Helping Gwen 10

By AnimeEagleScout

193K 4.9K 2.3K

Ben is driving a while after the final battle in Ultimate Alien and ends up in a portal to another world. Ben... More

Random Portal
Family and Smoothies
Home and Work
Play with Fire
Wrinkle Brain thinking
I thought of it First
Null and Void
don't fuck with Terra [maybe a chapter?]
Grampa Proud
Human Race
Noticable Difference
it's a placeholder title
Malling About
What Grey-Matters
Galvin's Life
Kevin's Reward
Helping Out
Plastic Straws
The Think Tank
The Big Think
start running now. [not canon]
back on the grind.
After Shock
Week Off part 1
Week Off part 2
Week Off Part 3
Week Off Part 4
Week Off Part 5
Week Off Part 6
Week Off Part 7
Week Off Part 8
Week Off Part 9
Week Off Part 10
Week Off Part 11
Week Off Part 12
Week Off Part 13
Week Off Part 14
Back Home
This is it Part 1
This is It Part 2
Incomprehension[what if]
turtle soup
Time slipping
Birthday Part 2
Birthday Part 3
Birthday part 4
Chapter Title
Ultimate Omniverse Pilot
Jade-s Christ-al
My Greatest Enemy
Ultra's End Goal [Not a Chapter]

Draining Work

2.6K 74 86
By AnimeEagleScout

""Some people work an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a difference to the world.... The Marines do not have this problem." President Ronald Reagan.

1 week later

Ben and the Vreedles had gotten 3 highbreed bases raided and were about to head out to take care of Michael Morningstar. All while Ben was focusing on getting the Vreedle Brothers to focus on knowing what they'd needed.

Ben was there to pick them up when Patelliday asked Ben to take Shar. "Injury during a bust on a smuggling bust and the youngin's short a superior officer."

"Alright go get suited up." Ben said.

Ben was silent as he watched the timer.

"Plumber Recruit Rook Shar ready." She said.

"1 minute 20 sec-"

Ben had froze. The profiler shuffling through his internal scanners.

"Uh Officer Tennyson?" She asked.

"At ease Recruit." Ben said blinking the light out his eyes "We are just doing a check in on a Morningstar."

Rook Shar

With a surprisingly low amount of armorments the two most dangerous Recruits (ones she had the "privilege" of sharing a barracks with through basic) and an Alpha Rank Officer that was younger then her Rook Shar was definitely on one of the weirdest starts of a mission.

Walking to the parking garage and heading to a standard Plumber Truck Ben whistled as a Galvanic Mechamorph disguised as a Mazda-RX8 jumped onto the truck.

"Drive." Ben said as the driver seat turned.

Shar watched as a hologram of Ben took over as the ship drove itself.

"Alright 5 laws of Xeno-Relations." Ben said pointing to Rhomboid.

"Do not lick anything." Rhomboid said.

Ben turned to Octagon who said "read all files designated 'Prior it y' when entering a known world."

The whole trip was mainly Ben Tennyson drilling questions into the two.

"I'm sorry Shar I've been focusing on prepping these two and I have another 6 days of it so I haven't-" Ben said.

She was starting to see why Ben was the rank he was.

He held out his right arm "Ben Tennyson of Terra."

"Rook Shar of Revonnah." She shook his hand "If I may inquire the nature of our current mission?"

"There has been a strange case of Zombified school girls." Ben said.

Shar jaw fell as she was reading all the information that seem to be scattered notes and articles.

"We have de-duced two thangs about all the zombies." Octagon said "Numuro One that they are all girls."

"And 2 they all have this here mark on they're arms." Rhomboid said pointing to a picture.

"Now comparin' thee location of the marks and the common at-tre-butz of the victims is..." Octagon starts but stops and scratches his head "Shoot s'hard to..."

"They's all Purdy." Rhomboid said.

"And the location on the arms imply it's a guy doing it." Ben said.

"How did you make that connection?" Shar asked.

Ben reached over and grabbed her lower arm. "Hey." Giving her a look.

She made the connect as they approached the educational building.

"DNA masks on please." Ben said.

Michael Morningstar

The Mutant rich boy had just sucked another trophy dry and was headed off to finish his damn finals paper when an announcement called for him to the head office.

Standing there were two redneck looking guys, a brown haired boy in a uniform and...


Orange eyes, Purple hair, dark skinned... "woof." Michael said.

[Behold my attempt at Human Shar. Based her off of Human Rook.]

Michael didn't even hear the Dean or the Runt.

"Hello My dear." Michael said approaching the woman.

