Purely Submissive

By SchemingxStoat

183K 5.8K 953

Shiloh spent his entire life focused on making his parents proud. He never took the time to discover himself... More

Author's Note
1 - Harrowing
2 - Disinter
3 - Trouvaille
4 - Confounding
5 - Serendipity
6 - Kicky
7 - Incipience
8 - Cosset
9 - Introspection
10 - Envisage
11 - Actify
12 - Exordium
13 - Assuage
14 - Rollick
16 - Descry
17 - Acquiescent
18 - Oboedire
19 - Elevate
20 - Caprice
21 - Congenial

15 - Unleash

7.7K 232 25
By SchemingxStoat

Although the three were disheveled, they were finally dressed. Shiloh walked between the two men with their head bowed. Try as they might to keep their back straight in a show of confidence, Shiloh couldn't help but curl in on themself, arms wrapped around their torso in an attempt to hide. Malin and Rhett watched Shiloh carefully but knew that confidence would only come with time. All the two could do now was support and encourage.

Rhett gripped the back of Shiloh's neck in a gentle grip as he leaned in to whisper, "We're with you baby, we go at your pace." Shiloh relaxed at the reassurance and with a deep breath, they allowed Rhett to guide them behind Malin as they walked to the circle of black couches.

Malin quickly took a seat on the couch, placing one of the cushions on the floor next to his feet. Rhett finished guiding Shiloh until they were standing directly in front of Malin who instantly reached out to grip their hips. "Do you want to kneel or sit on our lap?"

Malin loved watching the red tint cover Shiloh's cheeks, "Where would you like me to be, Sir?"

Malin grinned at the question, gripping Shiloh's just a bit tighter. "Such a good baby. You're going to kneel between us. If at any time you feel uncomfortable, you tell us. Am I clear?"

Shiloh nodded, but a quick pinch to their butt cheek from Rhett had them speak, "Yes sir. I promise to tell you if I get uncomfortable."

Shiloh wanted to melt at the proud smile they were receiving from the dominant, but instead waited patiently as Rhett got comfortable next to his lover. As soon as he was settled, Shiloh lowered onto the cushion with surprising grace, they wiggled slightly until they were surrounded by the muscular legs. Shiloh was nearly completely hidden by the two men as they relaxed, head resting against Rhett's thigh and their hand wrapped lightly around Malin's ankle. Not having ever felt so safe, Shiloh's eyes slipped close as two hands played gently with their hair.

The noise of the club faded into the background as Shiloh slipped into a state of relaxation. Malin and Rhett talked amongst themselves until they were joined by a couple of others.

"It's good to see you've settled in, where's Shiloh?" Malin and Rhett both smiled as the twins approached them.

Rhett gestured toward the head of blond hair just visible under his and Malin's hands, "It seems they have found a new favorite spot."

The twins grinned at the look of contentment on the new submissive's face, "I'm glad they are enjoying things so far. Did everything with Ciarren go well?" Malin thought it was Killian speaking.

"Oh Yes. Shiloh is very excited to continue training. I'm a little concerned about them pushing too hard."

"It's common for submissives, especially for those who are desperate to please. I get the feeling that Shiloh is quite attached to you two already. I'll make sure Ciarren watches them carefully during training. Keep an eye out for it and nip it in the bud as soon as you see it. Shiloh needs to know that you want them as they are, mistakes and success." This time it was Osiris to speak.

"We'll be careful. Thank you, both of you. It's an amazing club you have here. It must be interesting to run a club like this. Has to be so much better than an office and press."

Killian shook his head with amusement, "It has its pros and cons like any job, but being able to provide an escape for everyone in the lifestyle is a great feeling. The hardest part is keeping out the imposters." Rhett and Malin both nodded their heads in understanding.

Before the conversation could continue Rhett and Malin watched as Killian tracked someone moving through the club until he was suddenly reaching behind the couch and pulling the tiny body of Ciarren to sit between him and his twin.

"Have you sat down at all tonight?" Ciarren looked wide-eyed at one of his best friends, face flushed from rushing around the club.

"No sir... People kept needing things..." Ciarren looked down guiltily.

