daddy issues▪chase stein (dis...

By CommiseratingMisery

17.9K 238 19

They hadn't been friends for years. Amy died. None of them were the same. But... they were still something. S... More



25 1 0
By CommiseratingMisery

Days later, Marina found herself sitting on the roof of her house in the early morning, feeling more alone, and confused, than ever.

The Ultra files hadn't given much information.

Her fathers name, birthdate, next of kin, and a big red FAILURE.

She couldn't focus in school, she couldn't stand to be near any of PRIDE's kids, even Chase.

He needed her, she could feel it, like she always could, but it hurt, it was dizzying.

Marina had been the one to find her father, bullet in his brain, gun in his hand.

It had all been so straightforward... no one batted an eye.

The sun was beginning to rise, the morning air nipped lightly at the skin her sleep clothes exposed.

Everything spun, and dipped too fast to call the feeling she was experiencing numb.

But it was something like that.

Rustling in the shrubs along the fence, catching her attention.


He vaulted effortlessly over the privacy fence, and spotted her on the roof.

Marina's stomach tumbled, she stared forward, not looking at him, as he climbed the guttering up the side of the house.


Chase said softly, settling down next to her.

She didn't respond, but she acknowledged his presence with a glance.

"How ar-"

"Don't. Don't ask me how I'm doing."

Marina cut him off, hugging her knees tightly.

"I don't even fucking know, I can't- nothing makes sense anymore Chase."

He had the sense to keep his mouth shut, and only nod acceptingly.

She drew a deep breath, holding back the tears forming in her eyes.

"He killed himself. He killed himself Chase, and I had years- years to come to terms with that. I was okay, there was no one to be angry at, there was just-"

She stopped, pressing her face into her palms.

"I found him."

Chase pulled her into his chest, warming her bare arms, letting his t shirt catch her tears.

"I'm sorry Mar."

He told her quietly.

"We'll figure this out."

Marina sniffed, and nodded, pressing her face into his neck.

"The PRIDE gala is tonight, we think that's a good time to get into Wizard Computers. I was wondering... if you'd come with?"

"I don't know Chase."

She sniffled, pulling back away from him.

"Being there, with all of your parents?"

He nodded understandingly.

"I just- I could really use the support right now. My dad doesn't want anyone to know but... he has brain cancer."

Marina looked up at Chase in shock.

A mind as brilliant as Victor Stein, taken by cancer.

"I know he might be- a totally evil murdering psycho, but... he's still my dad."

The look in Chase's eyes gave her the resolve.

She could do this.

"What will I wear?"

She tried not to blush, as he beamed at her.

Marina tried to ignore all of the eyes on her, sitting at the round table at the coffee shop again.

She sat with her knees tucked to her chest, staring at her cappuccino.

"So, what's the plan?"

Gert asked, as Karolina joined the group, latte in hand.

"Yeah, Alex?"

Molly asked, turning all eyes to him.

"Why does everyone assume Alex has a plan? Someone else might have a plan."

Chase cut in, insulted that everyone turned to their resident nerd.

"Great. Let's hear it."

Marina glared at Alex, sick of him constantly insulting everyone else's intelligence.

Chase froze.

"I just meant hypothetically."

Gert sighed.

"Guys, all I meant is are we carpooling or going separately, and how dressed up is everyone gonna get?"

Marina was wondering that herself.

"Oh, uh, suit, no tie."

Marina almost blushed thinking of Chase in a suit.

God damn she needed to pull herself together.

"Oh, so that you have a plan for."

Another poisonous look Alex's way.

"Also, my parents are okay footing the bill for a limo."

Chase added.

Several people echoed the same.

"Yeah, my parents have been really nice these days."

Alex mused.

"Guys, we cannot have the carbon footprint of a fleet of limos."

Gert objected.

Marina couldn't believe that's what she was worried about.

"Nico, I could pick you up if you wanted to go together."

Alex suggested.

