There's Always A Reason (Nial...

By vinylhoran

38.1K 646 112

Lana James loses everything she has ever known as her best friend loses his battle against cancer and leaves... More

One: Diagnosed
Two: Tattoo Me
Three: Unwanted Goodbye
Four: Surprise
Five: Concert
Six: After Party
Seven: I Can't Stop Missing You
Eight: Management
Nine: Truth or Dare?
Ten: First Date
Eleven: Airport
Twelve: Take Me Home
Thirteen: Will You?
Fourteen: Nothing's Fine I'm Torn
Fifteen: Saved Each Other
Sixteen: New Years Eve
Seventeen: Give Me Love
Eighteen: Same Mistakes
Nineteen: Fear Is What It Really Is
Twenty: Small Bump
Twenty One: Wake Me Up
Twenty Two: Harry's New Girl/ Valentines Day
Not a chapter. Update to come this weekend.
Twenty Four: 5 Seconds of What?
Authors Note
Twenty Five: Alone
Twenty Six: Just Us
Twenty Seven: Epilouge
helloooo <3
hi guys!

Twenty Three: Back For You

939 13 1
By vinylhoran

Mackenzie's P.O.V.

--One Week Later--

After Harry kissed me on Valentines day we talked for a long time about how their tour kicked off in less than a week. Harry promised to get me tickets for the first four shows at the O2 Arena in London, giving me a few more days with him, but then afterwards I would be returning to the states to await the Take Me Home Tour dates there. 

Lana and I now currently sit on the floor of the rehearsal studio curled into balls. Lana's head resting on my shoulder as the boys sing Change My Mind for the tenth time today. I sigh and lean my head against Lana's, closing my eyes for a peaceful moment as the last few notes of the song roll off the boys' tongues. 

I suddenly feel a warm body next to mine, and Lana shifts as another presses to her opposite side. My head rolls onto Harry's shoulder as he lets out an exhausted sigh and lets his head rest against the wall. He places his arm around my shoulder, and I wrap my arms around his torso, grateful for the warmth he gives me as I do so. I close my eyes and breathe in deeply, trying to take as much of Harry as I can into my memory so I won't miss him as much when he's gone. 

I open one eye slightly to see Liam laying on the floor at our feet with Louis on his right while Zayn wanders around the studio restlessly, looking as if he's going to pass out at any second. I let a small sigh escape my lips and Lana does the same, taking in this small moment of complete but exhausted bliss. I gasp as Harry's warm arm removes itself from around my neck and he stands up in front of me, arm outstretched waiting for me to take his hand. 

"Let's go get some coffee and food. I'm starved." Harry mumbles, his voice warn from vocal stress, as I take his hand and he pulls me off the ground.

At the mention of food Niall's head snaps up off of Lana's and he practically jumps off the floor, pulling her with him. 

We all file out of the rehearsal studio though the back entrance. Luckily escaping some fans as we race each other sleepily to a large van. I fall asleep on Harry as Louis pulls out of the parking lot and I wake up again when he pulls into the nearest McDonald's, causing Niall to scream with excitement. Poor lad hasn't eaten in nearly seven hours. 

We've been at the rehearsal studio since about 3 p.m. and they wouldn't let us leave to get dinner. So here we are at a deserted McDonald's at 10p.m. ordering almost everything on the menu thanks to Niall. The poor lady working behind the counter hands me my caramel frappe which I gratefully take a long drink from, allowing the cool flavored ice to sooth my burning thirst. Lana does the same as hair falls into her face, not going unnoticed by Niall who gently pushes the stray stands from her eyes and carefully places a kiss on her forehead. 

My eyes scan the empty restaurant, searching for Harry's dark figure and finding it sitting alone in a booth. I take a few steps towards him and see that his usual bright green eyes are clouded with sadness. He gives me a sad smirk and pulls me into his side as I crawl into the booth next to him, placing my frappe on the table.

"What's wrong Harry?" I ask quietly while snuggling deeper in his side.

"The tour starts in a few days..." Harry whispers, pausing slightly to look at me. I thought that was a good thing. I thought that's what he wanted from day one. To be famous and tour the world. "And I have to leave you..." he whispers.

