Remember Me (Sequel To Tragic...

By shadysnightmare19946

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Sequel to Tragic Endings... Aisha and Marshall were living happily together. At first. They have been marrie... More

1. It's Your Funeral
2. Happy Anniversary Baby
3. Overprotected
5. In His Shadow
6. That Thing
7. Naive
8. Possessive Nature
9. Entourage
10. Round Two
11. Preface Part 3: It Was All My Fault
12. Respect
13. No Harm
14. Asshole
15. Don't Talk To Strangers
16. Taken
17. Shit Is Serious
18. The Voice-mail & The Punishment
19. Sins Of A Mother
20. Preface Part 4: Guilty Conscience
21. You Had One Job
22. Say Goodbye Hollywood
23. The Night Of Part 1
24. The Night Of Part 2
25. Who's Eminem?
26. Too Intense
27. Angst
28. Who Can I Trust
29. I'm Sorry
30. Cutting Ties
31. Double The Security
32. I'm Not Going Nowhere
33. Don't Get On That Plane!!
34. Please Stop Him!!
35. Hot-headed
36. Necessary Evil
37. Renegade (The Last Chapter)

4. Preface Part 2: You're Safe With Me Always

314 14 10
By shadysnightmare19946

Aisha's P.O.V.


"Daddy, I need to talk to you about something!!" I say storming into my father's office.

He has just came back from his business meeting and headed straight to his study.

And the whole time I was waiting for him to come home, I was contemplating if I should even confront him before I leave, but I had decided that I should indeed confront him because the more I think about it, the more angry I feel.

I still can't remember some things... A lot of things actually... But then, certain events are very clear to me now.

Especially after getting on the internet and doing a whole lot of research.

My father has been lying to me all along, and somehow now I keep getting this nagging feeling that this wasn't even the first time he would lie to me about something important.

"What is it, Princess?" My father asks me, looking at me from the table he's being sat at as he lights up one of his usual cigars. I bet he really missed smoking those while being locked up.

"Well daddy, I don't know if your security has told you yet..." I begin, but he immediately cuts me off.

"Aisha, I have already heard and let me tell you something, Princess. All of them fools that let Slim Shady and his gang of thugs break in here, are getting fucking fired. I know that motherfucker had tried to come in here and scare you, Pumpkin. But don't you worry, you are safe," my father says and he gets out from behind the table and walks over to me.

Just as he's about to gather me into his arms and hug me, I take a step back from him.

"Safe from who, daddy? My own husband?" I quietly ask.

I watch my father frown then and he's got that stern stone expression on his face now.

"What did you just say, Princess?" He asks me.

"That's right, dad, I remembered," I reply back, not flinching away from him. "I am actually married to Marshall and we are in love. And you made me forget that. You took advantage of what's happened to me to brainwash me."

"No Princess, you've got it all wrong. That piece of white trailer park trash is the one that's trying to brainwash you," my father says calmly and he regards me with pity in his eyes.

"Oh my God, daddy, just stop!!" I exclaim. "I can't believe you would do something like this to me, this is too low!! Even for you!! And you've made me forget that I have a daughter too, how could you be so cruel!!" Tears appear in my eyes as memories now flood me of mine and Marshall's baby girl Sienna.

Still mostly fuzzy, but I can see myself holding her in my arms, she looking up at me and giggling softly as she babbles while she was still a baby.

She is about 5 now, I think. Maybe older. God, I can't even remember exactly how old my own child is!!

And even if that's not exactly my fault, I still can't help but feel so incredibly guilty about this, like... how does one forget their own kid?!

"Aisha," my father starts saying again, but I just roll my eyes and storm out.

I run into my room and begin grabbing random things stuffing them in my bag.

My father then follows me.

"Please don't do this, Princess," he says gruffly. "I know you don't understand this now, but what I did I've done for your own good. That cracker was never no good for you. And he had confirmed it that to me the minute he had allowed what has happened to you."

I frown at him and just continue to pack as he keeps right on talking.

"Have you remembered it ALL then, Princess?" He asks me coldly. "Have you remembered how you had even ended-up with memory loss in the first place? That's because that cracker didn't keep you safe and he had allowed what's happened to you to happen to you. And that's why I took you away from him this time. Because my daughter does not need to be with no man that would allow her to get violated, that can't even keep his own family safe."

I just shake my head, then push past my father running out of the room.

I have no idea what he's talking about to be honest, because my memory is still fuzzy and I am still more than a little confused.

