SasuSaku: You Saved Me

By breshea_carter

10.3K 533 1.4K

Modern/Highschool Au Sasuke and Sakura two individuals who once lived in the same neighborhood during Junior... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 5

507 23 92
By breshea_carter

"Sasuke, I'll be heading out for the rest of the day, I have a lot of work I have to catch up on down at the station , if you leave don't forget to lock the door and to let me know where you'll be if you're out late." Itachi said.

"Hn, yeah.. I plan on going out today.. there's a back to school festival.."

"I see, going with anyone in particular?" Itachi asked.


"Aa, So I take it your first two weeks at school are going well then, have you made alot of friends?"

"No.. just two. Well.. one I already knew."

"Is it Sakura?" Itachi shot a teasing smile at Sasuke. He noticed the tips of his little brother's ears redden mentioning Sakura to him.

"Yeah, it's Sakura and another friend named Naruto, even though he's annoying."

"But isn't Sakura the one you always refer to as annoying?" Itachi teased as Sasuke rolled his eyes. "She's a different type of annoying." He said a little under his breath as Itachi chuckled.

"I take it she's only annoying because she makes you feel things you don't understand, her ability to sway you is annoying I bet."

"You make it sound like I have a crush on her or something." Sasuke said.

"You said it, not me." Itachi said. "Just when you go out, have fun, and just be careful. Alot has happened and I'm liking the small changes I'm seeing in you... so be sure to be nice to Sakura and others around you, your friends are more important than you think.. I know things have been rough without Mother and Father and times like this we need our friends and others.. so enjoy and cherish them now." Itachi said as Sasuke nodded still blushing not looking at his brother. "Well I'm going now, Order dinner if you get hungry when you get back home, see you later Sasuke."

"Yeah yeah... you drive safe." Sasuke said as his brother nodded, closing the door to his room. Sasuke fell back on his bed throwing his arm over his eyes. He felt like a complete idiot sometimes.

Why did the mere mention of Sakura's name make him blush like that? Was it because of the context of which Itachi mentioned her? She really was annoying.. clouding his mind almost all the time..especially when she kissed his cheek two weeks ago. He had been a bit awkward around her, not intentionally, he just doesn't know how to handle or express his feelings that well especially when it comes to things like... crushes.

Back then when they were simply adolescent preteens who were always happy together he probably would've been different expressing his feelings for Sakura, he probably would have gladly told her he has a crush on her... but now.. things are simply different.

He doesn't know if expressing his feelings is the right thing for either of them.. he doesn't want to ruin anything they're starting to have with one another, they've recently found one another again and he wants to cherish everything about her.

Maybe he's just scared and is afraid to admit it.. he lost two of the closest people to him who he cared deeply for.. maybe he's just scared if he and Sakura get too involved he'd be afraid of losing her.

The vibration of his phone pulled him from his thoughts, peeking from under his arm he looked down at the phone, it was Sakura's name flashing across the screen.

"Tsk, speak of the devil." He murmured grabbing his phone placing it at his year.

"What is it Sakura."

"Open up! I ran into your brother and he said you're home!"

He could hear the cheerfulness in her voice as she spoke he sat up in his bed and chuckled. "I'm on my way down."

"Hurry! It's chilly out here!"

"You're the fool who decided to come over, so don't complain now.. matter of fact, I'll take my time." He said.

"Sasukeeeeeee you're being mean..."

"I'm not being mean." He said leaving his room walking downstairs.

"But you are."

"And you're being annoying."

"You always say that."

"Because it's true.." He said opening his front door, showing Sakura who rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, I'm always annoying to you." She said brushing past him, walking into his house.

He was quick to grab her wrist, pulling her back to him, causing her to hit his chest. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"You don't just storm into someone's house you know." He said lowly, causing her to look up at him.

"Well you're not just someone you know." She said as he raised a brow at her.

"Oh yeah, who am I then?"

