Ridonculous Race OC's Insert

By bcsfbishfbiewgrb

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This is my version of the ridonculous race with two of my own characters inserted. I own none of the charact... More

Introduction to characters
Episode 1: None Down, Nineteen to Go-Part 1
Episode 2: None Down, Nineteen to Go Part 2
Episode 3: French is an Eiffel Language
Episode 4: Mediterranean Homesick Blues
Episode 5: Bjorken Telephone
Episode 6: Brazilian Pain Forest
Episode 7: A Tisket, a Casket, I'm Gonna Blow a Gasket
Episode 8: Hawaiian Honeyruin
Episode 9: Hello and Dubai
Episode 10: New Beijinging
Episode 11: I Love Ridonc & Roll
Episode 12: My Way or Zimbabwe
Episode 13: Shawshank Ridonc-tion
Episode 14: Down and Outback
Episode 15: Mฤori or Less
Episode 16: Little Bull on the Prairie
17: Lord of the Ring Toss
18: Got Venom
19: Dude Buggies
20: El Bunny Supremo
21: Ca-Noodling
22: How Deep is Your Love
23: Darjeel With It
24: Last Tango in Buenos Aires
26: A Million Ways to Lose a Million Dollars
Ending No.1
Ending no.2
Ending no.3

25: Bahamarama

106 8 0
By bcsfbishfbiewgrb

3rd Person POV:

The next day started out in Argentina.

"We're back in Argentina where yesterday's winners are about to grab today's first travel tip," Don said, indicating the Ice Dancers who were raring to go.

Confessional: The Ice Dancers:

"Obviously we're going to win, we've already taken the gold seven times," Josee laughed, holding up seven fingers.

"That is more than any of the other teams on the show, it's laughable. Who'll stop us, The Surfers?" Jacques laughed, then Josee cackled to herself.

"Ha! The Daredevils?" Josee asked. Jacques cackled at this too.

"The Sisters?" he questioned.

"The Police Cadets?" Josee questioned, the pair of them began to laugh a bit before they stifled. They let two grins move across their faces before they let out full blown evil cackles. 

End Confessional

Josee smashed down the button on the Don box and grabbed the first travel tip.

"We're going to the Bahamas," she read.

Kristen POV:

As more and more teams left the starting line, Marnie and I approached, and because they had joined later than everyone else Brody and Geoff would be going last. I took the tip as usual, but I could see Marnie was getting slightly fed up with this constant taking of the tips. Either way, I read we were going to the Bahamas and we raced away to get a taxi. One stopped near the taxi stand and me and Marnie piled in.

Confessional: The Daredevils:

"So we're still in the race thankfully. But I feel so bad for what happened to Carrie and Devin having to leave because of an injury and especially this late in the game," I said.

"Yeah, but it was mainly an injury we caused," Marnie said.

"True, Carrie, Devin if you're watching. We apologise profusely, and if we win we'll help pay the medical bill," I said, while Marnie smiled.

"On a bit of a brighter note, yesterday, Kristen made me swear I'd tell Brody about how I feel about him," she explained to the camera. I smugly smiled at her.

End confessional

As our taxi stopped we ran into the airport. The clerk there was busy painting a small figurine.

"Um, hi we'd like two tickets to Nassau the Bahamas," I said to him, he looked up at us and gave us our tickets, then went right back to his figurine. Marnie and I shrugged and ran away. As we sat in the airport waiting for the other teams to arrive, Brody and Geoff arrived. They eventually joined us.

"Guys!" We smiled before running up to them.

"Hey girls," Geoff smiled, as he, me, Brody, and Marnie embraced in a group hug.

"We missed you so much," Marnie said.

"So did we," Brody smiled. I opened my eyes and I saw Marnie was blushing like crazy. Suddenly, we heard someone yell:

"HEY!" It was Josee and Jacques they both looked furious, I mean, who were we expecting to yell at everyone around them? Josee then suddenly snapped me out of my thoughts with more yelling. 

