The Seduction •|PJM |• 21+

By Namjoonbae02

31.7K 1.5K 160

"Let my tongue explain to you how much I crave you..." _________ POSTPONED UPDATES! _________ Rose never kn... More

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎 🥀
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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 🥀
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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 🥀
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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 🥀
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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 🥀

1.5K 70 11
By Namjoonbae02

"Mhm, should I be sorry for interrupting?" Mr Park continued, walking in. I clenched the edge of my dress. This was humiliating-

Noah scoffed and I glanced at him. His face dropped and he looked back up at Mr Park before bowing. "My apologises, Sir." He said. My eyes shifted back to Mr Park who was already staring at me. "Would you like to follow me, Ms Lee?" He asked.

I slowly nodded before moving away from Noah's desk. "I need a word with Mr Choi, you may wait outside for me." He continued, my eyes flickered to Noah for a split second before walking towards the open door.

I hadn't realised Mr Park had been walking behind me because when I turned around the office door closed so that I couldn't hear anything. I fiddled with my fingers and kept glancing at the door, waiting for it to be opened again. I didn't want Noah to get in trouble because of my foolishness.

I don't think neither of us expected his boss to walk in on our hot make out session.

Mr Park's face when he saw me on Noah's desk-

My heart was still racing.

The door opened and I flinched slightly. He ignored me, didn't even look at me, and began walking away from Noah's office. I licked my lips and followed quickly behind him. "Um, Mr Park?" I called, but my voice was too quiet for him to hear. Either that, or he was full on ignoring my whole existence.

I let it be and remained silent.

We were lucky enough to not have to wait for the elevator doors to open when we reached it. He stepped aside and I walked in first. The doors closed and I watched him press the highest number. Maybe he was taking me to his office on the first floor.

I chewed on my gums and stared at his back. He stood in the front whilst I pressed my back against the end of the lift. His scent was heavenly, it was all I could smell.

The doors finally opened and he walked out first. I continued to follow behind him.

We approached two glass doors. You could practically see his whole office from outside. It was expensive but beautiful. He had good taste. In fact, the entire interior and exterior of Park enterprise was mind blowing.

"Please, don't punish Noah for what was my fault. I was the one who provoked him and-"

"Sit." He ordered.

I turned to the long black sofa beside me. "Would you like anything to drink Ms Lee?" He asked, as I sat down, "Can you call me Rose?"

"Ms Lee, I hope you have no plans for tonight because you're going to be staying here with me for the rest of my day." He told me. "What?" I stood up and walked towards his desk.

He ignored me and again and sat down on his chair behind his desk. "I can't stay here-"

He looked up at me, "I'm not giving you an option, Rose"

"But I had promised my father I'd help out in the restaurant."

He raised a brow, "You should have thought about that before almost having sex with one my head of departments in my building."

"You can't keep me here." I told him.

"You're right." He replied, "But if you leave I'll fire your boyfriend." His eyes met mine,

"He is not my boyfriend."

He stood up and walked around his desk to where I was, "Good." He said, monotonously. "Now go sit and wait for me to finish my work."

I shook my head, "You won't fire Noah and you will let me go."

His lips stretched into a smile and my cheeks heated up. "Walk out that door and see what happens. I do love it when people challenge me, Rose." He suddenly leaned closer and I flinched slightly, "Now go look pretty on my sofa."

My mouth became dry as I turned around and walked back to the sofa. When I was sat Mr Park was already in his chair again, facing me, except his focus was on the files in front of him.

What was I going to tell my dad? He's going to be devastated that I wasn't there to greet his friends or help set up their dinner night. I felt so guilty.

When I looked up from my lap, my eyes met with his. My lips were still in a frown- I wanted him to pity me enough to let me go, but it wasn't working. He was just as stubborn as I am. Great.

Many long minutes passed and I was still sat here in the same position. "I'm bored." I announced, staring at him, but he didn't look up at me once.

"Mr Park?" When he didn't respond, I sighed and stood up, wandering his office. He didn't have a book shelf like Noah, instead his office was more empty but spacious. "Oh." I said, turning to him.

"Do you have my phone?"

He dropped his pen, "Why would I have your phone?" He questioned back. I gave him a blank stare. "Did I leave it in your car by mistake?"

"You should take more care of your personal belongings."

