Fate/Fragmentary Tales

By Delta3859

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After the events on the 4th Grail War happened during 1994, the Grail managed to escape and displaced itself... More

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 2: Mutual Bonds. The First Encounter
Chapter 3: Under the Moonlight
Chapter 4: Battle Through the Black Wind
Chapter 5: A Cursed Turn of Events
Chapter 6: The Sky Fell Down (Part 1)
Chapter 7: The Sky Fell Down (Part 2)
Chapter 8: The Blazing Encounter After the Calamity
Chapter 10: A Sharp Rain under Yggdrasil's Shadow
Chapter 11: The Return upon the Jeweled Spear of a Revenant God
Chapter 12: Boundless Sky Shining over a Familiar Past
Chapter 13: The Plan for the Wandering Calamity of the Night
Chapter 14: Surprises in the Mighty Night
Chapter 15: An Ending to the Grail War..?

Chapter 9: The Good, the Bad, and the Great Tree that Sustains Life

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By Delta3859


3rd Person PoV

Monday / Park / Morning

Running down the streets of the park was a certain Master that decided training speed was his best option for now, making his way downtown before he stopped at the central park of Kyoto to rest for a moment leaning against a tree

Nanashi: Not good enough...

He thought to himself wiping the sweat from his forehead, Kazuki was nowhere near to mock him fortunately but that didn't take the fact he needed to push his limits further if he ever were to face Takashi or Lokhan again. With that in mind, he got ready to continue on his early morning run...right before he saw a familiar figure sitting on a bench with the most calmed face he could wear

Nanashi: Is that...Priest-san?

Their ally in the battle against Berserker and overseer of the war, sitting out in the open without the least of concerns in him. Knowing he meant no harm, Nanashi walked up to him so he could see what was going on

Nanashi: "Hey Priest-san, good morning" Greeted Nanashi raising his hand and waving it, standing infront of the overseer who had been looking at him ever since he started approaching

Priest: "Morning, going on a new morning routine?" He guessed right at the first shot, not something that would startle Nanashi as it wss kind of obvious though

Nanashi: "Yeah, after Takashi gave me a good beatdown i decided it was best if i began training to stand my ground..." Priest hummed in response, as if thinking of something that had something to do with the topic "By the way, where's your wife?"

Priest: "I let her explore a shop and told her i'd be waiting here"

Nanashi: "Need some time for yourself, i get that"

A small moment of silence followed after the small talk, no topic left for Nanashi to tell and continue despite having some things to tell about the war, but he figured it wasn't the best moment to do so right outside the open

Nanashi: "I...i'm sure grandpa's waiting for me at home..." He turned towards another side and started walking-running in direction to his shop "See you lat-"

Priest: "What's your reason?" His words stalled Nanashi, stopping him before he could take another step and making him turn around again

Nanashi: "What?"

Priest: "What do you fight for? The reason of you joining this war, and fighting for the Holy Grail?" The answer was more than obvious to him, it wasn't even that shocking

Nanashi: "Easy enough...i fight for my gran-"

Priest: "Your reason to fight" Interrupted Priest turning to him with a neutral stare, not accepting what he was gonna say as an answer

Nanashi: "But...that's my-"

Priest: "You're fighting for someone else's wish, not for your own, even with the omnipotent wish granter on the line you refuse to get it for yourself, you rather battle for the wish of someone else before thinking of what you want"

Nanashi: "What if that's my wish? To let my grandpa get his wish, to let him do what he's always strived for...to get what my family needs and free them from that curse..." He walked backwards to stand infront of Priest again, hearing him with every word that came interested by what he was trying to say

Priest: "That's not your wish, just you helping on Lancer-ko's wish. He wishes to get rid of said curse, and you refuse to fight for your own wish...you don't think of yourself before others, you rush in before you can think of your own wellbeing" ...and that's how it had always been

Nanashi always did his best back at home and school so that everyone would feel better with themselves, but he never cared for his own self, even with Takashi he only wanted her to know her teachings worked out more than well, he wanted her to see her training methods would work even on him despite Nanashi not wanting to train that much before, with Kazuki he wants him to get the grail and grant his own wish, doesn't think of himself before rushing into a battle either, with his classmates and family, everyone he met...before his own good was the others'

Nanashi: "...what do you want?" Deep inside he knew what was happening, he pushed himself too far for the good of others, the night where Assassin attacked was an example where he didn't want to put anyone in risk so he went in himself

Priest: "I want to hear your wish, the wish of the Master of Lancer, not his Servant. So tell me..." He leaned back to look up at him, staring into his eyes to see if he had finally understood "...what is your reason to fight for the grail, Nanashi?"