Blushing, Sakura averted her gaze and then looked back up to Sasuke. "You'" She said as he let out a slight scoff. He released her, he closed the front door and locked it and began walking further into his house.

Sakura hurriedly removed her shoes placing them near the door before following him into the house. "Sakura, why are you here?" Sasuke asked walking into the kitchen

"Well, I thought I would come check in with you."

"You would've saw me later when we go to the festival."

"But I wanted to see you now." She said as he rummaged in his refrigerator pulling out two bottled drinks.

"Is that so." He said turning around placing her drink in front of her on the counter.

"Of course.. is it a crime wanting to see you?" She asked.

"Hn, no." Sasuke said as Sakura chuckled. "It's not like I haven't been over here before." She said.

"Yeah only during our study meets when we can't use the library." He said.

"I've come over on weekends too." She said.

"Whatever." Sasuke said as she laughed.

"Anyways! What time do you want to leave? If we go early we can probably check out a lot of things before it gets packed."

"It doesn't matter, I'll leave whenever you want to."

"Of course it's up to me..." she said as he chuckled. "Fine, I know right now all of the schools involved and other staff are setting it up right now, I talked to Ino and she said it's alot being prepped.. she said everything should be ready to start around 7pm so I suppose we can leave around 6:00 or 6:30pm, so we can beat the crowd." Sakura said as Sasuke looked down at his phones time.

"Hn, it's only 4:30 now." He said. "You're lucky I already showered."

"Hmmm" she hummed. "So, where is Itachi heading off to? Is he going to come to the festival?"

"No, he's going to work."

"Oh.. does he always work late?"

"Not really, we usually sit and have dinner together most days. It's still a bit awkward sometimes but it's getting better between us... he's only working late because I think he's working on a case."

"Makes sense, he is a detective he probably has alot of things he has to do for his cases."

"Yeah, but I think he's working on more than one case. He has a study here, and he spends alot of nights stuck in there... I think he constantly goes over our parents case.. I don't know if something has changed with it.. he doesn't really give me details when I ask about it. He tells me to not worry about it or that it's nothing.. it's so annoying." Sasuke said.

"What exactly could there be about your parents case? Isn't the guy who hit them in jail for drunk driving?"

"From what I know he's supposed to be.. but like I said, I'm in the dark with alot that's happened with my parents case, I get treated like a child whenever it's brought up."

"You should tell your brother that you want to know things as well, you aren't a child and anything concerning your parents you should also be informed. I understand it's his job and things may be a bit confidential but that's him as a detective as your brother he should let you know what you need."

"Hn, Yeah.. I don't know.. I still sometimes don't feel I have a right to meddle with anything my brother has."

"You still feel guilty.." Sakura said as Sasuke huffed. "I try to think differently about it, but the feeling just doesn't go away overnight."

"Well hopefully everything we talk about helps. If we need to, we can talk for forever until you feel better about everything." She said walking around the counter standing in front of him.

A small smirk formed at Sasuke's lips, he raised his hand and placed it on Sakura cheek, his thumb rubbing over her cheek in gentle circles. He could feel the warmth emit from her face as he did so. Her eyes looked up at him as he looked back down at her.

Leaning into his hand, Sakura raised her own placing it over his. "Sakura.." Sasuke spoke.


"HEYYYY TEME!! OPEN UP THE DOOR!!!" The loud voice of Naruto made them both jump away from one another. Embarrassed Sakura's entire face was red as Sasuke's ear tips burned.

They both don't even understand why they were startled they weren't about to do anything and Naruto did catch them like that...

"Do you want me to get it?" Sakura spoke softly as Sasuke nodded refusing to look at her. He was still trying to collect himself. He acted boldly. He doesn't even know why he began to caress her the way he did.

"I'm an idiot.. I'm being too obvious." He cursed himself.

"Yo Teme! I didn't know Sakura-chan would be here too! I wanted to make it over before you both left so we can leave together!" Naruto said with a cheeky smile.

"We decided to leave between 6:00 and 6:30 so we can beat the crowd that will form." Sakura said.

