devils advocate ( matt murdoc...

Από wstrnflies

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. * ꙳ ♱ ⊹ ❝I laid the groundwork and then like clockwork the dominions cascaded in a line❞ ― matt murdock x... Περισσότερα

the devil fell into her arms, as she designed him to.
♱ ━ act one.
one:﹙sickingly beautiful﹚
two:﹙empty lot﹚
three:﹙what do you call moral?﹚
four:﹙the first meeting﹚
five:﹙untold secrets﹚
six:﹙with, love﹚
eight:﹙fire to the world﹚
ten: ﹙ me and the devil ﹚
eleven: ﹙ hands across hells kitchen﹚
twelve: ﹙anything for his love﹚
thirteen: ﹙in blinds eye﹚
fourteen: ﹙when the dominoes cascade﹚
fifteen:﹙loss and love﹚
sixteen:﹙heres a tip﹚
seventeen: ﹙hope is a dangerous thing﹚
eighteen:﹙mask off﹚
nineteen:﹙this is friendship?﹚
twenty:﹙trying something new﹚
twenty-one:﹙the final push﹚
twenty-two:﹙cryptic attack﹚
twenty-three:﹙will you still love me?﹚
twenty-four:﹙love, actually﹚
twenty-five:﹙you and me﹚
twenty-six:﹙the second look﹚
twenty-seven:﹙the love in the books﹚
twenty-eight:﹙keep his word﹚
twenty-nine:﹙daredevil and nightangel﹚
thirty:﹙actual love﹚
♱ ━ act two.
one:﹙a fresh start﹚
two:﹙stress and unrelaxation﹚
three:﹙their happy ending?﹚
four:﹙small disagreement﹚
six:﹙when a blind man hears﹚
eight: ﹙RED﹚
nine: ﹙gods sins the women﹚
ten: ﹙when the snake guides﹚
eleven: ﹙the illuison﹚
twelve: ﹙the call so close﹚
thirteen: ﹙backlog﹚
fourteen:﹙his sorry﹚
sixteen:﹙peace offering﹚
seventeen: ﹙in my room﹚
nineteen: ﹙always her fault﹚
twenty: ﹙guilty as a sin﹚
twenty-two:﹙silent prayers﹚
twenty three: ﹙death comes to her﹚
twenty four: ﹙darkness, soul, embrace﹚
twenty five: ﹙tainted love﹚
twenty six: ﹙the blacksmith﹚
twenty-seven:﹙cold day in hell's kitchen﹚
twenty eight:﹙family times﹚
twenty nine:﹙ close enough to do it﹚
♱ ━ act three.
one:﹙the hero﹚
three:﹙violent defender﹚
four:﹙a whole lotta history﹚
five:﹙same thing, new people﹚
six:﹙danger from five﹚
seven:﹙matthew murdock v. daredevil﹚
eight:﹙silent blow﹚
nine:﹙the chance of rebounds﹚
eleven:﹙by your side﹚
twelve:﹙new chance taken﹚
thirteen:﹙here we go again...﹚
sixteen:﹙reckless driving﹚
seventeen:﹙you've become my ceiling﹚
nineteen:﹙final blow﹚
twenty:﹙lets leave it like this﹚
twenty-one:﹙i'll love it if we made it﹚
♱ ━ act four.
one:﹙a not so fresh start﹚
three:﹙show stopping﹚
five:﹙and daredevil﹚
six:﹙me n the devil﹚
seven:﹙do i wanna know?﹚
eight:﹙you wanted me sadder﹚
eleven:﹙the prints left behind﹚
twelve:﹙envy, greed, lust﹚
thirteen:﹙to be silent﹚
fourteen:﹙short lived﹚
fiveteen:﹙stalling for love﹚
sixteen:﹙woman scorned﹚
seventeen:﹙back at it again...﹚
eighteen:﹙the wait﹚

twenty-one: ﹙die for you﹚

153 6 0
Από wstrnflies

die for you

"contains; spousal abuse...-,"
—no need to proceed with caution

"I'll go to the other building on the far left," Elektra wore her blackened outfit, turning to look at Y/n standing next to her dressed as the NightAngel. Looking down at the building of people walking back and forth.

Nodding, and not saying anything to her; Elektra jumped off of the building before running on the emergency escape. Y/n gazed down with the wind blowing in her hair, before being able to put her mask on to cover her face.

She was only here for Matt, wanting to put an end to all of this. Yet missing the feeling of running around causing nothing but chaos wherever she went. Even going to Tepper felt like a weight lifted off of her shoulder.

Y/n doesn't even know why she had threatened Tepper, for Frank Castle; but something in her did it for a reason. It felt as if she was cheating on Matt cause of the small feelings she had for Frank.

I mean, he was nothing but darkness and broken from miles away, something that attracted her as if she was being led by an apple.

Something tackled her, feelings hands around her body, holding onto her shoulders pushing her against the walls. Catching her breath, looking up to see Matt holding onto her roughly.

