By AlbinoWolfChan

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The hero society fell.. you recently woke up from your coma only to find your once called home, now destroyed... More

Your Quirk
Your New Costume!
Official Oneshot book out!
Collaboration Announcement!


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By AlbinoWolfChan

2nd POV

"Let's go!" You grabbed Tsu's hand and you both ran through the door as soon as it started to close. Leaving the mirrored room was Shoji's only request and you weren't going to let him down.

It was obvious that Tsu wanted to think otherwise.

Once you both made it through, a second door made out of steel secured the closed door.

The two of you panted as you watched the steel door.



"Shoji." You softly spoke. You felt guilty for leaving him behind. But you had to. He told you to.

"Y/n." Tsu caught your attention. She stared at the door and said, "If he doesn't make it.. I'm not going to forgive you."

You looked at her and then you stared back at the door, "I understand."



"..Remember when we first trained together?" She brought up, "It was you, me, and Uraraka up against the guys. Iida, Shoji, and Bakugo. You went ahead and striked at Bakugo when you knew he was after you first. Uraraka and I managed to handle the other two on our own, but you nearly got yourself into an accident before you hurt Bakugo. I was there when you hurt him badly, Y/n. I saw it. Uraraka may not have noticed because of the guys, but the reason why I froze on the spot was because of you."

You grew tense. The memory was washing over you.

"I was afraid to say anything." Tsu continued, "And for a while.. I was afraid of you."

It made your chest ache hearing that. You turned your head away and asked her, "Then why did you stay? When you could've just ignored me or completely avoided me if you saw what I did. Why?"

"Aizawa talked to me about you." She said, "He saw how I acted and made me stay after class for me to explain what happened, even if he saw it himself. That's why he talked to the two of you when you were both in Recovery girl's office. It was because of me that you ended up taking appointments with the school counselor. Because.."

"You and Aizawa saw how dangerous I was." You said for her, "Bakugo's abilities and angry spirit were both equally dangerous and misunderstood, but adding me into that mix was too much for even our teacher to handle. I needed to learn how to control myself and I did. That was until Bakugo opened my eyes on something when we were talking."

She looked at you with concern.

"..He told me to stop holding back." You said, "I gave him a reason why I had to because of what I did and he still didn't care. He fought me again regardless of me telling him otherwise and won."

"When.. When was all of this?" She asked you.

"..It was months before I became unconscious." You answered her, "That day.. That was the day I confessed to him and I hadn't talked him since. When I did.. something triggered inside of him and we fought again. I'm not sure if that's the reason why he went on a rampage and attacked all of you during the day before the blast had happened.. But for some time.. I thought of what I could've done to prevent it. What I could've done to snap him out of his thoughts and get his senses back to reality."

She watched you tremble.

With a shaky breath and tears forming, you hid your face and said, "I know that it's going to be my fault if anything happens to the rest of our friends. And I know that you might not forgive me if Shoji doesn't make it out and find us, but I just want you to know that I'm so sorry. If anything, I.. I want all of this to be a bad dream and I know that I've been saying that a lot, but it's all I wish for even when everything that's happened right in front of us."


"Please.. I can't lose you too." You croaked, "I-"

Tsu welcomes you with a tight embrace without any hesitation. It was the only thing that she could think of at the moment before she spoke again. She said, "We're all in this together. I'm sorry for sounding so harsh. I'm just.. I'm just really scared right now."

You hugged her back and sniffled, "..I'm scared too."

The two of you spent the next few moments comforting each other as your emotions finally burst through. Everything that the two of you went through was extremely overwhelming and difficult. For high school seniors being in a world that looks like a zombie apocalypse, this was something that you two weren't supposed to handle. Or anyone for that matter.

It made you wonder a lot. What happened to Eri? What happened to those who survived? Are there any refugee camps aiding the people who were left behind during the evacuation or were they all killed in the process of this disaster? Is Japan only filled with villains or just you guys? You don't know. You want to know and you want to keep hoping that there is someone who can help you once this is all over.


Your eyes opened wide. Who was that?

"Listen to me.. It's me.."

You slowly pulled away from Tsu and carefully looked around your surroundings, "Who's there?"

What's this voice doing? Could it be Midoriya? No. He wouldn't disguise his voice. But where is it coming from? Is it in this room? Or is it.. is it all in your head? But that voice..

Why does it sound familiar?


What's going on? Why is there a voice in your head? This doesn't make any sense? Why now? Has insanity finally kicked in? After all the pain and torment from being experimented on, have you finally lost.

Who is this?

It was obvious that it belonged to a man. But how are they contacting you? From where? And why? Could you be connected to this stranger? Maybe so.


You felt someone touch your shoulder and you snapped out of your thoughts. You turned your head and saw Tsu with a mild look of concern.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

You quickly nod and said, "I'm okay, now. Let's keep going for now. The sooner we find a way out, the better."

"There's two paths ahead of us." She points out, "Which one do we take?"

Up ahead, there were two separate corridor paths. Both were dark and empty as eerie sounds echoed in the darkness.

Crap. Which one should we go through? Both are just as dark and creepy.

And how are we supposed to leave a mark for Shoji to tell him which path we do end up taking?

But the first thing we'll need is light. Those halls are way too dark for us to see on our own, even with our eyes adjusted.

"We might not be able to go back if these halls end up becoming a maze." You said as you try to determine to pick which hall to go to, "We can try to feel our way in by having our hands on the wall, but that's about it. And I don't see any light source that we can use. I can try to use my quirk again just to light a path."

"Are you sure?" Tsu then mentions, "Earlier when you tried to use it, you quickly lost a lot of energy. We haven't had any food or water for hours now, maybe the entire day, but we can't keep going if we become too tired to fight Midoriya if we see him."

