of his."

"Thanks Star-Milf!" Every Ben shouts causing Hypernova's on her cheeks.

"Stand down [uncomperhendable]." A celestialsapean shouted "He needs to be destroyed. This tree needs to be fallen."

Ben 1 shrugged "Welp you asked for this."

Ben hit the dial and a flash appeared.

"Mothers and Fuckers of the Omniverse." A new one appeared as the rest disappeared "To the ones living in the universe I will protect you. To the Celestialsapeans in the audience..."

Your all my Bitches now." Time Walker said.

This whole thing was made because I saw this image:

And when Paradox said "100,000 years there." It made me think if Ben went Eon and then Ultimized would he basically become Paradox?

This isn't Canon to the story so enjoy this what if.

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