My brows creased, "You should be more nice to people."

"Have I not been nice to you?" He asks, his expressions changing. "I said more." I repeated, shifting my gaze from his.

"What were you doing in his office?" He said, completely changing the topic. His face had become stern as he looked down at the papers again. I walked closer to where he was sat. "Noah and I used to date." I told him, "but I broke it off months ago."

"Do you have my phone?" I repeat, now standing at his chair.

"Yes, I do." he answered.

"I didn't realise until this morning that my phone wasn't with me." I said, waiting for him to return my phone but he didn't. "It isn't with me right now. You'll have to come with me to my penthouse-"

"Wait, your penthouse?" I interupted him.

He looked up at me, "That is where your phone is, yes."

My eyes roamed his desk. "How long will you be?" I asked.

"Must you question everything." he replied, focusing on what was in front of him again. Nothing made sense to me. They all looked like documents. "Must your answers be so vague." I shot back.

I heard him scoff, the edge of his mouth curving up.

"You have a very pretty office, Mr Park." I announced, moving away from his chair. "But you've probally heard that compliment alot." I added.

"You are actually the first to comment on my office. Usually I'm enough for their eyes." he told me and I gave him a short glance. "Mhm, you are eye candy." I mumbled.

"Can I- Can I touch this?" I asked, pointing at the single book on the golden wooden table infront of me. He nodded without looking up at what I was referring to. I lifted it only to notice how damn heavy it was. The hard cover was velet black and the pages inside had this yellow tint to it. The book was beautiful and the font of the text was perfect for it's aesthetic.

"This is a very beautiful book." I said, caressing the thin, fragile pages.

"It was my mothers book." he said.

"What is it about?" There was no description on the back for me to read. He stood up from his chair and walked over to me. "It is a fairytale."

My face lit up, "A fairytale?"

"Think of it as something similiar to 'Little Red Riding Hood' but better." he continued. His fingers brushed over mine as he took the book from my hands. "You may read it if you like." His brown eyes bore into mine as he waited for my response. Gosh, this man was captivating...

"I would like that."

"You like to read." he stated.

"I do."

"What else do you like?" he questioned.

My lips parted, "I like working with my father in the restaurant."

He took a step closer to me, "Anything else?" his tone dropped and my mouth became dry. I shook my head and he rested his palm on the table, leaning closer towards me, "What about me?" he almost whispers.



"Mr Park I-"


His hands cup my neck and I glanced up into his alluring eyes, "Don't call me Mr Park." I gulp, feeling this overwhelming heat rushing inside of me. My toes were curling in my shoes and I fought every urge to not chew on my inner cheeks, "Please..." was all I whispered, moving my face inches closer to his, "Please what, Rose?" His voice was so gentle-

The real question was: what did I want from him?

I scoffed in disbelief, shaking my head, "I'm sorry- - we..." I stepped away from him making his arms drop. "My work here is done, shall we?" He said, walking past me. "I- yes..." I followed behind him as we left his office.

"Ms Lee." He said as the elevator doors opened. I looked at him before entering.

He walking in and he pressed the button, but just as the doors were closing he suddenly turns. I step back, surprised. "What were you sorry for?" He asks, stepping dangerously closer to me. My chest presses against him and he closes his eyes in frustration. "Fuck this." He breathes before roughly gripping my neck and pressing his mouth against mine.

I sucked in a breath and pushed my self further back against the guide rails. Oh my-

His knee instantly buries between my thighs separating them whilst his other hand ran up and beneath my dress. "Jimin, no-" I breathed, but his tongue only thrusted deeper into my mouth. My back arched and my hands clenched the front of his shirt. Noah has never kissed me in such a way-

His hand used the opportunity to clench the sensitive skin of my inner thigh before cupping it beneath and lifting it against his waist. I gasped and moaned quietly into his mouth-

I could feel how hard he was because it was rubbing against the part of me which I needed the most...

What was he doing to me- to my body...

The elevator arrival bell pulled me into reality and he instantly pulled away when the doors opened. He cleared his throat as I stood there in utter shock of what had just happened.

Without sparing him a glance I walked out, fixing my hair and wiping my mouth. Then his hand suddenly presses on my lower back and I jumped a little, "My car is this way." He said, pulling me away from the buildings exit and entrance.

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