
By Moonfairy28

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The Agnihotri family. A very rich and influential family in the city. Jaiveer Agnihotri, the head of the fami... More

Aesthetic πŸ’œπŸ’œ
Abhimanyu Story


15.4K 885 54
By Moonfairy28

Enjoy Reading


Everyone is busy searching for Abhimanyu and worried about him. How can a little baby suddenly disappears from the garden?

A loud shout of Anushka alerts everyone. Ashika jump in her place and her heart drop in her stomach in fear.

Arjun run in the direction from where Anushka's shouted.

Anushka is standing there with her palm covering her mouth.

He look in the direction where she is looking and gasped in shock looking at the scene in front of him.

Ashika and everyone also reached there. They frowned seeing Arjun and Anushka still in their place. Ashika move Arjun a little aside to see what they are looking at.

"Oh, God!" She exclaims and her eyes widen in shock.

Priya and Jaiveer also look stunned. Priya open her mouth to say something but no word comes out.

Aaruhi break the silence as she started laughing loudly looking at the scene.

Abhimanyu who was dedicatedly eating grass looks up with startle hearing the loud laugh. But instantly a smile appears on his face seeing his parents, and other family members.

Ashika sighs loudly looking at his condition. Because The great Abhimanyu Maharaj ji is laying on his front in the small pile of dry leave and some of them covering his head as they stuck on his hairs. And his face is painted with mud along with few colorful petals of flowers and green leave around his mouth.

And soon everyone started laughing looking at his funny yet cute face. Abhimanyu also giggles seeing everyone happy and he forwards his hand holding a fistful of grass in it.

What a well-mannered baby to share his food with others!!

Arjun squats in front of him and hold his tiny fist before removing the grass he is holding.

"You really disappointed me today..." Arjun softly said and shake his head in a fake disappointment.

"I don't know my tiger is actually a goat," Hearing his word everyone started laughing while Aaruhi come to her father and said,
"My Bhayyu is a goat...goat Bhayyu hahaha," Aaruhi started giggling at her thought while jumping on her place.

"This naughty boy gave everyone a heart attack," Priya said narrowing her eyes at him playfully.

Anushka quickly take out her phone and snap his picture and giggle looking at his picture.

"He is looking so cute...see Bhabhi. Aww my baby," Ashika also smile looking at his picture.

"come on Mr Abhimanyu...now you need a nice bath," Saying this Arjun pick him up. He started jumping in his arms and clap his hand happily while singing some tuned in his own language.

Everyone chuckle at his happy mood. He is always a happy baby.

"Abhi stop it, baby. You are making Mama all wet with water. You are getting very naughty these days," Ashika softly scold him as she is cleaning the mud from his body whereas Abhimanyu is splashing water all over her by slapping his hands on the water due to which her clothes get all drenched with water.

Ashika cover his eyes with her palm to rinse the shampoo from his hair making him restless as he started jumping while sitting on the tub.

"It's okay, my boy. It's done... it's done," Ashika softly said to calm him down.

He started screaming while trying to move her hands away from his face.

"Arre baba, it's okay my bachcha. See... it's finished. I know my little boy doesn't like shampoo,..." She lovingly said wiping the water from his face. He looked at her with teary eyes and his chin started trembling.

"Don't cry..no no. Aww, my baby don't be sad. Mama is very bad, very very bad Mama. Mama needs a nice scolding, right? Don't worry, we will scold mama for washing my sweet baby's hair, okay," He silently started sniffing hearing her so gentle and loving voice.

Ashika picked him out of the water tub and then wrapped him in a soft towel. She comes out of the bathroom with sad Abhimanyu. He turns his head away from her showing he is mad at her.

Arjun also comes out of the closet at the same time after changing his clothes as he picked up the muddy Abhimanyu.

As soon as Abhimanyu see him, he started squirming in Ashika's hold while leaning toward Arjun. His big brown eyes filled with unshed tears. Arjun look at him with a smile and take him from Ashika.

Ashika huffed at her son's drama. She knows what is coming next and shakes her head before going inside the closet to change her clothes.

Arjun was about to sit on the bed with him but stop hearing a protesting screaming from his son.

"Okay okay!!...I am not sitting. I am not, happy," saying his Arjun started walking around the room.