"Would you kindly take a seat? Far away from me." Shar said taking an unconscious step back. Magister Hulka voice in her ear drowned at Ben and the largest Vreedle getting between them.

The two hicks cleared their throats and Michael glared at them.

"You appear to be having trouble un-der-standin why we are at this in-sti-tute of higher edimachation." The bigger one said.

A Hourglass badge was held up by the runt....

Michael's eyes widened.

"Mr Morningstar, please have a seat." Ben said with his best Chris
Hanson impression.

"Now hold up I'm the son of-" Michael started when the skinner bumpkin threw a file onto the table.

"It would be in your best corse of actions to co-operate Mr Morningstar." The skinny one said.

The big one leaned against the door while the skinny hick kept a hand on his shoulder making sure he couldn't get out that chair.

"I'm sorry how about some introductions." Ben said "The woman you so excitedly were hoping to make another trophy out of is Plumber Recruit Rook Shar. The man currently keeping that door shut is Plumber Recruit Rhomboid Vreedle. The gentleman currently with his hand on your shoulder is Plumber Recruit Octagon Vreedle."

"And who the hell are you?!" Morningstar tried to get up but was slammed back into the chair.

"I'm the one that tells them not to break every bone in your body." The runt said.

"That there is Our superior Alpha Rank Officer Tennyson." Octagon said leaning down to speak in Michael's ear "And word of the wise what yous been doin' to the young ladies round here...our Pedagory code would dictate you leavin here in pieces but he is the only one stoppin' us. So I recommend answerin' him and puttin some respect in your voice prudy boi."

Officer Runt held out his hand for Michael to shake and he rolled his eyes as reached out. Octagon had pinned his arm to the table.

"This has been found on 20 young women in this school." Shar said holding up the mark.

"Well look at that..." Officer Runt said "Now your father Plumber Officer Morgan Morningstar..."


Shar had watched Officer Tennyson breakdown so many crimes connected to the Morningstar family.

"Now instead of us having to make a scene of this I will allow you to calmly and professionally use that badge one final time to turn yourself in before it is confiscated or-"

Michael didn't hear Officer Runt as he had grabbed Skinny Redneck by the throat.

"Ok then." Runt said snapping his fingers as Octagon had hooked a leg around Michael's neck and rolled to the ground getting the prep student into an armbar.

"What the hell are you?!" Michael shouted as the Vreedle had lasted longer then anyone Michael ever tried to drain all out.

"I am the first born of one Ma Vreedle." Octagon said as his flesh seem to be rotting rapidly.

"Rhomboid cuff him." Ben said.

The first arm was cuffed but Octagon was sucked dry of any life energy and Morningstar shoulder checked Rhomboid.

When his hand grabbed Ben his body had been hit with a shot of dopamine to the brain.


"Magnificent!" Morningstar shouted as Ben had started chuckling.

A circuit board pattern coated Ben from the arm Morningstar was holding.

"New Human subcategory added. Transformation Generated." A voice came out Ben's arm.

A hologram of Michael appeared from a dial on Ben's arm. Ben grinned as he slammed it down.

"What the?!" Michael and Shar shouted as Ben grabbed the sides of Michael's face.

"Thisss doesssn't belooong to youu." Ben wheezed out as he started pulling the energy out of Michael.

Shar watched as the once radiant human(?) Male turned into a husk.

"Wait no...NOOOO!"

Michael fell to his knees screaming as Rhomboid walked over and cuffed his other arm. "Under the rules of the Plumbers you are under arrest." Rhomboid said.

Shar pulled the badge off of him and looked down at it.

"Ssshaaarrrr." Ben said holding out a hand. She handed it over with a faint sad look on her face.

"Yooou'lllll get yooourssss nexxxxt weeeek. Oooone fooorged braaaand new with yooour biiiooomeeetriccccs."

Ben's zombie like appearance turned to the Dean "Caaaallll the vviiicctums...I haaave whaaaat waaassss taaakkinn."

The Dean ran off.


The Girls were brought to the auditorium and Ben had put a hand on the first one. A flow of life giving energy was fed into the victims returning them to their original appearance.

"ZOMBIE!" A shriek from one of them rang out.

"Caaallmmm doowwwnnn." Wheezed out.

The Dean had ordered them to stop screaming and to remain calm.

"Ttthaaannk yooouuu." Ben said "Iiifff yyooouuu shhhooooww any powwwers pleeesssse caaaalll."

A business card was handed to the dean and the students.

Ben hobbled back to the husk of Octagon Vreedle.

"Such a shame." Shar said bowing her head.

