My boyfriend's dad {ON HOLD}

By loveabby

2.3K 74 27

What happens when your boyfriend's dad is perfect for your dad? Well that's happening to Niall Styles 17 . Hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Not an update A/N
Chapter three
Chapter four
Not an update
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Not update really really sorry
Important news
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Character ask
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
The reason why
Chapter 17
My Apologize
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Christmas special
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 7

103 2 4
By loveabby

Surprised! Well yea I'm back skittles did you miss me I think you did. Well the picture up there is what Timothy look like and the song is Zoe and Sheala's song ok so when you see the words 'start the video' then start the video. What are you waiting for go on and read. BYEEE



Amy's POV (surprise)

When I left my group of friends I had to go show a new student around, but I didn't want to but oh well can't turn back now. When I walk in I see this student he has blue eyes and a skinny

nose and brown hair that's in a quiff. I walked over to him.

"Are you Timothy?" I asked

"Yea are you my guide?" He asked in a British accent

"Yea are you British"I ask

"Yea I am just moved here from Birmingham" he tells me

"Cool well let me see your schedule" I said

He hands me his schedule

1st: History

2nd: P.E

3rd: Math

4th: Language arts, reading


5th: Writing

6th: Art

7th: science

It looks like I have 6 classes cause I take music not art. And in that music class I'm with my bae.

"Well looks like we have all classes together but art cause I take music" I tell him

"Oh well ok" he says

"Come on we have history now so let's go" I say while he gets up

"Ok but what's the teacher's name?" He asks

"You'll find out in like 20 seconds" I tell him

We get to the class and all eyes land on me and Timothy.

"Ah you must be Timothy, I'm Mr. Simson" Mr. Simson says

"Why don't you tell us something about yourself" he adds

"Um... Well I'm Timothy Wright I just moved here from England if you didn't know where but I lived in Birmingham. Um... I'm a drawer but I love to write. I'm 15. Oh and my birthday is the 5th of May so don't forget " he tells everyone while everyone is confused

"Don't you mean May 5th idiot?" Joey asked a jock

"No I mean 5th of May and I'm not an idiot " Timothy said

"Well I'm just correcting the way you say the date" Joey says

"Joey just shut up we say a different way than he does so let him be gosh so annoying" I yell at Joey going to sit next to Zoe

"Thanks..." Timothy say to me

"Amy I'm Amy Johnson and don't forget it" I said being saucy

(a/n: saucy is almost saucy it's a term in my own vocabulary)

"Oh babe you being saucy" Zoe whispered to me

"Shut up" I said giggling

"Alright well Timothy you can go sit next to Tristan right there" Mr.Simson said pointing to Tristan. Tristan is a nerd but he is cool in our group. So he sits with us at lunch. He is also gay. Which is cool.

"Alright class since we have a new student we are going to do a project" Mr. Simson said and everyone groaned

"So this is a partner project, so the person you are sitting next to is your partner" he added and everyone cheered

"Hey Timothy do you want to work with me instead of that gay nerd" Joey said

"Joey what did I tell you about calling Tristan names?" Zoe asked

"I don't know you didn't tell me nothing" he said

"Well I tell you again" she said

"I'm all ears" he said

"I will break your face and maybe cut your baby maker (dick is a baby maker)off" she said

"Ooh I'm so scared" he said fake being scared

"You should be" I said

"Whatever and anyways I wasn't even talking to you. I was talking to Timothy. So Timothy what you say partners?" Joey says

"Two things. First no cause you called me an idiot you prick. And two I'm fine working with Tristan" Timothy said and I believe I saw Tristan's eyes lite up

"Well whatever and what's a prick" Joey asked

"It's a... What do you call it does anyone know the British language?" Timothy asked

