Fate/Fragmentary Tales

By Delta3859

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After the events on the 4th Grail War happened during 1994, the Grail managed to escape and displaced itself... More

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 2: Mutual Bonds. The First Encounter
Chapter 3: Under the Moonlight
Chapter 4: Battle Through the Black Wind
Chapter 5: A Cursed Turn of Events
Chapter 6: The Sky Fell Down (Part 1)
Chapter 8: The Blazing Encounter After the Calamity
Chapter 9: The Good, the Bad, and the Great Tree that Sustains Life
Chapter 10: A Sharp Rain under Yggdrasil's Shadow
Chapter 11: The Return upon the Jeweled Spear of a Revenant God
Chapter 12: Boundless Sky Shining over a Familiar Past
Chapter 13: The Plan for the Wandering Calamity of the Night
Chapter 14: Surprises in the Mighty Night
Chapter 15: An Ending to the Grail War..?

Chapter 7: The Sky Fell Down (Part 2)

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By Delta3859


3rd Person PoV

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Down the road that led to the main tower in Kyoto, the Master of Saber and Assassin along with their Servants ran from many beasts that were chasing against them, yet it was hard to tell what they were thanks to their dark aura surrounding them and the considerably darker world that they seemingly lived in now

Daiki: "WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE THINGS!?" Shouted the Master of Saber all while his Servant ran behind him to slash at any incoming blast or creature that tried to hit them

Lokhan: "Beats me, this seems like a video game, just more hardcore!"

Assassin: "I dislike this..." Lokhan was carrying his Servant on his back as she didn't have any strength left to continue fighting, leaving all the work to Saber

Saber: "For once i agree with a kid, this is a nightmare! Can we even kill these things?" The creatures regenerated each time they were hit, seeming to be both unlimited in quantity and immortal in endurance no matter how many times he slashed

Assassin: "Beasts of the dark night, unstoppable demons that only seek to kill everything within their sight, i don't know what those are but i have a feeling they wont die so long as this night keeps going" Spoke Assassin looking over Lokhan's shoulder, having a bored look on her face upon not being able to help fighting

Saber: "You must be kidding me!"

Lokhan: "Right now we better focus on running, if there's a way to miss them is to look for a good hiding spot and think up a plan!"

As he spoke up, many arrows landed in a barrage above the creatures throwing them to the ground, soon enough roots emerged from the ground all of them piercing through the beasts of darkness and stalling them in place to let the small group look over, stopping on their tracks confident by their savior's acts. Daiki was the first to look towards the voice, seeing the Archer-class Servant of his friend standing over a tree root that had been made on the spot

Saber: "Archer..."

Archer: "I think you noticed those things, they're everything but allies, they use the same energy that those other beasts did when me and Liv found them in the first few days of the Holy Grail War" Liviana peeked at his side, apparently climbing onto his back so that she could remain safe

Daiki: "Liv!"

Liviana: "Hey Daiki! Archer is soooo cool!"

Lokhan: "So how do we kill those things?" The important questions had to be asked first, and such was Lokhan's plan as he set down the Assassin on the ground to begin healing her with his Magic Circuits

Archer: "I haven't found a weak spot yet, wherever my arrows land they just regenerate and my roots can only do so much as getting us some time to escape"

Assassin: "Boo, i call hacks..."

Ryo turned around to where the roots were, holding his katana in his hand and the Odachi in the other. Archer fell at his side and let Liviana get off for better movement, standing by Saber's side with his bow tensed

Saber: "There's only one way out of this then, either we work together to fight those things off until we find a weak spot or we keep fighting among ourselves and die by their hands"

Assassin: "Dying is not what i look up to, specially as a Servant, count on my help!" Now healed up, Lokhan's Servant stood at their side with her Tactical Kama one on each hand

Archer: "If worse comes to worst i'll stall them again, and we will have to run"

The three Servants looked to their Masters, waiting for their approval to execute their plan. Fortunately and without many other options they were forced to nod and accept the plan, so much for an all-on-all Grail War. The Servants got in position while Archer lowered the roots letting an easier path that allowed the dark creatures to run towards them, Servants doing the same running in the opposite direction to engage in the battle

Daiki: "We should help somehow, if they can't kill even one of those things then i doubt they can kill a whole horde..."