"Oh yeah, it does get crowded, but it's so fun! Even schools from outside of Tokyo come to participate, the festival is just that big." Naruto said.

Sasuke was unsure if he wanted to go now, he wasn't really adept with being in big crowds, especially if it's packed.

"How many people are there usually at this festival?" Sasuke asked.

Both Naruto and Sakura turned to Sasuke looking at him as he raised a brow to them. "Well, there's usually a couple hundred you know." Sakura said.

"Didn't they have festivals in Osaka while you were there?" Naruto asked.

"They did but I never went to any of them." Sasuke said. "I don't like being around a lot of people." He added.

"Oh then you're going to hate this festival EVERYONE comes out for it." Naruto said with a smile as Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"I'll pass then, I'll stay home." Sasuke said as Sakura's eyes widened.

"Wait what?!? You said that you would go!" She said. "You don't have to worry about the amount of people as long as me and Naruto are both there!" Sakura said as Sasuke looked at her sighing.

She walked around to stand in front of him. "Please. It'll be fun." She said looking at him with doe eyes.

Sasuke sighed again before taking a small step forward towards her, he raised his hand and tapped her forehead, right on her diamond shaped scar. "Don't be annoying.. I'll go." He said as she smiled, her cheeks blushing as he smiled softly at her.

"Okay, what was that?" Naruto asked. "You tapped her forehead, literally who does that?!"

"Shut up idiot." Sasuke said walking past Sakura.

"Pfft how rude." Naruto huffed as Sakura giggled.

"So who do you think we will see from our school?"
Naruto asked as the three of them began to approach where the festival will be held.

"Most likely." Sakura said.

"Hey there's Kiba! I'm going to catch up with him, I'll meet with you guys before we go home!" Naruto said running off towards the festival.

It left Sasuke and Sakura alone while they both entered together.

"This is.. lively.." Sasuke said.

"Of course it is! It's a festival!"

"It's... annoying." Sasuke said as he began to look around. Sakura looked up to him seeing how his jaw was clenched and how tense he had gotten since they just got there. She didn't want him to be uncomfortable, she wanted him to be loose and have fun.

"Here." She spoke grabbing his hand lacing her fingers with his. "You always tend to hold my hand to make me feel better, so this time I'll hold yours, that way you can feel a bit more comfortable being here." Sakura spoke as he looked down at her.

He inhaled and exhaled deeply before beginning to walk. He pulled her right along with him as he did so. "Where are you going?" Sakura asked.

"I saw a booth... I want to check it out.." he said as Sakura began to get giddy and smiled, squeezing his hand a bit.

The reason Sasuke took the lead was because he was blushing like a idiot when Sakura grabbed his hand. He didn't know why the action made him feel that way, when he's always been the one to initiate their holding of hands.

Maybe it's because it was getting harder to hide how she made him feel.

Walking around with Sakura did make him loosen up. She made everything seem so natural, the crowd did bother him but he didn't let it ruin the time he had with Sakura.

"Ooh we should play this together Sasuke!" She said pointing to a booth where you had to throw a football perfectly into a target hole. The prizes were plushies hanging up.

"Look it's a slug plushy!" She said as he looked at stuffed slug. "Would you like to throw the ball to try to win it?" The booth keeper asked as Sakura nodded.

He held the football out for her to take and when she did she gave it all she had to make it into the hole, only for it to hit the net and roll back down towards the booth keeper.

"Aw man, atleast I gave it a shot." Sakura said.

As Sakura was about to turn around Sasuke stepped up, holding his hand out. "Give me the ball." He said.

The booth keeper did as told and when Sasuke lifted the ball in a throwing position he, effortlessly threw it directly into the hole.

"Congratulations! Pick whichever prize you want!" The booth keeper said as Sasuke pointed to the white and blue slug hanging. The booth keeper removed it handing it to him and when he turned around he gave it to Sakura.

"Here." He spoke.

"Sasuke- You didn't have to.."