"Oowu.." Arjun kiss his cheeks as let out a soft sound in satisfaction.

Suddenly Abhimanyu's eyes went to Ashika who comes out of the closet in a simple cotton kurti and palazzo and stand in front of the mirror to fix her hair. Finding Abhimanyu looking at her with so much attention, Ashika smile at him through the mirror. He blinked his eyes few times before showing his small tongue to her with his eyes tightly closed.

First Ashika gets shocked at his act. Before realizing he is the brother of The great Aaruhi. After all, she is his role model. She shouldn't be so shocked, right.

Ashika smirk as he is still looking at her by turning his face back as Arjun is walking in the opposite direction. Ashika also poked her tongue at him with her thumbs on either side of her head and her finger flapping like wings in a childish manner.

Very Mature Ashika!!

Abhimanyu looked at her with his mouth slightly open. He don't know what is his mama doing but surely he didn't like it. His lips started shaking along with his chin. Soon his eyes started shining with tears. He immediately hides his face in the crook of Arjun's neck.

Poor child, can't see himself being tortured by his beautiful mama. He don't know how to counter back her, now. He knows he is going to lose the mocking battle between him and his mama. He can't win against his mama with his tiny body, so he quickly used his Brahmastra, his Ashuastra. His most powerful weapon. His strength which is everyone's weakness.

Arjun frowned when he felt Abhimanyu's body shaking and soon he started crying loudly still hiding his face in his neck.

Ashika chuckle at his drama.

Waah!! Well done, Ashi. I mean how can you laugh when your son is crying that too because of you.
Her mind mocks her.

"Arre, what happen to you, tiger?! Why is my little star crying? Ashi, see what happened to him? He suddenly started crying. Did he get hurt or something?" worry and fear is clearly visible in his voice.

"Nothing happens, Arjun, relax. He is just mad cause he is unable to take the pain of defeat," Ashika said with a hint of a smile in her voice as she braid her hair.

"Huh??" Arjun get more confused. He again looked at Abhimanyu who is now looking at Ashika with pouty lips.
He again started crying more like screaming in frustration.

"Shhh...it's okay, tiger. Shh...," Arjun tries to calm him down while rocking him softly.

"Okay, okay mama is sorry, baby. Forgive mama," Ashika walked toward them and started stroking his head gently to stop him from crying more.

Arjun wiped his tears and softly caressed his cheek before kissing his cheeks, "It's okay, baby!! Calm down,"

Hearing the soft and gentle whisper of Arjun, Abhimanyu stop crying. But still has a sad pout prominent on his red face.

"What happen bachcha? Why are you so sad?" As if Abhimanyu understands what his Papa said, he instantly points his index finger toward Ashika who look stunned and amazed at his response.

Then begin his babbling session which continue to almost 15 minutes, literally 15 minutes.
He keep babbling and gabbling looking between his parents. He gave mad and angry to Ashika but when he look at Arjun his expression instantly turned into a sad and innocent one. Arjun silently look at him while trying his best to keep a serious face when he so wanted to laugh and kiss his little boy badly.
Whereas Ashika is looking at her little bomb in disbelief and astounded at his cute outburst. Neither of them can understand whatever he is saying but thanks to his excellent expressions. It's is clear as water that little boy is complaining about his Mama to his Papa. He is very very angry with his mama.

And why not! After all, she dare to wash his hair that too with that shampoo which he doesn't like at all.
And not only that she didn't let him win the teasing game they are playing.

"Okay, I get it. At least take a breath baby boy," Arjun said while rubbing his back.

"Don't worry I will scold mama, okay, for troubling my sweet boy," Arjun said and sat on the bed with him.

"Mama come here!" Arjun called Ashika in a fake stern voice and make an angry face.

Ashika chuckle internally before sitting in front of him with fake sad face.
Abhimanyu look at Arjun innocently hearing his hard voice then look at Ashika who has a sad pout on her face. He blink few times while looking at them.

"Why is make my little boy cry, huh?? Mama is getting very naughty, haina," He asked then look at Abhimanyu who is looking at them silently and slowly shake his head when he realise his mama is getting sad.

"Should we punished her?" Arjun asked raising his bows at him. Abhimanyu look at him while slowly blinking his eyelashes.