Liviana: "What happened to your Command Spells?" Liviana pointed at the back of his hand, seeing that he only had two Command Spells remaining out of the three that they were given

Daiki: "That's a long story..."

Lokhan: "In which i'm involved" Somehow Liviana understood that something happened between the Masters, perhaps forcing Daiki to use one of his Command Spells

Liviana: "So...do we use a Command Spell to aid our Servants here too?" Wondered the Master of Archer raising her hand up, looking over to the Servants that fought off the horde of beasts

Daiki: "If we have support magic we only need to focus on that"

Lokhan: "Strengthening Magecraft should work, follow my lead!"

One by one the beasts fell, yet at the same time they were cut their bodies regenerated back into what they were, the slashes and arrows coming from the Servants only did so much as stalling them for a couple seconds while their regeneration took effect

Archer: "Quite the hard time..." Said the Archer with an annoyed tone, firing other four arrows in one shot that pierced four beasts right on their heads

Assassin: "Boo, no matter how many times i cut them they're still regenerating! These things are endless!" Said in frustration the Assassin, pulling a grenade off her pocket and throwing it over the horde, managing to blow up many of them...as expected, they returned to normal right after

Saber: "Anyone has a weapon to kill them for real?"

Assassin: "I'd need time to build it, but even then i doubt i can do much..." Answered Assassin slashing a hawk that dived to them, cutting it's wings that soon grew again

Archer: "I'm using everything i've got too, if my vines do not work i can't promise much"

Two more four-legged beasts ran towards Saber, he prepared to slash them both before a fireball and a sharp rock shot straight through their side and hit the two creatures on their head, knocking them back

Liviana: "I'm still a mage you know!?" Shouted Liviana with an excited voice, pointing her hand that glowed with a purple line going through it

Lokhan: "And my power doesn't just rely on strength, i happen to know how to play with fire too" Lokhan's hand had a small flame on it's palm, having been the one that shot the fireball to aid

Saber: "Master, provide me with backup, we will search for the other Masters and ask for their aid" Offered the Saber as a plan, unsheathing his Odachi to dual wield his weapons

Daiki: "Sounds like a plan"

Saber: "Archer, you and your Master go search for Rider, meanwhile Assassin and her's will search for Caster"

Archer: "And you?"

Saber: "I can hold my ground for plenty of time, i believe i'll be alright if Master is up to the challenge" Looking over to everyone, the group nodded in unison accepting the plan, it was better if all Masters were reunited after all

Lokhan: "I leave that to you Assassin, i'll stay and help somehow" He pulled out a shotgun from his back, holding it with both hands and smirking

Assassin: "I know how Caster looks, i'll find him in no time flat and be back!" Assassin vanished going towards the last spot that they encountered Caster in, rushing away to find him as soon as possible

Archer  went up to Liviana and picked her up on his shoulders, nodding to Daiki before both took off to do as ordered

Saber chuckled as the Odachi began glowing in a dark tone, it's aura slowly consuming Saber's body all while his laughter grew louder

Daiki: "Here it is..."

Lokhan: "Lets give 'em a good battle!"


On the other side of Kyoto, a Servant with dual swords on his hands and his Master were fighting off wave after wave of beasts as they ran along the streets, trying to make their way towards the main tower of Kyoto

Caster: "It seems we're slowly being surrounded, if worse comes to worst i'll be forced to use my heavy artillery" Said the Caster slicing beast after beast while the two ran forward to avoid being caught up

Daniel: "It's getting harder and harder to find a way out too, do you sense any Servant nearby?"