"We're going to die if we stay here and not do anything." You let out a soft pant, "I know you're getting tired and frustrated, but-"

The conversation came to a stop when your knees suddenly bend after your legs gave up. You fell onto the ground and you were slowly becoming light-headed. It was getting hard to breathe properly and you were starting to feel cold.

"Y/n!" Tsu quickly came to your aid and caught you before you fell back. She adjusts your legs to keep them out straight. She checks your forehead and your cheeks for your temperature, "You're starting a fever. Are you okay?"

"I.. I'm okay." You tried to get up, but a painful sting struck your ankle. You immediately hissed in pain and grunted.

"You're hurt." She says. She quickly checks her belt that had a small first aid kit, but her belt was missing. She didn't even noticed that some of her things are missing and this only meant that Midoriya had them. The sound of an echoed clap was heard from one the halls.

The tension was built high. You were about to pass out from dehydration and exhaustion, and Tsu was left to keep you safe while also facing someone who was approaching to both of your direction.

"That was amazing!" A very disturbing laugh of joy echoed as soon as the culprit made his appearance.

The frog girl's face became pale as her jaw nearly dropped and her pupils dilated themselves small enough to not even be noticeable. Fear. Anxiety. Distress. She was mortified to see the very monster who had spent all of his time tormenting her and all of her friends. All those innocent people that went missing after the blast, all those reports that were claimed to be dead. All those bodies were taken and used as experiments for an army belonging to an unknown plan. She quickly became protective and held you close as she could only stutter out, "It's.. It's you.. M-Midoriya.."

"Ah, Tsu! It's so nice to hear from you again!" Midoriya says as he slowly walks towards her, "How are you? Have you been doing well? Are the tests manageable? I hope so, otherwise, I'd consider you too weak and useless to live."

"..Stay back! Don't come any closer!" She shouts as she pulls away while holding you close to her, "You took away Y/n's quirk! You hurt all of my friends!"

Midoriya only laughs more before he continues talking, "You never changed. You're always so concerned about your friends, and you're almost willing to do anything to keep them under your protection. How sweet.

She glared at him. But with extreme caution.

"You're probably wondering why I'm here instead of allowing the exams to continue." He said with his smile disappearing, "Unfortunately, I have to put this test on a pause because one of your friends decided to get themselves hurt and sacrifice their very lives just to save the three of you."

"What.." She was more worried, but most of all, angry, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?"

He didn't respond. Instead, he raised his hand up and snapped his fingers.

Two hybrids with high-tech collars appeared from the darkness, and in their hands were a syringe.

Tsu was becoming more hostile, but with you losing consciousness, it's hopeless. She gives you one last glance and hugs you as tight she can and softly spoke with heavy tears, "I'm so sorry, Y/n.. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry.."

You felt her tears falling into your hair as her soft cries were next your ears. The only thing you did was stroke her hair and say these words before everything turned black, "You'll.. always be my family. That's what.. our class stands for.. right?"


Time skip

You opened your eyes again. This was becoming extremely annoying to be knocked out, pass out, or get drugged unconsciously from too much medication for those damn experiments.

This time, there was no empty hall or maze of any sort. You weren't underground anymore. You weren't strapped down in a rusty laboratory or forced to watch your friends suffer in pain. You were in a completely different location and it made you wonder three things. One, why were these exams made when you were down there? Is your body being trained to become the next highly improved and experimental zombie? And what happened to you and Tsu after you passed out?

"Tsu!" You sat up and saw yourself in a hospital bed. The curtains were covering all around your surroundings, so you weren't able to see where exactly you are.

Where am I now? What is this place?

You looked at your wrists and removed the iv tubes connected to the needle that was directly placed into your veins. You removed the monitor plugs away from your body and stepped down onto the cold floor with a hospital gown barely giving you any warmth. You weren't dreaming at least since you were able to feel the cold floor, but you had to get out.

The curtains were pulled open and in front of you was Tsu laying in a separate bed of her own.

"Tsu!" You placed your hand on her shoulder to try and gently shake her awake, "Tsu, wake up!"

She groaned before opening her eyes tiredly. With a raspy voice, she then asks you, "Y/n..? What happened? Where are we?"

"I'm not sure, but we need to go." You said, "It's not safe-"

Behind you, a white sheet was lifted open and there was a doctor entering the small room with a clipboard in his hand. The two of you made eye contact and you quickly panicked.

The doctor first spoke with a worried tone and warns you, "Woah, Miss! I'm sorry, but you need to go back to bed-"

"What's going on!? Who are you and what happened to us!?" You immediately became hostile and the doctor noticed it.

"It's okay, it's okay! You're safe here! No one is going to hurt you!" The doctor says gently, "My name is Dr. June. You're at our refugee campgrounds, specifically the medical field for a full recovery from your exhaustion. There were a few infected wounds that were found on your body, but we managed to patch them up and gave you some antibiotics. You were running a fever and were unresponsive for nearly a week. We need you back in bed immediately. You can't move around so much at the moment."

You were in shock to hear all of this. You and Tsu were saved. You made it. It was over. Suffering from Midoriya's torture, it was gone. You have never felt so relieved and overjoyed, tears formed in your eyes as you covered your mouth.

"Hey.. it's okay." Dr. June slowly approached you and was caught off guard by you embracing him when you were nearly about to attack him moments ago, "Uh.."

You began to cry and the sounds of an overwhelming wail escaped from your lips as you clinged onto the doctor's white coat.

The commotion you were making was heard and nurses quickly ran into the tent as they saw you holding onto the doctor with tears pouring from your eyes. They quickly came to your aid and helped you down as you were letting your emotions out.

"Uh, nurse?" Dr. June asked one of the nurses for a favor, "Could you let the rest of the team know that our patients are now awake? We'll need to run some tests before we can send them

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