Sunshine || Sarah Cameron☀️ (...

By floweringfields

3.2K 59 5

Meave.. Where do I start with Meave? One of the best surfers I know (next to JJ) She's fearless, and very pro... More

Character Info
Where it all started
This just got more interesting
A Motel Key
Motel or Meth Lab?
The Boneyard
Scuba Gear
Diver Down

The Compass

220 6 1
By floweringfields

After Shoupe left, the four teenagers ran to the edge of the boat to see if they could spot John B in the water.

"Where is he?" Meave asked, nervously looking into the water.

"He's definitely out of air." Pope commented. 

A few seconds later, John B popped out of the water, and they all let out of breath of relief. 

"There he is!" JJ yelled out.

"Oh god." Pope exclaimed. "Jesus Christ." 

"Holy shit John B, I thought you died or something down there." Meave told him, holding onto her chest. 

"Don't scare us like that." Pope scolded John B.

"How'd it go down there?" JJ asked him. John B put his thumb up, saying okay "Did you find anything?" JJ continued, as John B swam back towards the boat.

John B took off the mask, and placed it onto the boat. "Did I find anything?" John B repeated JJ with a smile, as he threw a bag up onto the boat.

"Yeah there we go!" JJ praised as he grabbed the black bag. "That's my boy!"

"You okay?" Kiara asked.

"Yeah, I ran out of air." John B replied, rubbing his face to get rid of the water.

"Yeah uh the cops came, told them you were at work." Meave told him. "God I hate Shoupe." She continued, patting John B on the back.

"You scared the shit out of me." Kiara said as John B climbed onto the boat. 

"Shoupe was here?" John B asked them.

"Yeah but we took care of them." Pope told him.

"You did?" Meave asked Pope as he rolled his eyes are her.

"Yeah you kinda missed the show brother." JJ said, squeezing John B's shoulder. 

"Yeah the shitshow with all you idiots." Meave muttered, going to sit down. 

"Hey guys? Guys?" Kiara called out to them, trying to grab their attention. "Bogey two o'clock." She said, looking out into the marsh.

"What?" JJ asked her, looking where she was.

"What the fuck.."

"Do you guys recognize that boat?" Pope asked everyone.

"I've never seen it." Kiara told him, shaking her head. "What are they doing here, the marsh is closed.."

"Yeah uh guys why don't we leave?" Meave asked them, not wanting to stay and see what they were doing. 

"Let's not stick around to find out why their here, yeah?" JJ said. 

"JJ get the bowline." John B told him.

"Mhm." JJ muttered, going over to get it. 

"Should we wait on them?" Pope asked from behind the wheel.

"Pope are you crazy?" Meave said, turning her head to look at him. 

"Are you joking?" Kiara asked, looking at Pope in disbelief. 

"No we aren't waiting on them." John B told them. 

"JJ hurry up." Kiara said, rushing him.

"Oh my god JJ hurry!" Meave yelled to the blonde boy. 

"Guys, don't wait on me. Go!" JJ said, out of breathe. 

"John B go!" Meave yelled to the brunette boy, who started the boat.

"Let's go!" Kiara exclaimed in fear.

"I don't like the look of this." John B muttered, looking out at the boat in the distance.

"You and me both."

"Are they coming for us?" JJ asked the group.

"Maybe their fishing?" Pope thought, trying to stay calm and optimistic. 

"It doesn't matter, we got to go."

"Go, go, go, go!" JJ shouted, as the boat got closer to them. John B quickly steered their boat away, trying to leave the scene. 

"Go into the marsh." Pope told the boy behind the wheel.

"Let's go!" Kiara yelled to him.

"I'm going." John B said. "Act natural."

John B kept going, as Meave turned around to see that the other boat was speeding towards them, it was definitely following them.

"Fuck." she muttered, looking out at the boat still. 

"Hey, guys, they're following us." Kiara said, looking at the boys.

"Oh this can't be good." Pope sighed. 

"Dude you gotta go faster!" JJ frantically yelled to John B. 

"I'm going!" John B said, fear evident in his voice. 

"Gun it!" JJ demanded. John B made the boat go faster, as they flew through the marsh.

Meave was watching the boat get closer, when she saw the one guy in there pull out something that made her heart drop. 

A gun. 

Before she even had time to say anything, the five teenagers heard a huge bang. There were being shot at.

"What the..."

"Holy shit!"

"John B get down!" 

 Another shot fired as they all ducked down to avoid getting hit. 

"Oh my god! We're gonna die!" Kiara yelled. 

Another shot rang out.

"Holy shit!" Meave screamed, scared out of her mind.

Kiara started to move, which made Meave look up at her with confusion and worry.

"Kie, what the hell are you doing?" Meave asked, but Kiara ignored her.

"Pope move." Kiara said to the boy, trying to crawl around him to grab a white net on the ground.



"Kie get down!" John B yelled to the curly haired girl.

Kiara ignored him, grabbing the net and moving to the edge of the boat.

She threw the net into the water. Another shot rang out and she quickly ducked down as fast as she could. 

When she looked back up, their boat had gotten caught on the net, making them unable to move. John B continued speeding out of the marsh, leaving them behind. 

They eventually made it back to the dock and got off the boat. John B put the duffle bag onto the dock as he started to open it.

"What do you think it is?" Kiara asked. 

"Could be anything." Meave replied. 

"It's gotta be like money, or something right?" John B questioned, looking at them.

"That or a couple of keys with street value to the low- to mid-mils!" JJ exclaimed happily.

"Can we just hurry up and open the bag, please?" Pope aggressively said, leaving everyone speechless.

"Wow Pope." John B mumbled, glancing at him. "That was rare outburst of emotion."

"Okay, you guys are literally killing me with anticipation." Pope replied. "Open the bag. We almost died over this."

John B opened the bag, taking a minute to untie it. Inside is a metal cylinder. He twisted off the cap, and took out what was inside.

It was an old looking compass. Meave sighed, disappointed that it wasn't something better.

"Oh wow, of course." Pope scoffed. "Good job everybody, we found a compass."

John B ignored him, still staring at the compass.

"You good man?" Meave asked him.

"Dude what?" JJ questioned, also looking at him. "It's not worth anything."

John B continued staring, not responding. 

After a few seconds, he finally said something.

"This was my father's."

Sorry for the late update again y'all!!

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