Caster: "It's weird, i can't sense any Servant's magical energy near, in fact...i sense a lot of magical energy all over the air, as if this night itself was-"

Lancer: "A Noble Phantasm"

A spear fell over one of the beasts, same spear starting to bounce all over the many beasts and piercing straight through their chests where the heart was supposed to be at. Soon the spear returned to a figure that stood on the other side of the street, figure being the Lancer-class Servant that protected the Master at his side

Lancer: "Hard to say how i can tell, but this entire night is a Noble Phantasm, we found out since the clock at Nanashi's shop started spinning without control"

Nanashi: "We're nowhere within the night that we used to be in before, this is a new battleground with endless monsters attacking one after the other" Followed Nanashi with the discovering that Lancer had made

Caster: "So that's why..."

Daniel: "What can we do?"

Lancer: "Hell if i know! It's just my small guess, but if it is a Noble Phantasm it means that it's using the Servant's Mana, we just need to survive until their Mana runs out!..i think!" It almost seemed as if this was just another night for him, Kazuki was still as carefree as ever

Caster: "Hey Lancer, how do you know all this stuff?" Kazuki shrugged in response, not willing to say anything relating his little guessing

Nanashi: "According to my family's legend, grandpa was always right about these kind of things no matter what he guessed..."

Lancer: "A kind of luck that i would curse if i could..."

Their small chat was interrupted by the sound of more creatures descending from the sky, along with others that surrounded them from all fours not leaving any place to escape from. The Lancer and Caster stood infront of their Masters to protect them forming a small defensive...circle?

Lancer: "Hahaha! This should be fun!"

Caster: "Lancer, got a plan?" Asked with a bit of concern the Caster, holding the swords close

Lancer: "You bet, watch this! OMAGATOKI: DAI HONŌ!"

The spear began glowing with a fiery aura, Lancer thrusted the tip on the ground infront of him that released a large burst of fire in a straight line, blowing off the beasts that stood on the way. Not thinking twice both Nanashi and Kazuki ran through the recently made path, Caster and his Master followed after a second of processing what happened

Caster: "Was that a Noble Phantasm?" Asked Caster to get a clear answer

Lancer: "More or less, call it a variation! Though for that i had to "borrow" some fire" The spear lit up in flames for a second, showing off the fire that it seemed to have absorbed

Caster: That spear must be a Noble Phantasm that can steal skills...i best be careful

Daniel: "Do you have something to kill them off for real!?" Daniel pointed back at their attackers, all beasts that had been blown simply regenerated again to follow after them

Lancer: "Nope, i can't do a thing against them, blown them up a few too many times before now"

Nanashi: "I tried cursing them but every piece that we got from them melted like water going through your fingers, so that's out of the question too" Not understanding completely, neither Daniel nor Caster wanted to ask how it worked, but they figured out that it means they couldn't do a lot for them

Daniel: "We're really cornered up here aren't we..."

Caster: "We should be able to fight them if we reunite with the other Servants, so lets do that"

Nanashi however seemed to be thinking of something else, slowly slowing down and alerting them of his next move as both him and Lancer came to a halt. Caster and Daniel stopped too to look back at him

Caster: "What are you two doing!? They're right behind us!" Shouted the Servant trying to get them to move

Nanashi: "I have a plan. Grandpa come with me, we'll reunite in the center of the city!"

Lancer: "Then i don't need this anymore, hold this you hellish bitches!" He threw the spear towards the beasts that came to them, making it blow up along the monsters that were chasing them in a wide area, the spear had vanished alongside that

Daniel: "Stay safe then, we'll meet on the tower!"

Nanashi: "Come on grandpa!"

Both teams took on their separate ways, Nanashi left towards another street while Daniel went on to the center of the city trying to look for a safe spot to be in while the other Masters arrived. Unfortunately Lancer's explosive spear didn't work to stall their attackers for too much time as they regenerated moments before their separation, a small part going towards Nanashi and the other heading for Daniel

Daniel: "Can't we lose them somehow!?" Said outloud the Master of Caster worried for the endless enemies that just seemed to increase in numbers rather than decrease

Caster: "If i can't find a weak spot i can't kill them, our best bet is hope one of the other Servants has a better chance!"

Assassin: "Bang!" A peculiar voice said from infront of them, the small figure of the Assassin making herself present with a gun on her hand that she used to shoot at the monsters that followed behind them. The bullet blew up the moment it hit, gaining them some time to flee and make their way out "Come on come on! We either get out of here ASAP or we die!"

