Love Lost (Drake & SZA)

By AshleeeLove

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Returning back to the one place that he so desperately tried to get away from. Top NBA star Aubrey Graham fin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (FlashBack)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter From Ash!
Chapter 8
Chaptet 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 28

353 14 28
By AshleeeLove

Solána (Gynecologist Office)

" Solana! How long has this been going on?"

" Kelly! I don't know!"

" How the hell did it move like this?"

" I don't know." Rolling my eyes.

" You have a new man in your life?" She asked, I smiled and looked away.

" Why do you ask?"

" Solàna, you have that glow to you! You seem happier! Shit a lot happier!"

" I wouldn't say new, I've known him since I was like thirteen. We broke up after high school. Hadn't seen each other for 12 years and then he shows up......." she raised her eyebrow.

" Wait so I've seen you out with that basketball player all over IG. That's him, right? He's Malik's father?" Goodness, she put that together quickly. I don't really mind. I've known Kelly since college. She knew all about the craziness I went through with Nick and didn't like Dre.

" Yes, chile." I rolled my eyes.

" Damn, Lana!! I will say y'all look fuckin good together. You know I don't really pay attention to social media, so I'm thinking you were just seen with him because you're his doctor or something. Shit, I guess you are his doctor in a way!" She smirked.

" Kells, just get this thing out of my coochie!" She laughed and got started.

" Are you getting another IUD?" I gave her a look and smiled.

" No?"

" OK..... Since this thing has relocated you probably need to take a pregnancy test."

" I'm not pregnant, Kells. You and Nai " I shook my head.

"I'm just saying! You have some new dick from the past. I'm sure that man has been blessing you this whole time your IUD has been all fucked up!"

" Dr. Randall! I don't think this is appropriate." I smirked once she looked up at me.

" Oh? Do you want me to be professional with you now? Bitch, please! Does Mr. NBA star have friends?" I looked down at her as she was finishing up.

" He does, Nai is dating his bestie but he has a few other friends and his brother." She stood up and cleaned up before turning back to me as u put my clothes back on.

" I'm going to need you to have some sort of get-together!"

" Uh, if you had come to my birthday shit you would have met them! You decided to go off to Texas to visit that man!"

" Bitch, let me tell you! Worst decision, I've made in a long time! He was ugh, I don't even want to talk about it! Besides, I'm ready to have me some babies. This new doctor that just started here is trying to get at me but he just wants to fuck! I want to fuck and do all the extra shit!" I watched her with a smirk.

" Girl you're something!"

" Mmhm! By the way! Tell baby daddy that I want Heat tickets! I want to flex on these bitches that are in the middle row! I know he'll have you courtside. I want to be right next to you!! I'll be delivering his baby..... So I'll deserve it, right?"

" Kells, you're fired!"

" I'll be fine! I have money saved! Now, this get-together! Can we get something going!"

" I live with him now so I would have to ask him. I can't just have something at his house."

" Living with him? Chile, we need to catch up! Let's go out tonight! Call my baby, Nai, and let's go out!" Smiling while I fixed my hair in the mirror that was on the wall.

"Ok, that sounds fun! I'll text, Nai!"

" Chile I'm sending a group message now!" Kelly said. I looked over and saw her texting. I heard my phone go off in my purse.

"Ok, hun!" I hugged Kelly as she got ready to leave and go to her next patient.

" I'll see you tonight!" She walks out while I put my shoes back on and walked out. I signed out and walked out to my car. My phone rang as soon as I pulled off. Looking I saw that it was Aubrey.

" Hello?" I smiled and put my phone on the mount so that he could see me.

" Imani, can you take off for a week or two?"

" Which week?"

" Next week and the week after." I looked at him as I stopped at a red light.

" For what?"

" I have to go Dubai for business. Just for some shit I invested in but it's only a two-day thing. The rest of the time I figured we could use that as our little vacation away." He says. I noticed that he was at a restaurant.

" Ok, I have plenty of time I can take several vacations. What about Malik?"

