[ B.F.S ]

By Harlivy500

3.7K 117 14

Where Jade spends the night at Tori's only to be the one that has to deliver awful news. Tori's parents have... More

J + T
Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
Chapter 6 (Edited)
Chapter 7 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11 (Edited)
Chapter 12 - Finale (Edited)

Chapter 8 (Edited)

160 8 1
By Harlivy500

Tori's POV

I waded my way through the crowd of teenagers and teachers to my seat in the back, glancing at the paper that read 'A7'. Today was the night of the play that Beck and Jade- and all the other actors and actresses- had spent so long in engineering.

I couldn't help the smile that plastered itself upon my lips as I finally found my seat. Everything went dark save for the stage as the curtains swung open and there she was- in a beautiful white dress with intricate lacing that hugged her figure. It looked radiant on the brunette, I grinned.

"For who sayeth we are not one, my love," Jade spoke in her old english accent, hands resting atop Beck's. My heart seemed to dim at the display but I forced the silly smile to stay plastered.

"Morat speaks ill of thee, we shalln't have not wed," Beck's expression turned from understanding to visible discomfort as he let Eleanor's -Jade's- hands fall. 

Jim- Beck's character- walked right of the stage, moving away from Jade. I silently cheered in my head. 

I turned to look at the girl beside me who was immersed the play. I guess she felt my stare as she turned towards me and smiled, "She's really good!" 

I nodded in agreement, "She is." As the play continued, I could only admire the radiant goth, my eyes trained on her. 


Everyone was crowding around in small groups with their friends and family waiting for the actors to come greet them, snippets could be heard of the praise that Jade and another actress, Esmeralda, were receiving.

Within the moments of waiting, I decided I felt too impatient to congratulate Jade in her performance and made my way backstage. It had been weeks since her and I had had some sort of proper conversation but the brunette- albeit a little odd- had been nothing but nice to me.

As I finally reached the backstage doors, I heard the whispers of a conversation. 

"You should still try again, she loves you Jade," Came the solid voice of none other than Andre, my best friend.

"No, I refuse to have my heart stomped on for the second time," Jade paused, "She had her opportunity and she didn't take it." I could hear the sound of what seemed to be jewelry knock against the little vanity desk we kept backstage.

Andre didn't say anything for some time, "If you don't..you will lose her." I stepped back and away from the door as I heard his footsteps come nearer. As the door shut closed, I bumped into Andre and nodded my hello before going into the room.

"Jade," I breathed out as I saw her sitting in front of her vanity. She was wearing her usual makeup with a red-bold lip, hair done up in an intricate bundle of curls some of which had been placed messily about purposefully yet her dyed teal strands were still visible. 

"Hello," She smiled in the mirror as she focused her stare on me, earrings coming out of her ears as she took them off. I couldn't help it as my smile widened even more. 

"You look beautiful," I said. I wandered over to her as she continued to take off her character costume. 

Jade simply continued on, "Thanks. I didn't think you would show tonight, Vega." The words hung in the air as the goth turned in her seat to face me properly. I took it upon myself to walk over to her, kneeling down at her side.

I looked at her green eyes as she stared back at me, her expression of confusion, "I heard everything you said," I hesitated. "Everything you said to Andre."

Jade's green eyes widened in surprise and then cooled into a still calm all too-quickly, a trait of nervousness I had grown to decipher. 

"Oh," her eyes danced between the mirror and myself, "you heard my opinions then." I flinched at the cold tone that had made it's way into Jade's words.

"I did but you have not heard mine," I purred as I grazed my hand on her knee, the fabric being scrunched up because of the way she was sitting. Jade stayed silent, still observing me.

"I don't agree with what you said- about there being just one opportunity," my gaze stayed on her's as I slid my fingers up and down her legs, tracing a pattern. Jade shivered. 

"You said you didn't want anything to do with me- that Beck would be upset," she frowned as she turned away from me. I sighed in turn. I stood up from my kneel and stared straight into the mirror.

"Beck...," I bitterly thought to our fight a few days prior, "knows I have feelings for you."

"I like you and a lot, his needs to act like a toddler are irrational and frankly," I paused as I grabbed her face gently and made her face me, "I am done living for others."

Jade's eyes widened, her lips puckering in an 'o' shape. "What does this mean, Vega? Because I am not a toy to be played with." Her eyes turned steely but I could spot something else in it, something like fear.

"Oh, I know," I said as I pushed my lips against her's and finally kissed her, "and neither am I."

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