Not thinking whether to trust her or not, Daniel and Caster ran towards her letting the small Servant take hold of their hands. In due time both of them were "teleported" back to the center of Kyoto right where Saber was having the time of his life slicing and slashing through the beasts that approached them

Daniel: "Saber and his Master, so those are them..." Wondered outloud the Master bringing a hand to his chin, examining the two temporary allies and admiring the strength that Saber possessed

Lokhan: "So you're Caster's true Master? My Servant and him fought the other day, Lokhan Master of Assassin" Took his time for introductions the Master, extending his hand with a rather friendly expression

Daiki: "Right now's not the best time for that, we can introduce ourselves after the battle's over!" The demonic sword in Saber's hand was powering him up through the entire battle, unlike before it seemed as if it wasn't draining the Mana from Daiki though he was panting a bit showing that his energy was being drained

Assassin: "I figured something out as i ran through the city. Our skills and capabilities have greatly improved thanks to this endless night" Said the Assassin summoning her Kama on both hands, spinning them around to show off

Caster: "You felt it too?"

Assassin: "Our power improved considerably thanks to this night, Saber's sword is cutting through those monsters like butter and is holding them off thanks to this, and my speed let me practically travel between spaces at will like i did to get to you and back"

Daniel: "Lancer said this entire night was a Noble Phantasm, and it seems to be affecting the whole world...my sister was asleep when this all happened and even when i tried to wake her up she kept on snoring" It proved further Lancer's theory, a Noble Phantasm that affected all of Kyoto- if not, the world -and let only the Masters be awake, letting them face against those beasts of the darkness that only multiplied and regenerated even with Saber's demon-cutting sword

Assassin: "I saw that coming, the night is my territory, sensing a Noble Phantasm that kept everything dark wasn't hard..."

Daiki: "I would appreciate some help here! If Saber keeps pushing himself this hard i might die from exhaustion..." And he was right, the more Saber abused of his demonic sword the more his Master's Mana would be depleted, it wasn't gonna be good for neither of them if that happened

Lokhan: "Assassin, your turn to-!"

Liviana: "Guys! We have news!" Liviana interrupted their talk as both her and Archer fell on the ground behind them, many arrows raining to make a wall of roots that blocked the path for the beasts and kept them busy on the other side- if even for a moment since they slowly began to creep through the darkness by passing through it

Saber: "Archer and Liviana are back" Saber returned to normal again, saving the Odachi and stopping the Mana consumption of his Master

Archer: "We have a good and a bad new, which one first?" Asked the Archer to make sure they wanted one or the other, willing to tell about his status report

Daiki: "Good one first" Daiki was the first one to want to hear

Archer: "We found Rider, even if not her Master"

Lokhan: "And the bad one-?"

A blast of fire fell on the other side of the root's wall, bursting and destroying the beasts on the other side as well as the root wall that was supposed to protected them. Once the fire died out, no beast remained to be seen in the other side, nothing besides an oversized feather of fire thrusted on the ground that acted as a blade of sorts

Archer: "She's not willing to cooperate..."

Lokhan: "Did she kill those beasts with one blast!?"

Saber: "That and she broke through the wall of roots that Archer made..."

Infront of them fell a woman's figure, the same had a pair of fire wings on her back that helped her fly all the way there. Once she walked up to the feather-sword and picked it up, she looked up and towards them while the item vanished into flames, her eyes revealed a cold glare that was only replaced by the aura of fire going around her wings and the occasional flames that appeared on her clothes. The Servants got infront of the Masters to protect them from the incoming battle, and Rider only clenched her fists making her wings disappear

Saber: "You all stay behind, me and these three can handle it" Ryo held his katana up tight, a bit afraid by what he had just seen

Assassin: "Rider's no natural Servant, no doubt in my mind that this should be the hardest battle yet!"

Caster: "I'll try my best, figure out her weakness and i'll work something out..."

Rider: "You all shall vanish within my burning flames..."