" He and Jaylen are coming. I talked to his grandmother already. We just went for his passport. I'll be able to get that shit tomorrow."

" Well, you have everything planned I see."

" Of course! Your man gets shit done, Baby!" He looks away and shakes his head. I could hear someone asking for a picture. I continued to drive and pulled into the parking lot of the mall.

" If you're still here when I leave, we can get a picture, right now I'm out with my boys." He looks back at his phone.

" You're busy," I smirked. He held the phone close to him and mumbled.

" I'm trying to be busy in you, later."

" Bye, Aubrey! By the way, I'm going out later with Nai and my friend Kelly."

" Have I met this friend, Kelly? Kelly better not be a nigga! I know there are some niggas named Kelly."

" Oh shut up!!" I shook my head as he smiled.

" These lil niggas act like that they haven't eaten in days." He switched the camera around to Malik and Jaylen eating. I couldn't help but laugh.

" That's because they spend so much time on that game! Well look, I'll see you later I'm going to get a pair of shoes and a few other items."

" Oh, yea?" The camera was turned back to him. I could he was doing something or texting on his phone.

" Yes, I may as well start shopping for this vacation too." I smiled. He rolled his eyes.

" Excuses to shop, but look! Check that account baby! I just sent you a lil something!" Rolling my eyes.

" Aubrey! I don't need your money! You know that!"

" Imani! I'm your man! Stop!" I shook my head and checked my account. My eyes widen because this nigga has sent me twenty thousand dollars.

" Aubrey!!!" I yelled.

" Bye, baby! I love you!! We'll go shopping tomorrow for these lil niggas here!" He hung up.

" This Nigga!" I shook my head while getting out and going into the mall.


" Come on, y'all ready?" I sat back down from using the restroom on my way back I took a few pictures with fans.

" Yea," Both Malik and Jaylen said while getting up. Everything was already paid for but I reached into my pocket to pull out some cash for the tip.

" Aight, let's go." The boys got up and walked toward the entrance. I followed behind but was stopped by someone that was seated.

" Hey, you!" I looked down to see this girl that I messed with a few times.

" Wassup?" I responded she was sitting with an older woman, probably her mom. I called out to the boys so they wouldn't walk out of the restaurant yet. I know paparazzi are out there.

" I haven't heard from you in a while." She stood up to get ready to hug me but I stopped her. She looked surprised but smiled and looked at the lady.

" Yea..."

" Oh! Drake this is my mom, Annette! Mommy this is, Drake?! The one I told you about." The one she told her about? Aw fuck! Why the fuck didn't I just continue walking. Trying not to be rude to this lady I smiled and shook her hand.

" Hi," Was all I said. Shit, she's introducing me to her mom while I'm trying to figure out if her name was Chantelle or India. I couldn't remember to save my life.

" Dad! Come on!" I looked over to the boys to see them getting irritated

" Aight! Uhh, yea I have to go...." She cut me off.

" You have children?" This girl looked from me to the boys. Where the hell has she been? It's been all over social media since I announced it.

" Aww Drake, you're a father? That's wonderful! My daughter has been talking about kids and I'm definitely ready to be a grandmother. I can see my grandbabies, already! So adorable! Her mom smiled while grabbing my hand. The fuck?

" Uh, nah! Look I have to go!"

" Lacy, invite your boyfriend to dinner! I'm sure your father will want to meet him. Lacy! That's her name, shit I was all the way off.

" Drake call me later and we'll talk." She pulled me into a hug with quickness but I pushed her away.

" Uh, not going to happen! I have to go!" I turned around and nodded toward the exit to the boys.

" Dad, who was that?" Malik asked as we waited for my truck from the valet.

" Honestly, some female that I hung out with a few times, a couple of years ago." Jaylen shook his head and laughed.

" So some girl you use to hump on." I looked at Malik.

" Where the hell did you hear that?"

" Grandma Val says you're always out humping on some girl." He shrugs.