Relief hits me, I don't want Harry to stop loving his job. He does amazing things. "Don't forget I'm coming with you to London tomorrow." I say sitting up to kiss Harry's cheek as Niall and Lana join us with a majority of the food. Lana grabs a few fries from Niall as he passes her a small container and quickly devours them. Their relationship is cute, as they are nearly the same person. I guess that's what you call soul mates. Two people have the same soul, yet it's split into two pieces and trapped into different bodies, only to be brought together when the time is right. I smile as I snatch a few fries from Harry and slowly eat them. 

"Are you all packed up? I could come over and help you if you aren't." Lana asks, taking a small sip from her frappe and eyeing me like she needs to say something important.

"Yeah I could use a little extra help." I say, tilting my head to one side and giving Lana a look. 

She nods and continues eating, not skipping a beat as Liam slides into the booth next to her, and Zayn after him, squeezing Niall against the wall. At this he pouts but takes advantage of the opportunity to pull Lana closer. I laugh as Liam nearly spills his drink on himself and I can feel Harry watching me, so I turn to him. 

"I love your laugh babe." He whispers cheekily, his eyes bright yet again, forgetting their earlier sadness.

I smile back at Harry's comment and feel Louis plop down on my other side, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Me and Louis have become close, closer than I would have thought because Louis and I are quite similar ourselves. But I mean what can you do, sometimes best friends just become, best friends. 

We all eat, somehow squeezed into the one small booth and depart McDonald's with extra coffee and frappes, making our way back to the hotel in the black van Louis took from the studio. 

Lana pecks Niall on the cheek then jumps out of the van as Louis parks in the hotel parking lot, dragging me with her. We spend about two extra hours taking inventory of everything both of us have packed just to make sure we have everything for tomorrow. Lana passes out in the mushroom chair in the corner of my room after our exhausting process and I call Niall's cellphone so he come and carry her back to their room.

Finally able to breathe after spending hours going through lists I grab my warn copy of The Perks Of Being A Wallflower off the top of my suitcase and snuggle down into the hotel sheets, thankful for the warmth and sense of relaxation they bring me. I gasp as Harry is suddenly next to me quietly humming my favorite song by U2 I Still Haven't Found What I"m Looking For. 

"You make it hard to concentrate..." I whisper as Harry leaves sloppy kisses on my jawbone and temple.

"Good..." He whispers back as he places his index finger under my chin and turns my face away from my book to face his own, placing a gentle but passionate kiss on my lips before pulling away.

"You know it's like midnight and we have to get up at three in the morning?" Harry asks eyes full of concern over my lack of sleep. 

"I'll sleep more on the plane. Promise." I whisper as I curl down further into my bed letting my eyes flutter closed.

The last thing I feel is Harry pulling me closer to him as we both drift off into a dreamless sleep.


Lana's P.O.V.

---3 Hours Later---

"Come on Lana wake up we have to go in like twenty minutes." Niall's raspy morning voice shouts from across the room.

I peek one eye open to see him packing all of his stuff at the last minute, like usual, and I give a breathy giggle as I slowly get up to help him. I spend the next five minutes throwing Niall all of his clothes that are scattered across the room then give him space to put them all in his suitcase as I hop in the shower.

As I get out of the shower and comb my hair I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste and quickly brush my teeth. I pull on my galaxy patterned leggings and my baggy turquoise sweater from American Eagle. I walk out of the bathroom braiding my hair and remember I forgot to put my promise ring back on.

"Niall! Have you seen my ring? I put it right here I swear!" I shout to Niall from the bathroom, panic starting to set in.

"No, I haven't. Are  you sure it's not in your suitcase or something?" He asks.

I tie off the end of my braid and pad out of the bathroom with bare feet, carefully looking around on the floor to see if I dropped it. After five minutes of frantically searching the pockets in my suitcase I plop down on the bed with tears in my eyes and start to pull on my high tops, as Niall crouches down in front of me, placing his hand gently on my face and wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Babe, do you remember the night I gave you that ring? The night I told you I loved you?" Niall asks quietly, his hand reaching into his sweatshirt pocket.

