The Internal Devices

By astra276

24.7K 611 104

"You're a good friend, Hermione." She narrowed her eyes at him. "So we're on a first-name basis now?" He shru... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 20

575 16 0
By astra276

"Harry no! Don't you dare! Get away–" Hermione's shriek was cut off as Harry tackled her to the ground, laughing.

"I got her! I got her!" He screamed to the others. Then he whispered in her ear, "Sorry, 'Mione." She scowled at him and told him he didn't look very sorry. Harry smirked and tugged her to her feet, just as the four youngest Weasleys surrounded them. Two days after Christmas, the bored young adults had tried to come up with something to do and asked Harry and Hermione if there were any muggle games they could play. Because the two of them had only been in muggle school when they were young, the best they came up with was 'tag'. Ron and Ginny had especially loved the idea and modified the rules to include tackling. Before Hermione could protest how dangerous that was, Harry and George had excitedly agreed and they were off.

If Hermione had thought she hated flying, she abhorred running. Not only was she clumsy, but she was also much slower than the others. It was inevitable that she would lose a round, she just hadn't anticipated it being so painful. She rubbed her shoulder irritably but softened when she looked over at Harry's broad grin. She couldn't resist that smile–for years it was that smile that made her give in to any crazed sneakery or late-night rule-breaking. She tried to take a mental snapshot. Too often, his expression was creased in worry or pain. It was such a relief to see some of the old Harry back in his eyes. Before the next round of 'tag' began, she couldn't help but pull him into a suffocating hug.


She squeezed even tighter. "I missed you, Harry."

After a second he wrapped an arm around her and patted her back lightly. "Missed you too, Hermione." Ron cleared his throat behind them, and Hermione released Harry awkwardly.

"Sorry guys! We can keep playing now." She looked up to see Ginny smirking at her, and Hermione sighed. It was strange that so much could change, so much could be lost, and she could still uncover a place inside her full of fondness and joy. The Burrow really was a magical place.

Next to Ginny, Ron looked at her uncertainly. Hermione couldn't read his expression, but he seemed agitated. Surely he wasn't upset she hugged Harry? It was Harry, for Merlin's sake. She decided not to waste time thinking about it. Ron's moods were always somewhat volatile.

The game continued for a few hours until Molly called them in for supper. This time, she was seated snugly between Percy, who talked her ear off about his work at the Ministry, and Mr. Weasley who asked her incessantly about the function of a loofah. After the meal, the family spread out throughout the Burrow, and Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione found themselves seated near the floo in the living room. Ginny laid her head in Harry's lap, and Ron and Hermione each claimed a mismatched chair across from them. It was quite comfortable, and the four idly chatted about Hogwarts for a while. Ginny began telling the boys about their term, detailing how amusing the new DADA professor was and how quidditch was going this season. She grew excited as she spoke of the second match against Hufflepuff, and Hermione leaned in to listen. She had missed that match, being in the infirmary. She laughed as Ginny detailed her quick escape from a bludger, and asked the redhead how she managed not to fall off of her broom.

Ron cut Ginny's response off and interjected, "Weren't you there, 'Mione?"

The girls shared an uneasy glance. Hermione hadn't told the boys of her breakdown in the owlery. It wasn't necessarily that she didn't trust them, she just didn't want to worry them. She looked at Ginny with pleading eyes; hopefully, Ginny's smooth tongue could ease past this.

"Oh Ronald, she doesn't have to go to every match."

Ron looked between them suspiciously while Harry nervously wrung his hands. He hated when there was tension between them. Ron looked back to Hermione. "You always go to every match. Even though we all know you hate quidditch."

Hermione swallowed. She might as well just tell them. "Erm, you're right, Ron. I usually do. I just was a bit...incapacitated that day."

"Hermione, what happened?" Harry asked anxiously. Hermione glanced at Ginny again, but the other girl looked just as helpless as she felt. She took a breath.

