Special Victims Unit - Law An...

By oldlittleme

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Liv, needs an hacker for the squad room, she has heard a member of the Bronx is brilliant, but she has a past... More

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308 4 0
By oldlittleme

Dominick Pov

I wanted to scream at this, but just when we fought they aren't in time, they arrived. I was so relief about that.

Liv nudged me and I smiled at her.

"Thanks goodness." Tanisha yelled happily laying back on Liv chair, we both smiled at her.

Somehow, she still looks familiar but, I can't put it to recognize where? Suddenly I got a phone call, I turn to my phone and saw Amanda.

Liv turned to me. "Amanda." I explained as she nodded, I went into the integration room and answered.

"Amanda, you okay?" I asked worriedly

"I'm fine Dominick, don't worry. I got a call from Jesse school, she is throwing up, are you busy or can I pick her up?" She asked me, I smiled.

"Is Billie up, or sleeping?" I asked her softly.

"She is watching a movie but, laying on the sofa, she has been throwing up still." She explained to me.

"Stay, I'll pick Jesse up." I told her gently wanting to let them be at home.

"Dominick, where are you at?" She asked me.

"Amanda, don't worry. I'm at Liv." I told her and I heard her sigh.

"Dominick, you're busy." She told and I laugh

"Actually, we are doing good. I'm already on my way to pick Jesse up. See you soon." I told lay off, as Liv entered.

"Amanda okay?" She asked me and I smiled.

"It's Jesse, can I pick her up?" I asked as she nodded showing me the door.

I rushed out, and climbed into my car driving to Jesse school. I entered and saw her teacher, her teacher lead me to the sick room, and there is Jesse on the sick bed, fast asleep.

"Thank you." I told her teacher, she nodded and walked back to her class.

"Jesse." I told gently and rubbed her arm, she woked up and saw me.

"Daddy?" She asked and I smiled. "Let's go home." I told her, she nodded. She climbed down, I took her hand as we walked out, I could see she was tired. I gently pick her up, as she lay her head down onto my shoulder.

I rubbed her back and walked to my car, I opened the back door, and let her lay down in the back. I climbed into the front, I looked to the back and saw her sleeping.

I drove home, and stopped at our house. I went and got Jesse out and carried her inside.

Amanda Pov

I was laying on the couch, when I heard the door open, I saw Dominick enter, with Jesse over his shoulders.

"I'll put her in bed." He told I nodded, as he walk to her room.

I felt nauseous and rushed to the bathroom.

Dominick Pov

I let Jesse sleep, and saw Amanda rushing to the bathroom. I close tge door and saw Billie also asleep in her bed. I rushed to Amanda and held her hair.

When she finished, I sit with her on the floor.

Amanda Pov

"Dominick, you need to head back." I told him, he kissed my forehead, as I lay in his arms.

"Amanda, work is work. You're three are more important. I'll call Liv." He says and I feel so terrible for letting him stay.

He stood up, and helped me up. He lead me to bed, and helped me lay down, I smiled at him.

"I'll call Liv, then I'll join you." He told and I nodded. I saw him get his phone and call Liv.

Dominick Pov

"Liv, I'm staying with Amanda and the girls." I told her gently. "Take care Dominick." She told me. We laid off. And I got myself comfortable clothes and lay with Amanda on our bed. Amanda laid her head against my chest and I stroked her hair, as I felt her falling asleep.

Liv Pov

I was glad Dominick stayed, Amanda needed him more now. I was happy he takes care of Amanda and the girls, she needs him.

We closed the case, and I was so happy with Tanisha, she was amazing at this.

Everyone came back after we got all those kids back. I was grateful for Tanisha finding all those kids.

We had a small celebration, I saw Tanisha back at the Memories Wall. I walked to her.

"You kept staring at these." I tikd her and she chuckled.

"You have one great squad here, Captain. One great team." She told me and I smiled.

"I know, listen Tanisha. Do you want to join my team as a hacker?" I asked her and she looks at me and smiled.

"Captain, I appreciate the offer but, I have a past that doesn't work with SVU." She told and I was confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked her gentle.

"Please, don't tell my Lieutenant. I don't want personal things to come out." she asked me and I nodded.

"I'm a foster child, I was 6. My sister was 3 when we lost our parents. We were in a house that was abusive and treated us wrongly." She told me and I was shocked.

"What do you mean treated?" I asked her wanting to know.

"Just treated us badly. So kids stuff is horrible for me." She told me and I nodded.

"Would you think about it, and come back to me?" I asked and she nodded.

"I will." She told and turned back to the wall.

"You remind me a lot about my old friend." I told her gently, she looks up at me.

"I'm glad, just know I can't replace her." She replied and I laughed "Believe me, nobody can and nobody will be able to." I told her, we both smiled as we look at the wall.

"It's her isn't she?" She asked and pointed to Amanda memorial service badge, I nodded. "Amanda Rollins, A Mom and a best friend for 12 long years." I told her as she looks up at me.

"Are you still close with her? What does she do now?" She asked and I smiled at her.

"We are, she is a professor now." I told and smiled at her and tapped her shoulder as I walked off, leaving her.

When I reached Fin, I saw her still staring at the wall.

"You asked her?" He asked and I nodded. "She will come back to me." I told and Fin turned to me.

"First time, somebody doesn't agree immediately." he told and I smiled. "I understand completely." I told him and he looks confused.

"Long story." I told and he nodded, as we went to the squad.


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