This time he didn't blurt out an answer, he stopped to think throughly about it for what seemed ages, Priest sat there with all the patience in the world just awaiting to hear the answer that would come from the Master...

Nanashi: "...my reason is to find the truth about me, to know of my past, to know my name, to live without that doubt from here on and survive the Holy Grail War to tell the tale...lifting the curse from my family is a part of it, a plus, my wish for the grail is to let me fight to learn of my past and go into a better future" An answer that came from within his heart, something he finally said for himself speaking just for his own and not for someone else, the first time in a long while he ever tried to do that

Priest: "...then, good luck achieving it, Master of Lancer" Priest took a paper bag from besides him and handed it to Nanashi, who took it with a bit of confusion and analyzed the bag, it wasn't heavy at all

Nanashi: "Uh...what's-?"

Priest: "Open it when you get home" Nanashi nodded getting ready to run off, not before he turned to the overseer one last time and smiled at him

Nanashi: "Priest-san...thank you again" With that, he ran off to continue his new morning routine and head home at last with a new lesson learnt for him

Once he had finished his small running session down the town, Nanashi returned home with a much brighter mood that Kazuki noticed when he entered the shop. The Lancer materialized over the counter looking at the bag Nanashi brought with his careless smirk as always

Kazuki: "So what did you get? A cake or something?" He playfully tried to guess, chuckling to himself

Nanashi: "It might be it, but i'm not sure, Priest-san gave it to me after i found him on the park" Whether that was part of Kazuki's plan or not it was unsure, but he probably had the feeling and sent Nanashi out

Kazuki: "Open it then, but prepare some tea in case it's a cake" Despite the bag being smaller than a cake would be, he still was certain it was some kind of sweet


Monday / Daniel's House / Noon

Daniel: "-so you decided to come to an enemy's house like they were normal friends?" Asked the Master of Caster revolving a mug of coffee in his hands, his Servant was sitting at his side examining a thin, small blade that he had recently made, not a handle for it yet though

Takashi: "Yup, pretty much"

The Master of Rider, Caster and his Servant were speaking as if it was just another day, even if her Servant tried to massacre their's just the other night

Daniel: "You said you're Nanashi's best friend? Must be hard facing your friend in the war, that is how it is whatsoever"

Caster: "Luckily this is more of a feud than a war, only fourteen people fighting instead of two nations...well, thirteen if we don't count how Berserker is fighting against everyone and even his own Master" Daniel nodded as he sipped his mug of coffee, letting a sigh of relief out

Takashi: "Yeah but my point is that Nanashi's not that strong, he tries his best but against me or the other Masters he could barely hold his ground...it shouldn't be long before he gets himself killed and i'll be the responsible"

Sarah: "Here" Daniel's sister came up to Takashi offering her a cup of tea and handing it to her

Takashi: "Thanks!" She gladly took the cup and blowed into it to cool it down

Caster: "That's one of the risks of the war, lives may be lost, the main objective is to kill us Servants but there will always be a Master that wants to kill the others, like Assassin's that already tried to kill Nanashi before" His words didn't put Takashi at ease, now knowing what had happened when she wasn't aware

Takashi: "He what!?" Her hands slammed on the table- not before the cup was set down so it wouldn't spill

Caster: "I should've kept my mouth quiet there, but me and the Overseer saved him so don't worry about it"

Takashi: "That's just what i mean...he's strong but he doesn't know how to fight that well..."

Sarah: "Hey bro, i'm heading out to get some chores done before nightfall" Interrupted Daniel's sister heading to the door, turning to him so they know where she's headed to

Caster: "I'll go too then"

Daniel: "Go on Caster, if something happens i'll call you" Caster vanished into his Spirit Form, his presence disappearing as Sarah left through the door. He leaned forward placing the mug down to speak to Takashi "You worry too much about him, you should believe in him rather than think he can't do it, tried making an alliance with him?"

