Rebirth of Poisoned Empress...

By alyun100719445

256K 7.9K 604

Shen Liang was beautiful and cold like jade, but he was also extremely cruel to his enemy. Pei Yuanxian who k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Untitled Part 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128

Chapter 65

1.9K 71 12
By alyun100719445

The moment Shen Liang arrived home, he heard about the Lotus Fragrance Courtyard sending servants for his presence. Shen Liang deliberated over it and didn't bother with it. He also didn't deliberately head over to engage in a verbal confrontation with the group of women there at the Lotus fragrance Courtyard. What was strange was the the Lotus Fragrance Courtyard didn't send anyone over anymore. The Marquis Donglin Manor fell into a rare and peaceful environment. Shen Liang continued to forego paying respects to the old madame in the morning. In fact, he seemed to have placed himself into a forgotten corner in the Marquis DOnglin Manor.

But there was one matter Shen liang thought was strange. Pei Yuanxian had not come to bother him for three days now. When he asked Yaoguang, the boy said he didn't know either. From Shen Liang's understanding of Pei Yuanxian, this was abnormal. With his unscrupulous character, since he had already derived Shen Liang's acquiescence, shouldn't he be constantly materializing before Shen Liang to enforce his sense of presence and existence?

"Liangliang, the second family has passed news that the Tianmen Academy will resume classes tomorrow. They inquired whether you will head there with seventh Young Lady and the others."

Shen Liang was still holding a medical scripture and wondering if Pei Yuanxian had been preoccupied with something when Fu Ying called out to him. Shen Liang recovered from his trance and placed the medical scriptures down for the teacup: "There's no need. I recognize the way."

Demons are lurking where abnormality presents itself. Not only Liu Shuhan, but the second and third family had also been abnormally quiet these past few days. Too quiet. They must be planning some sort of conspiracy or tricks again. Counting the time, shouldn't their plans be executed right about this time?

"That's fine too. With your identity and status, it will suffice to just head over to the dean and ask for an identification token. There's no need to get further involved with them," Fu Ying had also came from Tianmen Academy and was familiar with the process.

"En, has Xuan Ge still not came home?" nodding his head, Shen Liang raise his head and looked around. Qi Yue was in the yard concocting herbs. Yaoguang had disappeared. And Qi Xuan was nowhere to be seen.

"Should be soon.... no, as we're speaking."

"Liangliang!" Fu Ying hadn't even finished his words when Qi Xuan bobbled into the courtyard. The master-servant pair couldn't help either of their smiles. Since Qi Xuan started learning martial arts, he had only become even more livelier and energetic. Their courtyard simply couldn't contain him anymore. Regardless of whether there were errands to make or not, he could be found running out from time to time. Shen Liang was also happy to leave the matter of contacting the Nether Guards to him.

"You guys talk. I should go prepare lunch," aware that Qi Xuan must have news to report to Shen Liang, Fu Ying left consciously. Shen Liang didn't refuse. It wasn't that he didn't trust Fu Ying, but the Nether Guards were too vital a matter. The more people who knew about them, the more dangerous it was. Except for Qi Yue and Qi Xuan, Shen Liang hadn't told anyone else about their existence.

"Liangliang, Zhen Ge had me tell you that the person you're trying to find has been found. Also, Zhen Ge wants to meet with you sometime and inquired when would be a convenient time," when only the two of them remained in the courtyard, Qi Xuan drew close to Shen Liang and whispered into Shen Liang's ears. He was no a fool either and knew that the Nether Guards weren't a force that they should easily advertise.

"See me? Did he say with regards to what?" Shen Liang's brows furrowed in an indecipherable degree. What could Lei Zhen need to see him for possibly at this time?

Qi Xuan shook his head: "No. Zhen Ge only said he wants to see you and nothing else."

"Very well, then I'll find an opportunity to pay Uncle Wang a visit tomorrow. We can take advantage of the time to see that person they've found along the way." It just so happened that Tianmen Academy was opening tomorrow. It shouldn't prove difficult to find a chance to lose Yaoguang. Although he had agreed to marry Pei Yuanxian, that didn't prove to be a reason to tell the man everything. Besides, Shen Liang trusted that Pei Yuanxian kept more secrets from him than he did Pei Yuanxian.

