Special Victims Unit - Law An...

By oldlittleme

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Liv, needs an hacker for the squad room, she has heard a member of the Bronx is brilliant, but she has a past... More

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By oldlittleme

Amanda Pov

I couldn't continue, Liv was pressured by Elliot and she screamed, I cried when I heard that, she remembered.

"Amanda?" Dominick asked me, I couldn't look at him or anyone in this room. "Amanda." He asked and embraced me, I cried in his arms.

"They burned Liv, when she didn't watched, they held her head. I couldn't move. Neither of us couldn't we were paralysis." I continued "When they finished with me, I had to watched how they sexually assaulted Liv, when I couldn't they bit me." I cried and turned to Liv who was crying as well, it was completely silence in the room.

"We were out after that, I looked up and saw I was bleeding, I saw Amanda her dress was torn. We started to regain feeling. Then we heard the door, we hit, they got angry and leaved. We found a tunnel, we went trough and we walked for hours, then we reached an opening, in central park. " Liv continued and I nodded.

"Till you found us." I told as Liv nodded the doctor came in and asked everyone to leave us to rest. Everyone left, I looked at Amanda.

"Amanda, you okay?" I asked and she nodded.

"You Liv?" She asked and I nodded smiling. I saw her eyes closing. "Night Amanda." I told and she smiled at me. "Night Liv." She told as I looked at her drifting off, I smiled and also closed my eyes.


Dominick Pov

We waited in the waiting room for an hour to give them rest, everyone was here. The doctor came and called Elliot and I aside.

"I have the results of the test, can you both walk to their rooms." He asked and we both nodded.

I saw Amanda, she was sleeping, so was Liv. I went to her and kissed her forehead, she wakes up and smiled at me.

"Amanda, you have been raped, force entry and has bite marks, you will be monitored for a few days." He told her and I nodded holding her.

He went to Liv and Elliot.

Liv Pov

I saw the doctor walking to us, after Amanda.

"Liv, you experience sexual assault due to tearing and you have 3rd degree burned marks, so far everything looks good and no problem, we will monitor you for two days." he told and I nodded, Elliot held me and sit with me on the bed, I held him laying my head on his chest. He opened the curtains and I saw Amanda again.

I saw Amanda laying with Dominick, she looked safe. After a while everyone was back in the room, Jesse and Billie was sleeping with Amanda. While Noah was sitting with me on the bed.

After a few hours everyone left, leaving me with Manda.

"Amanda?" I asked gently, she turned to me softly

"Did you and Dominick talk?" I asked and she nodded turning to me.

"We did. You were right." She told and I smiled, I was glad.

"Amanda, I'm happy." I told and she nodded, we both took rest after that.

I woked up in the late night, seeing Amanda raising up. "Amanda?" I asked as she laid down when she saw me.

"I'm okay." She told and I was worried about her. I knew she is having nightmares, I couldn't sleep, as I close my eyes all I could see was them.

"What did the doctor say?" I asked her and she looks at me. "Well, normal things, we used to." She told and I nodded smiling. "Same." I told as she smiled softly I saw her eyes closing and I smiled as I saw her drifting off. I smiled and did the same.

Amanda Pov

I woked up with another wave of a nightmare, I realized it's morning.

The doctor came in and saw I was awake. "You ain't sleeping?" he asked me and I nodded, seeing my IV fluids.

"You are recovering from dehydration." He told and I nodded makes sence, I turned to Liv she also had and IV. I laid back down and relaxed.

Liv Pov

I woked up and saw I had an IV in my arm, I saw Amanda she was awake also with one. "Morning." I told as she smiled at me. "Morning Liv." She told back and I smiled.

"You are deep in thought?" I asked and she laugh. "Just found out, I'm dehydrated and we can go home tomorrow, everything is good." She told and I smiled happily.

"That's good." I told as she sighed.

"And that?" I asked as she chuckled turning to me.

"Just exhausted." She told and I laugh. "We will be." I told her and she nodded.

We just relax, and got our breakfast and just enjoyed each talking about work and all nonsense.


Amanda Pov

Two days past, we got all the results and Elliot and the Special Victims Unit, took it and tracked them down while we were in the hospital, we didn't knew anything the crew wanted to do it for us.

Tanisha and Mae, was determined and I was happy they got results, from my rape kit and the DNA on our skins.

All four was arrested with Rape, Kidnapping and Sexual assault. Liv and I was satisfied during our stay at the hospital they found them, and one was Tom Wilkinson, the previous suspect.

We went home after. I was happy to be with the girls again and in my own bed.

I took a week off from work and just recovered, I heard Liv as well. It definitely took time, since Dominick took it gently with me, we put everything on hold whatever we wanted before the abduction until I was ready.

Three days past, ten days after the abduction started and I went with Dominick to work, I needed to be away from home, then he had a case with Benson, interestingly Liv was back at work, guess they couldn't say no, I wish I was too.

I went with Dominick to her, it was great seeing everyone. Phoebe was also here, and also Mae since she is also helping with the case with Tanisha, seems they needed both.

Liv let me in her office and we went to her break room. She made us coffee and just talked how we are doing. I was glad she is better and her and Elliot got stronger trough this.

I told her, I was also better, and so was Dominick. We take things easy for now.


Liv Pov

It was a long day, so I made an order for everyone. We all gathered in my office. I got us pizzas, everyone ate expect Amanda.

"You ain't eating?" Dominick asked her and I was also confused, she likes pizzas.

"Not feeling up to it." She told him, and I kept looking at them. Dominick playfully put his pizza in her face, she laugh, then stopped and held her mouth, Dominick immediately brought it down from her face.

"Amanda?" he asked her softly. I kept my eye on them but, they kept quiet for everyone else, Amanda quickly turned round and rushed out.

I rushed up and followed her.

"Dominick, I'll go. It's okay." I told gently not wanting to make any fuss around here, we did it quietly so everyone was still eating not knowing what happening.

I followed Amanda and saw her in the bathroom, wetting her face.

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