Takashi: "Forget it" As soon as he finished speaking she almost shouted her answer, slamming the table again with her hands before letting a sigh out "I mean...if i make an alliance with him, i'll just drag him further into the war, we will fight together and protect each other yeah but that wont change the fact he's gonna put himself in danger..."

She felt guilty for having her friend deal with the whole war thing, thinking he was nothing but a normal human and nowhere near a magic user

Daniel: "He means that much to you i see..."

Takashi: "...so the safest way to get him out of the war is to let Rider kill Lancer, he'll be disqualified and wont have to keep fighting" Knowing how hard it was to make Nanashi change his mind about something, she told herself that simply throwing him out of the war would fix it all

Daniel: "Doesn't really sound like a good plan..."

Takashi's phone emitted a bell's sound saying that it got a message, Daniel nodded his head to let her pick it up and look through it...however Takashi extended the phone to Daniel with an embarrassed smile

Takashi: "I...don't know how this works..."

Daniel: "You...what?"

Takashi: "I never tried using it! Nanashi gifted it to me but i still don't know how it even works..." Daniel rolled his eyes and opened the phone, it didn't have any password so it was easy to enter the messages app and- without reading the contents -he passed it to Takashi

The message was her being invited out in some hours, both Liv and Daiki would be there. Takashi was doubtful of the place where they'd meet at, understanding the message clearly and knowing that this was nothing but a challenge. The face of seriousness that she carried made Daniel get an idea about what it was, sliding on the table a bracelet so that she could take it

Daniel: "Take this as a gift, wear it all the time okay?" She grabbed the bracelet and put it on, moving her hand around to see if it got in her way of movement

Takashi: "It looks good, thanks!"

Daniel: "Want some more tea? Coffee?"

Takashi: "I'm fine, i actually have to go" It'd be better if she hurried to the spot before the other two arrived, confident that what was upcoming was a battle of the Grail War

Daniel: "Then have a safe trip, i'll wash the dishes" Daniel reached for the cup that Takashi had been using it and brought it with him, leaving it at the kitchen as Takashi walked to the door

Takashi: "Bye Daniel, good talk!" The door closed before a reply came and she started walking away, heading in direction to the message's location

Shinki: "Another battle" Spoke her Servant in her mind, getting a nod as a response from Takashi

Takashi: "Relax Seiki, we got it in the bag right?"

Shinki: "I suppose, but i suggest we don't underestimate our opponents. Archer and Saber haven't shown their Noble Phantasms yet so i'm unaware of what they can do" She had shown her Noble Phantasm to Kazuki, meaning everyone was on equal grounds so far, but even with her great firepower Shinki was doubtful of whether her opponents could defeat her or not

Takashi: "I'll back you up with fire, let us blaze the competition!" As fired up as usual, such was Takashi Homura even in a battle where they'd fight one-on-two

Shinki: "So be it, Master..."


Takashi: "I do wonder how they got my number though..."


Park within Kyoto / Dusk

The time to meet had come, Takashi sat against a bench inside the extensive park that occupied a wide area of the city, perhaps to not harm the buildings and let them go all-out. It was the second week of the war after all so it was better to end their opponents as fast as they could to claim the grail

Takashi: "And i thought i'd be the one arriving late..." Yawned Takashi seeing that she lost some time that she could've used going to apologize to her friend

Rider: "They must've ran into some incident" Said Shinki in her Spirit Form, remaining close to Takashi in case of a sneak attack "But complaining isn't useful when you have your opponents nearby"

Takashi: "Yeah?" Takashi stood up from her seat, looking into the dusk of the setting sun to see the figure of her two friends coming in, the street lamps turned on to let in a better view of the duo that came to challenge her, easy to tell with the look on their faces

Daiki: "Takashi..."

Takashi: "Liv, Dai, what a surprise for you to invite me out! How did you know i was the Master of Rider?"

Liviana: "Intuition!" Proudly said the gardener putting her hands on her hips

Daiki: "Also, Archer followed Nanashi to look for the Master of Rider too"

Takashi: "Fair enough i guess..."