"Zoe does. Zoe what does prick mean in American language?" I asked Zoe

"Prick? It a bastard or dick" Zoe says

"Oh ok well you heard that Joey he said your a dick" I told Joey

"Thanks Zoe" Timothy said to Zoe

"No problem I know it cause my brother and mom is from Bradford while me and my sister were born here, then my best friend well like brother is from Mullingar Ireland, then his dad is from Cheshire, also my best friend same guy's boyfriend is from Wolverhampton and his dad is from Doncaster" Zoe said

"Wow interesting family places" he said

"Yea but we all moved here and that's why I have an American accent but if you met my brother he will have a Bradford accent"

"Babe what you mean by Bradford accent isn't it all British?" I asked

"It's all British but does he at all sound like my brother or Liam ?" She ask me

"No he sounds different" I say

"Well let's start this project" I add

"Wait mister what is this project about?" I ask

"You and your partner " he says point blank

"Me and my partner?" I ask confused

"Yea just do something that talks about you and your partner and if your partner is your boyfriend or girlfriend add about how you met" he says

"Awe that's cute mister ok me and Zoe will start" I said

"So how are we going to do this and who's house are we going to?" Zoe asks me

"Well Monday's Wednesday's we could go to mine and then Tuesday's and Thursday's we go to yours. Ok" I say

"Sounds good" she says

"Well looks like we are going to mines since it's Thursday" she adds

"No shit Sherlock" I tell her

"I'm not Sherlock I'm your girlfriend" she says

"Be quiet" I say giggling

"I love it when you giggle you sound so cute" she tells me and I blush

"Your so sweet to me how did I get such a great girlfriend" I ask

"I don't know you just had to go through stupid boyfriends to come to me" she says

"How cheesy" I say giggling

"You know you love it don't you now" she says smirking

"Maybe" I say blushing

She kisses my cheek. I turn and kiss her lips. All I felt were butterflies in my stomach and fireworks. So what made it better was that it was our first kiss together. I pull back.

"Wow" she says

"Wow" I say

Then the bell rings. I get up and grab her hand and we go to gym where we finally see Liam,Niall,Zayn,Sheala, and Pedro and we are going to introduce them to Timothy.

When me, Zoe, and Timothy are walking down the hall I feel a arm going around my shoulders and I get confused cause Zoe is holding my hand so how is she going to put her arm around me. So I look up and I see that Timothy has his arm around my shoulders. I shake Zoe's hand and she looks at me. I nod my head to Timothy's arm. She looks at his arm and the at him. She clears her throat.

"Got something in your throat there Zoe?" He ask in his accent

"No but do you got something or someone under your arm?" She asks

"Yea I do it Amy. Wow she didn't even know you were there" he says looking at me while I fake laugh

"Mate would you please get your arm off her?" Zoe said

I wonder what mate means I'll asks one of the three boys or Zoe in a bit.

"Why?" He ask

"Cause this is my girlfriend" Zoe said making me blush

"Ok ok" he says dropping his arm and putting it up in defense.

"Thanks"Zoe said

"No problem" he said

"Oh and if you do something to her I will drop you" Zoe tells him and I giggle


*fast foreword to gym class* (Amy's POV still)


"REALLY AWESOME WHERE IS HE ZOE-ZOE!!" Niall screamed back

We walked there so we don't tell everyone our business.

"He's right here duh but Ninall I need to talk to you" Zoe said to Niall bet she is going to tell him that we had are first kiss.

"Ok let's go over there" he says pointing to the bleachers.

They go up to the bleachers.

"What is Zoe going to tell Niall?" Sheala asked

"I'm thinking she is going to tell him me and her had our first kiss" I say to the group

"WHAT!" They all say in unison same time Niall says it from the bleachers.