Ben let out a wheezy laugh along with Rhomboid "Don't worry Shar he's just thirsty."

Ben hit the dial.

Shar watched Octagon Vreedle husk just reassemble itself into a perfectly fine.

"That is some high quality H2O." Octagon said as he stood up cracking his back.

Shar jaw fell watching as the three just went about cleaning up with Ben changing back to human.

"That you...him..." Shar pointed.

"Wes has what you'd call 'Gen-et-ic Me-mo-ry'." Rhomboid said.

"We only need a good splash a water and yous got yourself an brand new Vreedle with all his Memories." Octagon said.

"The boys only need a few strands of DNA and a cup of water to reconstruct themselves." Ben said hook an arm around both of em.

Shar had officially realized why Ben was focused on getting them to become proper officers.


They stopped at a 7/11 and Ben handed Shar a blue cold ice beverage. "I didn't wanna risk giving you something since the Revonnahgander is new to the Plumbers data base we don't have a list of things you can't eat yet." Ben said.

"I have been cleared for most earth foods." Shar said accepting the cup. It's cold exterior feeling good in the night air.

The Vreedle Brothers had Mt Dew, bags of Combos, Slimjims and Funyuns.

"Sorry last time I gave an alien chocolate..." Ben looked off and Shar could see a that face of someone who was remembering an embarrassing mistake.

Shar looked at the cup.

"Drink it slow now." Rhomboid said.

Shar put her lips to the straw and sipped it. The taste of what she remembered as Raspberry had hit her tongue. "Mmmm."

She had unfortunately had the first reaction to drink more.

"Shar." Ben said.

As she suddenly felt a fridge shock going down her back from the base of her skull.

"AAAAAHHH!" Shar scream grabbing her head.

"Wes warned ya." Octagon said.

Shar had breathed until it went away. "I appear to be having some sort of reaction to this beverage."

"That is what you call a Brian freeze." Rhomboid said.

"Brain." Ben corrected.

"Brain Freeze." Shar said rubbing her head "Why would something be made with such a restriction?"

"Because it's good." Ben said drinking his.

Shar had tenderly taken another sip and restrained herself avoiding another 'Brain Freeze'.

Jumping back into the Truck they drove off. "Ben I was wondering what it was that allowed you to turn into a Ormerowon and then a Orishan."

"That is something that stays in this truck." Ben says "It's called the Ultimatrix. My superiors know about it and they know because I use it."

"So you are able to turn into any species if you just look at them?" Shar asked very interested.

Ben's eyes glowed and a flash of green had been the only warning she had before she had seen a Revonnah male sitting where Officer Tennyson was.

"I am thinking of a name for this one." Ben said looking at his blue fur.

"Husband." Shar said.

"What?" Ben asked.

Shar shook her head and said "I do not know."

"Bishop?" Ben asked leaning back rubbing his chin.

"Tradition is usually family name first." Shar said.

"Bishop Ben?" Ben said as if tasting it off his tongue "Bishop it is."

Shar had officially realized the rule 'Do not fornicate without extensive knowledge of a species' was there because of this exact moment.

Her heart was beating like she was having a adolescent crush.

Shar had drained her frozen drink trying to distract herself from the specimen sitting behind the wheel of the vehicle.

Why was her mouth dry?

Ben had returned to his true form and Shar had taken a deep breath trying to calm down.


Ben had gotten home just in time to see 3 Charmcaster's in front of the trailer.

"Aw Gweny if you wanted to borrow a dress I'd gladly have traded you one." Charmcaster said.

"I wanted Amazonian." The blue Charmcaster said.

"Gwen please go to bed you have midterms." Ben said.

"But...Arch-enemy!" Gwen-Caster said gesturing to Charmcaster.

"Gwen if Gwendolyn found out I let you fail a grade she'd find me here and make us both regret it." Ben said "Bed. Now."

Gwen-Caster pouted and Charmcaster stuck her tongue out at her.

"Hope." Ben said causing her to twitch "Albedo?"

"I was like this when she got here." Albedo said.

"You know red looks good on me." Charmcaster said rubbing her chin.

"You pull off green pretty well." Ben said.

Charmcaster was wearing his green jacket he left behind.

"What can I say. I look good in anything." Charmcaster said.

"Did everyone eat?" Ben asked.

"Yes." Gwen and Albedo said.

"KITT we're going back out." Ben said.

The mechamorph let out a sigh and it's whole body rippled "Let me get a Energy Cell." The car said as it merged with the trailer for a second reaching in.

"Hope come with me. Gwen get some sleep. the same." Ben said leading Charmcaster to his car.

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