Rider's fire wings appeared once more on her back, this time bursting in place to speed herself up to unnatural speeds and charge towards Assassin, luckily for her speed was her best trait, so Assassin managed to duck beneath Rider's flaming fist and dodge the attack. Archer and Caster reacted in enough time to throw seeds and swords each, the seeds from Archer blowing up all around Rider and blocking her sight with a smoke bomb while Caster's blades tried to pierce through her as homing bullets

The smokescreen didn't last too long the moment Rider bursted a flame aura around her, blowing the swords away before they could reach her and coming out with a neutral glare to Archer

Rider: "May the sun's flame burn your soul to nothing..." As she said this, Rider charged towards Archer at ungodly speeds delivering a punch straight across his face and sending him through two buildings behind him, the strength of impact was so much the Masters were pushed back

Saber's katana glowed in a white aura as he slashed at Rider continuously, starting to throw energy shots with each swing that he took forward in hopes that one of them could hit Rider, yet these were either blocked with her fists and kicks or dodged at the same speed that she hit Archer with

Assassin: "Man, this girl's tough!" Exclaimed Assassin with an annoyed sigh, charging into the battle too to have a chance at hitting Rider. Both Saber and Assassin teamed up to try to knock Rider out, even with the combined efforts of Assassin hitting on close range and Saber covering from long range they still could only hope to get but a scratch on Rider's skin...nothing to be shown, her speed almost rivaled Assassins and her endurance let her deflect each shot from Saber's sword whenever one got near, and the endless night's powering up effect wasn't making it any better if it helped all the Servants equally

Caster on the other hand was just analyzing the battle, overseeing the fight among the other Servants to look for anything that worked against her, nothing in his hold to use against her as of now, and the full-on speed battle between Assassin and Rider only let him see but a glimpse of what was going on

Caster: Dammit, this speed isn't natural, even with this night's power up she shouldn't be able to keep up with Assassin...who is this girl!?

Daiki: "Not to trouble you all but we have some problems!"

Caster and Saber looked around, more of those creatures had been descending as their battle went on and had now surrounded the group, the Masters stood in defensive positions with their Magic Circuits on in case of having to protect themselves

Saber: "Assassin and Caster will keep Rider occupied, she clearly doesn't fear those beasts and only wants to go for the kill, so i'll protect our Masters meanwhile"

Archer: "And me too" Archer had completely recovered from the previous hit and stood now at Saber's side, tensing his bow and preparing to shoot at their new opponents

Liviana: "I know some of magic, and healing is one of my spells!"

Daiki: "You're being awfully smart and remembering lots of things tonight, and that is scaring me..." Claimed Daiki, nowhere near used to her acting with such intellect

Lokhan: "Must be this night's effect, it seems to affect us Masters too"

Rider and Assassin finally parted their close-quarters onslaught after a kick from Rider's part, no damage had been dealt upon her whatsoever

Assassin: "Tch...Oi! Some help here!"

Archer and Saber turned to her, watching as an aura of fire surrounded the Rider-class Servant to prepare for her upcoming moves

Saber: "Archer change of plans, protect our Masters while i aid Assassin!"

Archer: "Got it" Saber turned around and charged into the battle, letting Archer shoot an arrow to the sky, same arrow that caused the fall of many more around the area for a defensive wall of roots to emerge. After the beasts had made their way in the Servant threw many seeds to the sides letting them sprout into drill-like plants that fired towards the shadows, piercing through them and stalling them as Archer was aware he couldn't get to kill them yet

Meanwhile, Saber ran in to fight Rider on close range along Caster and Assassin, the three performing a coordinated attack by Saber's orders to not leave Rider any chance to counter or escape

Daiki: "Speed Enhancement!"

Daniel: "Performing Speed Improvement!"

