Inhaled - Tom Hiddleston

By writinghollamell

69.4K 2K 2.1K

A Tom Hiddleston fanfic. Contains smut, sns I didn't believe it when they told me. But it's real. I'm here. "... More

1. Dance with me
2. If you still want to?
3. The date
4. I won't stop you.
5. Say my name again, baby
6. Payback...
7. Too fast
8. Thirsty..
9. It wasn't a question.
10. Both ass and breasts
11. The scene
12. Kissing scene
13. Scared to get my hopes up
14. First-kisses and a lot of tension
15. Pictures, tiktok-talk and phone number
16. His exes and dating rumors
17. I always test drive
18. You're hot
19. As a Pillow
20. Just a little bit more
21. "It started with a whisper"
22. "Love me tender" -desire and passion
23. There is this one girl...
24. The gym with the guys and sister-talk
25. Movie slap and getting caught
26. I can be nude
27. The better kisser
28. Home for the weekend
29. Before I change my mind
30. It's hot, don't worry.
31. Too much to drink
32. You'd know.
33. If that's what you want...
34. Guys... I said cut
35. Boarding call for flight 79
36. "In the pain there is healing"
37. Notting Hill and a perfect day
38. "I think I might've inhaled you"
39. Finally
40. Speak up, darling
41. Fallen in love with London
42. "You didn't run into Tom?"
43. No time like alone
45. I need you
46. «give him a chance...»
"After the city is stopped"
48. "The way she looks in the city lights"
49. They will come around.
50. Caught
51. "I didn't go to New York"
52. London again so soon?

44. "My girl"

704 30 17
By writinghollamell

New part, finally! Sorry it took long, again<3 Thank you for voting and commenting! Ily<3 I always look forward to reading your comments:D


I'm very nervous about today, but also really excited. Haley, Ella and I get ready together and start opening a couple of beers to ourselves.

"You going to be alright, seeing Tom and stuff?" Ella asks directly, after handing me my bottle.

I notice the glance Haley sends her. She doesn't want Ella to make me think about it. I try hard not to smile and give anything away. If they only knew how wrong they were about everything...

"Yeah." I nod.

"Even if he has a date or something?" Ella continues.

"Ella..." Haley sighs.

I am his date... secret date. I try hard not to smile again.

"Yeah, I should try to move on, shouldn't I?" I shrug. Lies.

"Oh my god, I have an idea!" Ella exclaims, jumping to her feet.

I raise a brow. "What?" Haley looks at her with a just as confused expression.¨

"Haley and I have to find you someone. A rebound."

"I like that idea!" Haley agrees.

Oh god, this is not going to end well... "Uhm... no, guys I..."

"Oh, come on, you need this." Haley nudges me. "We'll find someone nice, polite and hot for you."

"I don't think that..."

"Girl..." Ella interrupts me. "You need to get laid."

"Wow, ouch" I chuckle.

"Harsh, Ella, but I agree." Haley nods.

I try to convince them that it isn't a good idea, but my two girlfriends have already made up their minds. They have a plan for this night, and that is to find me a rebound... God, how is this going to go?

We finally get there, everyone has already been assigned different entrances, to avoid the press as best as we can. Haley, Ella and I enter through a parking house.

The hotel we are at is really beautiful. The corridors are carpeted, silencing the clicking of our heels once we walk in. The white walls are covered with gold decorations, creating a warm contrast to the clean vibe. We follow the sound of the music, finding our way into the hall. Both Ella and Haley have already had a fair amount of alcohol, whilst I've tried to keep it to a minimum. I really don't want to get drunk today.

"Hello, there girls." a familiar British voice greets us as we enter the big hall. I look up to meet those beautiful blue eyes. As always those are the first thing I get lost in. I fight the urge to throw myself at him as I eye him up and down. A dark blue suit, over a lighter blue shirt. All shades of every color look good on that man...

"Hi, Tom.." Ella and Haley reply in unison.

I nod: "hi..."

We exchange a quick, but knowing glance, before he speaks again.

"Come on in."

As soon as Tom is waved over by someone else, and leaves us, Ella and Haley turn to me. "You good?"

"Yes." I sigh. "Don't worry."

"We always do." Haley smiles tangling her arm in mine. Ella takes my other arm. "Always will."

We grab a couple of drinks, meeting several actors and actresses. Chatting away with some of them.

"Oh, I just remembered!" A visibly drunk Ella exclaims. How she's gotten to that state already, I have no idea.

"We have a job to do, Haley!"

Haley raises a questioning brow. "We do?"

"Finding this one-" she nudges me "a guy."

Haley's face turns into a smirk. "Truuuue!"

"No, no... guys..." I try, but to deaf ears.

