The Compass

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After Shoupe left, the four teenagers ran to the edge of the boat to see if they could spot John B in the water.

"Where is he?" Meave asked, nervously looking into the water.

"He's definitely out of air." Pope commented. 

A few seconds later, John B popped out of the water, and they all let out of breath of relief. 

"There he is!" JJ yelled out.

"Oh god." Pope exclaimed. "Jesus Christ." 

"Holy shit John B, I thought you died or something down there." Meave told him, holding onto her chest. 

"Don't scare us like that." Pope scolded John B.

"How'd it go down there?" JJ asked him. John B put his thumb up, saying okay "Did you find anything?" JJ continued, as John B swam back towards the boat.

John B took off the mask, and placed it onto the boat. "Did I find anything?" John B repeated JJ with a smile, as he threw a bag up onto the boat.

"Yeah there we go!" JJ praised as he grabbed the black bag. "That's my boy!"

"You okay?" Kiara asked.

"Yeah, I ran out of air." John B replied, rubbing his face to get rid of the water.

"Yeah uh the cops came, told them you were at work." Meave told him. "God I hate Shoupe." She continued, patting John B on the back.

"You scared the shit out of me." Kiara said as John B climbed onto the boat. 

"Shoupe was here?" John B asked them.

"Yeah but we took care of them." Pope told him.

"You did?" Meave asked Pope as he rolled his eyes are her.

"Yeah you kinda missed the show brother." JJ said, squeezing John B's shoulder. 

"Yeah the shitshow with all you idiots." Meave muttered, going to sit down. 

"Hey guys? Guys?" Kiara called out to them, trying to grab their attention. "Bogey two o'clock." She said, looking out into the marsh.

"What?" JJ asked her, looking where she was.

"What the fuck.."

"Do you guys recognize that boat?" Pope asked everyone.

"I've never seen it." Kiara told him, shaking her head. "What are they doing here, the marsh is closed.."

"Yeah uh guys why don't we leave?" Meave asked them, not wanting to stay and see what they were doing. 

"Let's not stick around to find out why their here, yeah?" JJ said. 

"JJ get the bowline." John B told him.

"Mhm." JJ muttered, going over to get it. 

"Should we wait on them?" Pope asked from behind the wheel.

"Pope are you crazy?" Meave said, turning her head to look at him. 

"Are you joking?" Kiara asked, looking at Pope in disbelief. 

"No we aren't waiting on them." John B told them. 

"JJ hurry up." Kiara said, rushing him.

"Oh my god JJ hurry!" Meave yelled to the blonde boy. 

"Guys, don't wait on me. Go!" JJ said, out of breathe. 

"John B go!" Meave yelled to the brunette boy, who started the boat.

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