"TWO TICKETS TO NASSAU! NOW!!!" the clerk frantically began to type on his computer.

"Four more teams are coming and you're gonna put them all on a later flight! GOT IT?!!" Josee asked, pulling him forward by his tie. A little bit in front of us Macarthur smirked.

"Ha-ha, I guess it's true, ice guys do finish last, boom!" she joked. I glared and smugly smiled at them. Josee growled a bit at this Marnie then spoke up.

"Macarthur please, let's face it. It's not their fault they suck at racing," Marnie said, before Josee growled and then began to rip apart the airport's equipment.

"We are so sick of those Cadets and Daredevils!" Jacques yelled.

Confessional: The Daredevils:

"Well, it's official, we've helped break them even more," Marnie said, as she and I laughed.

End confessional

Soon enough all ten of us had gotten on the plane and were in the air. As I was sitting there I was trying to sleep, but the tension of being in the final five had really gotten to my head. And I was getting really excited. And s soon as we touched down in the Bahamas all of us raced out of the airport to get tips. I smashed down on the button before Marnie and took the tip.

"It's an all-in, arr matey, this way be treasure maps?" I questioned. "We have to head to Nassau's pirate museum to search for a special Ridonculous treasure map. Once we find one we have to travel by jet ski to the coast of Abaco Island where the next tip is," I read.

"Come on! Let's move! Taxi!" Marnie yelled, as she quickly got us a cab. We were in the taxi in front of the Sisters but behind the Ice Dancers.

"You know, just to psyche them out we could ask the taxi driver to pass the Ice Dancers," I suggested.

"I like the way you think," Marnie agreed.

"Could you please take over the cab in front of us?" Marnie asked the driver widening her eyes. He smiled, gave us a thumb's up and drove past the Dancers. Now we'd managed to even catch up with the Surfers. We eventually arrived, paid the driver and left.

3rd Person POV:

"Pirates are real right?" Marnie asked Kristen.

"Yeah, I think so," Kristen said.

"No they aren't!" Macarthur yelled from inside the museum.

"Really?" Marnie asked.

"Yeah, they're about as my pet unicorn and your pet dragon," she yelled.

"I have a pet dragon now?" Marnie questioned, a little confused.

"Just ignore it," Kristen said, pulling her sister inside. Behind them the Surfers suddenly arrived.

"Dude! She's got a pet dragon!" Brody suddenly cheered.

Confessional: The Surfers:

"After being sent home Brody was bummed he ruined his thing with Marnie, but now he's got a second shot at winning her over," Geoff explained.

"And it's no wonder Marnie has a pet dragon, because she's as close to a princess as you could get," Brody smiled."But I wonder if it breathes fire," he suddenly remembered.

End Confessional

Marnie POV:

As we ran inside we expected this task to be easy but once we looked around we spotted that there must've been thousands of maps.

"Oh boy," Kristen said.

"Alright come on! Start helping me search," I said, she nodded and we began to search as fast as we could. Geoff and Brody then arrived

"There's a map!" Brody pointed.

"Wait, no logo," he caught himself.




"Nope, no, logo," After Brody's back and forth with the map frames, team psychotic arrived, and began to rip the place apart. The Sisters were the last to show up.

"We're the last in but we can still be the first out, come on!" Emma said as she and Kitty began to search. After searching for several minutes and going through what must've been at least one hundred maps. Kitty yelled out:

"I found one!"

"Yes!" her sister smiled.

"Hello first place!" Kitty smiled pointing at the map. "In your face Ice Dunces!" she laughed as she and Emma left the museum. Macarthur laughed at this, I went back to searching while grinning. A little bit later, I was searching before accidentally bumping into someone.

"Oh sorry," I said. Realising it was Brody a massive blush appeared on my face.

"Nah don't worry about it Marns it's okay," he smiled. Looking over at Kristen, I saw her, Sanders, and Macarthur indicating to me to go for it. I took a deep breath. And looked up at him.

