By mingienthusiast

1.3K 142 52

"i will kill you if you ever talk to me again." "you'll have to catch me first." san and wooyoung had never m... More

who...? asked.
worst adventure of my life
just like a princess
candies ...?
the king of dodgeball
the show must go on

why do you smell like piss?

209 17 14
By mingienthusiast

all san had right now was murder on his mind. how could his parents DARE send him to a summer camp at the rip age of 18 years old. like yeah ok maybe it was an all age  summer camp, but still??

that was like the lowest point he could've reached in his entire life. and that says a lot for san...

instead of partying all summer he will have to be surrounded by little kids and do little stupid activities. NIGHTMARE.

he couldn't believe his parents could actually do that without his consent – UGH if only his dad wasn't so good at imitating his signature.
they also threatened to take away his credit card if he disobeyed. ( at this point they could kill him and it would do the same).

so he didn't have much a choice to get along with the plan and agreed to be sent at the other side of the world. IN CANADA. of all places in the world they chose the moose riders one.
san didn't have anything particularly against canada, he would have bashed any damn country that camp was in.

plus what he did wasn't even that bad, they were clearly overreacting. if they hadn't come home sooner everything would've been alright and they wouldn't have noticed a single thing. except maybe the few broken things all around the mansion, but hey they had a maid for that !

ok ok, maybe throwing a party for 200 people in the family mansion was not the brightest idea san had in his life. but who could've blamed him?? – his parents were away for a business trip, he had the whole house to himself plus the pool was just cleaned and ready ! it was like they really wanted him to throw that party.

at this time he had just finished school so he needed a way to celebrate. he even invited a popular band to perform on his backyard basketball court. even his neighbours were present at the party! everyone was having such a nice time, there were girls everywhere in bikinis, boys also living their best lives.

everything was going well until someone live streamed his party and it ended up on his parents feed. when i tell you they did a full 180 and came back at the mansion at full speed. ( that's a plus of having a private jet)
they even had the cops with them –.

it really didn't take long for them to clear out the 200 people, leaving san in the middle of the pool, way too drunk to realize what was happening. if his dad wasn't a lawyer he could've easily ended up a night in jail since he was not of age to posses any alcoholic beverage.

but money ! money buys you anything.

so yeah, that was the reason why san had to leave for summer camp. especially to avoid doing too much shit and to get disciplined when needed.

sadly , for san it was too late to attempt to negotiate with his parents. he was already sitting in the back of the black limo, taking him to the airport for his 5am flight. all he could do now was sit back and try to enjoy the lame ass music his chauffeur was playing.

his phone had been also taken away ( along with his rights), leaving him with nothing but his thoughts. he felt a deep sorrow, but accepted that it was too late to turn back now.

"can you at least play something – less shitty?" asked san to his chauffer that could very clearly hear him. but the only thing he did was glance at san over the front mirror and completely ignored him, even increasing the volume.

san rolled his eyes and sighed heavily, setting himself back onto the seat. this was going to be a very looong ride.


"i swear i'll be a good boy!"

"i don't doubt you will my sweet boy, but are you 100% sure you want to follow yeosang?"

"yep. i'm sure this will be super fun! plus i get to travel to canada, that's a win win situation if you ask me."

wooyoung's mom stared at him with a hint of disapproval in her eyes , but only because she was reticent to send her baby so far away for so many weeks. she really didn't get why he wanted to go to that camp so badly, but she couldn't bring herself to say no when he fully begged on his knees for it.

yes you heard it right, wooyoung quite literally pulled the puppy eyes move on his parents. which worked like a charm.

"love you mom, but i really don't wanna miss the flight–"
his mom wrapped herself around the young boy and showered him with kisses followed with one hundred millions of 'be careful'.

he greeted his mom one last time before running to the queue to get on the plane.

yeosang was already in canada since he had family there waiting for the camp to start so unfortunately wooyoung was not going to be accompanied during his flight, it was fine tho because he brought plenty of things to do.

he also had researched the camp online just before and it had a lot of positive reviews so it couldn't be that bad. besides, it would give him something to do during the summer.

all this is certainly not an excuse because wooyoung's only friend is yeosang and without him he would have had a shitty summer... hm anyways so.