"Liangliang, why would you have Zhen Ge find a monk out of nowhere?"

"I naturally will have a use for him. Speaking of which, how's your martial arts recently?"

"...I'll go practice my fists now."

"...." Watching him running away in a hurry, Shen Liang couldn't help but feel his forehead go dark. He was only asking. It wasn't like Shen Liang was going to test him. Why did he have to run so fast?

When night fell, a gentle breeze had started. After dinner, Shen Liang took out his outer garments and tied up his waist length hair. He stepped into the bathtub behind the screen in his bedroom and soaked himself in what smelled like herbal bath. In the twenty so days he had returned to the Imperial City, so much have occurred and happened. He would be lying if he said he wasn't tired. Shen Liang never was a person who liked to scheme and conspire to begin with. But whenever he thought of how the current him had a different fate than the him in his previous life, and how the fates of those implicated by him could also change, Shen Liang no longer felt weary. He didn't dare to feel weary. 

"If... I was born in an ordinary family, how wonderful would that be..." Shen Liang raised his hand to lather the warm herbal water over him as he unconsciously blurted out his extravagant wish.

"If you were born in an ordinary family, it would be much easier for this lord to marry you."


Pei Yuanxian's voice suddenly sounded in the room. Shen Liang, who was naked in the bathtub turned around with startle. Borrowing the murky image through the screen, he was able to barely make out Pei Yuanxian's image sitting on his bed with his foot poised in the air. He seemed to be carrying something in his arms. 

After the initial shock, Shen Liang regained his composure and sat back down: "It's a shame for my lord to not take up an occupation as a flower thief." *Rapist/pervert or playboy basically.*

Coming and going without a trace. Didn't he present the perfect conditions as a flower picker candidate?

"It's harmful to the body to pick too many flowers. This lord just so happened to like peony kings like you. I wonder if Liangliang would allow me to pick you?"

Footsteps sounded and Shen Liang could vaguely see him drawing near and towards him through the screen. He would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, but he was accustomed to responding with a calm facade. Besides, everyone was a man anyways. Even when Pei Yuanxian came to the screen and his slender fingers slid across the edge of the tub and all the way to his back, Shen Liang never gave any response.

"Has the lord come here to help me rub my back?" he wouldn't lose two pounds of fat just from being stared at anyways. With such mentality, Shen Liang's calm was like an unmovable mountain. In fact, he even relaxed. Pei Yuanxian couldn't do anything to him anyways. At least, he couldn't know. What was there to worry about?

"If you require it," his fingers slid against Shen Liang's bare back and onto his shoulder little by little. Pei Yuanxian leaned down and against Shen Liang's ears. His warm breath intimately caressed against Shen liang's sensitive neck.

Shen Liang resisted the urge to shrink his neck and stated as calmly as possible: "If the lord is willing to condescend, then even if I don't need it, I would still have to need it, am I right?"

He wants to play? Then Shen Liang wants to see exactly who will be able to hold on until the end.

"It is this lord's honor to serve the Wangfei."

What a pity. Almost!

As his words fell, Pei Yuanxian really did pick up the soft cloth restng on the edge of the tub. He dipped it into the water and then rubbed it against Shen Liang's shoulders and back.


Did the mighty duke grow addicted to playing?!

Shen Liang could afford to bid higher. His leaned forward slightly and narrowed his eyes as he ordered, "Do down. I can wipe my own shoulders. You don't have to worry about that."


Gazing at Shen Liang's slender and graceful back, Pei Yuanxian felt the bridge of his nose grow hot and the roots of his ears redden. Fortunately, Shen Liang didn't see. Otherwise, it would've served as a hard-to-come-by oppotunity for him to give Pei Yuanxian a good teasing. 

"En?" Shen Liang sensed a warmth different from the water's drawing close. His hairs immediately stood up on one end for a moment. It couldn't have gotten too over his head, could it?

"En...." the next second, a kiss landed on the back of his neck. Shen Liang felt as though an electric shock had coursed through him.

Pei Yuanxian leaned over and whispered in his ear: "You little b*stard. Aren't you just taking advantage of knowing that this lord won't touch you? Just wait for me. Once you marry this lord, I'll ensure that you'd be unable to get up for three days."

