Motel or Meth Lab?

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Meave was sitting with Kie as they pulled up to the motel.

A whistle escaped JJ's mouth, "And I thought the Chateau looked bad."

"This place is a shitshow" Meave commented.

"Motel or meth lab?" Kiara questioned herself.

"You be the judge." Pope replied

"Doesn't look like a place somebody with a Grandy-White would live." John B said as they came closer to land.

"No. This looks like a place someone with a Grandy-White would get killed." Pope said.

"Alright here we go." JJ said to everyone with the rope in his hand. "This is your caption speaking, HMS Pogue coming in for landing." He stated as he hopped off the edge of the boat, leaning down to tie off the rope.

"We good?" John B questioned him, turning off the engine.

"Yeah, we're good." JJ said to him, giving a thumbs up.

"Alright cool lets go boys." Meave said

"You're coming Meave?" JJ asked her

"Yeah why wouldn't I?" She responded and JJ shrugged.

"Hey." Pope called after them right as they were about to go. "Don't let them do anything stupid." He said to John B, pointing at JJ and Meave.

"Oh we will!" JJ explaimed as he put him arms around Meave and John B.

"I'm not making any promises." John B told Pope, knowing the two would in fact do something stupid.

"Okay let's go god." Meave said getting impatient.

"Hey, be careful." Kiara called to John B, who nodded at her.

As they started walking away from the boat, Meave noticed there were mattresses everywhere. "Why are there so many mattresses out here?" She asked.

"After a hurricane they ditch 'em because they're moldy." JJ responded.

"Ew." Meave gagged.

When they kept walking to the motel room, JJ grabbed John B's face. "Just be so careful John B" He groaned.

John B sighed and shoved him away. "God you are so weird."

"What the hell was that about?" Meave asked.

"I don't know, maybe she just wants us to be careful." He replied.

"She said it only to you Booker, not to either of us." Meave said pointing a finger towards her and JJ.

"Yeah, since she heard you're being threatened with exile, she's been all like "Oh! Be so care John B." JJ said holding onto John B's shoulders.

"Get off." John B scolded the blonde haired boy.

"Just give me the John D already!" JJ moaned. Which made Meave chuckle.

"Like when are you gonna swoop in on the man?" JJ asked the boy.

"Swoop?" Meave asked with a light laugh.

"Dude you know the rules, no pogue-on-pogue macking." John B said to him. "Also, you and Meave are the ones always hitting on her."

"John B have you seen Kie, I would let her ruin my life." Meave stated.

"Of course I'm hittng in her, she's a super hot, rich, hippie chick slumming it with us." JJ boasted.

"Me and JJ have both tried that door and it is locked." Meave complained. JJ pointed at her with a smile.

As they kept walking they saw the room.

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