"What the hell did you do?!" He exclaimed holding her by the fabric around her neck roughly. Y/n flinched at this being brought back to her father's abuse, it was the impulse that took over her. She didn't want to do it, yet she did and she wasn't sorry about it. "I never asked you to coerce a witness! What are you and Frank doing!"

"What are you and Elektra doing!?" Y/n said widening her eyes, staring blankly and deadly towards the devil mask on Matt's face, wearing his daredevil outfit. "What you are forgetting Matt is I. Know. You." She finally let out speaking almost mockingly into his face.

They both had been in nothing but the wrong. Breathing heavily at the pain Matt was causing her, almost scared of him at the moment. "We can't even use his testimony because of you. It was all thrown out."

"Don't Yell at me!" Y/n demanded him panting in his grip. Matt fixed her against the wall, holding onto her still.

"You've been sneaking around with Frank Castle" Matt accused her, "Behind my back?"

Y/n chuckled shaking her head, hurt at the thought he was thinking that she was cheating on him, after everything she was putting herself through. Maybe he was right, their unhappy relationship moments were her fault.

"That's crazy" She denied shaking her head rapidly, panting. Before pushing him off of her, Lowering her voice and getting closer to his face, "You have been sneaking around fucking Elektra behind my back; too busy to not notice, while I- your girlfriend who could've been pregnant....stayed home and been nothing but loyal to your bullshit; I killed people for you"

Grabbing onto her face and pushing her back into the wall causing Y/n to gasp, she knew this wasn't Matt Murdock trying to get through her head but It was Daredevil angered by the things she had done.

"I have not laid a hand on Elektra" Matt swore in her face, lowly; as Y/n's breath quivered being held by his hand "You had gone to her house and threatened her after I have tried nothing but to keep you safe, considering who I am dating; I wanted to make sure she was safe-"

"Don't give me that" Y/n muttered through his grip, knowing that Matt had cared too much about Elektra's safety than to pay attention to his girlfriend even once a week. "I don't care if you fucked her Matt," She lied, "Are you still in love with her?"

"I didn't touch her, I swear to God" Matt with the same tone his voice low; wishing she believed him; he swore meaning he was telling the truth. "I love you- and only you" Wishing she could look into his eyes at the moment, those words didn't feel like something was true even if they were.

The two's breathing, was deep and passionate; at the moment Matt had let go of her, causing Y/n to catch her breath looking over at her boyfriend panting questioning their relationship. "What the fuck was that, Matthew?" Y/n questioned.

"Go home, lemme deal with this," Matt told her shaking his head down, "I'm sorry, for making you feel that way"

Not saying anything taking in the sorry, she just stood there silently. "I am coming cause I have a deal with Elektra, she's gone once I help her-" Y/n confessed, "I won't kill her or anyone...and I'm sorry about the case-"

He didn't say anything either taking in the sorry as well, knowing how impulsive she could be he just nodded his head. "Come on" Matt nodded, Y/n let him walk staying in her spot before he turned to her slowly, "You're not going to help me are you?"

"Handle it," She commanded him shrugging her shoulders.

Sighing, and turning away before jumping off of the building. A few Minutes Later, Y/n jumped down joining in and watching Matt punch a guy, to pass out. He had knocked over a whole building site.

Strolling over to Matt, Elektra jumped down joining the two of them. "Neither of you was going to help?"

"Nope," Elektra popped out, the mask over her face along with Y/n's as well. The tension between the couple was nothing but annoying for Elektra not knowing if it was going to get in the way of her mission. "Ready?" She turned to Y/n, ignoring Matt almost.

"Yeah," The woman nodded her head, staring over: Elektra had informed her on everything that had to be informed over a cup of coffee at the bakery early in the morning the main reason why she wasn't at the trial.

The three of them crouched down, the garage ducking into it. Y/n grunted, holding onto the flashlight. Y/n turned looking over at Matt waiting if he heard anything around, Matt felt this shaking his head. "We're alone"

Elektra let out a sigh, with Y/n handing her the flashlight and the three started walking more into the warehouse. Looking around, Elektra picked up a tarp causing Y/n to look at her with the french women. "It's empty," She sighed lowering it. "There's nothing here,"

"Easy mistake" Y/n shook her head since it was too simple. "There has to be at least something, or someone"

Sighing again shining her flashlight around. "Yeah, but-" Matt just stood there not really liking the idea of his dead girlfriend and his deadly ex-girlfriend becoming the best of friends with each other.

Both of the women looked around confused before Matt shushed them. "wh-" Y/n started before getting cut off by Matt shushing them.

"Y/n" He called out silently, mostly to show that she was the one out of the two he wanted to keep safe, wanted to know where she was.

"What" She bit through, he walked over to the two women jumping over something before walking forward, both of them turned to exchange a glance and just followed where Matt was going towards.

"You won't believe this" He finished, before continuing on. Elektra shined the light over to him, as he jumped on top of some type of platform everything was too dark and smelly to see anything ahead of her.

Y/n jumped up as well following his lead, Elektra followed the two of them in their ghost. "Maybe it's just a warehouse" Y/n tried to come up with something to get them out of this creepy place, Matt shook his head continuing to walk before stopping.

