Upon the Moonlight (Remus Lup...

De Sabrina909835

25 1 1

Remus Lupin Fanfic. Adeline and Remus share a multitude of things within their personalities. Will that drive... Mais



16 1 1
De Sabrina909835


This story does not follow the books or movies to a T. Picture Remus as young and vibrant, not the Remus we know from the movies. Pick whichever celebrity you want to play him, but just be mindful that this is not molded after the books and movies, there will be some consistencies with the movies, such as some of the students. Enjoy everyone!!

The nerves were running wild within my stomach, the contents threatening to spew out of my mouth at any second as I stood before the train tracks in which the Hogwarts Express was to come down. I involuntarily was pacing back and forth, trying to calm myself, when I heard a males voice come from behind me.

"Are you alright? You seem a little on edge." I heard him say as I turned around to look at his face.

He had the most beautiful hazel eyes as his soft features looked upon me with concern. I quickly took in the small scars that littered his face, along with the light freckles that peppered across his nose. His shaggy brown hair was blowing with the slight breeze that came through the station and his lips curled into a small smile. He looked to be around twenty three, only a year my senior.

"I am just nervous is all, it is my first teaching job, and I do not know what to expect." I replied to him as I stopped my pacing and continued to look upon his gorgeous features. Taking into account quickly of his lean body frame, the muscles within his forearms flexing as he stood with his arms crossed before me.

"Well, it is my first time teaching as well. What is it that you will be teaching, Miss..." He trailed off as if signaling me to give him my name.

"Adeline. Adeline Markus." I said to him as I stuck my hand out for him to shake, to which he did willingly.

"Remus Lupin. You never answered my question, Professor Markus." He said to me as he pulled his hand back and recrossed his arms.

"Oh I am sorry, I will be teaching History of Magic this year. I just graduated with my degree last spring. What will you be teaching, Professor Lupin?" I asked him with a small smile, enunciating the professor.

"Defense against the dark arts. I have always been one to want everyone aware of how to protect themselves from the things that go bump in the night. Things I wish I had known at a young age myself, but was never taught."

"I can truly understand that. There are things I also wish I had known, but there is no sense in lingering in the past."

"I suppose you would be right. Well, looks as though our ride is here."

I turned back around to see the train come to a complete stop on the tracks, awaiting its passengers to begin climbing aboard for the journey to Hogwarts. I took a deep breath before gathering my bags and heading to the nearest entrance. I picked a compartment towards the back, the furthest I could get away from the students so I didn't seem like the weird teacher that wanted to be a part of them. I sighed deeply as I pulled a book from my bag, crossed my legs in the seat and began to read. It seemed to be the only thing that would calm my nerves at this particular moment, so I got fully enthralled in my book, not hearing my compartment door slide open.

"Mind if I sit with you?" I heard the familiar voice of Professor Lupin say as he looked at me from the compartment doorway.

"I do not mind a bit. Some company might be nice." I responded with a small chuckle as I marked the page in my book and sat it down on the seat next to me.

"Frankenstein, huh?"

"Yes. It helps to keep my mind off of things, and prevents my stomach from turning in knots. I always read it when I am nervous about something."

"I am a reader myself. Have you tried other genres of books?"

"Well, yes. I am all over the board with the types of books I read, but I have unfortunately read all of the ones I own, so I just go back and read old favorites now."

"Well, I may have a few you haven't read yet. Maybe once we get back to the school and settled in, you can stop by my office and pick out a few to borrow."

Remus smiled at me, his face turning a slight pink color at the suggestion, causing my own lips to curl into a smile. I felt my cheeks heat up as I smiled back at him, quickly darting my gaze to look out the window. The rolling hills and forests before me were of true and utter beauty, causing my mouth to hang agape. And thats when I saw it. The large castle looming in the distance, barely breaking through the fog of the lake that laid below it. The nerves began to make an appearance once again, my leg bouncing without my knowledge as the castle came closer into view.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Remus asked as his eyes locked on mine when I turned my head at the sound of his voice.

"Very much so. Ilvermorny failed tremendously in comparison." I answered him as my gaze drifted back to the window, watching the castle come closer into view.

Remus and I fell silent as we both were gazing out the window, taking in the true beauty of Hogwarts and the grounds surrounding it, the train coming to a slow stop signaling all of us aboard it was time to get off. I gathered my bags, beginning to walk to the exit when a group of students in probably their third or fourth year approached me.

"You look entirely too old to be a student, but entirely too young to be a teacher. What are you doing at Hogwarts?" The short haired blonde boy asked me, an attitude present in his face.

"Excuse me, kiddo, but I am the new Professor for History of Magic, and I do not appreciate the attitude that you are giving me. Now, if you wouldn't mind please step out of my way so I may get to the carriage." I responded to him, keeping a calm demeanor about me.

"I think you are lying and are some kind of spy sent here by the ministry."

I opened my mouth to say something when I heard another female voice from beside me.

"Thats enough, Malfoy. She is the new Professor, and you will learn to respect her like you do the rest of us. It is your first day back to school, do not make me already have to take points from Slytherin." The woman said as she stood close to my left side.

"Sorry Professor McGonagall, wont happen again."

I turned to her, smiling as the attitude filled boy walked away, receiving a small smile in return.

"I am sorry about that, dear. Let me show you to the carriages." Professor McGonagall said to me as she placed a hand gently on my upper back and guided me in the direction we were to go.

The carriage ride to the castle was very quiet, my mind reeling with thoughts of failure and not being well liked. I tried to hold back the tears as my eyes burned, but a few tear drops slipped out and ran down my cheeks in a hurry.

"Professor Markus, are you alright?" McGonagall asked me softly as she slightly leaned forward.

"Oh yes, I am perfectly fine Professor McGonagall. I am just nervous none of the kids will like me and I will be a complete failure. And please, call me Adeline." I responded to her as I brushed the tears from my face and shot her a warm smile.

"Then call me Minerva. You will not be a failure, Adeline. Everyone is nervous their first day of teaching. I remember mine plain as day! I was introduced by Dumbledore and projectile vomited onto the podium I was so scared! And look at me now, fully in love with my job and head of a house. You will do great things, Adeline. I can feel it."

As the carriage stopped, I gently opened the door and gazed upon the beauty of the castle before me. It almost took my breath completely from my chest as I began walking towards the large wooden doors.

"You get used to it after a while." Minerva said to me as she opened the doors for the two of us.

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