Nico nodded, seeming on board.

"Karolina, I practically go right past your house."

Chase offered.

Karolina didn't seem excited for whatever reason, but agreed.

"Some of us are too young to date."

Molly mumbled.

"Dating is so heteronormative. One limo, five stops."

Gert decided.

No one argued.

"Okay. So, we figured out the transportation situation. Everybody cool what happens once we get there?"

"Once that video is out, there's no going back. Our parents will be put away forever."

Marina was perfectly comfortable with that, she just hoped whatever investigation followed turned out the truth about her dad.

"And that's a bad thing?"

Karolina asked, apparently bothered by Chase's tone.

"No, but don't you have questions?"

Molly countered.

"Maybe we should try talking to them, you know, one last time."

Nico suddenly suggested.

Marina found that strange, Nico had pretty much said "they're murderers, fuck em'" from day one, now her tune changed.

"I don't know, I think the time for talking is over.
But everybody's gotta be in."

Alex pushed his glasses up his nose, and held his hand over the table.

One by one they added their hands, Marina even adding her anxiously, only Chase remained.

"Chase, put your hand in."

Molly ordered.

"Sorry, I didn't realize putting my hand in a pile was some kind of legally binding contract."

"It's symbolic."

Chase sighed, Marina felt bad.

"Yeah, well, of course I'm in. Who hates their dad more than me?"

He added his hand.

A few seconds passed before Gert asked-

"So, how long do we have to do this?"

A collection of distasteful grumbles followed, as they all ripped their hands back.

The group broke apart, everyone going their separate ways, Marina caught Karolina before she could leave.

"Hey, um Karolina, so Chase invited me tonight and... well I don't have anything to wear. I was wondering if maybe I could borrow something?"

She chewed her lip, hating to ask.

Thankfully Karolina's face lit up.

"Of course! Hey Nico is coming over later to get ready, why don't we hang out till then? We can dig through my closet, hopefully find something that isn't too long."

Karolina was admittedly a bit taller.

"Yeah, okay, lemme just tell Chase."

Karolina dragged Marina straight to her room as soon as they crossed the threshold of her house, obviously avoiding and interaction with Leslie.

Marina wondered why, out of all these kids parents, Frank Dean- the Hollywood actor- wasn't involved with PRIDE.

If anyone was involved with some huge, possibly Illuminati level scheme, you'd think it would be the actor.

Karolina vented to her about her upbringing, as they dug through her enormous closet, in search of a gala worthy dress.

"It's like not just has everything I knew about my mother flipped upside down, my entire life- my entire belief system- is fucked. Sorry for the language."

Marina almost chuckled at the blondes quick save.

"Karolina this situation is definitely fucked, use all of the expletives you need."

Karolina only responded with-

"Oh my god! This is perfect."

She held up a silky, light blue dress, with a low draped neckline, and a slit down the leg.

Marina gaped.

It was gorgeous.

"Karolina, I can't wear that it's waaay too much, plus I'm sure it's too long."

Karolina smirked.

"Not with heels it's nooot."

Marina followed the other girl dumbly into the rest of the room, her objections being shot down at every turn.

Finally she chewed her lip, and accepted her fate at the hand of Karolina Dean.

She scrolled through various apps on her phone, and Karolina fussed over shoes and jewelry, only offering her opinion is she disliked something, until a soft knock came at Karolina's door.

They both froze for a moment, before Karolina hurried to it, and cracked it open.

The anxiety in the room dissolved, she the blonde opened the door wider to let Nico in.

"Hey, I didn't know you'd be here."

Nico greeted with a smile.

She seemed to be smiling a lot more lately, despite the circumstances.

"Yeah, Chase invited me tonight. Karolina is loaning me a dress."

The three girls dissolved into comfortable chatting, Nico turned on some light music, and they got to work.

Marina imagined this was what having sisters was like, but based on her observation of Gert and Molly, maybe slightly more catty.

