WATCHING | A new course in th...

By UrMiUne16

61.1K 1K 54

This.... It's painful...- Said a female voice...-Father and son, they left together... Two brothers who could... More

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☠︎︎The Straw Hats☠︎︎
The Straw Hats
The Straw Hats

☠︎︎The Straw Hats☠︎︎

3.2K 49 3
By UrMiUne16

Who are straw hats?

The second and third in command 1 / 2


"We'll take a well-deserved break. You know how to order food and that," the goddess said. Everyone nodded doubtfully.

Everything seemed so unreal, so much so that I shuddered just thinking about it. They were getting too much information all at once, too many revelations and truths that they didn't want to discover before, it was complicated and hard to believe, but not impossible.

Several were thinking of resting right there, but despite trying they could not, attributing it to the excitement of the moment.

Thus, they all disappeared and appeared in their previous rooms, only with the difference that the mugiwaras, now had their own room with several beds, which did not help much, since by order of the captain they began to talk, eat and drink until they fell into their beds – or wherever – tired, just like the other spectators of the future. Some with debates of morality and others with twisted plans, like their justice and teeth, and so "the night" passed, until rested all returned – each in his previous position – to the immense room.

"Well, I hope you have rested, eaten and thought well, this will be long," he said expecting some complaint, but he heard nothing, so I continue. "Without further ado, let's not drag this on and continue, please," he welcomed them and then saw how the food fell to the already monotonous requests of the spectators. —Before I begin, I want to tell you that I know that everyone still has doubts about the veracity of all this...

Of course? A pirate, a ruthless and disgusting pirate wanting to save a country evicted by the government; who is justice itself? It sounded as stupid as saying that users could swim in the sea.

"But believe me when I tell you, that everything I show you has already happened, and that it is not a lie.

- Has it happened yet? Isn't it the future? I don't remember doing those crazy things or knowing them.

"Of course, Nami- san, but you don't yet," the captain tilted his head blankly. What you see are their future versions, but from another dimension.

- I'm already lost! How about another dimension?! Ace exclaimed.

"Listen carefully. By coming here, you created another line parallel to that of your future, I mean; that the future they see will no longer be the same as the one they will live.

Of course not. Well, Akainu thought that they would not reach so much, since he would kill them when he got out of there.

"For example. The mugiwaras, he pointed out, are no longer just unknown to the world. Now their heads are worth as much as known pirates from time at sea, for the simple fact that they saw their future danger to the world.

Shit! Yes, so cursed Usopp, Nami, and some jaded pirates.

"That's bad," he lamented. "I wanted to start from scratch," the captain of the straw hats pouted annoyingly.

"And you will, Monkey D. Luffy," the goddess clarified. "You have a promising future, but you can no longer and I don't think you want to follow the same path as your future self," the young man in rubber fervently denied, "therefore, starting from scratch you will do it, but with the fame of your future self, which will complicate your adventure, instead of helping you.

That despite annoying Luffy, since he wanted to earn her fame alone, also excited him slightly. Super strong guys and great adventures. Nothing better than that.

"If we agree...

Shanks who saw and heard everything attentively could be more than nervous with the situation not at all good in which his anchor could be found, so he asked: - How much can be complicated?

"Let me explain this to you Akagami-San. At first I said that the closest to the One Piece, are the now mugiwaras, but I also told them that they must take their own course, that affirms that the future is not written, they may get their future power, or... They may die trying," I add subtly.

—The most accurate possibility is that they will kill us, but ... How will they do it? The archaeologist began to think, making Usopp repent of his lies that said: And Captain Usopp, died with courage and bravery.

"If that's all you wanted to know, let's start at once.


- Move! Move! Clear the way for my precious pet! —Shouted a young man with blond hair and expensive suit with sword in hand, while large four-legged pet, growled frightening passers-by. - Anyone who stands in my way will be executed! "He warned with every step he took, until he reached a bar.


Helmeppo jumped when he saw himself. In all his time there he was learning that whoever messed with those pirates, did not come out well and less if they were marines, therefore, when he saw their appearance, he remembered the time he was with Roronoa, and the deal they made. Deal he was going to renege.

- Who is that, and what is believed to speak like that?! Only the navy can execute, and unless they are pirates! Not civilians! A sailor shouted indignantly, several agreed indisputably.

Zoro drank from his drink silently; he knew what was coming.

"What a disgusting guy," Nami said.


The rabid dog slammed the door open, scaring the girl and the customers of the place while growling. The dog, knowing that they would not do anything to him, began to eat the food of the customers, but the indignant girl raised her broom shaking it to scare him away.

A- No! Stop!

"Hey, you. Do you have a problem with my pet? The "sailor" asked haughtily.