" Don't listen to her. I'm always with your mom!" Jaylen laughed even harder.

" This conversation just went from here to here." He held his hand up as my truck was brought to us.

" Man, get y'all asses in the truck!" I was handed my key fob and got in.

Home (A few hours later)

We had been home for a few hours now. Lana called me and said she was on her way home but wouldn't be home for long because she was going out with Nai and some other friends. Chubbs, Chris, and I were chilling outside. They were smoking while I had a glass of my drink.

" So Dubai is next week? Why the fuck are you just letting me know?" Chris asked. I looked at him and shrugged.

" Nigga, it was supposed to be a business trip but then I decided I wanted to take Lana. We have been talking about a vacation. I only have to deal with business shit for two days and then I'm free. Malik and Jaylen are coming too so y'all may as well book too. You don't have to worry about the flight." Chris looked at Chubbs.

" You, going?"

" Yea, and my girl." He nods.

" Wait, I'm not trying to be on some couples trip! Y'all will be boo'd up and shit while I'm with chump one and chump two."

" That's why I want you out here with us." I laughed.

" Fuck you Nigga! I'm not babysitting them lil niggas.

" Nigga, he's joking." Chubbs laughed.

" Even if he wasn't, I'm still not watching nobody kids!" He kept going on about it being a couple's trip but I knew he wasn't going to turn this down. Getting up to see my mom and Anthony walking around my yard.

" This nigga," I mumbled but turned around when I heard a bunch of laughing. We all looked to see Lana, Nai and I'm guessing her friend. Lana walked out on the patio and smiled.

" Hey, y'all." My baby walked over to me, leaning down to kiss me. I looked at the top she had on.

" Wassup, baby. Why do you have your titties out?" I pulled her top some while looking.

" Aubrey behave." She smirked and sat on my lap.

" Nah, Imani! You better change this shirt before y'all go out!"

" Nigga, leave me alone!" She kissed me again just as Chris got up and walked into the kitchen. Chubbs got up and walked right behind him.

" This nigga already on your friend," I nodded toward them. We watched Chris as he tried to flirt with Lana's friend.

" That's Kelly! She's my gynecologist. That's where I was leaving when you called earlier." Tilting my head to the side.

" Gynecologist? So you got that shit out of your..." Before I could finish asking, Malik walked onto the patio and sat in the chair next to us. He glanced at us and then started looking at his phone.

" Hi to you too, Pooh!"

" Wassup, ma!" She looked at me and then back at Malik.

" What's wrong?" He shook his head and smirked.

" Nothing."

" What you want now?" I asked. I knew he was going to ask us for something.

" Can I go to the Lil Baby show tonight?" Lana looked at him like he was crazy.

" First, with who? Second, why are you asking to go to a show that's happening in probably a couple of hours.? Third, you're too young." He looked at me waiting for me to say something. I just raised my eyebrows.

" Ma! With Jaylen! And dad can get us in there! Wait how am I too young?"

" The fuck? How can I get y'all in?" I asked. Lana started moving around in my lap making shit difficult for me.

" Aubrey! You said to Chubbs yesterday that y'all might go to the show! Why can't we go?" Fuck, Lana is trying to have me take her ass upstairs. I'm not paying attention to anything this boy is saying. I looked down as I felt her hand roaming. I got on these thin-ass workout shorts.

" What are you doing?" I grabbed her hand. She smiled and kissed my cheek.

" Can y'all stop?" I looked at him.

" We'll go! Go get ready." He smiled and yelled out to Jaylen.

" You were going to take him?"

" Yea, I was going to surprise him." She stood up and pulled me so I could get up.

"Come on! Let me introduce you to Kelly."

" I don't want to meet Kelly! I'm trying to give you this dick since you're playing around."

" Aubrey! Stop!" She mumbled.

" Kells, this is Drake, Baby, this is Kelly!" I nodded.

" Nice to meet you, Kelly."

"Mmhm, nice to meet you too! I'm the one that's going to deliver your baby!" She smirked. I looked at Solána in question.