"I was with Madam Pomfrey."

"Working on your research project? Surely that is not more important than my sister." Ron's tone turned venomous and Hermione couldn't help the glare she shot toward him.

"No, Ronald," she practically spat, "I was with Madam Pomfrey because I was injured you dolt!" She angrily pushed up her jumper sleeve to show her inflamed pink scars. For a few beats, the four stared at the vulgar word, then their eyes traced the jagged slice through the letters. Harry was the first to speak, but it was so soft she could barely pick it up.

"Hermione....who did this to you?"

Her cheeks flushed and she looked down at her hands. Her fingers began tapping a nervous rhythm on her muggle jeans. She knew they wouldn't mock her, but she felt ashamed voicing the truth.

"I did."

The boys looked at each other in confusion before paling in horror. Ron gingerly reached for her arm, but she snatched her wrist away. For some reason, thinking about him touching it absolutely sickened her. It was different when Draco did...he understood. Ron, however, really didn't have the capacity to process why she had done it. To him, she had done something vastly stupid, even though he would feel bad for her. That was all it was–pity. Draco never pitied her. Even when he found her recovering in the infirmary, he had raged at her instead of babying her. He knew she was strong; one moment of weakness didn't change anything about her. She was grateful for his harshness, it had focused her, and motivated her not to fall off the deep end again. He probably had no idea, but Draco had given her a lot of hope that day. No, Ron Weasley wouldn't understand.

Distracted by her own thoughts, she didn't consider her answer carefully when Harry asked who found her. She heard Ginny fumbling, but before she could fully process her mouth moved to answer.


"MCGONAGALL!" Ginny roared over her. Harry was nodding, it made sense to him for the headmistress to take her own students to the infirmary when they needed it. Hermione almost relaxed until she noticed Ron. His shoulders were taut with tension, fists clenched.

Ron cleared his throat, never looking away from Hermione. "I knew you seemed different." It was an accusation.

"What?" Harry asked. Hermione raised her chin. "I don't know what you mean, Ronald."

Ron huffed and crossed his arms. "Oh, don't insult my intelligence. You've been fraternizing with the enemy. I know you meant to say Draco," he hissed, "and I bet you were just oh so thankful for him finding you, just oh so grateful for his handsome face to be the first one you woke up to. You know, I bet you even shagged him."

"Ron!" Ginny exclaimed. Harry looked immensely uncomfortable and extremely lost. He kept looking between the two of them, leaning forward like he wanted to say something before sitting back again. Hermione ignored him.

"I don't need to insult your intelligence," she responded with vitriol. "You've already done that for yourself." She crossed her arms to mimic him. "Not only have you been unnecessarily vicious to Draco, but you've also attacked my character. Did you forget we're supposed to be best friends?"

"Oh, that's rich! Did you forget we're supposed to be friends? You've probably befriended all the slimy little Slytherins out of the 'goodness of your heart'."

"There's nothing wrong with them! They're just children like us."

"No, they aren't!" Ron bellowed. "They're monsters, and they're snakes. I can't believe you. After everything they've done to you, to Harry, to my family, you get all cozy with our mortal enemies? You're a bloody traitor!"

Hermione gasped as he jumped up and sauntered closer, getting in her face to sneer at her. You can't lie to me, Hermione. I know you better than anyone else ever will. I know you probably think you're in love with that ferret, but don't forget that you are mine. He doesn't deserve you, 'Mione."

At that, Hermione stood abruptly. Harry held Ginny back a few feet away, looking trapped. "You insolent prat! How dare you! You do not own me, Ronald. We are done. I thought that was clear four months ago! I can fall in love with whoever I wish, and for your information," she poked his gangly chest, "I'm not in love with Draco Malfoy! I'm in love with his best friend."

Horror filled her stomach as she realized what she had just said. She wasn't even sure if it was true, she really hadn't processed her feelings for Theo yet. The words had just tumbled out in her growing hysteria. She looked up at Ron's ferocious smile. Despite the upturn of his lips, his eyes were dead. He clenched his jaw and took a breath.