Over time Marina started to notice how Karolina was looking at Nico, she smiled to herself, but feared the drama that could come from it.

How many love triangles could a group of high schoolers have?

Marina excused herself to pee before putting on her dress, and when she returned Molly and Gert had joined them.

Karolina seemed put off for some reason.

Marina slipped on her dress, and the strappy white heels Karolina had leant her, taking a few practice strides, before looking in the mirror.


She wasn't sure she'd ever dressed up this much before, she felt like a different person, and maybe she liked it.

Molly and Gert had much less time to get themselves ready, but they managed to be done by the time the limo arrived at the house.

Leslie and Frank were long gone, so Marina felt much more comfortable making her way through the house, and into the shiny black vehicle.

The ride to the gala was relaxed, Karolina popped a bottle of sparkling cider they enjoyed in champagne glasses, and thankfully they only had to make two stops for the boys.

Anxiety gnawed at Marina's chest as they entered the gala, but she put on a brave face, and clung to the group.

They all seemed comfortable, being raised in situations like this, Marina was noting she shone like a light at a party where everyone else was dressed in dark, and muted colors.

"Hey, I think I saw a Kardashian. Definitely recognized the butt."

Molly joked, which only helped a little.

Marina hung back uncomfortably as the children of PRIDE did a quick walk down the red carpet.

Why was she here again?


Right, Chase.

The group reformed to witness PRIDE present an oversized check, a donation to a school they were funding.

"Everybody here thinks our parents are the heroes."

Alex muttered.

"Not after tonight."

"I hope they enjoy it. It'll be the last fun they have for a while."

Gert said, resentment lacing her voice.

"If they go to prison, it'll be hard to talk to them, right?"

Molly asked out of the blue.

Marina took her hand reassuringly, Molly was so young, Marina imagined she'd take this the hardest.

"I'm not too worried."

The sun was setting, the group had mingled non chalantly around the gala for awhile, Marina had done her best not to cling to Chase, and she was beginning to grow a little bit more confident.

"Okay, it's go time."

Alex decided.

Gert pulled Karolina aside to talk about something, as Alex quickly, and quietly reiterated the plan.

"Hey, Chase."

Karolina called as the group broke apart.

"I'm thirsty. Should we go get a drink?"

Large celebrity gala must equal no ID checks.

"Yeah, I'll get in line."

Marina's stomach dropped, panic started to set in as she realized Chase was going to ditch her, in a gala full of people she didn't belong around.

Then shock, as he grabbed her wrist and tugged, signaling her to go with him towards the bar.

The line was long, it was probably a good thing they'd joined it when they did.

"I didn't get the chance to tell you, you look beautiful."

Marina was sure her entire upper body flushed red.

"Thanks. You don't think it's too much? I told Karolina it was too much."

"It's not to much."

He assured her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"It's perfect."

Okay she had to literally be in fire now.

Funny, the water girl, burning up.

"You look great too."

She managed to respond, trying to discreetly take deep breaths to calm herself.

It wouldn't do them any good if the pipes behind the bar burst.

They'd been waiting for Karolina awhile, when Leslie and a man approached them.

He was tall, with dark hair, and Marina caught a bad vibe immediately.

"Chase, did you come with Karolina?"

Leslie asked, Marina swallowed, hating being around any members of pride.

"Waiting for her, actually."

Chase answered, he then seemed to observe an obvious problem.

"But I'm gonna go look somewhere else, 'cause why would she be here, standing in line at a bar?"

Under any other circumstances Marina would have snickered, instead she silently followed him away from Leslie.

"Hey, how about you track down Molly? Make sure she's okay?"

He suggested.

She didn't like that idea at all, it was a big place.

But he was right, Molly was gonna need support tonight.

She nodded, and walked in a different direction, keeping an eye out for a small Latina.

It took awhile, but she found her, hiding behind a decorative wall.


She jumped, eyes wide.