I am sure about just this one thing however and that's that I need to take my behind home to my husband. Because just as Marshall has said, once I had remembered, I don't want to stay away from him anymore...

So I slide the wedding ring that he gave me back on my finger and touch the necklace around my neck, feeling the reassuring weight of it against my skin, as I get into my car and drive off.


Marshall's P.O.V.

At this point, I don't even know what the fuck to do to be honest.

Maybe I should've just snatched Aisha out of Suge's house and drag her out of there like a goddamn caveman, but I ain't wanna force her, plus I really did think she would remember everything, but by the look on her face, I'm not sure if she has.

I mean, she didn't look scared of me, at least, I guess I should be a little happy about that. Cause the bullshit Suge's been filling her head with about me, I would think for sure she'd look at me as some type of a monster once she laid eyes on me. And I did break into her bitch ass daddy's house with my boys. I wasn't exactly gentle with her neither when I had barged into her room to speak to her.

Still, she it didn't seem like she was scared of me. Just confused as fuck...

"Dad, when is mommy coming home?" Sienna asks me, interrupting my thoughts.

I look at her and the puppy dog look in her eyes breaks my heart.

This kinda reminds me of how Hailie and Alaina used to ask me the same thing about Kim, back when she was out running the streets. Obviously, circumstances are completely different with Aisha right now, but it still hurts me that my daughter wants her momma and I can't give her no answers as to what's happening.

Maybe Suge-fucking-Knight has been right all along and I really can't fucking protect the women in my life.

"Your mommy would be home soon baby, I promise," I say crouching down in front of Sienna.

"Actually, she's already here," a quiet unsure voice says behind me.

"Mommy!!" Sienna exclaims then before I get the chance to turn around.

Aisha slowly walks in the room as one of my security follows behind her.

"Just wanted to let you know, Mr Mathers that your wife is here," he awkwardly announces as Aisha stares kind of sheepishly at me.

She nervously plays with her hair, and I notice that she's wearing her ring again.

I nod at the bodyguard without so much as looking at him, no disrespect to him, but all I can think about right now is that my girl has just walked right back into our house like it's nothing. I lock eyes at her and she still looks kind if unsure of everything, but she's fucking here...

Then Sienna runs to her and Aisha looks like deer caught in headlights, but she slowly kneels at her level and hugs our daughter as Sienna throws her little arms around her neck.

"Mommy, you are here!!" She exclaims.

"Yes um... I'm here baby girl, and I'm never leaving again," Aisha says soothingly to her, giving her a small sweet smile.

I just walk up to them both and pause, looking at Aisha unsurely.

"Is it okay?" I question unsurely as I make the move to pull her into my arms, but I really don't know if she wants that. I look at her sadly, realizing that she still doesn't recognize me fully. My wife is still looking at me like I'm a goddamn stranger to her, yo, and that shit makes me so angry.

Not at her, but I'm angry nevertheless. Pissed that this fuck shit happened to us.

"It's okay, Marshall," Aisha whispers, so I pull her to me and kiss the side of her head, right where she's got that beauty mark over her eyebrow.

She stiffens in my arms and I pull back, mentally cussing myself the fuck out. Obviously she's gon react like that, Marshall, she still don't know who the fuck you are!

Some time later, we put Sienna to bed and Aisha just stands in the doorway of our daughter's bedroom kind of awkwardly, like don't really know what to do with herself. I wanna ask her so many things but I don't wanna crowd her.

"You wanna talk?" I blurt out anyway though. "Do you have your memory back or what?"

She looks at me for a few seconds and slowly shakes her head.

"I don't remember everything, but I know that this is where I'm supposed to be. So I came back, if... if you'll still have me that is," she forces a small laugh, lowering her eyes.

I shake my head, starting to get slightly pissed again. I know it's not her fault, yo, but why would she...

"Aisha don't even ask me no dumb question like that. If I'll still have you. The fuck?" I scoff and she looks up at me again, biting her on her lower lip nervously, and I immediately feel like the biggest asshole in the world.

"I'm sorry baby, I ain't mean to flip out on you. And you don't even know how happy I am that you came back. You want a tour of the house or some shit? I mean, this is our place, but I'm guessing you don't remember where anything is and..." I'm starting to trip over my words like a fool now. I still can't get over the fact that I'm practically a fuckikg stranger to this girl now, shit is so fucked! And I can't even imagine how she must feel.

Aisha gives me a small smile then. She plays nervously with her hair, tucking a lose strand behind her ear, only for it to fall over her eyes again, so I absent-mindedly return it to behind her ear for her and her eyes widen a little bit. I cuss myself again for not being able to keep mu hands to myself.

