☠︎︎The Straw Hats☠︎︎

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The characters do not belong to me if not to the mangaka Ichiiro Oda


The room was a tenacious mental chaos. Since the lineage of that still unknown pirate was discovered, no one could really believe it. There could not be such a dangerous pirate in the world and protected, being that his father is the most wanted man in the world. The mysterious and little-known man actually had a son and not just anyone, but a pirate who would bring many problems to the navy when he left for the sea.

The pirates growled annoyed and envious, that newcomer would now be the center of the world and would bring problems to them too. The citizens, villagers and innocents just looked confused, some still remembered what they showed of the boy and it was not exactly what the government says about pirates, they did not see evil in their eyes, well some but the fact of who his father is gave him a very bad reputation, more than he should. Both father and son would be direct opponents of the government, that Damn Pirate was no longer only a criminal, he had directly challenged the government just like his father and not content with his lineage, this peculiar pirate guarded two dangerous criminals and potential weapons against the government, a machine man who had one of the mysterious ancestral weapons and the only one that could wake them up and the one that could reveal all the shit he hides the government.

Not only the father was a fucking ass pain for the navy but his own son also and not only that, when revealing his identity some sailors almost laughed at the appearance of the child who danger or anything, but forgot the fact of who he was, rather those who protected him, he was not a simple bocon brat, He was the brother of someone very dangerous and troublesome. The young woman once said that he was not yet so powerful but that he was not alone, that child was protected by the revolutionary army and by two emperors of the sea and now it was made known that he is also one or serious in the future left a big question. How dangerous and powerful was that pirate or serious in the future?

-One.. One.. The sailors or dogs of the government trembled with fear and amazement. There were few who only made fun of that fact or did not take it as much as the two Yonkous

-Emperor... Quin... - The pirates couldn't believe it, a newly arrived brat and was now an emperor or good would be in a few years. Some had years and nothing, perhaps the influence that child had and his power, would they take it so easily? Envy and fear were what invaded the pirates.

-Brat.. - the Yonkous were divided. Shanks and Shirohige laughed and drank sake in health to the new age and Big Mom and Kaido looked rabidly at the brat, they had resentment and annoyance, so much importance to a boy with a lice hat, he even seemed more important than them and that was an insult to his title earned as pirates.

-DAMN PIRATES!! - the faithful citizens believing in the Government believed that only the evil of the pirates increased, their fear and faith in government led them to hate them, although very few did not agree with this

"Sengoku understood everything, that child would not be a danger. if not catastrophe. He will be the most powerful pirate in the world if he was not put on a brake or limitation, he could do whatever he wanted with such power, although knowing Shirohige he was not entirely sure, but with a fist of fire Ace from the child did not know what could happen, he knew from the beginning that it was not a good idea to know all this, at least he could continue in ignorance and lament later but now he knew what that child was capable of and he also knew that it would be difficult to do anything against him, there was also Dragon in between, he cursed not having cut Garp's eggs before. -Fucking to say he wasn't excited and happy would be to tarnish his honor. Being the Vice Captain of the Future King of the Pirates was a dream that by the determination of his Captain knew that he would fulfill it, and although there was a long way to go, he was sure that together with that stupid boy he would fulfill his dream and that of Kuina. But there was the certainty that it would be a Crew Member of a Sea Emperor. The Mugiwaras smiled happily and cried in terror, they never expected to be in their homes or doing their quiet life to be part of the crew of a fucking monstrous emperor of the Sea, it was something not so common to say.

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