A second later, Saber and Archer materialized at their sides holding their katana and bow close to them, Rider wasn't an exception either as she appeared at Takashi's side cracking her knuckles, a serious glare pointed at the enemy Servants

Takashi: "Lets blaze right to the point, no point stalling this!"

Daiki: "Agreed. Now then Saber, lets reduce the number of participants" The Servants were nervous specially after seeing the power of Rider for themselves, but they tried not to let it distract them to focus on the target infront of them

The Masters got away by many steps as to not get caught in the crossfire and let the Servants go all-out, they understood the meaning of their actions and stood at the ready

Saber: "It's two against one, rather give up?" Mocked Saber with a grin, holding the sword up to his neck's height

Rider: "I've faced roosters way scarier than you" A fire aura bursted around her for a second, appearing her wings of fire on her back

Saber: Worth a shot...

Saber was gonna be the first to charge in before Rider took the initiative, her wings blew up to give her a speed boost and throw her across the battlefield and right infront of Saber, he reacted by swinging his sword upwards and deflecting her fist up just in time, but a swift kick from Shinki's part threw Ryo off balance making him stumble back, Archer backed him up by shooting many arrows all in one shot to hit Rider and distract her only for the arrows to miss after she boosted herself back. Archer got into the fight now starting to shoot arrow after arrow in many shots that were only avoided by Rider's extreme speed which let her predict which way to go before being impaled by a barrage of arrows

Archer: As fast as always, fortunately i have my tricks this time!

The Servant threw seven seeds to the sides, all of them bloomed into vine drills spinning at fast speeds and throwing them all towards Rider to follow after her, she tried to punch them with her fists in fire as to destroy the vines, managing to hit four of them and letting the other three hit her shoulder, stomach and leg, falling to her knees and keeping herself up with her uninjured arm

Saber: "Good shot Archer" Just as he said that, the injuries made by the drills healed up quickly and recovered as if nothing happened

Archer: "She regenerates...well this makes it a bit annoying" He tensed up his bow with some vines rising behind him, shooting four arrows from his bow and four vines from the ground to attack Shinki in another attempt

Much more concentrated, Rider appeared her wings of fire again to deflect the arrows and burn the vines, and Saber attempted to deliver a quick slash to her head that was deflected with the feather-sword being summoned to stop the katana, now her wings took care of the arrows and she focused on avoiding and deflecting Saber's slashes

Takashi: She should take this a bit more seriously, being out in the open seems to be an advantage to Archer, his shooting speed improved greatly since last time

And she was right, the arrows shot from Archer's bow were reappearing and being shot in much larger quantities and with better speed, so much that the Phoenix's wings were having a bit of a problem to deflect them all and let a few pass, missing luckily

Saber: "Now you see it? Kyoto is not our terrain of course, but an open space with at least enough trees to consider it a part of nature gives Archer enough power to fight even you, i'm just a distraction!" Smirked the Saber now that they had a stable tactic, as if he already knew the Archer's true name

Rider: "You don't say..." A last deflection from her wings triggered an explosion that pushed Saber back, and from the smoke of the explosion Shinki rushed towards Archer with her sword aimed to thrust it into his chest

Archer noticed her attempt but remained still, smiling as she grew closer and closer to hit him...the moment her sword went through his chest and burned him down, an arrow was shot from one of the buildings hitting her straight in the chest

Archer: "You fell for a decoy, well done Rider, now try to find me!"

A fire burst to destroy the arrow revealed many similar figures to Archer standing around with their bows pointed at her, none of them fired a single arrow but all of them were the exact same shape and form of the original Archer, standing as if they were mannequins

Rider: He can make decoys...that's fun

One by one Rider started to charge at and burn the distractions, each time she hit one an arrow went through one part of her body, she stopped when one of the arrows hit her chest and managed to make her mad, starting to throw fireballs at each and all of the decoys with such speed that all of them were gone in less than a few seconds

Saber: "Don't lower your guard!" Saber tried to hit her from behind only for his sword to be deflected by her's, entering a long clash of weapons where they filled the air with the sound of the endless clash. Archer didn't take too long to join into the battle as well disappearing the bow and letting a vine climb his arm to make a small blade in it

The Saber and Archer were skilled even for close range fighting, a skill that wasn't usually belonging to an Archer but surprising for a Saber to wield, made specifically for fighting one target at a time from Ryo's part and to stall and protect from Archer's part...close range was also Shinki's area though, she wasn't showing much of a problem deflecting and parrying their attacks that were only deflected thanks to one another's defenses that protected the other

Archer: Dammit, she can fight both close and long range, if this keeps up...

