Yellow Lights

By SilentDreams16

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A beta with anger issues and the youngest Martin sister with extraordinary abilities. Life in Beacon Hills is... More

Mood Boards
Prologue part 1 Magic and the first encounter with a werewolf
Prologue part 2: The Bite
The Summer Before Freshamn Year
Dead Birds and An Alpha Pack
I Still Don't Like him
Werewolfs On The Loose
Catching Werewolves
Cross-Country And Twin Alphas
Maybe This Was A Bad Idea
I Hate Motels
They Crossed The Line, Again
What Are We Even Doing?
The English Teacher Is The Darach And Hospital Visit's
Hospital Fights And Meeting Scott's Father
Finding The Nemeton
The Lunar Eclipse
Authors note!
Those Three Are Falling Apart And The Coyote Isn't A Coyote
More Bad Than Good
Riddled/ Letharia Vulpina

Illuminated/ Silverfinger

77 4 0
By SilentDreams16

Quick AN: this chapter is heavily unedited. Getting closer to Bella and Liam's first meeting! Also a very cute Derek and Bella moment at the end. He's definitely like a big brother to her. Enjoy!!!


"Class starts in five minutes. Just because there's no power, don't expect there to be no school." Coach yelled over the megaphone as he walked through the hallways.

"That was a triple negative. Very impressive, coach." Stiles yelled after him making me laugh as I was walking up the hallway.

"Copy that." He replied.

I was talking to Destiny and Taylor when Scott walks through the front doors, pulling our attending from each other.

I saw him pause before looking down the hallway to see him staring at Kira who turned and walked away. Scott when to hurry after her when he was stopped my Stiles.

"No. No. Stop, stop it." Stiles told him.

"What? I need to talk to her." Scott argued.

"No you don't." I hissed at him as we reached them.

Stiles pointed at me and nodded. "You need to remember that someone left a coded message telling Barrie to kill her."

"Which is why I need to talk to her." Scott insisted.

"Scott, no way. Until we figure out if she's just another psychotic monster that's going to start muddying everybody, I vote against any and all interaction." Stiles quickly rattled off.

"What if she's like me?" Scott asked.

"That girl walk through 1.21 jigs watts of electricity. She's not like you." Destiny and Stiles said at the same time making me look between the two of them.

Stiles shut his locker as Scott walked off, he looked at his keys for a moment before following after him.

"We'll that was completely fucking weird." I shook my head.

"Never expect any less from the two of them." Destiny agreed.

"We're not going to listen to Stiles are we?" Taylor asked seeing the look on my face.

"Absolutely not." I beamed at her brightly.

We didn't see Kira for the rest of the school day making me pout, she seemed cool and I wanted to get to know her.

"Danny is throwing a Halloween party and it's black light. We gotta go!" Taylor whined as we were sitting in my bedroom.

"She's right okay! We can be normal high schoolers for one night, and not worry about supernatural shit." Destiny pushed.

"A party? You guys want to go to a party?" I asked looking between the two of them.

They both nodded excitedly.

"Alright let's do it. You said it was a blacklight party." I said looking through my closet.

I grinned when I found the perfect outfit before letting the two of them rummage through my closet as well.

"Ready girls?" I asked smiling at them as we arrived at Derek's loft.

"Let's go!" Taylor giggled opening the door and we walked in.

"Now this is a party." Destiny laughed.

"Come on let's go get painted!" I laughed grabbing both of their hands and pulling them with me.

Once we were painted we started dancing and laughing just enjoying our time.

"Damn Taylor, didn't know you could dance like that." Destiny laughed as she downed another cup of alcohol.

"Keep it up and you're gonna get drunk Des." I laughed.

"That's the plan baby!" She yelled throwing her hands up making Taylor and I laugh and follow her lead.

We were laughing and having a good time until both Taylor and I stoped dead in our tracks.

"What is it? What's going on?" Destiny asked, slurring her words slightly.

"Derek." I told her looking around to see if I could find anyone from the pack.

A moment alter I saw Derek walk over to the DJ and throw the table.

"Get out!" He yelled sending everyone running from the room.

I saw figures in black with masks on, as I heard others went with the room. They turned and faced towards Aiden.

"Guys, they're all looking at me." He nervously.

They took a step forward and stoped.

"Why are they all looking at me?" He asked.

They took another step towards him when I started to react. I centered my claws as they took another step towards him.


I growled laughing myself at the closest one. Everyone else began to move as well, the shadow and I were blocking each other blow for blow I was fighting two of them while the other three were on Aiden, I let my focus fall for just a moment and one of them was holding me down and the other places it's hand behind my ear staring me directly in the eyes before I dropped, feeling like ice water had been injected into my veins.