"Yea we did I'm not sure why it's a big deal?" I asked

"Because it means you guys are officially girlfriend and girlfriend." Sheala said

"Oh ok" I said just then Zoe and Niall came

"There's my hot boyfriend" Liam said Niall

"And there is my sexy girlfriend" I said to Zoe

"So this guy what's his name?" Sheala asked

"Timothy, Timothy Wright" Timothy said

"Wow you are from Birmingham" Liam and Zayn said in unison

"What you thought I was lying. I literally screamed it. Watch im going to ask everyone where he is from." Zoe said getting up on the bleachers


Everyone quieted down


"BIRMINGHAM ENGLAND!" Everyone said in unison

"THANK YOU CARRY ON TO WHAT YOU WERE DOING!" She screamed then came down the bleachers.

"See I screamed it that everyone knows now" Zoe said to the boys

"We weren't sure cause you can be from somewhere but be born and raised somewhere else" Zayn said

"Well can just do something I'm getting bored" Sheala said

"Sure lets play football" Timothy said

"Yes great choice" Zoe, Niall, Liam, and Zayn said giving Timothy a high five

"Timothy we have to play that but ok I'll get the football" I said

"Love get the soccer ball" Zoe said to me

"But he wants to play football" I said confused

"Babe football is soccer here" she said walking to me kissing my forehead

"Ok but what is their football?" I asked

"Well it not exactly football but you can call it rugby" she told me

"Oh and what does mate mean?" I asked

"Friend" she said

"Ohh ok" I say now understanding their language

"So go get the soccer ball ok love" Zoe said to me

"I always liked it when you called me love but ok" I said walking to get the soccer ball but got pulled back by Zoe

"Then I'll call you love a lot more" she said smirking

I giggled and went to get the soccer ball and came back.

"Here babe" I said giving it to Zoe

"How did she know to get the soccer ball?" Niall asked

"I told her to get the soccer ball" Zoe said

"Ok" Niall said

"Ok let's play this game" Zoe said

"Can I play even though I'm no good" Pedro asked

"Sure mate" Timothy said

"Mate?" Pedro asked confused

"Friend" Zoe said

"Oh ok well how are we going to split it up?" He asked

"Well I call picking my team!" Zoe said raising her hand

"Same" Zayn said

"Ok I'm going to go first. Well first duh Ninall" Zoe said

"Um... Pedro"Zayn said

"Timothy, cause I'm going to risk and see if he is any good" Zoe said

"Well that leaves me with Liam then" Zayn said

"Alright let's start this footy game WOOOOO" Zoe said

Me an Sheala were left on the bleachers cause we're no good at soccer. So I decided to start a conversation with her and see if we have anything in common. Since I'm dating her sister we have to like each other in a friendly way right?

"So Sheala... how's it going, going out with Pedro?" I ask trying to start a conversation.

"It's great! I didn't think he would ever ask me out. I've liked him for a while now!" She rambled

"That's cool, so do you guys got a ship name? Me and Zoe are Zamy." I tell her

"No we don't can you think of one"

"Ask Zoe she's great with ship names she thought of our and Niall and Liam's, Niam"

"Oh ok but I like mine better, Liall"

That ship name is so stupid like really Liall. That is dumb but don't tell her I said that. She seems happy.

"So do you got anything I can taunt Zoe with" I ask

"Umm yeah it's this so- never mind"

"Tell me"

"Ok but don't tell her I told you this"

"Ok well it's a song but I don't remember the whole song it's been awhile"

"Ok just sing the beginning"

(A/N : start the video now it's up there or on the side)

Happy llama

Sad llama

Mentally disturbed llama

Super llama

Drama llama

Big fat mama llama

Llama llama llama

Who is this big llama

Starting all this drama

It's me b*cth

(A/N: watch the whole video then continue reading)

"That's all I remember sorry" Sheala said

"It's ok but thanks anyways" I told her

*bell rings*

"Ok so who won" I asked my love Zoe

"We won WOOOO" she said

"Timothy your a great kicker never knew you had that in you" she says to Timothy

"Thanks well I guess it's time for Maths" Timothy says

"You mean math without the extra 's' " I ask

"No Maths love it's how we say in England" he says

"Two things. First I'm not your love. Second oh ok" I say

"Oh sorry but yeah let's go to boring Maths" he says

"I'm going to bring you there but then I have to go somewhere but there will be someone who you will know" I tell him