"Of course I do Niall. Why wouldn't I?"  I ask, a little shocked that he would ask such a question considering I've lost the ring.

Where Niall's hand disappeared into his pocket it comes back out holding a small chain with a pendent attached to it and my promise ring. I take the small pendent into my hand, discovering that it has two parts, a circle and a heart. The circle is larger than the heart, making it easy to read the inscription on the outside, but you have to read the heart first. The necklace together reads "I'm in love with you, and all these little things."

Niall's large hand cups around mine as I hold the tiny pendent in my hand with more tears gathering in my eyes. I smile a bit. 

"You're a liar Horan." I whisper laughing slightly.

"I know. But you love me." Niall says chuckling as he places a light kiss on my lips. 

"More that you'll ever know..." I whisper back pressing my lips to his again as Niall clips the necklace around my neck. 

"Go finish getting ready. Liam will kill us if we aren't on time." Niall says, pulling me off the bed. 

I laugh and quickly go back into the bathroom and apply my normal make up and redo my normal braid, turning it into a fishtail, then I walk back into the bed room and grab my turquoise beanie from Niall's waiting hand and pull it on, grabbing my bag with my phone, laptop and wallet in it and my suitcase and make my way for the front of the hotel room. Niall's soft voice stops me. I turn around and see him standing alone in the middle of the room, a sad look on his face. 

"Lana are you sure you're ready for this...?" He asks quietly, eyes glued to the floor. 

I consider everything that has happened in the last two and a half months. Besides being completely overwhelmed with it all I was actually fine. Besides my visits to the hospital and my broken bones I was healthy all throughout this amazing, life changing experience and I don't regret any mistake I may have made along the way. I don't regret deciding to go to Madison Square Garden so close to losing Aaron, I don't regret letting myself cry in the stadium.

After all life is about moments of impact and how they change our lives forever.

And for me this is just another moment of impact. Another moment that will change everything.

"Yes, Niall..." I whisper, setting my bags down and walking back towards him, wrapping my arms securely around his neck. "There's no way I could be more ready...." I whisper into Niall's ear as he wraps his arms around me tightly. 

"Moment of impact......." I whisper barely audible.


Niall's P.O.V.

"Moment of impact..." I hear Lana whisper although I don't think I was meant to hear it.

But my mind wanders back anyway. Back to 2010, back to that tiny moment when Louis, Zayn, Harry, Liam and I were given a second chance. 

Simon's words still ring through my head whenever I think about it. "...We've decided to put you both through to the judges house."

Moment of impact, one out of many after that changed my life forever. One of the ones that will replay through my head for the rest of my life. I never want to forget. I small tear escapes my eye as I turn my head into Lana's and plant a gentle kiss on her cheek. 

"Come on then babe, we're gonna be late." I whisper taking her hand in my own and grabbing my bags with my other hand.

We reach the lobby at the same time as Harry and Mackenzie, and I watch as each girl runs to the other boys.

Lana drops my hand and runs to Liam and Zayn, pulling them into a small group hug, although it was only a few hours ago she saw them. I watch as Mackenzie runs straight to Louis, her light weight and shortness making it easy for Louis to lift her off the ground in a powerful hug. It's really a strange thing to witness.

Another moment of impact I guess.

---12 Hours Later---

I shake Lana awake as the plane touches down trying to give her a little time to wake up before hundreds of cameras are shoved in our faces. I'm thankful that we have Paul with us to make sure no one gets hurt, but then again, when in London watch your back, you never know what could happen. 

We slowly exit the plane then run through the airport terminals to get our bags and such then race out to our van, trying to avoid as many paparazzi as possible. Considering the time difference it's about 8pm in London, making it easier to get around because there are less paps about. 

"To Nandos!" I shout as we all settle into the van, Paul rolls his eyes but pulls out of the parking space anyways.

Lana snuggles into my side as I place my arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to me, and quickly falls asleep again, and Mackenzie does the same to Harry, falling asleep as Lana does. Giving me and the lads a little bit of time to ourselves. 

