A Motel Key

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"You guys saw that right?" JJ questioned when the resurfaced. 

"Yeah we all saw"

"Holy shit"

 "That's a grandy white, a new one of those is like 500 g's easy" JJ said as the 5 of them swam back to the boat.

"I saw that boat when I surfed the surge yesterday, someone was out there when the hurricane started."  John B realized. "Maybe it hit a jetty or something."

Maeve looked at him and put her hand up for him to high five. "You surfed the surge yesterday?" she asked him.

"Yeah he did! That's my boy, pogue style!" JJ yelled. 

"Wait do we know who's boat that is?" Pope asked walking over to where John B was standing.

"No, but we're gonna find out." The brown haired boy replied.

Meave looked down at the water and sighed "John B your gonna drown down there"

"Oh for the weak and feeble Mae" John B told her.

"Fine whatever" she mumbled and went to sit next to Kiara, who but her arm around her neck as Meave laid on her shoulder. 

"John B." Kiara called for him as she glanced down at the water.

"Kie I'll be fine" John B said with the anchor of the boat in his hand.

"Diver down fool." Pope said to him.

"Diver down." John B repeated.

"Yeah he is." JJ said as he shoved John B into the water, making the other 3 run to the edge of the boat to look. 

After a minute , Pope and Kiara we're starting to get worried.

 "Should we go get him?" Pope asked the other teenagers. 

Just as he said that, John B popped out of the water, making all the teens sigh in relief. 

"Holy shit John B" Meave gasped.

"Oh my god that took forever" Kiara said to him.

"Any dead bodies?" Pope asked him.

"Nope." John B said, dangling a keyring around his finger, showing the group. "Found a motel key though." 

Meave gave him a weird look. "You found a key?" 

"Yes Meave, a key." John B deadpanned. 

"Great! We salvaged a motel key." JJ sarcastically replied as him and Pope helped John B back onto the boat.

"Guys we should report the wreck to the coast guard." Kiara suggests to them. "Might get a finders fee."

"Yeah and not have to work all summer." JJ replied. "Thanks Agatha, ya bitch!"

Sorry! Short chapter, I'll probably update tomorrow!

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