"Oh really who?" He asks

"Tristan you know the one who sits next to you in history" I tell him

"Oh yea him that's cool" he says sadly

"What's wrong you don't like him" I ask

"Well's just...No forget it" he say

"No tell me I'll keep it a secret" I say

" promise you won't tell anyone especially Zoe" he says

"I promise" I say

"Ok i'll tell you but you swear and prmise not to tell Zoe, cause she will ruin my life." he says

"Ok I promise and swear" I confirm

"Ok well..." he starts off

Tristan's POV (surprise)

I think I'm starting to fancy Timothy. Is that a bad thing. I hope not. Well I know he won't fancy me back. He fancies Amy, which is a horrible, horrible thing. She is dating Zoe and she is over protective of her. I feel bad for him and myself, but mostly myself. I feel bad for him cause he is trying to get Amy but since she is dating Zoe, sucks for him. I feel bad for me because what if he turns out to be mean to me just like Joey is to me.

As soon I sat down the bell rang. And there seconds later guess who comes in. Yep Timothy.

"Sorry miss I was late my guide had to go somewhere" he says to Miss. Grande

"It's ok don't worry go have a seat next to Tristan" she tells him

He comes to sit down next to me at my table. Look around the room looking for Amy or Zoe. They're not here shocker! They better not be snogging in the janitor's closet. By the way if you didn't notice I'm British but I'm like Zoe. I talk British but I don't have an accent. My parents were born in and raised in Birmingham like Timothy. But then they came here to have me.

"So do you want to come?" Timothy said interrupting my thought

"Huh? Sorry what were you on about I wasn't paying attention" I said

"I said do you want to come over to Niall's house cause all of us are coming me, Liam, Zoe, Amy, and Zayn. I'm not sure about Sheala and Pedro.Also did you say 'What were you on about'?" he ask

"Um sure I have to ask my mum though and I d-" I say

"And now you said mum" he interrupts me

"As I was say I did say that" I tell him

"But why ?" He asks

"First because I may and cause I'm British" I say sassily

"Sorry didn't mean to say it l-like that" I stutter

"But you don't have an accent" he says stating the obvious

"Don't stutter there is no need to" he adds

"Ok" I say trying to not stutter

"What's wrong I can tell your trying not to stutter" he says

"It's just mind" I say

"No tell me I want to know" he begs

"I just feel that your gonna become mean to me like Jo-Joey is" I say worriedly

"Well two things. One why would you think I would be mean to you? Second, why is he even mean to you?" He asked me

"Well first I thought you and Joey would become friends. Second they're mean to me cause..."

Liam's POV (I'm just surprising you aren't I)

Liam can you help me was the only thing I remember. I could of said no. But NOOO me being the nice person I am I say sure. Now I'm walking to one of my friends Perrie to see if she fancies or dating someone.

I walk to her she is with Danielle my other friend.

"Hey Perrie can I talk to you for a second?" I asks her

"Sure" she says to me "be back okay" she says to the girls most I don't know.

She walks towards me and we walk outside cause we have a free period.

"So Perrie I was wondering if you were dating anyone cause-" I say before she interrupted me

"Liam I'm flattered but I just don't fancy you in that way and aren't you dating Niall? So I can't let you chea-" she says before I interrupt her.

"No Perrie I'm not asking you on a date okay. It's my friend and he wants me to ask you if your dating or if you fancy someone?" I tell her

"Oh well I'm not dating and I do fancy someone" she tells me making me worried

"Oh ok who is it do I know them?" I ask her

"Yea you do its..."

Aren't I just mean I left you with THREE CLIFFHANGERS well I'm going to update again until I get three votes. So if you want me to update again you've got to vote. Alright anyways I'm going sooo bye love you all.


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