Rider: "Be burnt into ashes..." The sword blew up after it touched Archer's vine sword, charring and destroying it and throwing the two Servants back from Shinki-Itten's position

Now they stood at many meters from the other, the clash had ended and they had the chance to recover their strength if even for a moment

Saber: "She's tough, i ran out of options...but i think i have a view of her identity"

Archer: "I don't know her True Name, but i know she is a God..."

Shinki stood in a fighting stance without her sword, her face was showing determination to win and not a hint of worry, just another day for her

Saber: "Not even tired...i don't think i have any trick up my sleeve, if i have one is my Noble Phantasm but last time she blew me up before i could use it..." Archer hummed to himself, looking at the surroundings for a moment before sighing after finding out the only viable solution

Archer: "Saber, for how long do you think you can keep her entertained?"

Saber: "About three minutes, why?" Archer smirked

Archer: "I have a plan..."

Both nodded to each other in understanding. Saber took some steps forward as Archer began to charge his Mana, the breeze around them grew stronger and began to gently move the leaves of the trees at their sides

Rider: "This power...he's unleashing a Noble Phantasm" She instantly deduced this before charging in to try to stop him

Saber: "Not so fast miss!" A quick slash from his katana stopped her on her tracks, making them engage in a close range battle among the two with one using a katana and the other her bare fists, even with the weapon advantage Saber tried his best to hold his ground only to find himself slowly being pushed back

Archer: "...stretching far beyond the nine worlds and conquering it all with your might, forever bind to help sustain your life and keep the balance of everything from the roots..." His chant was being told, Rider didn't like the feeling she was getting just from hearing what she was hearing

Rider: "I wont let you..." Trying to overcome Saber, she deflected his sword to make him lose balance and tried to charge in

But Saber saw this coming, slashing infront of her before she can move further and kicking her back to stun her, reacting with a slash downwards onto her arm that was deflected by her sword appearing again

Archer: "...my fate is forever to remain as your guardian, so even beyond death i ask for your help, surge beyond this reality and be present for them to know the divine tree that keeps all life..." The wind grew even stronger, the trees started to sway violently by it and a green aura started to bloom in the whole field making flowers start appearing of different colors

Rider: "Tch!" Rider had a hard time getting past Ryo's defenses, he might as well have been holding back all this time to save his energy for keeping her away, something that was much easier than going on the offensive

Archer: "Let me borrow your strength just one more time, Spring forth-!" His green aura bursted around him and reunited right behind him, the ground began trembling as if a small earthquake was starting to take place, and his Noble Phantasm's True Name was chanted at last "-Yggdrasil!"

From behind him the aura reunited began rising, and so did a large tree that started to rise from the ground breaking through the earth to stand tall above everything, forming itself and making a much larger earthquake the more it grew until it became so large it can only be mistaken for the largest of skyscrapers, Shinki-Itten stayed in place stunned by the sight of the tree of life, even she didn't expect such a thing to appear infront of her and much less as a Noble Phantasm

Archer: "This is my Noble Phantasm, Rider, Yggdrasil the Tree of Life" Smiled with a smug face the Archer, his bow disintegrated into dust as he raised his hands to praise the tree behind him

Rider: "You...now i see who you are...you're Esben Yggdrasil's guardian, it was said you traveled across the nine worlds in an instant and became part of them along Yggdrasil, you're his guardian and creation meant to die protecting it...a God in all the sense of the word" She was right with her guess, confirmed by a chuckle from the Archer that manifested Nordic Mythology's Tree of Life

Archer: "Sounds about right, i have remained in Spirit Form all this time to collect enough Mana from nature to summon Yggdrasil, Liviana helped me by planting as many plants as she could, and now...it sprung into reality" Esben pointed his hand to Shinki, the ground started sprouting many roots "Go Yggdrasil, lets show her the battle she forever yearned for!"