"Just another world tour starting tomorrow, no big deal." I say to break the comfortable silence between us all. 

We all just start to laugh, as if it were our first time meeting, we laugh for about ten minutes straight. I miss those times sometimes. The times when we weren't worried about anything. When we were still a new boyband and we still had no cares in the world. When management left us alone and let us do whatever because we were still 'innocent'. I let myself believe it sometimes, that we will be forever young. But I know we wont be. I know we will grow up someday and I dread the day we break up the band.

"I can't wait to get on that stage tomorrow." Zayn mumbles. "It's been a while, yeah?"

We all nod in agreement and let the silence settle on us again. Lana shifts from leaning on me, to leaning on Liam and I give myself a second to stretch. As I do so it occurs to me that we don't really know what's going on with Harry and Mackenzie, I mean yes she's here in London with us, but what does that mean?

As if he were reading my mind Louis turns to Harry. "Harry what's going on with you and Kenz?" He asks, of course out of all people I would have thought that Louis would know, considering him and Kenz are close. 

"Well I mean it's official and everything, but it's not. We just haven't really discussed it.. And I don't want her to get involved with the paps... It's kinda confusing but I just want to protect her." Harry says, carefully thinking about his answer.

"Good for you mate. She's a really sweet girl." Louis says quietly, turning his gaze to out the window,  a wave of  sadness making an appearance in his eyes. 

I've noticed it more and more, Louis being sad around Harry. Like he's remembering all the "Larry Stylinson" stuff that went around about a year ago. He pushed himself away from Harry and it just changed everything.  We all miss it now I guess, the closeness they shared, but also the closeness that we all shared. With 4/5 of us in committed relationships it's harder to connect with each other and sometimes I feel I would like the old times back. When we were all single and we all shared the closeness of the band. 

"Guys...." I whisper as four pairs of eyes turn to me. "Let's just forget about everything that's ever torn us apart from that closeness we used to share. Can we please just go back to that? I know I'm not the only one. Louis I know you want it too. And Liam I'm sorry that we all have someone to support us besides each other, I know you'll find the right girl someday. But please, let's just be those five idiots on the stairs again. Those five singing idiots who used to laugh at everything and be closer than life. We had that closeness on the Up All Night Tour. I want to have it on the Take Me Home Tour too..." I say, eyes casting around the van to judge their reactions. 

Louis gives me a thankful smile as he locks eyes with Harry. Thousands of secrets and words fly between them, and Zayn, Liam and I will never know what they are but we will be thankful that Harry always had Louis and Louis always had Harry. 

"I miss you Boo Bear..." Harry whispers to Louis, and Louis eyes automatically widen with happiness.

"I miss you too Hazza." Louis whispers back, then they each place their hands in the middle of the van, together.

I do the same, placing my hand over both of theirs, and Zayn and Liam do the same. 

"Here's to the beginning of the same old, new thing." I say as we pull into the parking lot of Nandos.

We silently cheer as the girls wake up again and we spend the next two hours at Nandos. Awaiting tomorrow night, when we will finally be together as one on the stage again. 


Harry's P.O.V.

----The Next Day----

I feel like life is normal again. Well as normal as it can get for a member of the worlds biggest boyband. Lou finishes styling my hair and lets me go slip into my first outfit for the show. I come across Liam sitting in a chair with his head in his hands. He's been having a really hard time since Danielle tried to get him back that night at the hospital. 

"Liam...." I whisper, walking around his chair to kneel in front of him. He looks up at me startled, with tears in his eyes. "Liam what's wrong?" 

He lets out a sigh and places his head back in his hands. "Sometimes I just don't know what I have to live for. I see you, Louis, Niall, and Zayn with Mackenzie, El, Lana, and Pierre and I just don't know what to do." He says quietly.

I squeeze his shoulder gently. "Liam, you know what they say. "Hope. Sometimes it's all you have when you have nothing else. But If you have it, you have everything." And Liam you will always have us too, but if you want to be happy, then be happy. Right now I want you to do me a favor and go change into your show clothes, and make yourself happy by making thousands of others happy, yeah?" I whisper.