"Brody, um there's something I have to tell you," I said.

"Sure dudette go for it," he said while looking behind some paintings.

"Okay, here we go," I thought. 

"Um, over the span of this race, I've felt many new feelings I didn't know were possible. But there's something I need to tell you, I thi-" I was cut off by him finding something behind a picture frame. Pulling it out, I saw Brody had found one of the maps.

"Mappage, bro!" he called out to Geoff.

"Sweet!" his partner replied running out of the museum.

"Tell me later okay," Brody smiled.

"Okay," I said, watching Brody leave with a slightly disappointed look but I knew I was ready for this.

"Oh come on!" Sanders frowned over both the Surfers taking the lead and maybe over me not having told Brody. I just simply shrugged and got back to searching. People were getting reckless now Josee smashed a picture over Jacques' head and Macarthur broke one of the display cases. Meanwhile I found a cupboard with rolled up maps and started to unroll them and then throw them at Kristen. After going through the stack I saw I'd covered her in them. After pulling them off her I continued to search. And a little bit later all six of us were still searching, Josee had climbed up to a flagpole to search for a map.

"This is taking forever!" Macarthur yelled frustrated.

"The important thing is to stay calm, focus, and slowly pick up the pace," Sanders explained.

"Oh, I'll pick up the pace," Macarthur said, picking up a barrel of maps and throwing it, it flew past Kristen who gave the most terrified look I'd ever seen. Then it hit Jacques in the back of the head.

"Ow..." he groaned.

"Feel better?" Sanders asked.

"A little, let me try again," I chuckled slightly, then began to search through a different massive pile of rolled up maps. As I was searching I heard Macarthur yell:

"Found one! Hey, hands off!" Looking back I saw Macarthur bash a barrel over Josee's head now instead after she tried to take their map. They were now playing tug-of-war with the Ice Dancers over the map.

"Let go!" Sanders strained.

"I said drop it! Freezer breath!" Macarthur told them. Before Sanders realised something.

"Macarthur, let it go," she said.

"Nobody tells me to let it-" Macarthur said accidentally letting go, "Oh," she said as the Ice Dancers flew backwards. "Okay then," she smiled.

"Good luck girls," I said as the pair of them left the museum cheering. I continued to search through each of the rolled up maps and on my seventh try found a Ridonculous Race map.

"Kristen I got one!" I yelled out.

"Great job Marnie! Let's go!" Kristen smiled. I began to run toward the exit until I felt someone grab my ankle and I fell to the floor, looking back I saw Josee with a crazed look on her face. Then suddenly Jacques took our map.

"Hey let me go!" I yelled.

"Never! Jacques, go find some rope!" Josee yelled. Her partner nodded and tried to run away. But I knew exactly what was gonna happen next. Kristen ran over and elbowed the male Ice Dancer in his chest so he fell down next to his partner. Josee made a look of pure terror before Kristen picked her up as well.

"I warned you in Brazil, remember?" she asked. I remembered exactly what Kristen had said. "Touch a hair on her head and I'll shove a bronze medal where the sun doesn't shine!"

"Marnie get me your first gymnastics medal," Kristen told me. I pulled my first medal out of my pocket and gave it to Kristen, this finally broke the crazy psycho and she ran away screaming.

"Were you actually gonna shove a penny down her throat?" I asked, picking up the map again and putting my medal away.

"No," Kristen paused. "It wasn't big enough," she explained. "Now come on let's go," she said running out of the museum, I smiled and ran after her. We arrived at the beach and quickly got on our jet ski, Kristen turned it on and we raced out into the water and toward the jetty as fast as we could. Suddenly we spotted the Cadets out in the water.

"Hey are you okay?" Kristen asked.

"Oh we would be if someone would just let me drive!" Macarthur said.

"I've got this," Sanders reassured. Suddenly from behind we heard.