"To be honest with you, Marshall. Right now? I just feel so overwhelmed by everything that's happened today that I'm just tired, and all I really want to do is go to bed and get some sleep. So maybe you can just give me a tour to where the bedroom is. And then we can talk tomorrow. About everything?"

"Of course. No doubt baby," I reply effortlessly, watching for her reaction. She looks at me like she's still so unsure of everything to be honest.

I don't wanna pressure her into nothing, I'm just happy she's back in the first place.

I show her where our bedroom used to be and she walks in, looking curiously around, setting her bag on the floor.

"I uh... imma go sleep in one of the guestrooms tonight," I shrug. "Imma let you settle in."

"No Marshall, wait! Why would you want to do that?" She turns around towards me, her long hair whipping around.

"Cause yo...  I don't wanna inconvenience ya, you know, or make you feel uncomfortable."

"I'm not uncomfortable," Aisha quickly shakes her head. "But you are right... Marshall," I notice that she pauses a little bit every time she's about to say my name. "I don't... fully remember... much... and um... this house, I know that it used to he like OUR house and we used to live here together, but I don't really recognize anything in here. So I will feel very weird to just... sleep in here by myself. I wouldn't feel safe, you know? So would you please just stay with me?"

She don't really got to ask me twice.

"Aight," I shrug.

I do step out of the room though. For her to be able to take a shower and change and do whatever else it is she's gotta do for bed.

By the time I come back, I see Aisha sitting at the edge of the bed with one of my t-shirts on.


"I hope you don't mind?" She quietly asks, looking sheepishly at me. "I think I used to always sleep with your stuff on."

"Course I don't mind girl. We are married, what's mine is yours and all that shit," I smirk, walking into the room and sit next to her on the bed. I still gotta ask her about so many things but it can fucking wait.

Aisha gets into the bed then and I climb under the covers next to her. I hesitate but then she suddenly shifts and buries her face in my shoulder. I bite my lower lip softly and wrap one arm around her carefully, expecting for her to pull away at any moment, but she doesn't.

"How much do you remember now exactly?" I ask her curiously.

"Um... not a lot, obviously," Aisha sighs, she looks up at me briefly. "Just bits and pieces actually. It's all so confusing, and i don't even know what to make of it. But one thing that is pretty clear to me is that while I'm trying to put it all back together, I need to be around somebody I trust, and I don't trust my father anymore," she says very quietly, looking up at me.

"It's okay, baby, it'll all come back to you," I reassure her and kiss the top of her head.

She continues looking at me so sweetly and before I know it, I can't stop myself man. My kisses move to that same spot where her birthmark is, then to her eyelids, then I kiss her lips.

She responds to me and I kiss her slowly but passionately, slipping my tongue inside her mouth, causing her to moan quietly.

I slip my hands underneath my t-shirt she's wearing, then pause.

"Nah baby, hold on," I  force myself to pull away.

"But why though?" Aisha then looks at me with so much confusion in her big brown eyes.

"Cause, I don't wanna take advantage of you," I shrug.

"You are not taking advantage of me, Marshall. Aren't we married? Plus, it seems to me like it's right," she whispers biting her lip. Well fuck me...

"Nah, Aisha, but for real, I can't. I don't want you to regret anything with me. And I don't want you to feel like I'm pressuring you into anything. So I ain't fucking you like this, nah."

Her face kind of scrunches up then and I frown.

"What, baby?" I ask, never breaking eye contact with her.

"Nothing," she quickly shakes her head. "It's just that you... the way you just put it..."

"What, my choice of words?" I then chuckle lightly.

"Well yes, kind of," she concedes, looking embarrassed as she blushes.

And I swear to fuck yo, she might have forgotten everything, even who she is, but she is still the same girl I've always known her to be and the same girl I had fallen so hard for. Still so goddamn sweet and unaware of her surroundings.

"Aisha, I've always been blunt, and you used to know this," I shrug. "I'm blunt with my words, I can be an asshole sometimes, but one thing is, I love you to fucking death."

She stares me for a very long time then shakes her head.

"Always so romantic," she says sarcastically, rolling her eyes at me.

"Ay, you can't blame a man for trying," I reply smoothly, pulling her back close to me. "But for real though baby, I don't want you to feel like you are being pushed into a goddamn thing with me.
Cause you are safe with me always. Let's just go to sleep, aight?"

"Okay," she nods.

And I feel like a true piece of shit then, cause when it really came down to it, I haven't kept her safe at all, have I?

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