I heard Scott growling but I was facing away from them. I saw the sun come up I saw Taylor come into view followed my Derek.

"I'm sorry Bella, but I Have to trigger the healing process." Derek told me before he grabbed my wrist and elbow snapping my arm.

I let out a roar as it kicked in. I let out harsh breaths as I sat up. Derek looking behind my ear.

"Backwards five." He confirmed.

I groaned looking over at Aiden who was sitting up as well. He made eye contact with me and nodded. "Thank you."

"No problem." I smiled at him.

"I thought you hated them?" Isaac asked.

"What can I say, they're growing on me." I cracked a wider smile.

"Hey you two get her home, she needs some sleep." Derek told Taylor and Destiny as he helped me to my feet. "And I mean it Bella, sleep."

Monday had rolled back around and I didn't want to go to school. I frowned pulling on a comfy outfit not caring how I looked this whole things was driving me crazy. We were very obviously missing important pieces to the puzzle and I couldn't figure out what.

I got too school and something clicked. "Stiles." I ran three the halls looking for Scott and Stiles.

"Aye Aiden, Ethan! Scott and Stiles where are they?" I asked seeing them.

"Chemistry classroom. Everything okay?" Aiden asked.

"Yeah. Just want to punch them." I grinned lying off my ass, as I made it to the classroom.

"I don't think you're trying to kill people either." I heard Scott tell him.

"It was here. It was all here." I heard Stiles whisper.

"Dude, are you feeling okay?" Scott asked him.

"Hey what's going on?" I asked them softly approaching Stiles. "You look really tired Stiles."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just haven't been sleeping really." Stiles admitted looking at me.

"Why don't you go home?" Scott asked him. "Take a sick day or something."

Scott walked off leaving me with Stiles. "Hey maybe he's right, one day won't hurt. You look exhausted Sti. I can go with you or I can get Rory to drive you."

"Bella it's not safe to be alone with me. I think, I think I'm the reason Kira almost got killed." Stiles told me. "I don't remember it but I had a key that fit the closet door, and the message to kill Kira was in my handwriting."

"Stiles I believe you, and I don't know what happening. But I'm going to figure it out I promise."

"I don't wanna, I don't wanna worry anyone else. But I..." he trailed off.

"Alright come on. I'm going with you." I told him following him to his Jeep. I sent Taylor and Destiny a quick message to get my school work for me.

"I need to stop by the hospital." He told me.

"Alright then let's go." I nodded my head as he drove.

"Dr. Gardener's bit back until next week. Do you want to try waiting for one of the urgent care doctors or..." Melissa trailed off.

Stiles shook his head and pushed back off the counter.

"Stiles?" Melissa and I asked looking at him worried.

"Are you alright?" She asked him as I walked closer to him.

"I don't know." He replied shakily as Melissa made her way from the other side of the counter. "I guess... I guess not really."

"All right, kiddo. All right. Come with me. It's okay." She directed him towards a room and I was quick to follow.

"Blackouts. But not for that long. And sleepwalking, which I used to do alit as a kid. Um... also having some really bad anxiety." Stiles told her.

"Panic attacks?" She asked him.

"Yeah, a couple. Oh, and I temporarily lost the ability to read. But that might have had more to do with this giant magic tree and a whole human sacrifice thing." He lightly joked making me smile.

"I recall something vaguely about that, yes." She smiled at him. "How many hours of sleep are you getting?"

"Eight." He told her.

"A night?" She asked.

"In the last three days." He stared at his fingers counting on them as Melissa walked away. "Yeah, definitely eight."

"Been feeling irritable?" She asked him as she unlocked the medicine cabinet.

"Yeah." He admitted. "Possibly to the point of homicide."

"Inability to focus?"

"No, the Adderall's not working."

"Impulsive behavior?"

"More than my usual? Hard to tell."

"Vivid dreams during the day?"

"Okay, basically all of the above. Do you know what this is?" He asked her as she walked back over to him.

"I think so." She nodded to him.

"Uh, what's that?" He asked nodding to the needle in her hand.

"Do you trust me?" She asked him.

"When you're not holding a needle." He told her making both of us laugh lightly as she lifted up his shirt sleeve.

"It's Midazolam." She told him, injecting him. "A sedative."

"Why'd you give me a sedative?" He asked her.

"Because you, Stiles, are one profoundly sleep-deprived young man. You need rest and you need it now. Lie down." She told him directing him to lay on the bed.

"Okay, how long it take to... oh. Not long at all." He muttered finally laying down.

Melissa pulled the covers over him, so he would be comfortable. He grabbed her hand to stop her from leaving and she brushed the hair out of his face before speaking softly. "Get some rest."

"Thanks, mom." He whispered eyes closed.