Lokhan: "Strengthening Fire!" Each Master aided their respective Servant in their fight with the rival Servant, providing them with enough strength and speed to keep up with one another

All of them slashed with their weapons one by one or all at once in many times, aiming to hit and slice something off Rider for a better chance to fight her, with their combined efforts Rider was having a way harder time to block or parry their attacks only managing to do so out of cheer luck, it wasn't until a moment where Saber landed a clear slash on her cheek that she backed away as fast as she attacked, gaining some distance between them and letting her fire aura die out. Rider reached up to her cheek and held it, feeling the blood that came out thanks to Saber's sword

Saber: "Well she can bleed, that means she can die" Confidently said Saber to his temporary allies, arrow after arrow raining around the field to keep the beasts occupied

Rider: "That was the last hit you'll land..."

In a moment, Rider appeared infront of Caster to land a punch on his stomach, knocking the air out of him and leaving him wide open for a kick across his face that sent him crashing on the ground beneath the Masters

Saber: "CASTER!"

Assassin tried to hit her with her Kama lit up in fire, Rider's hand was surrounded in fire too as she raised it to block Assassin's Kama without effort, using the chance that Assassin was processing how she managed to hold the Kama and kicked her to the ground, knocking her out of battle

Saber: Two on one kill...there's no way this girl's a normal Servant... "If i'm not mistaken, you must be some kind of God, are you not?"

Rider: "Oh?" Rider's face showed a smile, the first she had given in all the battle, though said smile didn't bring any kind of comfort to anyone present

Saber: "If that's so, then i will be the one to end you"

Ryo threw the katana to the side, holding the Odachi's handle knowing what he had to do now even if it costed him his life

Rider: "I'm afraid that's not happening. Rest in pieces Saber, Assassin, Caster, for i will send you back to the Throne of Heroes" She raised her arm, pointing her hand with an aura of fire and a fireball appearing on it

Rider was faster unfortunately, Ryo tried to pull out his sword in time as Rider shot her fireball at him, yet the blast was shot way faster than he could predict it. Assassin had been knocked out, Caster could barely stand up and Archer was busy helping the Masters remain alive, even if he were to unleash his Noble Phantasm it was all too late

???: "That's not how i roll though!"

Just in the nick of time, the fireball was deflected by a black-colored spear which redirected the blast to the side, throwing it at many of the beasts that were on said location and blowing them up...not killing them though, weirdly enough. Saber looked at the man holding the spear- or rather...the kid -, seeing the figure of a known enemy from before

Saber: "L-Lancer..?"

The Lancer-class Servant Kazuki-No-Mikoto, arrived just in time to knock the fireball out of the ring and save them in time

Rider: "You..."

Lancer: "Haha! Sorry for stealing your flame that time, we had to help a friend y'know?" Carelessly said the Lancer with a wink, not caring that Rider had finished off three Servants on her own "Leave me at her, you lot focus on defense"

Saber: "What are-?"

Lancer: "So how about we take over from where we left of, young lady?" Offered the Lancer to the Rider, who nodded without a doubt and took flight off expecting Kazuki to follow her

The Servant jumped behind her to catch up with her, making a diversion to allow the Servants to recover and aid in the battle against the endless horde

Nanashi: "Sorry we took so long, traffic wasn't the best out there" The Master of Lancer said landing in the center of the group, right at the Masters' side with his hands on his pockets

Daniel: "For a second i thought you died, what did you go to do!?" Asked concerned his friend from the war, making sure Nanashi was fine

Nanashi: "I went to get some help"

Archer: "I can't keep them entertained for too long!" Archer's arrows weren't enough to hold on for much, each time the beasts grew smarter and dodged the arrows to avoid being stalled, approaching each time more to them

What seemed like a flying horse's shadow started falling over them, diving at a unusual speed and aiming to deal a wide-ranged attack to blow them all in one attack, however a sword struck it right on it's head to stop the horse, followed by many more which pierced one by one the beast until nothing remained. The blades of the swords vanished into the air and the handles returned back to it's owner and thrower, the Priest- better known as Executor -walked towards Nanashi's side and caught the handles that returned to him

Lokhan: "You got the Executor's help?" Asked surprised the Master of Assassin, healing up his Servant to get her ready again- Saber and Caster's Masters were doing the same on the other side too

Nanashi: "That's what i went to do"

Daniel: "How did you convince him to come?" Nanashi pointed at Executor to let him say the answer instead

Executor: "He asked and i said yes"

Daiki: "It's that easy!?"