But his head in Ashika's direction, hearing a sniffing sound. Ashika covers her face with her palm and makes a soft sniffing sound.

Abhimanyu who is sitting on the bed started crawling toward Ashika and sit in front of her. He hold the sleeves of her kurta and started tugging it to see her face. When he was unsuccessful in his task, he started kissing the back of her palm. Ashika smile at her sweet baby from behind her hands feeling his open mouth on the hand.

He happily clapped his hand when Ashika finally remove her palms from her face. She smiles at him who is showing his toothless smile. Ashika lean down toward his face and lightly brush her nose against his earning a cheerful and excited sound from him.

"Aww, my sweet baby, my cute baby, my sona baby, my little bomb," Abhimanyu laugh loudly as Ashika called him with endearments lovingly while placing kisses all over his face.

She gently started rubbing his tummy as he is laughing hard. She looked at Arjun who is smiling looking at them.

She winks at him playfully making him smirk. He swiftly place his lips on her before pulling away instantly. She chuckle and shook her head.

"Pass me his body lotion and other things to get him ready quickly, so I can help mama with lunch,"

It was an evening time and Ashika is getting ready for their dinner date. She already informed Priya about their dinner plan to which she gets a lot of teasing from her mother-in-law.
The kids will stay with Jaiveer and Priya tonight.

She already put Abhimanyu to sleep and Aaruhi is with Anushka who is helping her with her homework.

She smiles proudly looking at herself all ready in her dress.

Perfect for a dinner date!

Her phone beep with a message notification. She quickly opens the message and smiles more brightly reading the message sent by her husband.

Is my beautiful wife ready? Or is she planning my murder with her killer beauty?
Can't wait more!!

She quickly take her clutch and rushed out smiling like a new bride.

As she reached the living area, she slow down seeing Jaiveer and Priya sitting there and having their tea.

"My son is gonna lose his sense today. By the way, my daughter is looking pretty, right Jai?" Ashika turns crimson hearing Priya. Jaiveer just smile softly at Ashika.

"Ma, Abhi is sleeping in the bedroom,"
Priya nodded and assure her.

"Don't worry I am going there, only. I will take care of my grandkids. You two just enjoy your time," Ashika quickly hug her and Jaiveer before leaving.

As she come out of the house, she tried to calm her racing heart seeing her husband leaning against car looking down at his phone. He look up hearing her anklets sound and freeze in his place.

She look at him then move her eyes at his outfit and internally giggles as they are matching.

She went near him and kiss his cheek pulling him out of spell.

He scratched the back of his neck with a little smile on his lips making Ashika chuckle at his cuteness.

"Looking dashing, husband," she said while lightly brushing the collar of his coat.

"And I don't have words to compliment your beauty," then he pecks her lips softly before kissing her forehead.

"Too much cheesy," she playfully rolls her eyes.

"You love cheese so why not...Hmm so, Shall we, beautiful," Arjun winked before opening the car door for her.

There is a comfortable silence inside the car as the car is running on the busy road.

Their fingers entwined together and rested on the gear handle. Arjun's thumb is softly caressing her knuckles.

Soon they reached their destination. Arjun stop the car in front of the restaurant and come out of the car to open the door for her.

She thanks him in her sweet voice before they entered the restaurant which is less crowded and peaceful.

They sat at their reserved table and give their order.

"You like this place?" Ashika nodded with a smile and said,
"It's beautiful and peaceful, I love it,"

"I wanted to enjoy and spend some time with you alone as soon you are going to start your dance academy," he told her and bring her palm to his lips and place a loving kiss there.

"I know, we will rarely get time but we will try our best to take some time for each other from our busy schedule, promise?"

"Promise, my Jaan," He said sincerely while looking deep into her eyes with love and adoration.

"Our life changed so much in these 7 months. I never thought we would get so much love. Our kids, Ma- Dad and Anushka - Viraj are the best things that happen in our life, na. I don't want anything else in my life. I am very much happy and content in my life," Ashika softly while looking at him with her eyes glowing with happiness and love.

"I know, Ashi," He whispers and tuck her loose hair strands behind her ears.

She bite her inner cheek feeling his thumb lightly and sensually stroking the place behind her left earlobe.