The roots started appearing from the ground to attack Shinki, she began flying with her wings and maneuvering around the roots to avoid being hit by any stylishly blowing up and passing through any vine that tried to hit her, a hard time now that they came in masses and were much more resistant to her fire

Rider: A Reality Marble that manifests in the real world instead of dragging us into one of his own, Yggdrasil is constantly supplying him with Mana and boosts the terrain around him...i dare say it covers the whole city, if i don't figure out how to take it down and fast-!

Saber: "Flying off so soon!?" Her thoughts were interrupted by Saber rising into the sky infront of her, a root helping him rise at the speed of light as he lifted the katana over his head charged in Yggdrasil's energy

Even if Shinki tried to block the sword, it's power was so strong that even if Ryo barely put strength into it, the blade itself cut through her hand and instantly threw her towards the ground to rise up a curtain of dust that covered the arena. Saber landed at Archer's side saving the katana back in it's place, both the Servants were now confident enough with the power that Yggdrasil was giving them

Rider: H-how is this possible? No...i know well how this is possible, i should've unleashed my full power to stop that tree...

Too late to repent, she had lowered her guard too much and underestimated Yggdrasil, that cost her the battle

Saber: "You fought bravely Rider, but this is your end" Saber pulled his Odachi from it's sheath, holding it at his side and getting ready to strike

Archer: "She has a divine immortality that i can't surpass, i could call it reincarnation as if she rebirth each time she was attacked, so the only way to kill her that i can think of is using an Anti-Divine Noble Phantasm to settle that up"

Saber: "On it..." His Odachi was exactly what they needed, the legendary sword from his tale made to kill divinity and end the wielder at the same time

Takashi looked at everything unfold along the other Masters that stood on the opposite side, she was confident that Rider would survive even with this many injuries, if worse came to worst she would just interfere...or that she told herself

Saber: "Now...i shall show you the power of my blade. Sever the Gods, SKY SLASHER!" The blade was charged in a yellow energy as he swung it forward, throwing a fast energy slash that impacted with Shinki's body in an upwards slash that blew up with her inside

He lowered the sword seeing that the battle was over, but Esben kept looking at the smoke as it cleared out to make sure the attack had landed...to his surprise, Shinki was still alive with grave injuries around her body and another deep cut across her chest, none of them healed up like they used to and that scared her the moment she realized

Saber: "She lives? That's surprising"

Takashi: "RIDER!" Takashi got worried now, starting to run into the field to try to help her Servant

Archer: "Stay" Before she could arrive many vines emerged from the ground, holding Takashi's arms and legs to stop her in place

Saber: "Then i'm ending her again. Master, i'd appreciate some of your help to do this" It was their last struggle to finish one of the seven Servants, the strongest that caused quite the trouble for every Servant this time

Daiki: "Right here" He walked up to Saber's side to give him enough Mana for his next attempt at using the Noble Phantasm, this time he was being supplied in a minimal amount as the rest of the Mana was given by Esben and his Noble Phantasm, the energy of the Sky Slasher increased considerably more and enough to kill Shinki-Itten for real now

Takashi: "RUN!" Shouted Takashi to try to get her to escape, instead of doing that Rider stood up despite the injuries that began to regenerate at an absurdly low speed, can't say the same for her energy

Rider: "I'll...f-fight, until i...fall..." She was determined to continue on, holding her hands into fists and gritting her teeth from the mass pain inflicted upon her body

Takashi: "SEIKI NO!" Shinki turned around to give her a last smile, the last and first genuine one she had given

Rider: "I'm sorry Master...for n-not being...as expressive a-as i am now..."

Saber: "Lets finish this already, with a slash strong enough to sever Nirvana just like i did before..." His sword was ready again, proven by the amount of energy it was letting out thanks to Esben and Daiki. When he was ready, Ryo swung his sword forward and shouted the name of his Noble Phantasm "-SKY SLASHER!"

