The window of HOPE...

By juliejones-333

3.3K 945 419

I am just a girl... a helpless, worthless girl. I don't have any hope for tomorrow, or the day after that... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter- 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter- 4
Chapter - 5
Author's Note
Chapter- 7
Chapter- 8
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

The window of HOPE...

525 115 52
By juliejones-333

I am just a girl... a helpless, worthless girl. I don't have any hope for tomorrow, or the day after that ... my future is bleak... so dark with absolutely no rays of hope and happiness.

I hate living like this, I just want to die a quick death.... with no pain because everything hurts even breathing... I don't want to see another day of hopelessness but he won't let me die, 'my life is his...

his to take, his to scar..' so he says.

Will I ever feel 'the rays of hope' about which my English teacher talk so happily and highly about...

Will I ever smile like other people, will I ever be normal and have someone to love and hold on to...

Or am I always meant to be alone... and just wither away with time.

Hey Guys,

This is my first story on wattpad... so bear with me... and be a little easy on me.

I wrote this sometime ago... and this isn't edited.

Sooo Read,

Vote... &



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