"Don't pay attention to her, Aubrey."

" I'm just messing!" She walked back over to Chris.

" Bitch, you're preg...." Lana held her hand up in Nai's face.

" No!! Now let me go get ready!" She grabs my hand leading me upstairs.

" So what was she talking about," I sat in bed against the headboard, watching her.

" Nothing, Aubrey! She took my IUD out and that's, that!"

" So you didn't get another one put in?" I stood up so I could find myself something to wear since these lil niggas wanted to go to this show.

" No."

" Aight," I smiled while grabbing a shirt.

" Wipe that smile off your face, Aubrey!"

" What? I'm just smiling! You know I like to smile."

" Mmhm, I'm going to shower. Join me if you want!" She took her clothes off and put them in the dirty laundry. All I could do was follow. Watching her hips and that ass jiggle. She's about to get this work.


" Girl, I almost thought we weren't going to make it out tonight! What took you so long?" Kelly asked while sipping on her drink.

" Her nigga happened! All they do is fuck!" Nai smirked while nine shots were placed in front of us.

" Who the fuck ordered this?" Nai asked the waiter. He points to a group of guys on the other side. One, in particular, was staring at us. Well staring at me I should say.

" Mmhmm, tell him thanks and not to send anything else over here!" He nods and walks off. I looked his way and he winked at me.

" Lord." I rolled my eyes turning back to my girls.

We were having a good time as the night went on. Aubrey sent me videos of them at the show. He, Tyler, Chubbs, Chris, and the boys went. Malik and Jaylen were rapping every word in one video.

AubBear💞🥰💕:You better not have your titties out, Imani.

Me: 😜😋

" This nigga is about to have a fit," I smirked once I saw that he saw my little video.

" Who?" Nai asked


" I sent him this video." Before I could show her he called.

" Ignore!" Nai grabbed my phone, pressed ignore and went to my messages. She laughed and shook her head.

" He'll probably show up now! Does know where we're at?"

" Yea, but he's still at the show." I laughed as we ordered more drinks.

Another hour went by and we were all dancing. A few men tried to dance all up on me but Kelly would push them away. By the time I finished another shot, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

" Mrs. Graham," Tommy smirked and nodded toward the upstairs area. I looked up to see Aubrey watching me from the balcony.

" Oh lord, here we go."

" Uh uh! This is a girl's night out! Nobody interrupts their strip club nights!" Nai said. I looked back at Aubrey who motioned for me to come up. Just as I was about to go on up, the guy who brought us drinks walked next to me.

" Hey, baby! Is there any way I can get your number and get to know you?"

" Baby? Uh, no. That's not going to happen. Sorry." I continued to walk walking toward the stairs. Aubrey kept his eyes on me. Chubbs and Chris laughed once I made it up.

" Lana, you got that nigga, trippin! We left the show to come here!" Chris says before walking down.

" Only you, LanLan!" Chubbs smirked. I rolled my eyes and walked into the VIP area. I was shocked to see Malik and Jaylen sitting down with their eyes wide, watching women walk by.

" Aubrey! Why do you have them here? How do you have them in here."

" Baby, they're fine! We're not at the strip club or something!"

" Uh uh! They don't need to be in a club! Look at their faces! They're in shock!" He turned around and laughed.

" True, but you pissed me off with this outfit, Fuck, I don't like all of this showing, mama! This shit right here is mine." He grabbed my ass and leaned down.

" Aubrey! Stop before the boys see you touching all on me like this!"

" I'm trying to get it wet. Come on let's go!" He smirked.

" Mmhmm,"

" Malik! Jaylen! Get up! Y'all act like y'all never seen some shit before!"

" Dad! Did you see all of that?"

" Get on out of here! Tommy!" He called out and Tommy took the boys out.

" I still don't understand how you got them in here! A damn shame!"

" Baby, do you know who I am?" He smiled and leaned down to kiss me.

" A damn fool, that's who."




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