Special Victims Unit - Law An...

By oldlittleme

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Liv, needs an hacker for the squad room, she has heard a member of the Bronx is brilliant, but she has a past... More

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By oldlittleme

Liv Pov

After being with the Carisi's, I went back. When I saw Tanisha, I had a soft spot for her, and also the reminder of how Amanda was.

A week past, I had her for a week, and all I got was hiding, her hacking skills was fantastic but, I wanted to get to know her, for her personality not her skills.

She was so formal, she didn't bring her home stuff here, it was all personal. Which was good but, deep down I knew she was hiding. When we work with kids, she was eager and willing especially sisters.

I met Amanda during this week, I explained to her how Tanisha was, and Amanda told to give her time, I was still surprised how she opened to Amanda, but I couldn't get that breakthrough.

Tanisha and Amanda was almost the same...

Difference was Amanda came was wet headed by the ears and gambling addiction with her family problems but, trough all that she was raped by her old Captain and fought she was worthless of love, she has two girls by two different fathers until Carisi, which is always so special for me but, this one... she hides everything it was hard to read her, like Amanda in the beginning. I hope I can get trough this one, like I did with Amanda after all this years, just hope this one is sooner since Amanda was worse, this one she openes when she feels safe, why aren't I giving her that?

I was in my office, everyone was out when I heard a knock, I looked up and saw Amanda standing by ny door.

"Liv, just you?" She asked I smiled and nodded as I lead her to my break room, we sat down and just relaxed.

"Back at work, I see." I told as Amanda laughed.

"I'm so happy to be away from home, the girls enjoy school." She told and I chuckled.

"And Dominick?" I yelled laughing knowing he caught the bug a day after I was there.

"He sanitizes everything." Amanda joked and we both laughed at that.

"Poor Dominick." I laughed as Amanda looked at me mouth opened.

"Poor Dominick, we have to hear him clean everything." She explained as we both chuckled.

Suddenly, we heard a knock. "Back here!" I yelled and saw Tanisha.

"Captain, we got the...." She stopped and saw Amanda.

"Professor Carisi?" She yelled shocked as Amanda smile at her.

"Hello Tanisha, you grew since I saw you." Amanda told happily, I smiled at this.

"Captain, am I in trouble? Is Mae in trouble?" She yelled looking at me and at Amanda.

"Tanisha, No. This is my old Captain." Amanda told smiling pointing at me.

"Tanisha, she was my old partner." I told smiling looking at Amanda

"Wait a minute, the friend you are close with was Amanda Rollins, was professor Carisi?" She asked as we both nodded.

"I see my badge on the wall is doing good?" Amanda explained as I nodded laughing.

"I didn't knew you..." Tanisha asked as Amanda let her sit next to her.

"I didn't want to scare the students but, Fin explained blueprint that out." She told as I laugh nodding.

"You were an detective before an professor?" She asked gently as Amanda nodded. "I was, for 12 years along side your Captain, she was my old partner, then Sargeant, Lieutenant then my Captain. You're in good hands." Amanda told and smile at me as Tanisha look at me.

"Why did you left?" She asked her, and I smiled.

"Tanisha, I was shot when I protected a young girl." Amanda explained

Amanda Pov

I saw how Tanisha looked at me, she was afraid.

"Was she okay?" She asked as Liv continued.

"Amanda save her life, that's when she was shot. She is completely healthy and save, thanks to your professor." Liv told and I smiled at her.

"What happened to you?" She asked me and I smiled.

"I had PTSD, I was completely broken, ask Liv, I have two girls Jesse and Billie, they were only 7 and 4 at the time, I kept thinking they were in trouble, I brought my work home." I told and she looks at me.

"You never told me this?" She asked me and I smiled.

"You didn't asked, and I wanted to hear you not my old stories." I told as she laugh.

"Wait, so Ada Carisi, is your husband?" She asked and I nodded laughing, she smiled back. "No wonder he looks familiar." She explained as we laugh.

"So you all are like family?" She asked as me and Liv nodded.

"We are, and we take care of each. Even you." Liv told her and I nodded.

"Your Captain helped me a lot during my past." I told and she looks at me, then at Liv.

"You had a past?" She asked and I nodded, as Liv laugh.

"This woman right here, she teach me a lot." Liv told and I laugh.

"Walk with me, if that is okay with your Captain?" I asked as Liv smiled. "I'll be in the office. Stay relax." She told and stood up, I smiled at Liv as she walks out.

Liv Pov

I knew Tanisha, had to trust me first but, this was a good step. I went out and to my office, I could heard Amanda talking about her life, I fought back about Amanda and how far she has come.

Amanda Pov

"So, long story short. I have a sister Kim." I told, and she looks at me in shock.

"She uses me a lot. I was raped by my old Captain, due to helping my sister." I told and she turned away, then back to me.

"She faked about being pregnant, I had to shot her child father meanwhile it was a scam, I ended up in jail. Thanks to my family here, I was out and the truth was free. She ended up clearing my house." I told as Tanisha looked at me.

"She did all that, and she never helps? Why are you still close with her?" She asked and I smiled. "She still stays my sister." I explained and continued

"I had a gambling addiction for years if it wasn't for Liv and my family here." I told and laugh thinking back which made Tanisha smile.

"My dad came back to my life after years he was abusive but, changed, and still is along with my mother, she used to take my sister's advice for everything, she changed too and is the grandmother to my girls." I told and she smiled at me.

"My sister has a son, Mason later on, long story. And most of all, I have always fought I wasn't worth love, since what happened, then I had two girls by two different dads, and then Dominick, he was there trough everything and I married him. I found my husband, I was worthy of love, he is there and still is." I told and she was speechless, crying, I held her tide.

"We all have a past, just what you do after makes the most difference and the people you surround yourself, this is my family." I told her and felt her calm.

Suddenly Dominick walked in, I smiled as Tanisha let go of me.

"This is my husband." I told as she nodded laughing, I chuckled as Carisi kissed me, I returned a kiss and smiled at him.

"Amanda, Jesse and Billie are heading home, you wanna go?" He asked and I nodded.

"Tomorrow my girls are having a competition at school, you want to join us with Mae?" I asked and she nodded smiling, I stood up and gave her a hug.

I walked out, and saw Liv winking at me, I smiled back as I saw Tanisha getting a sheet with Liv. I smiled.


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