He smile seeing her ears, neck and face slowly turning pink and chuckled silently at his shy and flushed wife.

She sighs when the waiter comes with their order. Arjun smirked at her reaction before serving the dinner for both of them.

"Dessert??" he asked after they finished their dinner.

"I wanted to eat ice cream but not here," She said getting excited suddenly.


"I will tell you," She said with a happy glint in her eyes. Arjun chuckles at her children and then pays the bill.

"Your destination, Mrs. Agnihotri," Arjun said stopping the car near the park.

Ashika jumped out of the car and squealed happily looking at the ice cream truck standing outside the park.

"Arjun!! Ice cream..lets go," she pulled Arjun with her.

"Relax, Ashi. It is not going anywhere. Stop running yaar," But she ignore his words royally while making her way toward the ice cream truck.

"Bhaiya, two chocolate ice cream cones," She said politely to the seller.

She started jumping as the seller hand her two ice cream cones.

"Who can say your are mother of two kids," Arjun tease her as they are sitting on the bench near park.

"With you, I will always be that 20-year-old Ashika. Even when I will become a toothless grandma," she said while laughing and put her head on his shoulder.

Arjun chuckled and kiss his head before pulling her more into himself.

They enjoy the soft cold breeze of the night while having their ice cream.

Arjun stopped the car on the porch of their house and turn toward Ashika who is sleeping with her head leaning against the window. He straightened her head on the headrest. Before stepping out of the car and walked to her side.

As he picked her in his arms in a bridal style, she lazily open her eyes and give him sleepy smile then rest her head on his shoulder muttering,

"That's why I can't stop loving you, never. I love you, Arjun," then placed a kiss on the side of his neck.

He smile feeling happy at her confess. He always get those butterflies sensation in his stomach when she said 'I love you' to him. And he loves it.

"I love you too, Jaana," he whispered slowly as she has her eyes closed.
But he didn't notice the little curve of her lips.

As he was about to turn to go toward their, he come across Anushka who was coming out of her room with an empty water bottle.

Anushka look at them with sleepy and boring eyes before they fully opened and a teasing smile formed on her face.

"Oho Bhai! Very nice. I loved your Romeo personality so much. You are so whipped in love for Bhabhi," she tease while smirking at him.

"Oyye, chup kr(Stup up). Why are roaming like a chudail in midnight and your hair is also looks like a chudail. At least have a look at yourself before stepping out your room what if you suddenly appears in front of me like this. I would surely get a heart attack," Anushka clenched her jaw controlling her anger. She take a long breath to calm her anger before looking at him in annoyance and went away stomping her feet on the floor loudly like a child not before poking her tongue at him.

He chuckled at his baby sister.

"She never gonna change!
And I don't even want that."
He thought while opening their room door with his leg.

He gently settle her on the bed and place her clutch on the side table.

After few minutes he comes out of the closet in his t-shirt and sweats.

Arjun first removes her heels and sigh seeing the redness around her ankles due to the tight strap.
His thumbs softly caress the red area.
Then he walked and sat beside his sleeping beauty.

After removing her earning and dupatta, he tried to wake her up so she can change her suit into a night that he bought with him.

"Ashi, change your kurta then sleep," he softly said while running his palms on her face.

"Hmm," she just then again went back to her sleep.

"Please Ashi, you must be uncomfortable like this. And you won't able to sleep in this. Come on...up, up my kid's mama," he makes her sit holding her hand. She pout but still kept her eyes close.

He carefully made her stand holding her hand as she is still in sleep and swaying from side to side.

"Open," she grumbles turning her back at him and signing him to unzip her suit.

She slide the suit from her shoulder leaving her in only a black bra and black palazzo of her suit.

She then again fell back on the bed like this only and cover herself with the duvet. Arjun shook his head while chuckling.

"And then she said our babies are too dramatic," he murmurs under his breath before joining her on the bed.

She quickly hugs him feeling him beside her. He also pulled her closer and snuggle his face in her neck.

And like this our sweet couple slept in each other embrace.


Thank you for reading

Hope you all doing good. And also like the chapter.

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Stay tuned

Till then take care 🥰

Bye bye
See you soon 😇

Lots of love💜💜

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