"Hey Cadets! Daredevils! Eat seaweed!" Josee yelled as she and Jacques drove past us, knocking all four of us off our jet skis.

"Fine you drive," Sanders complied. I looked at Kristen, she nodded.

Confessional: The Daredevils:

"I don't know how to drive very well," I said.

"But if there's one thing you can do it's..." Kristen continued.

"Going fast," we both finished.

End confessional

Getting out of the water and on the jet ski Kristen and I raced away in the direction of the jetty, at the highest speed possible.

"WOO! Kristen this is amazing!" I cheered as she and I passed the Cadets in reply Kristen hugged me as tight as she could. We sped far ahead and eventually the jetty came into sight and I slowed it down a strong amount stopping us from crashing. Kristen was about to take the tip before I took it for the first time.

"It's a random botch, dive to survive, whoever is holding this tip. Must search for sunken treasure. The botcher must search through underwater tunnels, armed only with our map, a flashlight, and a small tank of oxygen," I read. "If we take too long it's bad news. Then I have to find the big cavern and retrieve a bag of gold doubloons. And then swim back to the surface, where the jet skis will take us back to shore and then it's a foot race to the midpoint chill zone across a beach." I finished reading. Eyeing the nearby oxygen tanks and helmets. Kristen helped strap me in as Josee screamed.

"That's it! Use your anger!" Jacques cheered.

"Yes! I'll channel my anger into sabotaging the-" she looked at me and Kristen, my sister glared at her. "Cadets," Josee smiled gleefully.

"No more sabotage, a penalty nearly got us sent home in India," Jacques said.

"But it didn't did it?" Josee asked smiling wickedly.

"Ugh, this is why I don't want to go pro with you any more," Jacques said, folding his arms.

"WHAT??!" Josee questioned, completely dumbfounded.

"There are things I want to do in my life that don't involve sequins and blade sharpeners," he explained. I understood, I mean he wasn't wrong. But clearly Josee thought otherwise.

"And you're telling me this now?!!" she questioned, very angry. Suddenly I heard a crash, and Sanders and Macarthur arrived at the jetty.

"We'll talk about it later," Jacques said before shoving her into the water. She screamed before she began to go down.

"Are you done?" I asked Kristen.

"Gimme one sec," Kristen said before she slammed a helmet onto my head, handed me a flashlight and the map.

"Now can I go?" I asked.

"Yup! Off you go," Kristen said, pushing me in after Josee. Suddenly I heard an ear shattering scream.

"Was that the psycho?" I asked Kristen.

"Yeah, good luck Marns, just let me know if anything happens," she said, hearing this, i was reassured. I continued to sink lower and spotted Josee spinning around at the entrance.

"I don't take orders from traitors!" she yelled.

"You can yell at me after you finish the challenge," Jacques told her from above.

"I can't... breathe!" Josee hyperventilated, jeez if she wasn't such a cow I might've actually felt sorry for her. Suddenly my feet touched down on the ocean floor. I decided to ignore Josee for now.

"Kristen, I'm on my way in," I smiled, swimming into the entrance, I checked my tank and saw I still had 99%. I heard Josee was weeping on the other end of the line talking to herself like the crazy witch she is.

"Ugh, wake up Josee, you're a winner. And winners never quit, are you a baby? You're pathetic! A pathetic baby who sucks her thumb and wets the bed! Do you hear me?!" she yelled at herself. Macarthur must've decided this'd be a good time to speak up.

"Oh, we're hearing it, can someone please disconnect her mic?" Macarthur asked. I was searching through the caverns but I knew I'd eventually gotten myself lost when I heard both Kitty and Brody had found their treasure, but I also heard Kitty had gotten herself lost and stuck. While searching through the caves I eventually spotted a dark figure approaching me. I was looking in the direction of it but didn't see anything to make it stand out.

"Uh, Kristen?" I said.

"Marnie, how are you doing?" she asked me.

"Um...there aren't any sharks living in these caverns right?" I questioned.