"Sorry, y/n, we have to leave you for a while now." And so they do. "Mission rebound" I hear them giggle as they walk away.

I sigh, leaning back and sipping at my drink.

"You alright, darling?" his breath strokes my ear as he whispers to me.

"Tom." I smile, turning to him. I have a quick glance around to see if anyone is watching, before I finally meet those warm and inviting eyes. "I'm great."

"You look great." he says under his breath. "You are absolutely mesmerizing, y/n." He leans over me, closing the gap between us. Only stopping moments before our lips crash.

"You're one to speak." I can't even stop myself from biting my lip. I need him to kiss me. Right now. Luckily he does exactly that.

I can't even begin to describe how wonderful it is to feel his lips on mine, moving softly. He tastes sweet but with a hint of alcohol. As always kissing him makes every inch of my body long for him. It sends shock-waves through all of my cells. I need this man so badly, it's crazy.

We pull apart though, both looking nervously around. No one saw.

"Come on, y/n, let's go talk to Chris and Tom." He pulls me to my feet, before leading me through the crowd with a hand on the small of my back.

"Hi, guys." Tom smiles as we reach them.

"Hi, y/n! Glad to see you." The younger Tom smiles, giving me a hug.

"Happy to meet you again y/n." Chris nods, before leaning closer and lowering his voice. "Tom can't stop talking about you, you know."

I feel my cheeks burn and look up at Tom. He didn't hear, as he's talking to Holland. I can't believe he's talking to Chris about me. I didn't know that, but it makes me burst with happiness. It's almost silly, how such a little thing feels so big to me.

"Congratulations on the launch of your movie." I smile and turn to Holland. "Must've been hard keeping it a secret all this time?"

"You have no idea." He laughs. "After all I'm not the best when it comes to that."

"I think you did a great job this time around" Chris pats his shoulder.

We chat for a while, before Wrenn grabs hold of me at one point. "Ella and Haley are looking for you." She says, showing me to them.

Oh shit, I hope they haven't found me a... God, I think they have. They are standing over there, talking to a couple of guys, including Scott. I know I have seen the other guys before, but I can't quite remember any of their names, and I haven't met them before.

"There you are, y/n!" Ella shouts and pulls me into the group. She is already starting to stumble over her words.

"Hello." I smile.

"Hi, y/n, Nice to meet you, I am Jeremy Irvine." One of the guys reaches out a hand, and I shake it. "Nice to meet you too" I nod.

"And this is Douglas" Haley almost pushes me into the other guy.

"Oh, sorry." I excuse myself as he grabs hold of me to steady me. "No problem." He chuckles. Internally I'm screaming at Haley.

"Y/n y/ln" I introduce myself.

"Douglas Booth." he smiles back and I know exactly where I've seen him. LOL the movie. Of course...

It's so overly obvious that Ella and Haley are trying to set the two of us up. Even Scott raises a brow and chuckles. As we keep talking, the two of them kind of try to lead our conversation. "Douglas, tell y/n about that time..." "You know y/n you shouldn't be shy about what you've accomplished..." Inside I'm dying of embarrassment. But I can't get away.

The other thing though, is Tom. I keep looking around, to see if he's nearby. I'm not the least interested in talking to Douglas actually. Don't get me wrong, he seems like a really nice guy, and he's funny, but all I can think about is Tom. Still I can't just walk away from this. First off, it would be suspicious, and secondly I don't want to come off as rude.

Haley disappeared some time to go dance, whilst Ella and Scott are -god help her- flirting right now. I try to ignore that as my conversation with Douglas goes on. At one point I realize that Tom is on the dance floor with Wrenn, Sienna and Rob. We lock eyes a couple of times and he always gives me a reassuring smile or wink. I'm getting quite restless now. It's getting harder to concentrate on Douglas and what we are talking about. I need to find a way to get out of this. Get to Tom...

I tell Douglas about a funny encounter I had with an actor he knows quite well, and he laughs and places his hand on my arm. Oh god... I look towards the dance floor again. Meeting to blue eyes underneath those blonde curls... His hair is starting to get a bit longer again, I notice. He'll probably have to cut it again soon. For the show. I try to read his face to see if he has any reaction to Douglas' hand on my arm. It doesn't seem like he minds... Or maybe he can't see it? I hope he doesn't .

Finally Jeremy comes over and he and Douglas start talking. This is my chance. I'm quick to excuse myself as I fall out of the conversation, and leave them. I can't see Haley or Ella as I make my way over to Tom and the others. The music here is louder, and I have to go close to Tom to be able to say anything that he can hear. Not that I mind being close to him...

"Hi, I'm sorry about that..." I start.

Tom leans closer to me. "About what?"

"That guy... Ella and Haley were so set on finding me someone I-"

Tom interrupts me by kissing me quickly. "No worries, y/n." he chuckles. "I didn't mind."