- Rika, stop! We'll have trouble if you don't stop! —the mother expressed concern.

The furious dog attacks the helpless girl, but a chair hits him and sends him to crash into the wall, startling all customers. The confused girl looks around looking for her savior, bumping into a green-haired man who was eating indifferent to the stage.

The angry young sailor asks, "Who the hell are you?!" Won't you be...? "With caution the blond approached the peliverde man of the bar. - Zoro, the pirate hunter?!


- I was going to attack the girl!

- Who is that imbecile brat who does not know how to educate his dog?!

"But... Roronoa—those worried about the girl looked in confusion at the infamous East Blue demon. Pirate... Demon... Unscrupulous... Cruel, that's what it was called, but then... Why did an unscrupulous and cruel demon save the life of any girl, and act as if nothing?

- Roronoa saved the girl!

Yes, although it was obvious, and correct to do so, for a pirate, it was not, or it should not.

Eyes fell on him, obviously he ignored them.

"That's what I had to do," Sanji said, earning confused looks. - How could anyone allow a young lady to be hurt? When I see that with a ridiculous hairstyle, I'll kick him," he threatened confidently. Making the daddy brat in the back, hide in terror.

A must? Some remembered the behavior of the young man with women, understanding that the pirate had a kind of code with the ladies.

"Girl... Could you explain what we see?" —He asked, Sengoku somewhat jaded.

"Of course, Sengoku-san, but I warn you that you won't like it," the tired man didn't care, so the goddess continued. "He is Helmeppo, son of the captain, axe hand Morgan, who "guards and protects" the island of Shells Town.

Both the sailors who work for the captain and the citizens, refuted within themselves "He does not protect anything, only protects his reputation, and abuses his power as if he were a king"

"And what you see is, who are the mugiwaras, rather, that makes them different from other pirates.

That -obviously- aroused the curiosity of all, so they were inclined curious, that it showed the screen, to know that it made the former hunter different, but some already had an idea, which made Shirohige proud, who rejoiced happily because the new generation not only showed potential, but true morality and justice.


The mother runs to hug her daughter.

- And what if I am? —Ask without giving it much importance.

- What does a pirate hunter do bother sailors?! "He demands an explanation by shaking his sword with a tantrum.

"At least let me eat in peace," he says, swallowing a bite.

Indignantly the sailor wields his sword awkwardly to kill Zoro, he obviously dodges it, and kicks the sword sending it to dig into the ceiling, and then gives a punch to the imbecile.

With calm, Zoro draws his sword and puts it on his neck making the blond scream in terror.

"You're very noisy... And your pet-sama, too," the hunter mocks.

The sailor, scared to death, trembles, until he thinks of something.

- Don't you realize? If I tell my father about this, these people will be executed—he threatens to look at the mother and girl who hug each other in fear. Zoro looks at him annoyed. - What do you say? Why don't we make a deal? —Question getting up with trembling. - Why don't you go to jail instead of them? See... one month. If you survive for a month, I'll let you go," he proposes. The mother hears everything embarrassed and scared. - What do you think?

- A month, right? Zoro asks, then drops his katana indicating that he accepted the deal. The screen goes dark.


- Marine? Did you even have a workout? —A real sailor asked.

"Tsk. Guys like him leave us bad," seconded a captain.

"I bet he doesn't even know how to handle that sword," he said sadly.

Sengoku was fed up, disappointed and outraged at what the screen showed, about who should be the aid of civilians, but unfortunately it was worse what Ronoa had done.

The spectators could not believe it, all the pirates looked terrifying but that man, he was monstrously terrifying, his voice, his presence, denoted fear and danger, but there he was, accepting a stupid treatment by people he does not know, when that should be done ... Justice.

- Why?!

- They're civilians, aren't they?! Why would they be executed?!

People began to wonder if it was true, so why...

- What are they surprised about? The sailors who came to my island, a few berris extinguished their hunger for "justice" — Yoriko said annoyed by what she saw.

A girl, just a girl, just like Nami and her.

Jinbei sigh.

Sengoku knew that the question could play against him as well as in favor, so he had to take a risk, in addition, until he was curious about the pirate.

"Roronoa," he called him, this one looked at him. - Why did you do it?

Zoro did not respond, as a childish voice rose.

- Because he is good! Not like you sailors! "I shout boldly pointing my finger at him.

- Rika! "Her frightened mother shut up.

- Pirates?! Good?! What the hell do you say brat?! - Captain Morgan rose up.

- The truth, ugly old man! He said sticking out his tongue, causing Shirohige to chuckle. - He helped me! That lord is good, not like you ugly sailors!

There was what Sengoku feared.

The captain stood up.