Just like before, the attack connected with the Servant rising up an even larger explosion, leaving a larger and thicker smoke to cover the place where Shinki-Itten was supposed to be

Takashi: "S-Seiki...no..." The sight of her Servant being killed right infront of her eyes was surely something, for the first time in a while she felt her eyes watering, never did she think she'd lose someone dear to her even in a Holy Grail War

Saber: "Sorry Takashi, this is a Grail War, fight and kill until you're the last one alive" Ryo saved the sword in his sheath, sighing in relief after it had finished at last

Archer: "She should've come with help, a two-on-one wasn't fair since the start after all" Their words started to make Takashi lament her decision to not accept help from her friend, from the one she knew had a strong Servant and would make a good ally even if she despised the idea of having him compete too, as much as it hurt her they were right

Takashi: "I'm sorry Nanashi...i failed as a teacher, and as a friend..."

???: "I'm sure the kid doesn't think that" A familiar voice spoke in the smoke dragging the attention of every Servant and Master present- excluding Liv, God knows where she is now

The smoke finally dispersed to leave the sight of a magical barrier risen up infront of Shinki, barrier made by a shield a certain Servant held as he stood infront of Rider

Archer: "Who-?"

Saber: "Lancer!?"

Just as Saber said, Lancer was standing infront of her with the deployable shield attached to his arm, same shield deactivated and returned to the shape of a bracelet that he looked at with a whistle

Lancer: "Must say Caster, no wonder you were a blacksmith for kings, your weapons are top tier!" He took the bracelet off and threw it at one side, the object being caught by the Caster Servant that emerged from the remaining smoke and put the bracelet on

???: "You adjusting to the language isn't so fitting for you grandpa" Another familiar voice said as two blades were thrown to the vines that held Takashi's arms and legs, letting her fall to the ground

She turned to look at the newly arrived help, seeing as the swords returned to the hands of her best friend who walked in besides the Master of Caster, the blades disappeared to leave just the handles that were saved inside Nanashi's jacket, he seemed to be...smiling?

Nanashi: "Looks like we arrived in time" He said with a slight chuckle

Takashi: "N-Nanashi!? You're smiling!?"

Nanashi: "Ah is it that weird?"

Daiki: "What are you doing here!?" Shouted Daiki in confusion taking a step back upon seeing them all there

Daniel: "You see, Caster made a pair of bracelets that allowed me to see what the one who wore one of the two saw, so i knew where you all were and went to tell Nanashi to help out, now this is a fair battle isn't it?"

Caster pulled two swords from a portal and a spear dropped into Kazuki's hand from another, both portals vanished right when the spear was caught by the Lancer, who summoned his own spear as to dual wield them along Caster's dual blades

Saber: "Two-on-two..."

Archer: "Yggdrasil is still up, we have the advantage in the field"

Caster and Lancer nodded at each other, understanding what they needed with just one action

Nanashi: "Here let me help" Nanashi helped Rider to bring her back to Takashi, knowing that she was in no condition to fight he placed her down to let her rest...seemed as if she had fainted

Takashi: "I thought i told you to-!"

Daniel: "Scold me later, he was the safest bet to face a God and a God-killer"

Nanashi stayed behind to help Takashi with Shinki, just making sure they stayed out of the crossfire. Daniel on the other hand stood up and walked at some distance of his and Nanashi's Servants, standing in the view of Daiki who stood on the other side

Daniel: "You and me Master of Saber, Servants are not the only ones to fight in the war" The moment had come for him to fight, Daiki knew it'd eventually happen and prepared himself to battle, standing on his guard with a battle stance taken as Daniel stood with his hands behind his back

Daiki: "I'm ready, Master of Caster!"

Daniel: "May the strongest win, lets have a fair battle" Smiled the Master with positiveness despite it being a serious battle

The Servants stood one infront of the other taking their distance while remaining in their pairs, a dual battle that would determine the winners, the night was still young and they had as much time as they required to finish this...Takashi was glad Nanashi wasn't gonna fight at least even if she had her own questions

Lancer: "So Archer, what do you say you and i spar a little? I want to test out this prototype Caster gave me" He said referring to the spear that he had been handed

Archer: "I'll let Yggdrasil show you your way then, Lancer"

Caster: "I'm not much of a fighter myself, so i'm sorry if i'm a little clumsy, Saber" Winked the Caster to salute his opponent

Saber: "Everyone has their moment to learn, i'll teach you under pressure"

With their weapons at the ready, Nanashi and Takashi at a safe distance, and Liv probably lost around the city for the seventy ninth time, the battle between the Servants and Masters had started for the second week of the war


[Word count 6148]

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