"But I wanted to." He said looking down at her. He watched a cute smile make her lips as she hugged the big stuffed slug close to her. Before he could get too engulfed with how adorable she looked he cleared his throat.

"Let's grab something to eat.. I'm hungry." He said.

"Ooh Okay!" She smiled as she held her hand out for him. He took it and they began to walk together side by side.

"Here you sit, while I go find us some utensils to eat with." Sakura said as they found a picnic table which wasn't occupied.

"I'll come with you.." Sasuke said. "It's a big crowd."

"Don't worry! I remember where to come back to!" Sakura reassured him.

He watched her as she entered into the crowd of people. A sigh escaped his lips as he hoped she'd make it back fine. She wasn't the biggest or tallest person, and with how this festival began to get more and more crowded, he worried she'd be pushed and squished by all of these idiots.

"Where's the dobe at.." he said looking around thinking about how he hasn't seen Naruto since they got to the festival..

"Oh my God, is that you Sasuke?" He turned to see a girl, she was gaping at him as he rose a brow to her. He didn't quite recognize her from their class or school.. but something was familiar about her.

It then clicked when she began to walk closer to him. "Sage?" He asked as she nodded.

"Yes! It's me! Sage Hiroko! Remember from Osaka!"

"Yeah.. what are you doing here all the way in Tokyo."

"Well my Mom ended up getting new job offer so we moved here a week ago. We made it in time for late registration at my new school."

"Which school?"

"Tokyo High." She said with a smile.


"Which school do you go to?" She asked taking it upon herself to take a seat beside him.

"Tokyo High." He said as her eyes widened with glee.

"Which class are you in? I'm going to be in class 3-4"

"I'm in 3-2" he said.

"Aww man, but atleast we'll be back at school together! When I heard what happened to your parents, I stopped by your old house, but you had already moved away..."

"Yeah, My brother insisted I leave right after school ended for the summer.. sorry but I wasn't too keen on seeing anyone after that." He said as she nodded.

"Totally understandable.. but understand that everyone was worried and wished you the best." She said softly as he looked to her.

"Hn, Thank you." He said.

"Don't leave me hanging? Come here so I can hug you." She said scooting closer to him. Before he could kindly reject the offer he was being pulled down into a hug.

"I really missed you over the summer. I'm here now so maybe we could go back to being friends like before." She said.

As Sakura made her way back to her and Sasuke's table, she was getting extremely irritated with the amount of rude people who bumped her roughly and didn't even say excuse me. Someone had bumped her so hard at one point she dropped everything in her hand which made her turn back to go grab more.

When her table was finally coming into view, she froze in her tracks. She witnessed something she didn't particularly want to. It was Sasuke and a girl with dirty blonde hair, both of them hugging one another..

Sakura knew Sasuke didn't have many people he considered friends, in fact from what she knows, he only considers her and Naruto his actual friends.. so who was this girl?

Why did seeing the two of them suddenly make her heart ache?

But she couldn't feel such a way.. it wasn't like Sasuke was her boyfriend and it's not like they are on a date... maybe she's getting the signals confusing with how kind he's being...

Sucking in a breath, Sakura began to make her way towards the table. When she did relief quickness washed over Sasuke. He was happy she made it back in one piece.

His gaze softened upon seeing her, and Sage noticed this.

"Sasuke, who's your friend?" Sage asked as she pulled away from him, scooting a bit away too.

"This is Sakura. She's a good friend of mine, I knew her before I left for Osaka." He said.

"Hi.. Um nice to meet you." Sakura said as Sage smiled. "Nice to meet you too, I'm Sage Hiroko!"

"Sakura Haruno.." Sakura said softly. Her curiosity peaked and she needed to know who this girl was.. she must be someone special if Sasuke never mentioned her before... maybe a girlfriend or a ex girlfriend?

"So how do you know Sasuke?" Sakura asked.

"Oh, we were classmates back in Osaka."

