35. Hot-headed

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Marshall's P.O.V.

The flight from Detroit to LA, that shit was like a blur. I can hardly even remember that shit.

All is in a fog, almost like my brain was drugged up again, but it was just the adrenaline pumping all through my body.

The anger and the rage, sort of masking my pain of losing Aisha for a short period of time. Not taking it away exactly but just covering it up, I guess, so I welcomed it.

Once I land in LA, I pay for a rental and get behind the wheel.

I ain't bother to bring no security with me cause motherfuckers would just get in my way.

I ain't even tell nobody where I was going, aside from Kim when I called her over to watch the girls for me.

Damn. The girls.

I pause briefly, thinking what would happen to them and what it would do to them if I don't come back from this alive.

I guess I better come back alive, but I do got to do this. Cause I've got to do something. No, it won't bring Aisha back to me, but it will at least bring her justice.

I'll fucking annihilate that whole family, not leaving not one person to be able to come back for revenge again, fuck them.

It doesn't take me long to find the house I'm looking for. I've looked into it way before I ever thought I'd need this information.

Now, I sit in my car contemplating exactly how imma do this.

I ain't exactly planned it after all. I don't even have a gun on me. I don't know what I'm gonna do. All I have is my blind fucking rage. And the knowledge that somebody in this house took my girl away from me.

Aisha, I love you baby. This is for you...

I get out of the car and pull my hood over my head, right along with the brim of my hat.

I start walking towards the house when suddenly there's a sound of another car pulling up right behind me and the screeching of tires.

I turn around and see Suge Knight of all people step out of the car.

Supposed it makes sense though. For Suge to be here. As much as I hate his fucking guts, Aisha was his daughter, even if it turned put they was never related by blood, she was still his kid, and he loved her as much as I did. Guess he wants revenge too. It's cool, for just this once, we can team up.

"Suge," I nod my head, acknowledging him, emotionlessly, nonchalantly.

"Shady," Suge says in the same tone of voice walking up to me, standing next to me and toying with that damn cigar he always smokes. He cuts it and puts it to his mouth, lighting it. "What you about to get into, son?" He asks me.

I look at him like he's stupid to even ask me that. Also, I know this cocksucker ain't just call me son, but imma let it go, cause it don't even matter right now.

"Fuck it look like, yo?" I shrug. "I'm about to go in there and make those fucking Cuban motherfuckers regret ever being born."

"Because of Aisha?" Suge asks me casually, puffing on his cigar.

"What other reason would there be?" I ask and then start walking again.

Suge stops me by putting his huge paw on my shoulder. I look at it like it's a poisonous snake so he removes it, chuckling lightly.

"You do love my daughter, don't you, Shady?" He muses, and I suddenly feel so much anger towards him I could fucking punch him. He don't even seem upset that Aisha is gone, how could he be so fucking calm about this shit. Some is wrong with him for real.

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