Liam looks up at me and nods, leaving the small meeting room and going to change. I sigh, plopping myself down into the chair Liam left behind. The only way to get a smile on his face is to make this show amazing and that's a guarantee considering this is the first show of the tour.

I know I have Mackenzie waiting in the crowd for me, but I'm reluctant to go out there, to start this tour because it means leaving her behind. For the rest of the tour until we make it back up to New York during the summer. I run our set list through my mind one last time, realizing that Back For You is a good song for my current situation. 

"Come on then Haz. We're on in ten minutes." Louis says, smiling wider than I've seen him do so in a long time as he greets me. 

Nobody gets me and Louis except us. The fans think they understand but they don't. That's why it hurt so bad when Louis and I lost touch with each other, it was probably one of the hardest times of my life. 

Liam finally reappears followed closely by Niall and Zayn who join Louis and I waiting to go on stage.  The boys of our opening band 5 Seconds Of Summer come off stage running off the high excitement of the crowd and we congratulate them on a great show and wait for everything to be prepared for us, and for the final opening video to play. 

We watch our stage manager for a que as he counts down on his fingers and he finally ushers us out onto the stage. 

We start singing Up All Night and I can already feel a buzz coming on. Our fans have amazing energy that is so easy to feed off of, and I can already see Liam in a better mood, smiling and such. I find it incredible how our moods can change so quickly when we are all doing what we love.

The show goes by with an adrenaline filled high for me and before I know it we are getting ready to sing Back For You. I automatically scan the first few rows for Mackenzie and allow myself to kneel at the end of the stage so I can focus on her. Of course Liam starts the song trying to stay upbeat.

"Whenever I close my eyes, I picture you there

I’m looking out at the crowd, you’re everywhere

I’m watching you from the stage, yeah

Your smile is on every face now

But every time you wake up

You’re hearing me say


I allow my whole body to relax as I put almost all of my remaining energy into the chorus. 

"Baby, you don’t have to worry

I’ll be coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you

Lately, I’ve been going crazy

So I'm coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you."

Louis gives me an approving nod as he catches onto what I'm doing and starts to sing his part. 

"I’ve never been so into somebody before

And every time we both touch I only want more

So tell me nothing’s gonna change yeah

And you won’t ever walk away, yeah

Cause even though every night you’ll know what I’ll say


Once again I allow myself to give the chorus a lot of energy.

"Baby, you don’t have to worry

I’ll be coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you

Lately, I’ve been going crazy

So I’m coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you..."

Even though it's supposed to be Louis' and Liam's lines we all join in.

"Right back for you

Right back for you

Right back for you

Lately, I’ve been going crazy

So I’m coming back

Yeah, I am coming back for you

Baby, you don’t have to worry

I’ll be coming back for you, back for you, back for you, for you

Lately, I’ve been going crazy

So I’m coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you

Right back for you, right back

Right back for you, right back

Right back for you, right back

Right back for you.

Lately, I’ve been going crazy

So I’m coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you...."

We all finish together with the crowd absolutely loving it, and I catch Mackenzie wiping tears from her eyes. I wink at her before Liam pulls me up off the floor and drags me back stage for another change of clothes. 

I hear someone knock on the door we have locked and hear a familiar voice. "Harry come out here, right now." Mackenzie says gently.

I quickly pull on my plain white shirt and pull the door open to reveal a teary eyed Mackenzie. I pull her into a hug and she wraps her arms securely around my neck. 

"Did you mean it Harry?" She asks quietly.

"Every word. I'll always be coming back for you." I reply softly, pulling back from our embrace and leaning down to plant a gentle kiss on her lips. 

"Come on Harry we've gotta get back out there!" Zayn shouts, coming over and pulling me away from Mackenzie. 

And I'm thrown back on stage with the taste of Mackenzie's lips lingering on my own. 


WELL LOOK WHO FINALLY UPDATED. I am so sorry you guys, it's been a stressful two weeks I'm not gonna lie. Well I hope you like this chapter, there will be more 'Liall' in the next chapter promiseee. I don't really care for this chapter to much myself but eh. 

Thanks Lovelies<3


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