"Oh are you his ex girlfriend?" Sakura asked as Sasuke looked at her quizzically. That was a odd question for her to come out and ask. She should know he didn't have a girlfriend back in Osaka at all.

"No, we were just friends you know.. That's all.." Sage said as Sakura let out a sigh.

"Oh I see... sorry to assume.. I saw you both hugging so I just jumped to a conclusion." Sakura said embarrassed as Sage giggled. "No of course not! Sasuke is just a friend.." Sage said as she stood. "Well, It was nice seeing you, I hope I'm able to see you Monday at school, you can probably show me around!" Sage said as Sasuke nodded.

"Hn. See you." Sasuke said as Sage took her leave.

When Sasuke looked back at Sakura, she was looking away, her cheeks were red and she was obviously embarrassed.

Sasuke could only smirk, of course she was embarrassed, she was showing signs of obvious jealousy. Seeing him with his old classmate must've made her act so impulsively with a question like that.

"After we eat, want to watch our school do their cheers?" He asked as Sakura looked up at him. He didn't want to make things awkward, he'd save his teasing for later, when she's not so out of it.

"Um.. Yeah sure..." she smiled sheepishly, handing him his utensils as they began to eat their food together.

Walking home from the station was quiet, their hand holding continued but there was a big space between them.

Before they made it to their homes, Sasuke stopped in his tracks as Sakura looked behind her at him.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" She asked.

"You know... you don't have to worry about Sage or any other girls right?" He stated out the blue.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I'm sure seeing her hug me was awkward which is why you've been distancing yourself since you saw it... I'm letting you know you don't have to ever feel awkward about things like this." He said pulling her to him. She jerked a bit hard and it caused her to drop her slug plushy on the ground.

When she hit his chest, he squeezed her hand as his chin rested on her head. "I'm reassuring you Sakura.. that you don't have to worry about any other girl, there's only one who can take such a place in my life." He said. Her eyes widened as she could feel his heart almost beat out of his chest.

"Sasuke are you-" she said as he pulled away from her. She could see the subtle blush on his cheeks as the moon's light beamed on them slightly. His hand released hers as both of his hands moved to cup her face.

Her eyes stayed locked on his as he began to slowly lean in to her. Now it was her heart about to beat out of her chest. Was he about to kiss her? Did he just confess that she was the only girl in his life who could take a special place in his heart?

Were all the signals he let off pointing to him confessing to her?

She didn't know if she should close her eyes or what...

Sasuke's lips gently touched her forehead, and when he pulled away he went closer to her ear. "I hope this helps you understand what I mean.." he whispered as she turned slightly to look at him, his eyes looking directly into hers.

She gripped his shirt to try to settle the shakiness in her hands. He chuckled a bit as he leaned in, placing a soft kiss on her cheek. "I meant to return that, Thank you Sakura, for everything you've been doing for me." He said.

A tear brimmed her eyes as she continued to look at him, her face as red as tomato. He leaned away, raising his hand to wipe the tear in her eye. "Lets go." He said walking past her, picking up her slug plushy holding it out for her.

She wiped whatever tears began to well in her eyes from the happiness she was feeling, she smiled and chuckled walking up to him grabbing her prize and grabbing his hand.

In front of her house, she gave him a tight hug, happy that she had that reassurance from him. His lips touched the top of her head, leaving her with one last parting and gentle kiss of the night.

He wasn't really able to express much through words.. but he hopes the feelings he had been struggling to repress were being transmitted properly to her through his actions.

He was confident she felt the same way... it was only a matter of time before more progressed between them..

"See you Monday for school." He said as she nodded.

"Yeah... see you Monday.." She said back.

When he turned to walk away towards his house, Sakura inwardly squealed, she felt so special with what transpired between the two of them... he kissed her forehead, her cheek, and her head...

She no longer felt that slight jealousy in her anymore.. she felt confident that things between them will blossom slowly but surely. Especially after tonight.

Sakura was so out of it, she didn't even notice the extra car parked in front of her home. Walking in, she greeted her Aunt and Shizune without looking up from taking her shoes off yet.