- This is a crime! Those who support the pirates, will have the same fate as these! THE NAVY IS ROYAL JUSTICE! "In the distance Akainu nodded in agreement—So they must pay the price for their insolence! WHOEVER JOINS THE **** PIRATES, IS AN ENEMY OF JUSTICE, AND MUST BE ERADICATED! "The captain raised his axe-hand, to aim at the terrified mother.

Civilians squealed in fear. Sengoku was already standing up, just like the revolutionaries, but those who intervened were the mugiwaras, as always, first is always the captain, but the second in command was put before him by sticking his katana to the ground.

"The deal I made with the ridiculous-haired sailor still stands, even if it is over the whole month, but in the meantime, they can't do anything to them," I say, casting a warning with my eyes.

"I didn't accept any of that. That brat doesn't have the power I do, I don't make deals with dirty pirates! —I assure with a shout.

The girl ran to Zoro's legs, he did not look at her, but he did not push her away, but he would, if he was forced to cut a certain stupid sailor.

"But the impatience is pirates, when we leave here, I will respect the navy, and I will kill you, pirate," he said violently, to return to his place and sit proud of his act of worthy marine honor.

Zoro didn't say anything, total, he already knew that when he got out of there, death was going to constantly harass him.

Nami approached the girl away from Zoro to take her to her mother, a mother who looked gratefully and worried at the swordsman.

The mugiwaras also sat down, each in silence just like the room, something rare in Captain Mugiwara. Everyone expected his cry "No one will kill my nakama, the king of pirates would never allow it", but no. He was serene, and serious, as if that threat had worried him, but that was impossible, or so Shanks and Ace thought, total, it's Luffy, he wouldn't worry about something as banal as that, right?

With that doubt, some dissipated. The navy is corrupt, as is its justice.

The goddess let out a chuckle, which was perceived by very few.

"Let's continue.


You can hear the hurried footsteps and rapid breathing of a woman, who sees two people on the snowy bridge while covering her face with a veil.

- SAVE ME! —The woman shouts euphorically, even with a veil on her, preventing her vision.

That cry catches the attention of one of the people on the bridge. Zoro looks to the side where the scream came from, not waiting for the other person to try to attack him before his mistake.

- You let your guard down!

Zoro protects his back with his sword preventing him from being dishonorably cut.

- Damn! "The swordsman insults the giant man for attacking him.


"That's it...

Those of Wano, easily recognize the costume worn by the pirate, deducing that they were again in Wano, or rather, they would show something of their country.

Izo looks more attentive, just like Shirohige, Marco, Nekomamushi, Inuarashi and the samurai of the past.


- Don't try to attack me with all your might when I let my guard down! "He scolds him with shark teeth, showing his fury.

- Catching people off guard is the only way to win battles to the death, so I do that! —Shouts the giant with the painted face, calling the attention of the samurai.

A girl is heard and seen laughing, and that catches Zoro's attention again.

- Please help us! Someone is trying to kill us! —The woman shouts again, approaching the pirate.

- Oh! A samurai! —exclaims girl with amusement and a hidden tone of relief. - Oeee! Save us! —He laughs causing Zoro to go into confusion, just like everyone in the room.

- Is it serious, or are they kidding? I can't know," he asks.

- Swordsmen, please save us! "The woman asks again, uncovering her face, making Zoro look at the wound on his arm, and take the call for help more seriously.

- Blood? "Zoro goes on alert. "I guess they're not kidding.

The scarf that covered the girl is blown off, and then hits a wave of power that makes Zoro surprised. The scarf is cut into several pieces by a bandaged man who laughs.


Unlike those outside Wano or the fruit Smiley, who thought that the woman wanted to deceive the swordsman, by the laughter of the girl, instead those of that country knew why the girl laughed despite her situation.

- Why do you laugh?

"He's a child, surely he doesn't know how to act well, or I know.

The spectators only guessed at them, while a man, also laughing, looked at the situation worriedly, obviously without showing it in his features, not like the pirate of already a year at sea, who shouted euphoric.

- KILLER! —Kid looked at his right hand with confusion and more because it showed his face and intoned a scandalous laugh, which he knew displeased his friend, friend who only managed to raise his shoulders confused, but calmed him by telling him to keep watching and know why.

The women oblivious to the scandal of the red-haired pirate and his nakama, looked worried at the woman and girl, even more knowing that it was not a lie and that they were wounded and one step away from being killed.


The pirate – now, murderer of women and girls – after cutting the scarf, launched to kill the woman and girl, causing an explosion of cuts and bluish power with red rays to explode, which for a moment illuminated the whitish snow lifting it confusing everyone, by the already common sound of the clash of the swords.


- HE'S GOING TO KILL THEM! —The frightened women shouted, covering their mouths and eyes.

