A Midsummer's Caress

By Freak-of-Madness

60K 2.2K 197

Her boyfriend left her when he found out she was pregnant. Before she could tell him that she'd won a huge lo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 39

336 20 1
By Freak-of-Madness

Christmas morning after a hearty breakfast was spent in opening gifts. Some were from Santa and some were from mom and dad. The gifts the kids needed like new socks, underware, and a new winter coat were from Santa. Harlow didn't want her children to be too spoiled. They didn't get anything as extravagant as a gaming console. They were too young according to Harlow. They got toys they'd been wanting and some books and even a few new outfits. Willow was excited for her new clothes but the boys weren't as thrilled. It made Quinn laugh at their reactions. The boys were more interested in the toys they'd gotten for Christmas. Harlow saved the best present for last.

"Hey guess what? There's one more present and this one is for all of you." Harlow smiled.

"What is it?" Willow asked.

"We're taking a trip!" Harlow beamed.

"Really?! Where?" Willow's eyes widened.

"We're going to a resort in Colorado. We're going to get to play in the snow. Make snow angels, have a snowball fight, ski, have hot chocolate by a fire. How does that sound?" Harlow explained.

"YA!" Kian shouted making both adults laugh.

"When are we leaving?" Willow asked.

"We leave first thing in the morning. I've already packed your bags so all we have to do is get up and get to the airport." Harlow replied.

"We're going on a plane?!" Gage's eyes widened.

"Yes we are. You three need to be on your best behavior as we make the trip to the resort. No fussing, crying, kicking the back of the seat, or making a scene. Ok?" Quinn stated.

"Yes, Daddy!" Willow smiled.

"Good. Who wants to help me clean up the living room?" Quinn asked.

"I will!" Willow stated.

"Me too!" Gage added in.

"Let's pick up the paper and ribbon first." Quinn told the pair as Kian was busy looking at some of his new toys.

Quinn made a game out of cleaning up the living room which helped make it more fun for the kids to help clean up. Harlow helped the kids by putting away their new clothes in their drawers or hanging up what needed to be hung up. Christmas had been a success to Harlow. The kids were happy with their gifts, her surprise went over really well, and dinner was going to be good. It was a great day! Quinn even surprised her by giving her a beautiful pink diamond ring for Christmas. It was unique and something she treasured since she knew it couldn't have been cheap. He also gave her a gift certificate to the local spa where she could get a full body massage, have a facial, take a mud bath, and have a manicure and pedicure done. She gave him a chrome kit for his bike and all three kids made homemade Christmas cards for him. Quinn wasn't upset, the holiday was more about the kids than anything as well as being together as a family.

The next morning, Harlow got up extra early to bring all the bags to the front door. She made a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausage while Quinn woke the children and got them ready for their day. Willow was very excited and woke up quickly. The two boys wanted to sleep more but they were on a tight schedule. As Harlow was bringing breakfast to the table, the kids finally made their way to the dining room. Everyone ate in silence since most didn't want to be up that early. After everyone ate, Harlow began cleaning up the kitchen and dining table from breakfast. As she was busy, Quinn got the kids into their booster seats in her SUV before loading up the bags in the back. Once the dishes were loaded in the dishwasher and it was going and the kitchen was clean, she left the house, locked it up, and slid into the passenger seat. Quinn was driving them to the airport. None of the kids had ever been on an airplane before and didn't know what to expect. Harlow, upon reading about traveling with toddlers, took the advice of bringing some candy for the kids to suck on to help pop their ears as they flew. 

Harlow was really looking forward to this trip. It was the first time they'd taken the kids on a vacation and she hoped they'd like where they were going. She wanted to give them an experience they'd never had before, especially living in California where it didn't snow. It would be cold but she was sure the kids could handle it. When they got to the airport, they parked in short-term parking, grabbed their bags, and ushered the kids into the airport. They checked their bags and only had one carry-on. It held a bag of candy for the children to suck on to help their ears, some books and some coloring books to help keep the children occupied on the flight. Harlow didn't want the children being a disturbance to other passengers. Quinn had their tickets so he led the family to the right gate where they had a seat to await their flight. The children were fascinated with the planes coming in making Harlow laugh. They had over an hour to wait but the kids were entertained by watching the planes coming and going. When their flight was finally called, Quinn ushered the three children over to where their mother was now standing in line with her one carry-on.

Quinn handed their tickets over when they made it to the agent. Harlow had purchased tickets so that she and two of the children would sit in one row while Quinn and the remaining child would sit in the row across from them. The found their seats easily so Harlow ushered the two older children into the seats before sitting down and putting her carry-on under the seat in front of her for easy access. Quinn had Kian sit in the middle seat so he could talk to Harlow easier if needed and to get access to the carry-on easily. The plane was filling up quickly. When the passengers sitting in the row in front of Harlow noticed the two toddlers, the woman began talking trash under her breath. Harlow was about to stand up and confront her but Quinn grabbed her arm and shook his head no. "It's not a good way to start our vacation." he told her. Harlow huffed but eased back down into her seat. As the plane finally began taxiing to the runway, Harlow got out the candy to give to each of the children to help their ears. She explained about the take-off and to not be scared.