"Sorry I'm a little late, The performances at the festival ran a little longer than expected."

"Sakura.." It was her Aunt to speak.

Smiling Sakura turned to look at her in their living room. "Yes? What is it Auntie-" Sakura said walking deeper into the house, stopping in her tracks..

Her eyes had clashed with a pair of brown irises, it was her mother sitting on one of the couches, sitting and staring right back at her.

"Sakura sweetheart, take a seat." Tsunade spoke as Sakura shook her head.

"No.. I don't want to talk... If she's here to make me live with her the answer is no!" Sakura said as she began to get a little panicky.

"Sakura, We assure you that's not what this is about."
Shizune said as she got up walking towards her.

"Then why is she here? Auntie why let her in here?" Sakura asked.


"Listen here, daughter of mine, you are my child, and my sister and her friend are right, right now this conversation isn't about custody, that'll come soon enough, I simply just wanted to stop by to see you."

"Why now? You never thought to stop by before so why now?" Sakura snapped. Her glare set directly at her mother. "You've come here to waste everyone's time.. Just leave me alone.."

Mebuki stood and began to walk closely to Sakura. Her hand had raised and she slapped Sakura across her face. Everything in Sakura's hands fell as she moved to touch the stinging sensation on her face.

Her eyes widened as tear began to brim them. "Remember that I am still your mother and you will be obedient and respectful to me. Now take a seat, we have things to talk about."

"No... I won't sit and talk to someone who raises their hand to hit their own child." Sakura said about to walk past her mother only for Mebuki to grab her wrist and squeeze it roughly.

"Stop... you're hurting me.." Sakura said trying to snatch her wrist away. "My... you're thinner than I last remember ... atleast when you lived with me, I fed you properly.."

"Mebuki.." Tsunade walked up to her, gripping her sister's wrist, roughly removing it from Sakura's. "It's because of you the child can't eat properly. You expect her to listen to you and be respectful to you when you can't even bring it upon yourself to respect her as well. You continue to throw your weight around and put your hands on her, why would she want to ever talk to you about anything? This isn't parenting, she's not some object you can toss around when you want to. She's a human being, so if you wish to have a conversation with her, be a woman and just say what you have to say, you don't always have to be in control, remember Sakura isn't just in my permanent custody because of your drug use, but because you thought she was a punching bag to let your anger out when that bitch of a man you married couldn't get his shit together."

Mebuki sent a glare to her sister as she rolled her eyes. Then her attention went to Sakura. Shizune was comforting her as Sakura held her now bruised wrist close to her chest. "Tsuna, it's swelling quickly, I think she fractured it." Shizune said.

"What? I barely grabbed her."

"Well Sakura's body isn't as durable as you wish for it to be. She's undergone changes and it's not because of me nor Shizune, so look in the mirror Mebuki." Tsunade said.

Again, rolling her eyes, Mebuki looked to Sakura. "Sakura can you sit down so we can talk?" She asked.

"I never... want to talk to you." Sakura said as she, turned running upstairs disregarding everything and everyone.

She slammed her door shut locking it, not wanting to talk to anyone..

This is why she didn't want to see her mother.. whenever she's in the same room as her, the slightest thing can anger her and she wants to hit her.

Now her wrist could possibly be fractured because of how hard she gripped and twisted it. It was indeed swelling and it was hurting her to just move it.

Tears streamed down her face, she bit down on her bottom lip to stop herself from crying loudly from the pain. When her mother leaves, she'll leave her room to let her Aunt tend to her wrist.

Her night was going so well..

But of course, her mother always has to show up and ruin anything good in her life.

She just wants her gone out of her life for good. She doesn't deserve the emotional or the physical abuse from the person who's supposed to nurture her and love her. Why even be a mother if you can only be around to hurt your child.

She was tired of it.

She just wanted everything with her mother to end.

She didn't want her in her life... her mother doesn't...and never deserved her.

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