Special Victims Unit - Law An...

By oldlittleme

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Liv, needs an hacker for the squad room, she has heard a member of the Bronx is brilliant, but she has a past... More

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157 3 0
By oldlittleme

Liv Pov

I saw Dominick entering the precinct, he walked to me, and I placed my finger on my mouth, showing him to be softly. He stopped and listened how Amanda was talking to Tanisha, he smiled and joined me on a chair.

"So, Amanda is talking to Tanisha?" He whispered and I nodded.

"Will do Tanisha good actually, she has a bond with Amanda." I whisper as he nodded.

"You looking for Amanda?" I asked still listening. "The girls are coming home soon, wanted to take us out before tomorrow race." he explained and I nodded smiling.

"Well, Amanda seems finish go." I told as he nodded and stood up and went.

After a while I heard Carisi talking with Amanda and Tanisha, after that Amanda and Carisi walked out, I winked at Amanda, she smiled as I saw Tanisha getting a chair infront of me. I smiled seeing Amanda and Dominick walking out hand in hand, her head laying on his shoulders as they walk out.

Tanisha Pov

Amanda and Dominick, are so happy together. What my old professor went trough was heartbreaking but, she knows mine and I feel so closer to her then ever. I knew I needed to tell Olivia, of they are family maybe, maybe she'll let me in too.

I took a chair and smile seeing Amanda and Dominick walking out happily. I turned to Olivia, my Captain.

"Captain, can I tell you something?" I asked and she smiled nodding at me.

"Amanda, told me that you and the squad was there for her, so... can I tell you something?" I asked as she nodded, she stood up and took a chair next to me. I smiled.

"I have a sister, her name is Mae. She is three years younger then me. We lost our parents when I was 6, we were in a car accident and I survived with my sister. We had nobody to took us in, so we were adopted. We were in a foster house with other girls, until I was 8 years old. We found a family, they took us both in." I told and stopped, I felt a hand onto my shoulder, I look up and saw my Captain holding my shoulder. I cried, she embraced me.

"Tanisha, if you can't continue now. I understand. This take time. I'm here when you're ready." She told me and gave a gentle smile, I smiled back gently and nodded, she embraced me, and I smiled holding her.

"Do you also have a past?" I asked and she nodded laughing.

"I do. I mide be in charge of Special Victims Unit but, my mother was raped to have me." She told and I was shocked, I looked at her completely speechless, she smiled.

"This is why, I do this. I was sexually assaulted twice on work, I have a son Noah, he was adopted by me since I had a college scare, and just wasn't ready after that, I met Cassidy, I fought I was pregnant but, I wasn't. I had a partner before Amanda, Elliot Stabler, we have a past, Amanda will tell you that but, we are close still. I'm sure you will see him at times. Noah my son, was actually a child of a rapist, his mother was so young, and I took him in, he is now 13 years old." She told and I was speechless listening to her.

She stood up and smiled." Well you want to get some actual coffee with me?" She asked and I nodded, she called Fin and we went, we took her Suv and drove off.

We arrived at a small shop, and gkt a chairs as a waiter helped.

"Captain Olivia..." I asked as she stopped me.

"Call me Liv, everyone does." She told me and I smiled at that. I feel already at home.

"Well, so the family took us in, at first everything was going great, until they started to beat us, we had things to do if we didn't comply we was abused, burned with things, thrown with different tipes of things, we was sexually assaulted as kids, touching. I was 10, when they called Mae, they wanted to rape her, I stood up for her, I was beaten badly, I didn't went to school for two weeks, until my teacher saw me in the street and reported how I was looking. We got free, we went to an different home for girls, still we had fears we stayed there until I was 18, since we couldn't accept a family since after everything. We mide be prodigy but, we just was scared. I finished school and heard about this program for hackers in America, I did a test and quality then both Mae and I was sended here, she finished school here and I was send to Fordham where I met Professor Carisi, this is it actually." I told and kept looking down, when I was finished Olivia was next to me, holding me tide. I was happy.

Liv Pov

I was so happy she opened to me, now to protect her and help her. I held her tide and smiled at her. She smiled back as I held her tide.

"Thank you." She told me and I nodded

"Always." I told and smiled at her.

"Where do you and Mae stay?" I asked as she smiled.

"We have an 2 bedroom apartment in the city, we both stay together. We are quite close." I told as she smiled.

"Bring your sister sometimes." She told me and I nodded happily.

We enjoyed our coffee amd went back, Olivia felt like a mom to me with Amanda, especially Amanda from all this years.

As the night peaked in, Liv took me home, and will pick me up with Mae tomorrow for Amanda girls.

I went inside, and saw Mae sitting on the chair doing homework. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"How was work?" Mae asked and I smiled.

"Amazing, listen we are going out tomorrow with my friends." I told and she smiled.

"Yes, It will be great instead being here." She told me and I nodded.

"I made pasta with chicken nuggets." Mae told and I smiled getting a plate.

"Did you eat?" I asked and she shooked her head, I got two plate and gave her one, she put her homework aside as we both eat.

My little sister.


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