chapter 12: clue in fighting

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It was a number of days with no work or studying but the Vytal festival tournament had arrived. Cas, his sister and friends were watching Team RWBY take part in the tournament, they weren't selected to take part in it, but it helped take his time off and on the white fang case.

As they watched as team RWBY were fighting team ABRN, Cas was using a Finnstick he bought to get a better view of the match. Learning many types of weapons a skilled person was capable of.

After team RWBY won they decided to go to the campus to see the team.

Cas i like to ask, how much money have you gotten? Catie asked.

I worked a lot when I was out of ideas on the case and had no studies, Cas said.

Really, what job did you take? Catie asked.

I helped him get a job at a weapons shop my uncle knew, Nick said.

They soon walked around to see Emerald pickpocket Ruby.

Hey! Might be hard to eat without this! Emerald said, returning it to sound like she dropped it.

Trying to get her side just before you could betray them, Nick, you want to follow her? Cas said.

Got it, Nick said as he snuck away.

He then followed them to hear that they were lying about being allies.

So how are the new "friends"? Mercury said.

I hate them, Emerald said.

Orders are orders, Mercury said.

I just- how can they be so happy all the time!? Emerald said.

Did you at least get what we want? Mercury asked.

It's the heiress and the bimbo, emerald said.

Hmm, alright. At least now we know who we're workin' with, mercury said.

Nick felt uneasy from those words, using false kindness to get info, made him sick.

Meanwhile Cas, Catie, Nairi, And aniki walked over to see team RWBY sitting at a noodle stand.

I'll have a bowl of the regular, please, Yang asked.

Oooh, I'll take the same, Ruby asked.

Hmm... do you have anything with low salt- weiss said as noodles were placed in front of her.

Blake just knotted at the owner, to which he got a bowl of noodle and finished on top of it was a bunch of fish, this made Blake feel her lust as she saw it.

Hahaha, Cat instinct, Cas said as he walked over.

Just then Weiss handed her credit card to the owner.

Aww Weiss! What's the occasion? Yang said.

Consider it thanks for sending me to the doubles round, Weiss responded.

Just then the owner threw the card in front of them to see that the card was declined.

What? How can my card be declined? I was barely into my monthly allowance, Weiss said.

Don't worry, i'll put it on my tab, Cas said, handing his credit card.

Thanks, where could you get the allowance? Ruby asked.

Hard work, that always works in video games, and it's for the assistance for the cases, it's going partially good, Cas said.

Hi, Pyrrha said as her team walked over.

Hey there, how are you doing? Aniki said

Just came over to enjoy a meal, Pyrrha said.

Mind if we join? Jaune said.

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