"dalla luna" ▪︎ damiano david

By cherrycola_011

12.9K 295 129

"I come from the moon" More

1.0 - Sh*t Blvd
2.0 - Somebody Told Me
3.0 - La Paura Del Buio
!A/N - important!
4.0 - Vent'anni
5.0 - Niente Da Dire
6.0 - L'altra Dimensione
7.0 - For Your Love
8.0 - The Loneliest
9.0 - Torna a Casa
10.0 - Gossip
11.0 - Recovery
12.0 - Coraline
14.0 - Moriró Da Re
15.0 - New Song
17.0 - FEEL
18.0 - Own My Mind
19.0 - Timezone
20.0 - Are You Ready?
21.0 - Coraline Pt.2
22.0 - Let's Get It Started
24.0 - Le parole lontane
luna day

13.0 - Zitti e buoni

433 11 6
By cherrycola_011

A/N: YA'LL i'm back from my monthly depressive episode tehe but GIRL 1.1K IS CRAAAAAZY I love the appreciation towards this book so much oh my. I hope you guys enjoy <3

Luna's POV: 

"fuck brooo" I whine, throwing the notebook and pen across the room in a fit. I'm so going to fail all of my exams. 

"see this is why I dont ever try to go back to university" Vic laughs, barely looking up from her phone as she lays in my bed scrolling on TikTok.

"Why do you even wanna go back anyway?" Damiano asks, lighting a cigarette as I glare at him and signal to the balcony door. I hate when he smokes IN MY ROOM. 

"Because I quit the café because I was bored and I dunno it felt like something was missing" I shrug.

Last week after our whole sentimental moment with Damiano and after finding out that he wrote a whole song about me, I had my hot girl moment and decided to change my life around. 

I'm not sure why I guess the song and the lyrics made so much sense, too much sense. I didn't want to feel like that or associate myself with that. 

So I enrolled back into the University I dropped out of in the beginning of the year, but this time with a new major...psychology.

Okay, okay I sound like a basic white girl trying to find the easy way out by picking psychology, but god damn this shit is hard. 

"I regret it" I groan, looking down at the article I'm supposed to analyze of Sigmund Freud.

"Okay lets go for gelato" Damiano chimes in from the balcony as I jump up from my seat. 

"Yes please!" I squeal but Victoria only laughs at me,

"Girl you need to finish your shit first" she responds sternly as I sit back down with a frown. I invited them here to be my "parents" because honestly I can't do anything without procrastinating. 


A couple minutes later I rush through the article and I'm finally done.

"See I can do it if I actually focus" I boast as Victoria rolls her eyes. 

"Okay toddler, let's go get the boys and get gelato" Dami says, stepping on his cigarette butt and walking back inside. 

I smile happily and shoo them out of my room so I can put on a pair of shorts and a shirt. I slip on my converse and put on my backwards hat, walking out of the room. 

"cute" Vic chirps as she swings her arm around my shoulder. I grab my sunglasses and lock the door as we walk out. 

Nothing has happened between Damiano and I since that night he told me Coraline was written about me. They finished the song and uploaded it onto their upcoming album which they've been working insanely hard on. 

I've spent so much time with them in the studio and planning the album that I genuinely did not have time for anything else going on in my life. Not that there was much going on anyway. 

I quit the café since it wasn't paying that well and I was skipping most of my shifts anyway. 

So I decided to resign and just depend on my savings from the past shifts I've worked. Plus the group doesn't really let me pay when we go out, just once in a while.

"You're lost in your thoughts again" Damiano nudges me as we enter Vics car. I shrug him off lightly giving him a "don't worry" look as I enter the front seat. 

Vic starts driving to the studio where Thomas and Ethan were still practicing the beat for a song, one they don't even have the name for yet. 

Victoria changes the radio to the Rolling Stones as I look out of the window, deep in thought like Damiano mentioned. 

I've been thinking a lot recently, life just feels to quiet. It's not that I'm depressed or anything but I just feel like I'm wondering a lot. 

Victoria messes with me and says I should have chosen Philosophy from the amount I've been questioning life and existence in general.

I keep thinking to myself, what is my life's purpose. 

Do I even have one?

Would I have had a purpose before I met the group?

Am I anything without the group? It sure didn't feel like it during the time I didn't know them. 

"Hey earth to Luna we're here" Thomas snaps his fingers in front of my face as Ethan and he cramp into the backseat with Damiano. 

"Where to?" Ethan asks as Damiano huffs, 

"this one wanted gelato" he says, pointing to me as I blow him a kiss sarcastically. 

We finally pull into heaven, aka the Gelateria as I notice paparazzi already there. Recently most of their songs have been blowing up on TikTok ESPECIALLY "Beggin" and "I wanna be your slave". 

"Oh boy" Victoria mumbles as we get out of the car and the paparazzi basically run to us. I try to sneak past them into the Gelateria but one of them catches up to me. 

I glance at Damiano as he's talking to a paparazzi as he sends me a "sorry" glance back. 

"So Ms. Angelo what is your role in the band?" A paparazzi guy comes up to me, shoving the camera in my face while the other one takes pics. Suddenly I feel so self conscious. 