Willow gasped at the ascent making Harlow chuckle. It scared Kian but Quinn did his best to keep him calm. Once they were at cruising altitude, Harlow got out the coloring books and colors for the kids to keep them occupied. Willow was more than happy to color. Kian didn't want to color, he wanted to be read to so Quinn asked for a book. Harlow handed her husband one of the big books with lots of stories earning a smile from the tall blond. The whole flight, the kids were very well behaved and stayed occupied with reading and coloring. Gage even took a short nap as did Kian. As they started to make their descent into Colorado, Quinn and Harlow woke the children and put away the book and coloring book and colors so they could be ready to deboard. Willow was surprised at how soon they'd arrived making Harlow chuckle again. The descent scared Kian and made Willow gasp. Gage grabbed for Harlow's hand as they made their way to the runway. The plane taxied to the right spot and fifteen minutes later, everyone were allowed to deboard. Harlow had Willow and Gage's hands as they walked off the plane while Quinn had ahold of Kian's hand. They had to go pick up their luggage at the baggage claim before they could make their way to the resort they were spending the week at. 

Willow was excited for the winter activities they were getting to participate in which amused her parents. Gage was a little apprehensive about all the snow and cold. Kian was excited to get to make an actual snowman. Harlow couldn't wait to document all their fun on this vacation. Gage was fascinated by the baggage claim area and how the luggage came out and went around and around. Quinn was keeping a good eye on the baggage claim for their luggage. Their bags finally came through so Quinn quickly grabbed them making Harlow call for a taxi van. There were five people in their party plus their luggage. A normal taxi wouldn't do it. They stepped out of the airport and began shivering from the cold. Willow wasn't sure she liked it but Harlow promised it wouldn't be so bad once they got to the resort and were able to start doing stuff. The taxi van arrived a short time later so Quinn loaded up the back with their luggage as Harlow got the kids strapped into their booster seats. Once everyone was buckled in, the taxi driver took off for their destination.

The kids were in awe of all the snow they saw on their way to the resort. Harlow was glad she wasn't having to drive in the weather. The taxi driver told them they were expecting more snow to fall over night which was good for the ski resorts in the area. Quinn thanked him when they made it to the resort before unloading the back while Harlow paid and tipped him. She got all the kids out of their seats and stood around to await her husband. They headed inside the resort so Harlow could check them in. They were getting a suite that had three rooms to it. One room was for Harlow and Quinn, one room was for Willow and the other room had two bed for Gage and Kian. There was a little kitchenette, a balcony, and one bathroom. They had a great view of the ski slopes and Harlow couldn't wait to start their vacation. They set the bags in the appropriate rooms before turning to the kids and asking what they wanted to go do first. Willow wanted to make snow angels making Harlow chuckle. Kian and Gage wanted to make snowmen. After a short discussion, they decided to make snowmen first and then snow angels after. Harlow made sure the kids were dressed warm enough before they left their suite.

She had her phone with her so she could take some photos and videos of the kids and Quinn making a snowman together. The kids were all laughing and having a good time which is all Harlow could have hoped for. She was getting some great photos and knew she'd have to get a small photo album or scrapbook for these photos. The snowman they made was even taller than Quinn which was very humorous to Harlow since Quinn was a very tall man. They didn't have a carrot for the nose but Quinn found a decent stick to use instead. Harlow had everyone stand around the finished snowman so she could take a photo of them all together. Willow was dying to make snow angels so Harlow told them how to do it. She took video of all the kids falling back onto the snowy ground and then moving their arms and legs to make their angels. It brought a smile to her face to watch them. She took a few stills as well. Quinn, not wanting his wife to be missing from their vacation photos or fun, took her phone so she could make snow angels with the kids. He got some great candid shots of her laughing as she laid in the snow moving her arms and legs. It made him happy to know she was happy. The kids were laughing which made things even better for the biker.

It was getting close to lunch time, so Harlow suggested they head inside, get warm, and get a bite to eat at the resort's restaurant. Quinn quickly agreed so he helped dust off all the kids before they entered the resort. Willow was excited for the snowball fight she had been promised so Harlow told the girl they could try and have a snowball fight after they'd eaten lunch. She didn't want them outside too long to get too cold so stopping to warm up and get something to eat was a nice break between activities. Especially since they'd been laying in the cold snow making snow angels. Quinn opted for a medium rare steak with a loaded baked potato and side salad. Harlow wanted the Filet Mignon with roasted parmesan potatoes and a side salad. Willow wanted a simple hamburger with fries, Gage wanted spaghetti, and Kian wanted Chicken Strips with fries. The waiter took their drink orders and their food orders then scurried off to put in their order to the cook.

"So. You guys having fun?" Harlow inquired.

Willow vigorously shook her head, "Yes, momma!"

"I'm glad. We've been planning this trip for months." Quinn chuckled.

"We get to have a snowball fight after we eat?" Kian inquired.

"Yes. We'll try skiing tomorrow." Harlow replied.

Their lunch was finally brought so everyone dug into their food. Quinn sighed happily as he took the first bite of his steak. Harlow didn't make steak because she never thought she was very good at making them so he didn't get good steak often. He wanted to savor every bite of his lunch this time. Harlow was thoroughly enjoying her lunch as well even though she was splurging for a fancy meal. She didn't normally eat like this but this was a vacation and she had the funds to do so. The kids didn't want anything fancy but were enjoying their meals. Harlow wasn't rushing anyone as she wanted to make sure everyone had actually warmed up before heading back outside into the snow and cold. She figured once they were done with the snowball fight, they'd come back in for complimentary hot cocoa and sit around the fire to warm back up and relax. It would be a fun but relaxing afternoon. Willow and Gage were dying to get to their snowball fight but Harlow did her best to calm them down as she promised they'd head outside after everyone finished eating. The little girl began bouncing in her seat she was so excited making Quinn laugh. 

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