"And are there not others who can do these things? The only thing work-wise you had tonight was the meeting."

"It was just easier..."

"Kneel Reni. You need a break." Ciarren slipped easily onto the floor, instantly relaxing into the practiced position.

At some point during the other group's conversation, Malin had tapped Rhett's thigh twice, signaling the incoming attack. Rhett watched Malin carefully as he rested his head back against the couch, hand still in Shiloh's hair, as he waited for his vision to settle. His fight for consciousness was lost as he slumped into the leather, hand slipping from Shiloh as he went limp. Shiloh instantly looked up in alarm, looking between Malin and Rhett for some type of direction. Every instinct was telling them to take over the situation, to go into guard mode.

"It's okay babydoll. He's fine. He knew it was coming so he should be back in a couple of minutes. Would you be okay going to the bar and getting a glass of water? You can grab a drink for yourself as well, no alcohol."

Shiloh paused, not sure about leaving the prone dominant, but gave into their trust for Rhett. "Yes sir. Would you like anything?"

"If you're comfortable carrying three glasses, then just a cola is fine. Thank you doll." Shiloh grinned as they stood. Having the instruction was decreasing the anxiety they were feeling over Malin being unconscious.

"Ciarren, go with Shiloh. Get a glass of water and come back. When it's gone you can go to the dance floor, but if we catch you working again you'll sit on the couch with no touch for the rest of the night." Ciarren whimpered at the thought, knowing that they would follow through if necessary.

"Yes, sirs."

Ciarren was up in an instant and leading Shiloh toward the bars. Not used to kneeling for so long, Shiloh's legs shook slightly along the way, but the feeling reminded them of the aftermath of a long workout, a feeling Shiloh found comfort in.

"How's everything going so far? Any questions? You three were gone for some time before coming out to the main floor." Shiloh blush brightly as they remembered what they were doing before coming out.

"It's going really well. I haven't talked to anyone yet, but I'm enjoying everything so far. And Yeah... Malin and Rhett got a bit preoccupied."

"Are you sure it was just them?" Shiloh's blush deepened as they pouted playfully at their new friend.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Anyways, uhm questions, if you don't want to answer it okay, really. But, how is sitting on the couch a punishment? I can understand the no touch. Ever since Malin and Rhett took me away from my father, I'm discovering how much I need it."

"I can understand that completely. I find a lot of comfort in kneeling. The more you do it, I wouldn't be surprised if you end up feeling similarly, the way you were nearly napping." Ciarren giggled as Shiloh hip-bumped him in retaliation. "I'm notorious for overworking. Killian and Osiris hate it. That's why they go for the two things they know I love the most. It's for my health too. I get so sidetracked with whatever tasks I forget to take care of myself."

"Oooh okay. I know we talked about hard limits earlier, is there a similar thing like that for punishments?" The pair were just reaching the bar when Shiloh asked the questions.

Since the bartender was dealing with other members, Ciarren took the chance to answer, "Definitely. At some point during training, you'll sit down with Malin and Rhett and go over rules, punishments, and rewards. Punishments are treated just like limits. They can be as specific or as broad as you like. For example, when it comes to punishments I don't mind spankings or being flogged, but whippings are a hard no for me. Public humiliation overall is a no for me."

"Okay... I think I understand."

Ciarren watched as Navi, the bartender, started to make her way over. "One step at a time Shi. Let Malin and Rhett guide you."

Shiloh smiled happily as they thought over their conversation only to be pulled from their thoughts by a new voice, "Hey Ren! Who's this cutie?" Shiloh's face instantly flamed.

"This is Shiloh. They're visiting the club with two dominants and training while they're here."

"Oh, that's so fun! Ciarren's the best teacher ever, but if he teases you too much just let me know." The girl smiled teasingly at Ciarren, causing Shiloh to laugh shyly. "We'll have to hang out sometime when I'm not working. Speaking of which, what can I do for you two?"

"Two waters, a cola, and..." Ciarren looked at Shiloh.

"Do you have any juice?"

"Of course. We've got apple, orange, cranberry, and grape. I also have a bunch of fruit purees and I make a mean mocktail if you'd prefer that."

"Oooooh, do you have strawberry?" Shiloh's eyes lit up in excitement.