Shirohige looked at the scene annoyed. The weak are the ones who suffer the most in this world of injustice, power and piracy.

Hiyori, seeing the scene, covered both his face and Otoko's. She was not stupid, she knew that something had happened for her to pursue them, it was most likely that Kaido and Orochi had discovered their lineage, it was as possible given the "love" that the "Shogun" had shown her, she only begged that her father and mother help her protect the girl.


The woman who closed her eyes in fright, when she opened them, finds the tip of a scythe almost grazing her, realizing that the green-haired samurai had protected her, brandishing his own sword against the killer, protecting her.

"Wait," Zoro asks the wrong person, as the painted-faced giant attacks him off guard, causing Zoro to defend himself with his other sword, being attacked from both sides. - Hey! Wait a minute...! —He shouts cornered, but not defeated, since he frees himself from both by pushing his sword against their weapons driving them away. - Hey, you! Read the atmosphere, bastard! —He says to the face painted with several swords.

"Our grief is not over," he emphasizes.

- I'll fight with you, but wait! "He asks for the peliverde.


Sanji lets out a funny snort mocking his nakama, earning a headbutt and a fight challenge, which he gladly accepted, if it were not for his Nami-san, stopped them, kicked the lucky marimo to death. He would have mindlessly killed the who had hurt the beautiful lady.


But a laugh interrupts the discussion, Zoro points his attention to the man with two scythes.

"You're the murderer, Zoro, aren't you?" "The murderer asks," Zoro. Why do you help that woman?

The woman with greenish blue hair was shaking at the conversation of the two swordsmen, while the girl already showed another color on her face.

- Why do you want to cut a woman? "Inquire now Zoro.

"I just want to kill that brat who won't stop laughing," says the one who laughs.

The girl, although she lets out giggles, her face shows dread and her eyes tears, causing the woman to comfort her by attaching her to her chest.

"Hitokiri Kamazo," the woman calls him. "You're a killer who randomly kills people in the capital," he reports, "but you're actually an assassin who works for Orochi disguised as an outlaw," says the celestial movie. —Debate.


Kid with a whiplash looks at his friend.

Tell me it's not true.

Killer rolls his eyes trying to explain to his captain that the future is uncertain, and he may be lying, or anything may have happened, but he shouldn't worry.


"You go to the Shogun, Orochi-sama, without using honorific. Who are you? —Killer asks putting the woman on the defensive, but his gaze is diverted to the pirate.


Kid looked at him badly again, tired he just ignored him telling him.

"Only you have earned my respect, captain, friend, brother.

No doubt, Kid saw the screen again annoyed by what he was seeing, he didn't care about the lives of women, he just wanted to kill the bastard called, Orochi, without knowing why.


"Samurai-sama Help us, please! "The woman begged him by standing up.

There is a moment of silence, until the second-in-command speaks.

"Well, of course, I won't stand here and watch a girl and a woman killed.


That caused a surprise gasp in the whole room.

Was it mandatory for pirates to be the bad guys? Were all the sailors good? Pirates, yes, some are bad, but strangely there were some who did not show themselves like that, although they were relatively few, each time they were showing that there were also bad sailors, such as the young owner of the dog, and the captain, so, that:



All that was making no sense, they were proving it, those pirates called, Mugiwaras. They were shouting to the world that they weren't the bad guys, and that the sailors weren't the good guys.


- I'll give you whatever you want! "The woman assures him in exchange for help.

Zoro's three earrings clink and then hear his resolution: "Sake and food would be fine.


- Of course I was going to ask for sake! "The navigator shook her arms, already knowing the swordsman.


- They will be yours! —The woman said with determination.

Zoro turns to look at her and say, "Good. We have a deal.

As if securing the deal, Zoro positions himself in front of the woman and girl raising his sword to protect and attack, then the screen goes dark.


The civilians almost looked gratefully at the pirate, who, ignorant – for pleasure – of the looks, took his sake.

Orochi, looking rabidly at the greenhead, was not only going to try to steal his throne, but "his wife", according to him.

But oblivious to those feelings, Luffy looked proudly at his nakama, happy that he had chosen him and let him know, or rather, Zoro discovered it by feeling the bright look that the boy gave him.

- What are you looking at me?

—Shishishi. If you're a good Zoro guy.

Zoro smiled feeling a little pinch on his chest.

—Tsk. I must have been there," the cook complained, throwing a tantrum, "Miss-saaaan! If you need help, look for me, and not that stupid!



"We better move on to the next scene," said the goddess, trying to prevent a fight in the room.

The screen turned on again showing or rather releasing an almost deafening sound, a scream that only the children of the yonkou know.

Big Mom had lost control...

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