despite being a pure extrovert wooyoung did have a hard time making long term friends without weirding them out at some point. many people said he was too much to handle and just stopped talking to him. he really didn't get why and no one seemed to want to give him any more details.

yeosang was enough for him anyway.
and just as yeosang was very reluctant to participate in the day camp, wooyoung was going to help him out! everything would turn out well for everyone in the end.

wooyoung finally stepped onto the plane, feeling a mixture of excitement and anticipation. it was his first time on a plane, and he was looking forward to arriving in canada. he quickly found his seat, and settled in, pulling out a book to read. he noticed that he was alone in his section, and suddenly felt a little nervous.

he tried to focus on the book, but his mind kept wandering to the long flight ahead of him. he knew that it would take a while to travel from south korea to canada, but he was determined to make the most of the journey. he took a deep breath, and settled, hoping that the time would pass quickly.


"mr choi, we have arrived at your destination."

san suddenly opened his eyes and stood up, without even taking the time to breathe or realizing that he was still in a private jet. it didn't take long for his low iron self to catch up to him and make him see little polka dots.

he closed his eye and took a moment before throwing an offended look at his parents' assistant, like it was her fault. he also waited for her to say something, cause it was her job after all.

"hm– as i said mr choi, we have arrived in canada."

well it was not what he wanted to hear but it was necessary for reality to hit him right in the face.

he huffed and started walking towards the exit, not even sparing the flight attendant a glance. but as he got a bit too close to her, an overpowering smell of piss hit him like a ton of bricks. he stopped in his tracks and raised an eyebrow, sniffing the air to make sure he wasn't imagining things. but yup the smell was unmistakable. "girl, why do you smell like piss?" he asked, a disgusted look on his face.

"i beg your pardon??"

oop, imagine not being self aware of your body odour. he simply shrugged it off and continued on his way out the private jet. it wasn't his problem if she was oblivious to her own smell, but he sure could get the hell away from her.

the real question was how could someone get themself to smell like straight pee? unless you got a kink or something but even then – this was nasty.

as he finally got outside he took a deep breath, appreciating the smell a lot more here.  he looked around and was surprised that canada wasn't actually that ugly. if he paid attention to anything his parents said, he was currently in a place called vancouver.

well, he wasn't here because of his free will, so that took away the beauty of the country.

if he remembered right his parents said there would be someone waiting for him at the airport to guide him to the camp. but they didn't even give him a physical description of this certain someone. at that stage his parents were clearly asking for him to get kidnapped/ killed/ murdered or whatever that would get them rid of him.

maybe all this camp crap was just an excuse for him to go missing — before his thoughts started spiralling even more he noticed a guy who looked his age holding a big sign with his name written on it.

he reluctantly walked towards him and noticed he was wearing overalls with a rainbow coloured shirts with a weird cap to top off the fit. what kind of person was that....

"hiii! you must be san ! i'm hongjoong. it's a pleasure to meet you." said the mini person, but san was way too concentrated on his outfit to take notes of anything he was saying.

"what the hell is that outfit ? you look like a clown"

"well sorry mister rich boy, would you feel better if i told you those overalls were luis vuitton ?"

he raised an eyebrow confused by what that statement was supposed to change. like not everyone people with money knew how to dress up, i mean take a look at jeff bezos.

"it still looks ridiculous, what's the point?" finally let out san, still very confused.

"your parents did warn me about your foul tongue, they were right." san was at least a couple of inches taller than the boy but he still patted the top of his head before signalling him to follow him. " let me finish my introduction will you?"

san simply nodded and traced behind the tiny looking man. despise wearing the worse outfit on planet earth, his haircut was pretty fire. half white, half black was quite a vibe.

"as i was saying, i am kim hongjoong. i will be one of the many monitor for the summer camp. there's 4 others. we have a 30 minutes ride before getting to the camp."

good, so the camp was 30 minutes away from an airport. that information would definitely be of help later.

what if he ran into traffic, would his parents take him back if he was on the verge of dying ?
knowing them, probably not.

his summer was about to be a nightmare.


short chapter for now but just you wait 🤭 just youuuuu wait ( hamilton reference) tell me how you liked the chapter tho! ur comments are everything to me guys <3 see you again soooon

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