"Okay." I sigh in relief.

Tom raises a brow. "Were you worried about that?"

I nod. "I didn't want you to think that I was interested in... Or that I was flirting with him or anything."

"I didn't." Tom shakes his head. "I'm not really that much of a jealous guy. You give me no reason to be."

I smile up at him, calming down.

"But if anyone actually did you anything, I wouldn't be too nice." he adds, intertwining our fingers.

We stay on the dance floor with the others for a while. Neither HAley nor Ella is anywhere to be seen. Tom leans close to my ear.

"Okay, you have to meet Benedict, darling." he says, before placing his hand on the small on my back again, leading me in front on him through the crowd once more. His hand is warm against my skin. I look nervously around. If anyone sees... It is kind of suspicious. Luckily no one seems to take notice of the two us. Yet again we are lucky. I also have an eye out for Ella or Haley. All though they are probably too far gone to notice me at this point. I actually catch a glimpse of Ella dancing up against Scott... Oh, god, that is so not good...

Benedict is standing with Chris and Tom Holland, a little bit away from the crowds. We join them as Tom wraps his arm around my waist. It is like electric shock waves are sent through my body.

"Benedict, this is..." Tom starts introducing me, and at first I'm not sure I hear him right as he continues: "This is my girl. Y/n y/ln." My emotions are about to start pouring out of me. My girl. He called me his girl. Those words were candy to my ears. I'm bubbling like champaign right now.

Chris is looking at me and Tom with this huge grin on his face. It's basically saying: "I was waiting for that".

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Benedict Cumberbatch." Benedict reaches out a hand, which I shake.

"You too" I smile.

The conversation continues to how everyone has been lately.

I look up at Tom who meets my eyes with a smile.

"Your girl?" I whisper, low enough that the others can't hear.

"You are, aren't you?" He whispers back, pulling me closer. "Or you want to be?"

"Oh I do, I am... I want to..." I stutter. It's hard to speak when my face is smiling so hard. "I'm your girl." I whisper. "I'm yours."

"You're mine." Tom leans closer. His eyes so purely filled with joy. "-and I'm yours."

It's like every inch of my body bursts with happiness hearing these words. Tom leans in all the way, giving me a short and soft kiss. I long for more, but I know it's not the right time or place. It's not that I didn't think we were... together, kind of. It's just that we never really talked about it. Not with words. But now it's there. We are.

"So..." Tom Holland smiles turning to us again. "The rumors are true, huh?"

"Yeah, when did this happen?" Benedict asks.

"well, yes- heheh" Tom nods. "But we are trying to keep things on the low. You're about the only ones who know."

"Really? What an honor." Chris laughs. "You know, y/n, I knew as soon as Tom told me about you that there was something going on there."

Toms cheeks turn into a pink color again.

"Congrats, guys." Benedict smiles. "-and of course: we won't tell."


The rest of the night goes by quite quickly. Tom and I are trying our best to not be all over each other as there are a lot of people here. I'm actually completely in control this night. I was already determined not to get too drunk. Ella and Haley though... That's a completely different story. At one point I find Ella with Scott's tongue down her throat.

I tap her shoulder.

"What?" She smiles pulling away from him.

"Are you going to regret this?" I ask her, raising a brow.

She shrugs. "Probably, but I don't care."

I chuckle. "Which means I should probably talk you out of it?"

"No, no..." Ella shakes her head. "I... Don't worry y/n, I'm not that drunk. I'm still present."

"You sure?"

"Yes, don't worry." Ella smiles waving me away.

I'm still not totally convinced, but I'll let it slide this time. I know Ella has said that she need to find herself an uncomplicated one night stand soon. I don't think Scott is the perfect choice, but whatever.


"Darling..." Tom grabs my arm, pulling me behind a wall.

I smile wrapping both arms around his neck. "There you are."

He nods pulling me even closer. His warm breath strokes my face gently. He smells sweet of whisky. Not really my favorite, but on him everything works.

"I didn't get to tell you how sexy you are... Fuck, y/n." he breathes out, letting his eyes slide down my body again. My cheeks start to burn. Hearing him swear, god it turns me on so much.

I can't stand the tension, so I pull him into me, kissing his delicious lips eagerly. As our tongues playfully fight each other, the feeling of his hands gently running down my waist and hips are giving me goosebumps all over. Only amplifying that delightful feeling spreading from my stomach.

His fingers are reaching the skin of my thighs where my dress stops. God, I need him so bad. My breath is getting hitched as he slowly runs his fingers along the hem of my dress.

"Tom..." I whisper into his mouth.

"Yes, darling?" he breathes.

"I want you.."

"I know..." he sighs. "You are coming home with me tonight."

That wasn't a question.

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