Y/n stopped by his side before Elektra came by her side shining the light around. There was a huge hole in the middle of the floor as if something was just taken out of the floor leaving behind a hole.

"Holy shit" Matt murmured standing next to Y/n.

"Why are the Yakuza digging a hole?" Elektra questioned trying to shine the light down it.

Humming unsure; "Okay, well" Y/n spoke unsurely. "Throw the flashlight"

"What?" Elektra confusingly spoke furrowing her eyebrows.

"Do it" Y/n commanded, "I don't know see when it hits the bottom, I'm a baker, not a physics major"

Elektra listened to her before, tossing the flashlight straight, the whole had to be 20 feet long she didn't know how deep it went. But there was no hit to the bottom, "I don't think I heard it" Y/n called.

"Did it hit the bottom?" Elektra turned over to Matt.

Daredevil shook his head, "No."

"Is it going to hit the bottom?" Y/n questioned; her hands crossed on her stomach, Matt waited; they continued to wait. Causing Y/n's stomach to drop, wondering how truly deep this went on for.

It hasn't hit the bottom...After about a minute Matt had pointed down to the ground, "There" He pointed downwards, "It's gotta be 40 stories, at least."

"Yeah" Y/n spoke breathlessly, nodding her head. Something had almost hit Matt for him to move to the side, and both Y/n and Elektra turned to a ninja star stuck in the wall beside him.

"Down" Elektra had pushed both, Y/n and Matt to the ground. Almost automatically Matt's hand grasped Y/n's back protectively. Before pushing her to a pole the three of them tried to hide behind, still gripping himself to his girlfriend tightly no matter how mad he was at her.

"They're on all sides" Elektra informed the two women, "half a dozen, at least."

Matt's head turned the way of Y/n, "I can't get a read on these guys," He informed her, "There's no sound, there's no heartbeat, there's nothing."

"They're trying to hide," Elektra explained to them, Y/n furrowed her eyebrows staring at the way Elektra confused about how she knew this, still not trusting the women. "Just tell by their weapons, they have swords,"

The sounds of swords clattering came into her ear, with everything being dark. Matt held onto Y/n's arm causing her to swing her leg, kicking one of the ninjas in the face, Elektra punched and kicked to the side of the couple.

Seeing the sword almost hit her, in the head. Y/n ducked fully, kicking the ninja's leg in backing the sword handle hitting his nose hard. Grunting, suddenly more came towards them. Y/n grabbed many's fists pulling them to the ground and chopped their necks with her hand.

"Angel" Elektra called forth, before Y/n knew it there was a sword in her hand.

Y/n didn't know how to fully use a sword, yet she tried. Getting blows with the handle of the sword, before kicking the ninjas in the face and punching their noses. Being kicked in the face, the guy swung nunchucks her way.

She grunted moving out of the wall, and throwing Matt a chain she had saw; Elektra kicked a ninja towards Y/n, causing the woman to push him down the hole with a spin kick. Y/n kicked and punched, even with everything being just a blur cause of all the swinging she was doing.

Matt was down, the ninja that had knocked Matt down, Y/n grabbed his arm flipping him on the ground, and grabbed her sword about to execute the man full on. "no!" Matt shouted her way, she stopped listening to him remembering where they were.

Pain echoed through her body since she wasn't paying attention; a slash had gone across her stomach causing her to become quickly dizzy and nauseous; her white uniform had a gush of blood coming from her stomach.

Easily; since damaged she was kicked to the ground by a ninja; causing her to groan hitting the ground. Everything was slowly going dark her vision and soul resting in the palm of her hands, not caring.

Her vision quickly became foggy, Matt yells running forward and ducking the sword, tackling the ninja that attacked Y/n to the ground. Punches came from him, Matt saw nothing but red; he knew now how Y/n was.

At this moment, Matt noticed what Y/n meant by she would do anything to protect him. He continued punching the ninja, almost killing the man and hearing his heart slowly fade. But the sounds of a soft groan caused him to stop.

Elektra was trying to help Y/n, covering her wound. "Matt" Y/n gasped for air, grabbing onto his hand quickly.

Elektra looked over to a panicked Matt, "I'm here" Matt muttered softly.

Elektra now realised that he truly did care about Y/n more than anything he almost had killed a man for her. Erased all of his morals for the woman she was trying to save, holding onto Y/n's wound and putting pressure on it.

Y/n felt a body lying next to her, it was Elektra who was now out cold. Matt had been being held, by ninja's the sounds of his grunts formed in her ears, and she whined in pain bringing her hand up to her stomach.

She couldn't see anything, cause of not being able to move; suddenly the felt of warm hands touching her body lay in Matt's grip not knowing if she was going to die like this.

The thought of death filled her head, this was the moment where she couldn't take anything she had ever done back. Not regretting a single thing, knowing she might be dying in the arms of a man who she couldn't love more with her soul and heart.

Matt had told her the truth, and kept his word on protecting her; so she will see no death from another lesson. Y/n's flesh and her heart may fail, but Matt is the strength of her heart and her portion forever.

Darkness clouded her view; every mistake had run through her head.

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