Pei Yuanxian had to admit that Shen Liang was a massive temptation for him. If he continued playing, then Pei Yuanxian was afraid something really might happen. One that would relate to "human life." *Play on words. Usually this phrase is used to denote a dangerous situation in which lives are lost, but the context it's used here is a situation in which a life can be made. *

"That's on the pretext there will actually be such a day!" his mouth was unforgiving, but Shen Liang was aware that his face was already flustered Ever since that kiss, his cheeks had felt hot.

"There will definitely be such a day. In fact, it won't be long before then either," throwing down the firm response, Pei Yuanxian looked at his slender back and swallowed hard before turning and walking out.

Sensing Pei Yuanxian's departure, only then did Shen Liang turn around. He caressed his warm cheeks and used a handkerchief to wipe his face. D*mn evildoer. He dared to kiss him without warning!

"What is that?" It was a quarter of an hour later when Shen Liang stepped out from the bathtub. He wrapped a robe around him before stepping out from the behind the screen. He saw the hot tea that had been considerately placed before him. Shen Liang then looked thoughtfully at the wide-open window before his gaze finally rested on the package rested on his bed. It wasn't far from him but simply wrapped too tightly. Shen Liang couldn't see what was in it.

"Something fun," Pei Yuanxian followed his gaze. His eye muscles slightly twitched as he answered against his conscience.


Crash! Crash!

The next second, the sound of several heavy objects falling to the ground came from outside the window. Shen Liang's eyebrows immediately raised, "Fun?"

If it was fun, how could it make the originally invisible Tianquan and others fall to the ground one by one? Did Pei Yuanxian take him to be mentally handicapped?

"Cough! Cough..." Pei Yuanxian coughed twice quite fiercely. With a flattering expression, he then pulled the stool towards him: "Liangliang, help me out with a matter?"

"No," Shen Liang was able to see with one glance that Pei Yuanxian had nothing but a belly full of bad water. He directly refused Pei Yuanxian without even having to think about it. 

Pei Yuanxian expressed his full potential of shamelessness as he gripped onto Shen Liang's thighs and tugged charmingly. He lobbied: "Don't Liangliang. What relationship do we have? As long as you help me, I'll help you with one thing unconditionally as well. How about that?"

 "Anything?" Shen Liang raised his eyes to look at him and arched an eyebrow. It just so happens that there was indeed he needed Pei Yuanxian to do with him. But... his gaze swept past Pei Yuanxian and landed on the package resting on his bed. By does he have a bad feeling?

"Yes. Even if you want to kick that person in the Imperial Palace a few times, this lord will help you." The person in the palace. He inevitably was alluding to the old emperor. Pei Yuanxian truly knew how to go all out.

"Why is it that the more you're like this, the more I feel like you're digging a pit for me? Why don't we first say what we need the other party's help with?" What kind of person was Pei Yuanxian. How was it possible that he would settle for a losing deal? He even dared to kick the old emperor. Shen Liang couldn't help but re-evaluate whether the deal would truly be worth it.

"What pit? No matter who this lord digs a pit for, it can't be for you, right?" Not only was Pei Yuanxian massaging his leg now, but he was also even massaging his back. How captivating and tempting his smile was. Anyone would be dazzled.

It was a pity that the person standing before him was Shen Liang. 


Shen Liang slapped Pei Yuanxian's hands away and folded his arms around his chest. "Are you going to talk or not? Otherwise, there's no need for any discussion."


Wangfei being too shrewd and smart may not necessarily be a good thing.

Pei Yuanxian pretended to be helpless as he sighed: "In actuality, it's not that big of a deal. It's just...

"Waaa! Waa!" 

Before he could even finish his words, a loud and crisp crying sound pierced through the air. Shen Liang looked up reflexively, only to see the wrapped up quilt wriggling. The crying undeniably came from inside. Shen Liang realized there was only one possibility. The corners of Shen Liang's lips twitched. It can't be? What the hell was Pei Yuanxian messing with this time?

"Aiyo, my little ancestor, can you please stop crying?" 

Well then. There was no need for any explanations now. Just one glance was sufficient to make everything clear.

Pei Yuanxian, who had been tortured and deprived of his normal temper, could only head over to pick up the little ancestor with grievance and a melancholy expression. He then looked at Shen Liang with a mournful expression with eyes filled with grievance. The only thing he lacked was tears in his eyes. 

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