"I don't think so," Kristen said. I cringed, right before my head banged against another one.

"Ow!" I said, rubbing my head.

"Augh," said the other person. I opened my eyes and suddenly saw it was Brody, I blushed at this.

"Brody/Marnie? Hi!" the two of us said to each other.

"Are you okay?" Kristen asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, the oxygen is at 92%," I said.

"Bro, are you good?" Geoff asked Brody.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but my oxygen is at 17%," Brody said. This got me slightly worried. Looking around, I searched for an air pocket. I found one above us.

"Brody! Up here!" I said pulling him up to the air pocket. I popped my head into the air pocket and so did Brody.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Look you're low on oxygen, so I'm gonna share some of mine with you," I said, taking off my helmet.

"Really? Thanks," the surfer smiled and took his own helmet off as well.

"Okay first of all let me double check how much oxygen you have," I said. Brody then gave me his helmet and I put it on, checking the oxygen percentage I spotted that it wasn't even close to seventeen percent. Instead the percentage was sitting at a steady seventy percent. I giggled to myself slightly.

"So is everything okay?" Brody asked.

"Brody, did you read the numbers the wrong way round?" I asked.

"No, I don't think so," Brody said. I was about to laugh, until I noticed how close I was to him.

"Look Brody, listen, I'm really sorry about causing you problems," I said before my face turned the same colour as raspberry jam. And this time I didn't have a sweater to hide in

"Hey don't worry, you just wanted to help out," he smiled, touching my shoulder. I could feel my blush get even bigger.

"So um, back in the museum, there was something you wanted to tell me wasn't there?" he asked.

"Oh right, yeah, but I can wait for another time," I said.

"Nah, now's good," Brody smiled. 

"Okay, over the course of this race I've felt many new feelings. But there's something I've never felt for anyone else. Which is prevalent every time I think about you specifically," I said.

"What does that mean?" Brody asked.

"Brody, I've had a crush on you since Toronto. And like I said I've never felt like this about anyone else. I think I might even love you," I said, Brody gave me the most shocked look I'd seen in my life.

"I know it's nuts, but if there's any chance that you fee-" I was cut off, by him crashing his lips onto mine, I at first stiffened a little, but eventually eased into the kiss, the moment I'd been waiting for so long for had finally happened. I let all my pent-up passion into the kiss and I couldn't help but run my hands along his back.

"Marnie it's great, cause I feel the exact same way," he said between kisses and pulling him toward me even tighter. I smiled while kissing him, glad that things had finally worked out.

3rd Person POV:

Above the water Kristen had heard everything, in response she cheered.

"Woo-hoo! She did it! She finally did it!" She pulled both Geoff, and Sanders into a hug. Geoff smiled and hugged her back but Sanders only had a massive blush spread on her face.

Marnie POV:

Brody and I were there for a little while longer, still making out. But after a while we pulled apart.

"Marnie! Great job on confessing but you still have a challenge you need to do," Kristen said from inside the helmet. My hands had gone from his back to his hair. And his hands had gone from my waist to my chest.

"Sorry Kristen," I apologised. Brody and I pulled apart and I grabbed my helmet. 

"Brody when you and I make it to the finals, we'll go on our first date," I smiled. As I gave him his helmet again.

"For sure Marns, but can we share one more kiss before I go?" he asked. I smiled and pulled him onto my lips and one last time (well at least for the time being) but this time I felt a much more longing taste in his kiss. Eventually, we pulled apart, and surfaced back underneath the water.

"Oh, by the way. If you don't mind, could you tell me where the cavern is?" I asked.

"Sure, it's over there," he said pointing in the opposite direction.

"Thanks," I said, winking at him, he smiled and swam away. Over the radio I found out that both Josee and Macarthur had reached the cavern. Now, the pressure was building, as I was searching for the cavern. Suddenly, I spotted a small gleam and saw Macarthur and Josee swim past me, sharing oxygen? I didn't question it and swam in the direction they came from and finally found the cavern.