"Get out."

Hermione blinked at him, confused. She didn't understand.

"GET OUT!" He bellowed again, pushing her forcefully away from him. This time, Harry stepped in, no longer unsure. He tackled Ron to the ground and slugged him in the face. "What the hell, Ron?" Harry yelled. As the boys tumbled across the floor, Hermione stumbled backward in a daze. Ron continued to fight Harry to lunge toward her, but when he couldn't, Ron sent a nonverbal hex over his shoulder. The hex hit Hermione directly in her chest, and it took all of her focus to remain upright. Ginny rushed to her, grabbing her shoulders.

"Hermione, Hermione," Ginny pleaded. "It's alright, we'll deal with Ron. He is so out of line. Don't go anywhere, he's just being ridiculous. After Harry is done with him, I'll aim straight for his crotch. Don't you worry."

Hermione's heart was beating too fast, and she was feeling dizzy. All she knew was she had to get out. She couldn't stay in this house with Ron for one more second. An old panic threatened to consume her if she didn't get away. Petrified, she brought her eyes up to Ginny, disregarding the thuds as the boys struggled.

"It's alright, Gin. I'll leave."

"No!" Ginny shook her. "Don't be daft. We want you here. Where would you even go?"

Hermione thought for a moment. "Parkinson Estate."

Ginny went quiet. She swallowed with difficulty. "Is that what you want?"

Hermione nodded, and Ginny sighed before tugging her out of the room. "Alright. There are only a few days left of the break anyway. I'll come up with some story for Mum, and try to knock some sense into Ron. Want me to send your things?"

"Yes, please." She muttered. Her breaths were becoming short, and numbness was spreading over her ribs. Ginny gently led her to the door and hugged her tightly; the pain brought tears to her eyes, but Ginny only thought Hermione was overwhelmed by Ron's anger.

"I'm so sorry, Hermione. We can fix this, I promise." Hermione nodded again, holding in a gasp. She let go of Ginny and walked quickly to the anti-apparition ward. Right before she reached it, Harry came barreling out of the front door, screaming.

"Wait! Hermione! It's fine, we got him under control! Please stay!"

Hermione didn't look back as she apparated away.


Hermione didn't actually know where Pansy lived, only that it was in North Yorkshire. The only place she was familiar enough with in North Yorkshire was Whitby Abbey, which she and her parents had visited one summer. She only hoped the abbey would be close enough for her to send a patronus.

With a crack, Hermione appeared at the back entrance to the abbey. Thankfully, she was alone and wouldn't have to obliviate any muggles. Hastily, she cast a patronus, asking it to find Pansy Parkinson and request entrance to her estate. She waited anxiously for a few minutes, clenching her chest. The throbbing continued to increase. Hopefully, Pansy answered soon. Hermione slumped to the ground.

Only a minute or so after she sat, a beautiful black owl flew up to her, dropping a delicate piece of stationery. On it was a scribbled address, and Hermione breathed a sigh of relief. She gathered her strength to apparate once more, and disappeared with a crack.

She appeared face-to-face with a high stone wall and immediately collapsed in agony. She lifted her hand to see it covered in blood.

"Blimey, Hermione! What in the world–" Pansy yelped when she ran up to Hermione's crumpled form. Pansy screamed back at the estate and two house elves popped into being. They gently picked her up and carried her through a massive entryway and into an ornate receiving room. The elves placed her on a couch and Astoria hurried in.

"What's happened? Oh!" The younger girl rushed forward and cupped Hermione's cheek. "What do you need?"

Pansy glared down at Hermione as if it was a personal insult to her when her friends were injured. Hermione pointed to her chest with difficulty and managed a small smile as the faces above her blurred.

"Hexed." That was all she got out before passing out on Pansy's inky couch.

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