She turned the light out before motioning for me to follow her and I did.

"He's gonna we out for awhile. So I would suggest   heading home, getting some sleep yourself. Stiles isn't the only one who looks exhausted, you need sleep too Bella." She told me softly.

Making me nod before I left, making my way home. She was right because I barley had time to change before I was falling asleep.

I had been asleep long when I was shaken awake. "Come on we have to go! Scott and Kira are in trouble."

I pulled on a pair of sweats and we were running out the door, arriving just as Derek did. Ethan and Aiden arriving just after us.

We were quick to jump into action, fangs and claws out. This time I knew to use my magic blocking them at every chance they had to get to either one of them. Grinning to myself as we had the upper hand this time.

"Everybody down!" I warned them and they listened. Throwing out a wave of energy I knocked them all out of the house.

"Mom, now! Do it now!" Scott told her.

She ran over behind Derek and threw the mountain ash down across the doorway.

The Shadows walked to the doorway and stopped.

"Okay I get that this is extremely serious, but what the fuck?" I asked looking around. "I'm fucking tired."

"All of the baseboards are ash wood?" Derek asked looking at Scott.

"Uh, yeah. It was Deaton's idea." Scott told him. "And where the hell did you come from?"

"I've been following you." Derek said like it was obvious.

"For how long?" Scott looked confused.

"Dude all day. How could you not have known." I butted in making them both look at me before Derek walked away.

"Scott this isn't good!" I hear Melissa yell.

I quickly follow Scott down the hallway. We moved him into Scott's room on the bed.

"Need to call for backup." He gasped as we sat him down.

"How bad is it?" He asked as he handed her a towel.

"From the way that his arm is rotated, the tendon looks torn. He could be on his way to a collapsed lung." She said switching to nurse mode.

"Mom, those things, they're not going to leave until the suns up." Scott told her.

"At the rate he's bleeding, he's not gonna make it that long. We got to get him to the hospital." She glanced at him.

"Should we call Stiles's dad?" Scott asked looking at him mom then at me.

"I don't know. Is that going to just get more people hurt?" Melissa asked.

"I don't know if it'll work but I can try something." I told her my magic sparking to life in my finger tips. "It won't make him any worse that he already is if it doesn't work."

Scott nodded at me while I came around to the other side of Melissa. "Keep the pressure just  in case."

"I don't think guns work on them." Scott told her as I worked.

"Then what does?" 

"I think I've slowed the bleeding, but I don't have the energy to do what I need to." I told her.

"You're running on fumes." She realized. "It's why you're so tired."

I nodded not faltering in my magic. Suddenly there's a rumbling and the house shakes.

He turned his head to look at Melissa. "I need to speak to Scott." He told her weakly.

"You're kidding, right?" She asked him.

"Don't patronize me... Melissa. You know why... you know why I really came back, don't you?"

"And as usual your timing sucks." She told him. "You're not talking to him. Not like this. So, you stay awake, and we're gonna get you out of here as fast as we can."

"Melissa there's one more thing I can try. I don't have the energy to fix him completely, but I think I can slow it down." I told her placing one hand on the wound and the other on the center of his chest.

"Bella, whatever it is is obviously dangerous or you would have tried it first." She told me.

"It's just gonna take a lot out of me that's all. It's a lot of energy and I don't have much to begin with tonight. But it'll buy him enough time to get him out of here and to a hospital." I told her before I began pulling all of my energy and magic focusing it on his injury and his lifeline.

My hands glowed blindingly blue for a moment before my knees gave out and I hit the floor.

"No fine. I'm fine, keep pressure. I'm fine." I waved her off, before I felt the presence of the one leave. "They're gone, you can get him to the hospital."

"And what about you?" She asked as she grabbed her phone.

"Derek." I told her the next few minutes passed in a complete blur as Derek came in his face pulled in worry.

"Bella talk to me. What's going on?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Battery's low." I grinned lazily.

He scooped me up and carried me out of the room.

"Let's get you some sleep, yeah?" He asked walking towards his car. "You can stay at the loft tonight, I'll make sure you're okay."

I nodded as he put me in the passenger seat.

"Is she gonna be okay?" I heard Aiden ask.

"Yeah. She'll be fine, she over exerted herself. She just needs rest." Derek told him before driving off.

I was out before we even made it to the loft. I remember dreaming of Stiles in the hospital with the Oni around him, but it wasn't our Stiles. Void was in Stiles, he killed three Oni without breaking a sweat. And then Scott walked into the room with Stiles and I shut up with a gasp.

I looked around the loft, it was empty and quiet. I fumbled for my phone to see it was midday, I groaned before laying back on the bed and exhaling.

I couldn't tell if it was a dream of if it was real.

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