"Only tons. Do you like mango?" Shiloh nodded and watched in fascination as Navi prepared all the drinks with ease. "There you go cutie and if your doms ask, it's just strawberry and mango puree and sparkling water."

"Thank you, Navi!" Shiloh smiled with an excitement that was contagious. Their body wiggled with energy as they looked at the pretty swirl of pink and orange in the glass.

"You're welcome, Cutie. See you around." With a wave, Navi began working her way back down the bar.

Cairren and Shiloh made their way back towards the bar with Ciarren carrying the waters and Shiloh carrying the cola and their mocktail. "So that's Navi, her and Ezili are two of the littles here. Their caregivers work here sometimes and when they do, Navi usually bartends and Ezili helps with the front desk."

Shiloh could already see the group of couches as they asked, "Can you explain Littles and Caregivers sometime?"

"Of course. There are a lot of subtypes for dominants and submissives. If you don't mind giving me your phone number, I know a couple of people who do blogs and such on the lifestyle, their experiences, their whys, and such. Navi actually has one where she talks about being a little and there's a masochist who has one and a pet, and I'm sure I can find a few more. There's a lot of information out there that's false and I'd rather you have trustworthy sources."

"That'd be so helpful! There's so much information and I'm trying to take in as much as I can, but I have so many questions." Shiloh looked down, unable to hide their own disappointment in themselves at not already knowing the information.

"Hey, you're in a completely new situation. You're not expected to know it all. You're going to mess up sometimes, even after training. And that's okay. It shows that you're human. I can promise you that Malin and Rhett don't want perfect, they just want you. And we're here to teach you. Me, Malin, Rhett, Osiris, Killian, and even Navi. We support each other in this lifestyle. Whenever you need it." Shiloh looked at Ciarren with a watery smile. They had never felt so accepted and by a stranger nonetheless.

Not even realizing they had made it to the couches, Ciarren placed his glasses on the side table and quickly did the same with Shiloh's before pulling them into a tight hug. Ciarren held Shiloh in a tight hug even as Shiloh whispered, "We're friends right? I've never had a friend before."

"Yes. I hope we'll be best friends. And I'm sure you'll have plenty more here in the near future."

"Thank you, Ciarren." With a small sniffle, Shiloh released him.

"Anytime Shi."

"Do I get my babydoll back now?" Shiloh jumped and twisted to see Malin pouting playfully at them and causing Shiloh to laugh.

Shiloh moved quickly to the couch and without thinking climbed onto Malin's lap and hugged him tightly. "Hi, Babydoll. How was your trip?"

"Good! Ciarren taught me some more things and I met Navi, she's super nice!"

"Good baby. I'm glad. You want to stay here or go back to your spot?"

Shiloh looked longingly at the cushion, "You're okay now?"

Malin pressed a light kiss to Shiloh's forehead, "Yes, Shiloh. I'm okay."

"I'll go back to my spot then, Sir. Can I have my drink?"

"Of course. Get comfortable and Rhett will hand it to you." Shiloh slipped onto the floor and wiggled their way back into their spot before looking up at Rhett excitedly.

Before Rhett handed the drink over, he looked at Shiloh questioningly, "No alcohol?"

"No sir. Navi called it... a mocktail I think. She said it has strawberry and mango puree and sparkling water."

"Good. We're so proud of you baby."

"You've done amazing tonight. Enjoy your drink and chat with Ciarren. We'll be leaving in an hour." Shiloh pressed light kisses to each male's knee before focusing on their new drink, moaning softly at the first sip. Their eyes widened in happiness as they continued. "Easy doll. You'll make yourself sick. Take a break between each sip."

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir." Malin just gave them a small smile and ran his fingers gently through Shiloh's hair.

Shiloh talked to Ciarren between each sip. The conversations moving from the lifestyle to their likes and dislikes. Shiloh was enjoying themself more than they ever had before and looked forward to what would come next. 

Sorry for being MIA for so long, please forgive me. But I'm back! So here's this chapter. For those that have read Submissive Desires, there is a one-shot involving Ciarren coming soon. It will be posted to Submissive Desires and my Book of Shorts. 

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