Soon enough, the ground began slowly trembling and a sea of darkness started spreading through the streets, something was approaching and it wasn't a palm-sized pet of any sort. Executor was the first to react to it ordering the others out

Executor: "Everyone get to higher grounds, now!" With help of the now healed up Servants, they were all taken to the roof of the building that was right behind them, avoiding the sea of darkness that covered everything below. A creature began emerging from the dusk infront of the building, hellish screams sounding in the air and sending chills down their spines, such a sound could not be described as anything human or inhuman, but yet...

Daiki: "This isn't looking good..." Daiki was the first to notice that they were in danger, feeling caused by a pillar of darkness emerging infront of the building from which seven heads sprouted, all of them had purple eyes and that malefic aura around them that only allowed the heads to be seen

Executor: "Ah Berserker, long time no see, you sure grew bigger didn't you?" His voice was as calmed as can be and his pose was as casual as it could ever be, all the participants of the Grail War turned to Executor in a hurry after his words

Everyone but Executor: "THAT THING IS BERSERKER!?"

Berserker gave a loud roar that shook the building, each head's intensity on the roar got the whole land trembling by their might but everyone remained on their feet not allowing themselves to be shaken or thrown. The participants took a fighting stance, ready to face the new threat that was infront of them

Executor: "We're lucky enough he didn't summon more than those beasts, or a hydra, that would be more problematic"

Saber: "Could we focus on this thing first!?"

The smaller beasts managed to climb over the building, aiming to hit the Servants off for the sea of darkness to consume them, but Assassin got in just in time to knock a few of those shadowy creatures before they can act. Archer, Caster and Saber were left to go against the pillar that was Berserker, but some of Executor's words put them slightly at ease

Executor: "This is a Noble Phantasm that takes over for a limited time, we have just about ten minutes and this will end"

Nanashi: "Then lets make them count!"

From the darkness of the night, blades and daggers were shot at them from all directions that Caster used three swords that appeared from a portal to deflect them, his blades moving on their own to act as defenses for them. Executor rushed in to aid Assassin and began one by one beating the beasts with his bare hands, kicking each and all of them all while occasionally throwing more of his swords to keep them at bay. Nanashi and Daniel watched him fight without a bit of worry in his face staring in awe, meanwhile the Servants tried their very best to avoid the black swords and daggers that managed to escape Caster's defenses

Archer: "They're so many, and my arrows go straight through Berserker! It's as if i can't hit it!" Complained the Servant throwing seeds and arrows at the pillar, all of them had no effect over it as the damage dealt only regenerated

Executor: "That's Berserker for you"

Saber: "Kidding me!?"

The heads of the pillar roared once more, this time though four of them dispersed from the pillar and landed over the roof towering over the Servants, the four heads that fell had turned to four giant wolves that measured more than the Servants making them individual targets for all

Archer: "And now this is ridiculous!"

Saber: "No time to complain, just a few more minutes!" The four Servants went ahead to battle the individual enemies while the Masters protected themselves from the omnidirectional thrown blades from the remaining three wolf heads on the pillar and knocked off the beasts, Executor was doing most of the job helping the Masters- except for Lokhan -who couldn't protect themselves for that long against such a hellish bullet hell, but the Servants didn't have it easy either, the wolves were all equally as strong as the other and such strength overwhelmed the Heroic Spirits, if it wasn't for the night's boost they'd be more than dead already

The speed of Assassin allowed her to avoid any fatal hit no matter how fast it attacked, Saber's skill with the sword and Odachi both helped in deflecting as he focused in defense more than offense, Archer's roots and arrows helped him and the others at protecting themselves and Caster's large quantity of weapons helped him remain on his ground, an equal battle as well as an unfair one, but luckily for them...