"Ah, dude you scared me!"

Molly swatted Marina's arm, hold her other hand to her chest.

"Jeez calm down, you good?"

Molly nodded after a second, stuffing her phone into her purse.

"Where's Chase?"

She asked quickly, steering Marina away from the wall.

"Oh, uh, he went to find Karolina."

"Well let's go find them."

Marina only chuckled at Molly, letting her guide the way to the area she'd last seen them.

"Maybe they went to the roof?"

The younger girl suggested, pointing out the exit door nearby.

They climbed the stairs, Marina struggling to keep up in Karolina's heels.

Her heart sank when she reached the top.

Molly had the door cracked, revealing Karolina and Chase holding each other closely.

"Gert's gonna be crushed."

Molly whispered.

Marina closed the door decidedly, masking her own heartbreak at the scene.

"They're gonna make their speech soon, and we can't all be missing it'll look weird. Let's go."

The two girls hurried back down the stairs, and joined the crowd that was forming around the stage.

Marina felt a presence uncomfortably close to her as PRIDE took the stage, and looked back to find Chase and Karolina had joined them.

She bit her tongue and stuffed her feelings down, not wanting Chase to see.

"Thank you all for being here. Robert and I are honored to be sharing the stage with our fellow members of PRIDE."

Tina began.

"Without their tireless dedication, we wouldn't be here celebrating breaking ground on a new state-of-the-art community school. A place that will one day train the next generation of Wizard executives."

Marina blended in, numbly joining the applause that followed.

"But of all the people here, I would most like to thank my husband Robert for his commitment to PRIDE, to Wizard Computers, and, most importantly, to our family."

Chase's father made a noise, possibly clearing his throat to gain the Minoru's attention.

"And I think Victor Stein would like to say something. One of the world's most brilliant minds founder of Nemo, a true visionary-"

Victor cut her off, taking the mic from her hand.

"Save your breath, Tina. Everyone knows I'm a genius. Although here's a question my superior intellect is of no help in solving."

Victor didn't seem right, he was a dick, but not in public.

Marina took a step back, finding Chase's hand, and holding it supportively.

She couldn't help it.

Of course she couldn't fucking help it, even after everything.

"What should I do about the fact that my wife is sleeping with another man?"

Shocked murmurs filled the crowd, Chase was shocked, PRIDE was shocked, but still, something wasn't right with Victor.

"That's right, Janet. I know everything.
Any of you know how easy it is to hack a cell phone? You'd think that the man she's banging would. After all, he helped create the phone. Isn't that right, Robert?"



Victor finished, dropping the mic.

Marina's chest seized as he gripped his head, groaning painfully.

Chase rushed forward, so did Marina, as Victor collapsed to the floor.

"Dad. We need help! Dad!"

Pride seemed frozen, Tina hurried out.

Victor regained some consciousness, cradling Chase's face in a caring manner Marina had never seen.

Chase lifted his father, one arm slung over his shoulder, Marina- although much smaller- quickly took the other.

Leslie lead them to a private room.

Marina released Victor and let Chase heave him onto a lounge bench, carefully adjusting him.

"We need to get him to a hospital."

Marina said urgently, she felt his forehead, he was burning up.

"I'm o- I'm okay."

He insisted.

"No, you're not okay. You've got a brain tumor."


Janet asked sharply, connecting the dots in her mind.

"The headaches... And you knew?"

She accused Chase.

Chase looked up apologetically.

"He told me not to tell. We've been working together on a project."

"Don't blame Chase. I'm his dad."

Victor rasped.

Janet knelt beside him.

"Victor, if I had known- If you let me in-"

"Get away from me."

Victor grunted, betrayal in his voice.

"But you're sick. You need help... All this time-"


Chase interrupted firmly.

"He wants you to leave."

Janet's eyes welled up, but she stood, and shuffled out the door.

"I'll stay with you and your dad."

Stacey told Chase.

