The forbidden hunter

By ribshot

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A lone hunter experiences memory loss while stowing away in a food delivery truck, now he must explore the ci... More

the forgotten hunter
chapter 2: school memories
chapter 3: team assemble
chapter 4: memory and training
chapter 5: new home with mind
chapter 6: honor and test
chapter 8: the grimm detective and the foul fangs
chapter 9: rotten eggs, reopened file
chapter 10 suspects, threats, and love
chapter 11: mission case
chapter 12: clue in fighting
chapter 13: fighting with your allies
chapter 14: dangers of knowing
chapter 15: the after fall

chapter 7: work and time

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By ribshot

It had been awhile being at Beacon, working at the gun shop, learning how to become a proper hunter, going through missions, it was tiring for him, but one day might come, the Vytal festival, a day where students from the other kingdoms came to vale. Cas had been wandering around vale alone, he had heard that the students would be coming from ship, so he made it to the docks. But as he made it he noticed team RWBY walked by the docks.

Hey girls, he said.

Hey Cas, we're here to see all the foreign students arrive, yang said.

Really, i was hoping that too, Cas said

Whoa! Ruby exclaimed.

They looked to see that a dust shop got hit.

As they got closer to the police tape, the place felt as if the horror of its event had followed it.

What happened here? Ruby asked one of the detectives.

Robbery. Second dust shop to be hit this week. Place is turning into a jungle, the detective responded.

That's terrible, Yang responded.

This could be related to the Torchwick case, Cas muttered to himself.

They left all the money again, a detective said.

That line caught both Ruby and Cas' ears.

Yeah, just doesn't make a lick o'sense. Who needs that much dust? The detective said.

I dunno, ya know what i mean? The other detective said.

You thinking the uh, white fang? The first detective said.

Cas then pulled out his handy, dandy notepad to write down clues. "Recent dust shops being sucked dry of dust" and "the white fang"

Hmph, the white fang, what an awful bunch of degenerates, Weiss said.

What's your problem? Blake responded.

My problem? I simply don't care for criminally insane, Weiss said.

The white fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They're a collection of misguided faunus, Blake said.

Misguided group controlled by one idiot who had an agenda for power, Cas said.

So then they're 'very' misguided, Blake said.

There's a fine line from these attacks, they either don't know what's right or wrong, or they are willingly doing it, Cas said.

Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a dust shop in the middle of downtown vale, Blake said.

Hmm, Blake's got a point. Besides, the police never caught that Torchwick guy. Me and Cas ran into a few months ago... maybe it was him, Ruby said.

As Cas was quiet, a shout pulled him out.

Hey! Stop that faunus! Someone shouted.

The five rushed to the railing to see a monkey like faunus escaping a boat, Cas felt just to laugh, he was a stowaway too.

The faunus then played with the two detectives and fled from them.

Run buddy! Run! Cas cheered.

Well Weiss, you want to see the competition, and there it goes, yang said.

Quick! We have to observe him! Weiss said.

Soon Weiss, Yang and Ruby led the hunt, but as Cas took a few steps he noticed Blake was in a weak trans.

Blake wake up, we'll lose him! He shouted.

As the five chased after the pursuit, Weiss pumped into someone, to which they both fell, causing them to fall out of the pursuit.

No! He got away! Weiss said.

Uuuuhhh Weiss? Yang said.

She looked to see the girl on the ground to which she jumped up.

Salutations! The girl said.

That word was quite weird to hear from a person.

Are you okay? Yang asked.

I'm wonderful. Thank you for asking, the girl said as it confused the five.

Here, let me help you, Cas said, lending his hand.

Put as he did, the girl sprung up on her feet.

My name is Penny. It's a pleasure to meet you! The girl said.

Hi penny. I'm Ruby, ruby said.

I'm Cas, Cas said.

I'm Weiss, Weiss said.

Blake, Blake responded.

Are you sure you didn't hit your head? Yang responded til Blake elbowed her.

Oh I'm Yang, she said.

It's a pleasure to meet you! Penny said.

You already said that, Weiss said.

So I did, Penny responded.

This caused Cas to get curious about Penny, it felt as if she wasn't a human. Her words, her movement, and her stance.

Well, sorry for running into you, Weiss said.

Take care, friend! ruby said.

As they walked Cas pulled out his notepad to make a new case.

She was... weird, Yang said.

Now. where did that faunus riffraff run off to? Weiss said.

What did you call me? Penny said, appearing in front of them causing them to jump.

Oh I'm really sorry, i definitely didn't think you heard me, Yang apologized.

No, not you... Penny said, walking to ruby.

You! She said leaning towards Ruby.

Me?! I-I don't know, I- what i- umm, uh- ruby said stuttering.

You mean friend? Cas said.

Yes, you called me "friend". Am I really your friend? Penny said.

Ruby looked behind Penny where Weiss, Blake and Yang were saying no.

Ya, sure! Why not? Ruby said.

Ahaha! Sen-sational! We can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys! Penny said.

Mind if i be your friend too? Cas said.

But as he said it, Penny stepped back from him.

What? Is it my clothes? My voice? Cas said.

Soo, what are you doing in Vale? Yang asked.

I'm here to fight in the tournament, penny said.

Wait... you're fighting in the tournament? Weiss asked.

I'm combat ready! Penny said as she saluted.

Wait, does that mean my team is forced to participate? Oh man, i forgot about that, Cas said

Wait a minute! Weiss said.

If you're here for the tournament, does that mean you know that monkey-tail... rapscallion? Weiss said.

The who? Penny said.

The filthy faunus from the boat! Weiss said.

Why do you keep saying that? Stop calling him a rapscallion, stop calling him a degenerate, He's a person! Blake said.

I kinda agree with Blake, I'm sorta on the boat as her, Cas said.

Just then Blake and Weiss started an argument as Cas stepped away.

Uhh, I think we should probably go, Yang said.

Where are we going? Penny said, causing Cas to jump.

They then returned to the academy where the argument continued. However Cas was mainly focusing on the situation going on, the emptied dust shop, the white fang, and penny.

But just then he heard Blake snap at Weiss, causing her to go quiet.

Just as he was about to look Blake dashed by him.

Blake! Ruby said.

Cas felt something in his heart, he had to catch up with Blake.

He soon made it to the front entrance to see Blake take her bow off to reveal cat ears, Blake was a faunus herself. He'd been on the sidelines for so long, he realized he wasn't being mindful of his friends.

I knew you would look better without the bow, someone said.

The two noticed that it was the faunus from the boat, though Cas wanted not to be seen by them.

As his unplanned spying was complete, he went to his dorm room to see that everyone was asleep.

He quietly walked to bed where he took off his clothes till he only had underwear and laid in bed.

He stroked his goatee to make him breath in the calm night.

I really need to get my social skills up, he said to himself.

He remembered being at home seeing his youngest sister sitting alone. She had felt scared from the stories of grimm around the town, Cas remembered telling her that they might plan on being the secret protectors of the town. But what they soon faced was that it was the cause of their escapism.

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