I'm not dressed for the whole internet to see me, I don't have makeup on, I'm bloated as shit, my eye bags, everything is not presentable right now. 

But I have to act calm and collected in front of the camera. 

"I'm just their friend, like emotional support" I answer, putting on the nicest smile I can muster, 

"There has been rumors that you and Damiano have a thing, is that true?" He asks, shoving the microphone closer to me. I chuckle awkwardly, 

"No no we're just good friends, like everyone else in the group" I try to keep smiling and walk past him but cant escape the situation,

"Would you consider yourself a part of 'Maneskin'" he asks as I shake my head no, 

"As a music band, no definitely not I am not musically gifted, but as a friend group yeah they're like family to me, but if you'll excuse me we have some plans. Nice seeing you" I say rambled together and basically bolt into the shop. 

The others come in seconds later to find me in the far back diner booth biting my nails. 

"First paparazzi experience, never again, thank you" I say as the others chuckle. 

"Well if you stick around us you're gonna get used to it" Vic says, sliding into the booth beside me and resting her head on my shoulder. 

I let out a small sigh and mumble "come non perdersi gli zitti e buoni" - how do you not miss the  quiet and good.

Nobody seems to hear my mumble due to them being hypnotized by the gelato menu, except for Mr. Observer, Damiano. 

He gives me a small smirk before taking a napkin and a pen out of his pocket. He scribbles something on the napkin before passing it to me under the table. I give him a confused look as I take the napkin to unfold it. 

"è sempre zitti e buoni quando sei con me" - It's always quiet and good when you're with me

It writes as my eyes go wide as I quickly stuff the napkin back into my pocket, hoping Victoria was busy with her menu and didn't see the note. 

I can't help but blush as I feel Damianos eyes burning into my face. God that mane has a stare u can sense miles away. 

A few seconds later my fantasizing and Damianos staring gets cut short due to the waiter coming to get our orders. The group being themselves get literally everything off of the menu. 


No joke, it takes us 2 hours to get out of that diner due to my children ordering and managing to eat every gelato named thing on the menu. Every. Thing.

"Oh my god I'm going to explode" Thomas groans, leaning on me as I help walk them to the car. Thomas and Victoria were the ones who finished almost everything while Ethan, Dami and I had some form of self control. 

"Luna please put me to bed as soon as we get to your house" Vic whines, resting her head on Ethan as we get into the car. Dami drives as I get into the passenger seat while Ethan is responsible for the two nauseous babies in the back. 

"hmm let's see" I say, scrolling through my Spotify as I plug in the aux, 

"this one" I click on the song and giggle. 

"I wanna be you slave.." starts the car stereos as the group in the back groan at me to turn it off and Damiano just rolls his eyes. They all hate hearing their music for some reason. 

"Hot. ass. voice." I say, pausing between each word and then continuing to sing,

"credimi, suonerebbe meglio se gemessi il tuo nome" - trust me it would sound better if I moaned your name

Damiano whispers lowly to me as my hand immediately flies to my mouth, catching the attention of the others in the back, 

"what happened?" They ask as I quickly respond 'nothing' and grip my legs tighter, looking out of the window so Damiano can't see my beet red cheeks. 

But I can already feel his stare into the back of my head.


"Psst Dami" I whisper, tip toeing into the guest room where Damiano's laying in bed. 

Ethan slept on the couch, Thomas on the waterbed and Damiano dibs'd the guest bed all to himself.  Vic and I were going to sleep in my room except she stole the whole bed and was about to push me off. 

"hmm" Damiano replied, shuffling over to turn to me as he slowly sat up, rubbing his head. It's almost 3 in the morning and I do kinda feel bad waking him up.

"Victoria is hogging my bed and I can't sleep, can I stay here with you?" I ask as Damiano doesn't even have to verbally respond. 

He lifts the duvet immediately and sticks his arm out like a baby. I chuckle lightly and get into the warm covers. Thank god some comfort.

The breeze and moonlight are coming in from the open window as his torso and upper chest literally glistens in the light. 

"I love your tattoos" I say, tracing my finger over the ones on his chest. He just hums in response, laying his head back down on the pillow. Not taking his hands off of my waist. 

"you know I actually went back and got another one" I say as I can feel him shift to stand up.

"Why didn't you tell us" he asks as I shrug, 

"surprise?" I question as he rolls his eyes, laying back again. 

"What did you get?" he asks, his hands moving from my waist to my back and back to my waist again. Caressing my torso slowly. 

"Here look" I say, turning around and lifting my shit up so he can see my upper back. Last week I went back to Toni to get another tattoo I've always really wanted, the phases of the moon vertically going down my spine. 

Honestly, Toni actually did is so well I'm so happy with the tattoo and it was so worth it. 

"The phases of the moon?" Damiano asks as I nod, barely seeing his face due to the darkness, 

"The phases of Luna" I say with a smile and point to myself. I can feel Damiano smile as he pulls me back into the covers and closer to his body. 

I turn to face him as our noses touch for a few seconds, but neither of us try anything. Just enjoying the serenity of the moment. 

I bury my face into the crook of his neck and wrap my arms around his bare waist, pulling him closer to me as he tightens his grip slightly. 

Within moments we're both fast asleep, entangled within each other.  

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