Executor: "...time is up. Run away Berserker, for your time has finished"

The many beasts that had been following after them all night long began melting into the ground, the darkness of the area dispersed turning back to a lightly more illuminated night and the stars and moon returned to the sky, Berserker's heads gave a last growl before they vanished into the ground too fleeing from the scene just as fast as it came, and all the damage done to the city of Kyoto returned to normal as if no battle had ever taken place at all...they won the encounter

Daiki: "W-we...we survived!" Exclaimed Daiki in excitement throwing his arms up, relieved after having a near death experience

Lokhan: "You all were amazing tonight, GG"

Daniel: "Good it's all over, i'll take a well deserved rest now..."

Lokhan searched in his pocket go look for his phone, curious to check how long they had been fighting for...only to notice the time in the clock, marking down the hour "12:00 a.m."

Lokhan: "Weird...i could swear it should be day by now"

Executor: "This Noble Phantasm lasts an hour, call it the extra hour of the night, a 25th hour of pure chaos for all" Explained the Overseer to clear his doubt, letting everyone understand but not wanting to ask further

Daiki: "Has anyone seen Liv?" And now that all was over, Liviana seemed to have gone lost again, being nowhere to be seen...

Assassin: "Up there"

Pointing over Archer, Liviana was seen sitting on his shoulders watering him with a water can, humming a happy tune along as if nothing had happened...

Daiki: "Alright, she's back to her airhead self..."

Saber: "Did this extra hour make her smart or something?"

Nanashi walked up to the Executor, tired from the sudden face off but grateful for his aid

Nanashi: "Thanks for that Executor-san, we could've never made it without you" Said the Master of Lancer, looking up at the Executor who nodded his head in response

Executor: "By the way, didn't Lancer head to fight Rider? The night's still young, they shouldn't be done yet"

Realization hit him at that moment, knowing that Lancer was in danger for facing such a strong enemy such as the Rider that knocked three Servants on her own...it made him realize what must be happening

Nanashi: "Thanks Executor-san! I'll be off now!" Not wasting a second, he jumped from the building and landed on his feet, running towards the city in hopes to find Lancer and Rider's parade to help him out in some way

Caster: "He doesn't even know where he's going does he?" Caster was the one to realize that as well, seeing Nanashi run off in the distance

Executor kept his sight over Nanashi too, but unlike Caster or any of the others his gaze was more of a pensive and serious one that thought something to himself...after a moment, he began walking away without saying a word to the others, knowing it was best to leave them be for the time after such a battle took place

Lokhan: "Well, for tonight i'll leave fights for later, good teamwork everyone"

Assassin: "Buh-bye!" As usual, Assassin and Lokhan vanished into the air fleeing the scene as they used to do

Caster: "I suggest we do the same Master, resting will be important for tomorrow"

Daiki: "Lets go Liv, time to sleep..."

The Masters dissolved their temporary team each going their own ways and heading home for the night, all but one that ran across the street to find his Servant hoping that he would be alright. It wasn't until a distant explosion got his attention that he knew where Lancer was, seeing above the Kyoto Tower a cloud of smoke and some glows from within that marked the continuation of a battle that's taking place

Nanashi: A few kilometers from here...my training's not for nothing! "I'm coming Lancer!" He shouted running as fast as he could in direction to the tower, wanting to get there as fast as possible

???: "No you don't" A feminine voice said as his running was interrupted by a swift punch hitting his face from the side, sending him flying a few meters and landing on the floor

Nanashi got back up as quick as he could, standing in his usual fighting stance and staring at whatever might've hit him which hid in the darkness of an alley at the street's side

???: "Don't get up, it's better for both if you stay down, Nanashi" Much to his surprise, the voice was more familiar than he anticipated, making him lower his stance and stare in shock at the alleyway after recognizing the voice

Nanashi: "No...way..."

Deciding to show herself, a red-headed figure stepped out from the alleyway with her usual casual clothes on her, the same she has worn ever since day 1 of their meetings, yet...the difference this time is that this familiar girl wasn't wearing her right glove, glove that covered a tattoo on the back of her hand...the three Command Spells that every Master has

Nanashi: "...Takashi..." Just as he said, his best friend that always visited him was a rival Master in the Holy Grail War, the Master of Rider...was Takashi Homura


[Word count 6636]

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