"I'll call 911, go wait for the paramedics."

"I have a better idea."

Leslie contradicted Dale.

The adults in the room shared a look, and Leslie left, promising to be right back with help.

She returned a few minutes later, with Geoffrey Wilder, and the mystery man from earlier in tow.

"Who's this guy?"

Chase asked, still gripping his dad's hand.

"Not to worry. I taught the good doctors here everything they know."

He promised Chase.

Marina's stomach churned, she didn't like this.

"I wouldn't say everything, but he's a very smart man."

Dale assured Chase.

"We trusted you."

Leslie suddenly accused Victor.

Marina narrowed her eyes.

This really was one fucked up group of people.

"That's hell of a bedside manner, Leslie."

Go Dale.

"Well, I'm sorry, but we need Victor."

"Need him for what?"

She wasn't sure what she was expecting when she asked, a big confession?

But she still felt deflated when the mystery man immediately deflected the question.

"She's right. We need Victor. We all do, and we shall have him."

He motioned for Chase and Marina to leave.

"No, I'm not leaving my dad."


"Oh, he's got a cure for brain cancer?"

Marina remained silent, clenching her jaw.

"We get that this is upsetting, but let's leave him to do his thing."

Geoffrey suggested.

Chase scoffed, but still exited the room, Marina followed.

"We need to find the others, something has to have gone right tonight."

Marina grabbed his bicep, slowing his march towards the elevator.

"Hey, Chase. Take a second. It's okay to not be okay for a minute."

He sighed, and hugged her.

She tried not to think about him holding Karolina earlier, she really tried.

"I think I just wanna get my mind off it for now."

He decided.

Marina nodded, releasing him from the hug.

She had to hold her skirt to keep up with him from then on.

They spotted Nico and Alex on a secluded area, and hurried over to them.

"How'd it go?"

Chase asked.

"Mission successful."

Alex confirmed.

Great, one good thing against about a million bad.

"How was the party?"

Nico asked.

"Great. Fine. Saved Karolina's life. Well, tried to, but, hey, luckily she can fly."


Marina gaped, then everyone was silent for a moment, absorbing that information.

Nico blew air out of her cheeks.

"Big night."

"That's an understatement."

Marina groaned, holding her head.

"You hear about our parents? They're having an affair."

Nico stared at Chase.

"What? My mom and your dad?"

"No, my mom and-"

"Oh, my God, and my mom?"

Marina almost laughed in sheer hysteria.

"No, my mom, your dad."

"My dad."

She seemed to finally absorb it, sadness clouding her eyes.

"I have to find my mom."

Chase groaned.

"You need a ride home?"

He asked.

Marina's eyes widened.

"Um- Chase that sounds really... charged? I don't think it's my place-"

"Say no more."

Chase held up his hand.

"I think I'll just call my mom. The Valentine's are here tonight, so she should be free."

Chase nodded and stalked away.

"I'm sorry Nico."

She touched Nico's shoulder supportively, then left to phone her mom.

Her mother arrived awhile later, her mini van puttering to a stop in front of Wizard Computers.

"How was it?"

She asked cheerfully, as Marina collapsed into the passenger seat, tiredly heaving the door closed behind her.

Marina updated her mom on every detail she could.

Victors collapse, Janet and Robert's affair, the food, the music, by the time she finished with the juicy parts her mom was gaping.

"Mija... that is one wild night."

Marina could only nod in agreement.

"Are your friends okay? Chase and... Robert is Nico's father right?"

"They're managing I guess, I mean it's still pretty fresh, but Chase knew about his fathers cancer beforehand so... I don't know."

Her mother nodded along, bringing the van to a stop in the driveway of their small house.

"Well, you're a good girl Mari, I know you'll be there for your friends."

Marina smiled at her mother tiredly.

It made her chest ache to keep secrets from her, especially when they could involve her dad, but telling her would only put her in danger.

If she wasn't already.

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