"Kristen! I found the gold!" I smiled.

"Alright great job! Now grab it and swim back up here," she said.

"Cool! I'll be up as fast as I can," I said, strapping the coins to my oxygen tank strap and began to swim back to the surface after spending ages trying to find the cavern. I knew it wouldn't be too difficult to find my way out. Sure enough, I found the exit and swam to the surface as fast as I could. Eventually I resurfaced.

"There you are! Come on hurry!" Kristen said, pulling me out of the water. Looking behind her I saw Emma with a worried expression.

"Where's Kitty?" I asked.

"She was stuck in between two rocks, but now she's dropped the oxygen tank and is swimming for the surface," Emma explained. I got a worried look on my face. Checking the oxygen, and seeing it was above 80% I threw down my helmet, placed the oxygen mask over my mouth and dove in again.

"Marnie!" I heard Kristen yell, searching below me I tried to look for Kitty and I found her swimming up, she looked a bit blue. Thinking quickly, I unstrapped the oxygen mask from my face and smiled at Kitty, before I gave her the oxygen mask. She took a few deep breaths before giving it back. We both exchanged smiles before we swam toward the surface. Once we got there we popped our heads out of the water, and the two of us coughed and sputtered slightly.

"Oh, thank goodness," Emma said.

"Marnie, thank you so much," Kitty said, I smiled.

"Hey, I owe you one, and besides us younger sisters need to stick together, " I said, she smiled and the two of us hugged.

"Are we toast?" Kitty then turned to ask her sister.

"It's not over, till it's over," Emma said, as the four of us got on each of our jet skis and drove back in the direction of the beach. We arrived just as Josee and Jacques were changing while Macarthur and Sanders were leaving. The four of us raced off the jet skis and ran into the stalls getting changed as fast as we could. Once we finished we raced out slightly in front of Emma and Kitty. A little further in front of us, Macarthur and Sanders racing past Jacques and Josee, the female Ice Dancers scowled, she picked up nearby coconut and threw it at them. It hit Macarthur, and she fell to the ground a little dazed.

"Hey!" Sanders yelled as the Ice Dancers ran past laughing. Me, Kristen, Emma and Kitty ran up and gasped.

Confessional: The Daredevils:

"What in the actual hell happened! Why would she do this. Macarthur kept her in the game and alive!" Kristen exclaimed.

"Oh-ho that is it, Josee is next on my revenge list!" I yelled. While Kristen worriedly looked at the camera.

End Confessional

As we were running Sanders passed us and the Sisters, carrying Macarthur over shoulder.

"Your glute strength has improved," Macarthur smiled.

"So has your hygiene," Sanders said. The four of us were even, while running alongside each other. The chill zone was now in sight, as we continued to run, no one wanted to be last. As I started to gain speed Kristen picked me up and threw me onto the carpet. Then she leapt onto the carpet herself. Kristen stood over me as I lay on the ground, slightly injured.

"Daredevils, you're in 4th place!" Don told us. Looking over to the front of us, we saw Josee, Jacques, Sanders and Macarthur. Realizing who was eliminated I sank to my knees.

"Noo!" I wailed, and looking back I saw Don talking to Emma and Kitty.

"Girls we're so sorry, you were eliminated," Kristen said.

"Well we had fun and it was a great time," Kitty said.

"If we win, we'll give you both a cut of the million," I smiled.

"Thanks girls," Emma said as we all wrapped into a hug. Suddenly Don cleared his throat,

"I hate to interrupt this beautiful moment but you two still have a race to do," he said, giving us our next travel tip.

"We're going to New York City! And need to get a water taxi to the airport," Kristen said, reading the tip. We ran in the direction of the taxis.

"Good luck guys!" Emma cheered from behind us.

"And beat the Ice Dancers for us!" Kitty cheered. We smiled at each other and took the taxi to the airport booking the fastest flight to New York City.

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