26. Too Intense

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Aisha's P.O.V.

"So... that's what's happened with us, and why you are blaming yourself for me being attacked?" I ask quietly, looking at Marshall who is still sitting at the edge of the bed, his whole body tense.

"Yeah," he replies and then turns to face me. "Baby, I fucked up. I shouldn't have left you there, I was such a dick to you."

"But like... you didn't know this was going to happen to me, Marshall," I softly say, my voice almost a whisper as I'm still trying to process everything. "So I don't like... blame you or hate you for it..."

"You should though," he says angrily.

I take a deep breath.

"I'll ask you again. Did you cheat on me with Kim that night?"

Marshall frowns in confusion, turning more towards me.

"No baby. I been told you, I would never do that."

"So then I don't hate you," I shrug.

Marshall sharply breathes out rolling his eyes and lays down on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"You shouldn't forgive motherfuckers so easily, Aisha," he states stubbornly, squinting his eyes.

"Don't tell me what I should or shouldn't do, boy. You ain't my daddy," I smile but speak firmly to him, throwing my hand on my hip.

When he doesn't respond, I go to lay my head in his chest.

Marshall hesitates but then goes to wrap his arm around me. It feels so warm and familiar when he pulls me closer to him and kisses my forehead softly.

"I really am sorry, baby. I should never have left you there. I'm an asshole for it for real. I've always been one, and no matter how hard I try, i ain't seem to know how to get shit right."

"Marshall, tell me something," I trace circles on his chest and abdomen with my fingers, feeling his muscles contract under my touch. "Do I remember how you are correctly? Do you have a thing for like, self-depricating, hating yourself or whatever? Even though you are cocky as hell? Are you like, insecure or whatever? Because I'll tell you right now, even if you hate yourself, I could never hate you. Because I think... No, I know that I'm in love with you."

"Don't say that," he says tensely.

"Why?" I place my palm against his chest and put my chin on top of it, gazing up at him through my lashes. "Because you think I don't remember if I love you or not? I've already told you, Marshall. I remember enough. Okay? So quit telling me how I should feel, boy. It's almost like you WANT to sabotage us at this point."

Marshall's eyes meet mine as he continues to run his fingers through my hair. He smirks slightly, sitting up and pulling me on top of him.

"Nah, never that baby. I love you, Aisha," he pulls me more into him and kisses me. Softly at first but it quickly becomes heated.

Before I know it, my hands cup the back of his head while his arms make their underneath his t-shirt that I'm wearing, caressing my boobs. Marshall flips us over and makes his way on top of me and starts kissing down my neck.

"You sure about this, baby? Cause I don't wanna hurt you. It's been a while for us he says agaisnt my skin, at the same time pulling his shirt over my head.

"You are not going to hurt me," I whisper, but then a sudden thought occurs to me, and I feel a coldness spread through me all over.

"Oh my God, wait, Marshall," I press my palms against his chest, prompting him to lift off of my body just slightly.

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